Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
I think it's 10 out of 10. Should be quite the advantage play....just like what this thread is about. Too bad Tuna killed himself off. He'd jump on this stuff faster than a weasely little bj phony can count two tables simultaneously
Rob, you ignorant slut. A 10 out of 10 is an 8.9 million to one shot. Tuna or any other team owner would never put their team on such a play even if the math showed a big positive. There is a thing called "hittable odds" which you obviously know nothing about. The odds of getting hit by lightning twice in your lifetime is about the same as hitting 10 out of 10.
Who cares what a fatass slob who killed himself would have done?! And have you ever accepted that the world is a FAR OFF better place without that bum loser hero of yours slithering around picking pockets and scamming people?