So why am I cold sober? Did I just up and quit drinking. Well, yes, I did. Quitting is easy. I've done it a thousand times. Let's see....the last time I was out drinking-I never drink at home-was last Sunday. I picked up some road lizard and brought her home with me. She wasn't so attractive the next morning.

"Went home last night at two with a ten....woke up at ten with a two."
Willie Nelson

So what earth shattering event led me to quit drinking? I needed to get some work done this week. I always quit drinking when I need to get things done. I knew there would be some low hanging fruit in the casinos.

So I've been out working this week. Working means I'm out vulturing machine plays. I don't mix in business with pleasure. When I'm in work mode I don't drink, period. Not even a drink or two at night when I'm home or in a motel. No drinks with dinner. Nothing. It's cold turkey until I get the work done.

So when I'm at home I might drink for a couple of days. But then it's back on the wagon until I knock down some plays and bank up some more money for my old age.

On my road trips-I have one coming up for around the first of February-I don't touch booze. My road trips run two to three weeks. I never touch a drop of booze on road trips. I want to get these trips over as soon as possible and get back home. Drinking means I won't be up at the crack of dawn and be out there, vulturing the plays, getting the job done. That makes the road trips longer. To hell with that. There will be plenty of time for drinking when I get home.

So what is my drinking pattern? It's called binge drinking. When I hit a bar I drink two to three shots of whiskey an hour chased by Dos Equis. I don't always drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis. I usally hit the bar by 7 PM....and I ain't leaving until they throw me out or it's closing time....or I pick up another road lizard. Now, the next day, I'm going to have a bitching hangover. I might decide to get drunk again to postpone the hangover. So that's a two day running drunk and is usually about my limit. Then I go back on the wagon and get some work done. That's my drinking pattern.

Now, all this talk is giving me a powerful hankering for a beer and a shot. I've been on the wagon all week. I've got to much blood in my alcohol off to the bar I'm heading. That's the life of this successful gambler folks. No boss, no employee's, no strings attached. I do what I want when I want to do it. Total freedom, folks. Just obey the law. That's all I have to do.