Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
I think you should make it interesting and worthwhile for someone to prove and put up a wager. Assuming your criteria is fair, I'm willing to put up a "blind" wager now, saying it can be done. By that I mean, once there's someone willing to demonstrate, someone I THINK is capable. Once they demonstrate, the bet it on. I will not have watched the person in advance to confirm they can.
I'm interested in this. I'm sure we can work through the criteria to agree on fairness.

There will be many conditions to agree on, so best to take them a couple or few at a time.

Would it be fair to require that the demo take place under real conditions, in a casino under typical playing conditions for the counter?

And, it doesn't have to take place in Montana...right?
The problem I see with a live casino setting. There is no practical way to do it IMO. I have no doubt we can come up with all kinds of ways it CAN be done, but I just don't see that happening unless there is some serious money involved. You need others standing around counting both tables. Who will verify their count?

A dealer school might work well since we can count down the deck after. Even then, now we get into all the BS with someone having an issue with how the tables are set up. Someone will claim you can't turn your head like that in a real casino without catching heat. Who knows what somome will come up with, especially when there's money on the line.

Tell me what you don't think is possible? I think someone can track 2 tables enough so that they know they should move from their table or stay and still maintain a theoretical advantage.

As for you last little dig on MC. It was obvious to me he was talking about a single line machine(is that what you are referring to?)

Unless it's a bar bet or something like that. I would call foul on anything that exploited a technicality. When a statement is made, and that statement is challenged, the point of the challenge is to prove or disprove what the person meant. It's not to change everything up, twist shit, and make it over complicated.

How many times have we seen someone make some statement like.... The system player says, "I can predict heads or tails 75% of the time."

The AP says, "BS."

The System player says, "I can prove it"

AP says, "OK, I will bet you even money you can't even predict heads or tails 65% of the time."

The system player says, "I need odds."

It goes back and forth until the AP has a small advantage, but it does nothing to prove the system players original statement.

Then the system player wants his airfare paid and he can only do it on the 29th of February or some shit.