Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
There is a law in Montana called "Privacy in Communication." It is against the law to harass someone through electronic means. I warned Rob about the law but he kept it up. I could have pressed charges against him but then figured out how to block an email address and went with that.
mickey....mickey....mickey....(insert sigh)....after you FINALLY finish trying to feel better about yourself as you go on & on & on with seemingly endless babble to your new hater goofball friend james, you might want to realize that I get 10X the mileage here in debunking your nonsense than I would via emails---and I've gotten to do it in front of your jealous supporter to boot!

So go have another 6-pack and smoke some of those smelly cigarettes that show what little regard you have for yourself. Then you may keep writing about how much "hurt" a loner loser with no relationships feels when he asks for it all to be dissected online.

Oh BTW, why don't you tell your new "cyber friend" the REAL reason you aren't taking "full advantage" of that stupid law you like to keep mentioning. BECAUSE YOU'VE THREATENED TO KILL ME MULTIPLE TIMES, AND I'VE BEEN PRINTING THEM OUT OVER THE YEARS!! I wonder how the Montana State Police would like them apples

Wise up, dopey!