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Thread: Will the Las Vegas Strip Open Soon

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post

    kewlJ must be feeling better after he just beat the Chink Virus and Open Heart Surgery??
    I am feeling ok Monet. Just a bit fatigued today. I keep falling a sleep in the recliner when watching TV. That and a slight fever is all I have left. I am sorry your prayers for my demise weren't answered.

    Also I have survived 2 different heart surgeries, once in 2011 and again in 2017, so get it right. So never thought I was going to die either time and certainly didn't from this little virus. A bit of uncertainty at the most. But then again, I am healthy. You take someone like Rob who is ancient or yourself at 400 lbs, probably diabetic with heart issues and you could be a goner. So I will pray that you don't get it.
    2 heart surgeries AND infected blood? Along with a fever? Hahaha!! (and no meaningful future unless you count showing baby bro how to give hand jobs....)

    Like I've told you kew, I'll definitely be around long enuf to spit on your grave.

    Wait!---kew faked his own death? You mean he has such a do-nothing/been nowhere/no future life that he's gone thru the suicide thing?

    Not surprising, being how confidence-lacking and weak a person he seems to be.


    Hey kew---if it ever gets THAT bad again (and with peoplelike you, it always does) just give me a call. I'll offer you all the encouragement you need so you don't add that failure to your irrelevant life!!
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 04-11-2020 at 05:48 PM.

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Apparently, SOMEBODY definitely really cared what Rob's finances were. According to all the stuff that's been posted on here, that seems very very apparent. From what I can remember everything except his 9" cock has been "confirmed".
    Gimmee a little more time with him. I'll frustrate the man-boy enough to make him write bad checks!

  3. #23
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Like I've told you kew, I'll definitely be around long enuf to spit on your grave.
    Not a chance in hell old man. You are ancient. You are a fossil. Basically already dead, as you are irrelevant to anyone, which is why you try so hard to make yourself relevant with your fantasies.

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    But you certainly go thru all types of gyrations trying to convince everybody of the lie that YOU are one....when you're nothing more than a waiter.
    I am a waiter hun rob? can I ask where....what kind of establishment? Maybe you should do a poll on that. Lets just see who believes I play blackjack for a living and who doesn't. Even on this polarized site, where people admit they are voting against what they truly believe, I suspect, I would do pretty well. Certainly a lot better than the 4% (1 in 22 and 1 in 23) that believed your 2 claims. Or have you forgotten? Should I link to those two polls to remind you?

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Most, however, prefer to see your explanations of how you, mommy and baby bro were forced out of that house you lived in once the sugar daddy croaked. Go ahead, splain it.
    Ok I will. In the last year, someone stalking me (former member of this very forum) was able to locate where I lived by looking up real estate records and transactions. The home I sold was in my name. If it was in my partners name, the stalker person wouldn't have been able to locate the record. I owned the home and I purchased my new home, which actually was very close to the selling price of my old home. So if it was the fantasy scenario that you were making up, this stalker dude wouldn't have been able to find me.

    I mean it isn't that you sometimes lie and make stuff up, it is that every single thing you say is a lie and made up....EVERYTHING. That is how you will be remembered, as a bullshit artist....for 20+ years. And you know who did that...YOU did that.

  4. #24
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    That $600 UC add-on is an Obama era-like de-motivator. It'll just mess up a lot of laid off people with their companies and bosses.
    Except that it was the republican senate and the republican Senate majority leader specifically that wrote that into the bill. This wasn't even one of the things the Dems negotiated in..... so what a stupid thing to say.
    Rob did say it was an Obama era like de-motivator.

    For me, I want to help people but not de-incentivize them from going back to work. The fact that the Senate majority republicans wrote that into the bill makes me dislike it even more. I’m really bothered by all the massive deficit spending.
    At some point in the future we’ll find out if we got what we paid for, or just put trillions more on the debt pile.

  5. #25
    I'm glad you're recovering KJ.

  6. #26
    Why did KJ fake his own death?
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Why did KJ fake his own death?
    Why does kewlJ complain so much when he faked his own death might be a better question?

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    Not a chance in hell old man. You are ancient. You are a fossil. Basically already dead, as you are irrelevant to anyone, which is why you try so hard to make yourself relevant with your fantasies.

    I am a waiter hun rob? can I ask where....what kind of establishment? Maybe you should do a poll on that. Lets just see who believes I play blackjack for a living and who doesn't. Even on this polarized site, where people admit they are voting against what they truly believe, I suspect, I would do pretty well. Certainly a lot better than the 4% (1 in 22 and 1 in 23) that believed your 2 claims. Or have you forgotten? Should I link to those two polls to remind you?

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Most, however, prefer to see your explanations of how you, mommy and baby bro were forced out of that house you lived in once the sugar daddy croaked. Go ahead, splain it.
    Ok I will. In the last year, someone stalking me (former member of this very forum) was able to locate where I lived by looking up real estate records and transactions. The home I sold was in my name. If it was in my partners name, the stalker person wouldn't have been able to locate the record. I owned the home and I purchased my new home, which actually was very close to the selling price of my old home. So if it was the fantasy scenario that you were making up, this stalker dude wouldn't have been able to find me.

    I mean it isn't that you sometimes lie and make stuff up, it is that every single thing you say is a lie and made up....EVERYTHING. That is how you will be remembered, as a bullshit artist....for 20+ years. And you know who did that...YOU did that.
    And did you expect others would see anything but denials?

    C'mon kew, fess up. It's not like you're gonna KILL YOURSELF!!! if you do

    Lets see....infected blood, crossed wires upstairs, doomed to loneliness, an insignificant past combined with a bleak future, no productive skills whatsoever, and TWO heart surgeries before you reached 40. Yikes!

    Compare that to: a lifetime successful, happily married father and grandfather with a secured retirement and income, at nearly 71 I'm STILL in good enuf shape (as I've always been) to wipe the floor with your puny ass, and the only medical condition I've ever had was a broken foot operation last year.

    I'd like to say you're destined to die a lonely old man, but with your flaws and background you'll belucky to make it to 45.


  9. #29
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Why did KJ fake his own death?
    Why does kewlJ complain so much when he faked his own death might be a better question?
    Can't you tell?--he wishes he WERE dead.
    I know I would if I were him.

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post

    kewlJ must be feeling better after he just beat the Chink Virus and Open Heart Surgery??
    I am feeling ok Monet. Just a bit fatigued today. I keep falling a sleep in the recliner when watching TV. That and a slight fever is all I have left. I am sorry your prayers for my demise weren't answered.

    Also I have survived 2 different heart surgeries, once in 2011 and again in 2017, so get it right. So never thought I was going to die either time and certainly didn't from this little virus. A bit of uncertainty at the most. But then again, I am healthy. You take someone like Rob who is ancient or yourself at 400 lbs, probably diabetic with heart issues and you could be a goner. So I will pray that you don't get it.
    I must have either missed it, or forgot that you had the Chinese Virus. I really don't know any advantage players that's had the Coronavirus. Smallcapgrowth claims to have had it, but know who knows with him. Then again he admits that he likes the tranny cock, so it would make sense he would probably get it.

    What do you think cause you to get it VS most of the other Advantage Players? Where are you going out playing more frequently at a time when maybe you shouldn't have and perhaps from handling the chips and cards?

  11. #31
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post

    kewlJ must be feeling better after he just beat the Chink Virus and Open Heart Surgery??
    I am feeling ok Monet. Just a bit fatigued today. I keep falling a sleep in the recliner when watching TV. That and a slight fever is all I have left. I am sorry your prayers for my demise weren't answered.

    Also I have survived 2 different heart surgeries, once in 2011 and again in 2017, so get it right. So never thought I was going to die either time and certainly didn't from this little virus. A bit of uncertainty at the most. But then again, I am healthy. You take someone like Rob who is ancient or yourself at 400 lbs, probably diabetic with heart issues and you could be a goner. So I will pray that you don't get it.
    I must have either missed it, or forgot that you had the Chinese Virus. I really don't know any advantage players that's had the Coronavirus. Smallcapgrowth claims to have had it, but who knows with him. Then again, he admits that he likes the tranny cock, so it would make sense he would probably get it if he couldn't resist his urges.

    What do you think cause you to get it VS most of the other Advantage Players? Where are you going out playing more frequently at a time when maybe you shouldn't have and perhaps from handling the chips and cards?

  12. #32
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Since this virus is not a whole lot different than the flu which many more people get, I expect to see casinos open around May 1st. The owners and management are on the sleazy side but they're not stupid. Now that they know the stimulus deposits and checks will be in the sweaty hands of the majority of Americans sometime next week, the bosses are right on top of this. They know every local addict, every California problem gambler, and every troubled lower-income socially distraught going nowhere loser is chomping at the bit to get back at it, and they will not let people just go out and "buy stuff" with this free cash.
    In all honesty, Mr Singer, what percentage of Vegas hotel and casino guests fall into this categiry?

    Ten percent? Unlikely.
    Five percent? Also unlikely.
    One percent? I doubt it.
    A tiny fraction of one percent? I still doubt it.

    But anyone with a gambling problem is not sitting cold turkey waiting for a stimulus check and for Vegas to reopen. They've already found something else.

    The reality is even if Vegas casinos reopen in May or June the crowds with stimulus money won't be there. People getting stimulus money have bills to pay from weeks of unemployment.

    Try to be realistic. People getting $1200 or $3200 for a family of four can't gamble at $50 or $200 a hand like you.

    You are a fat fuck of a gambler.

  13. #33
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    I must have either missed it, or forgot that you had the Chinese Virus. I really don't know any advantage players that's had the Coronavirus. Smallcapgrowth claims to have had it, but know who knows with him. Then again he admits that he likes the tranny cock, so it would make sense he would probably get it.

    What do you think cause you to get it VS most of the other Advantage Players? Where are you going out playing more frequently at a time when maybe you shouldn't have and perhaps from handling the chips and cards?
    I don't believe I told you. Two different people in our condo building, have tested positive, one on our same floor 2 doors down. Only 3 days after we had heard that the guy down the hall, who happens to be a professional poker player had tested positive, my brother began showing symptoms, that was 8 days ago. We don't really know the guy, other than to say hello, but with this virus, could have been elevator buttons, or door knobs or mail room or anything. My brother was sick all week. Not severe, but like a flu, just over 100 degree temp, pressure in his chest, headache. He has finally improved some over the past 2 days.

    I started not feeling well this past wednesday, about 4 days after him. My symptoms have been even milder than his. Mostly fatigue. I can't seem to stay awake for long, with a little pressure in my chest, slight fever and mild achiness which gets worse at night. Thursday was my worse day. I think I am already getting better. Just really tired....gotta get through that. A couple more days and hopefully it will be gone. Still supposed to isolate I think 7 days after symptoms stop and by then hopefully they will have the antibody test up and running and we can confirm that we had it and get on with life, as soon as casinos open.

    I also have a strange symptom that I haven't heard anyone speak of. Strange dreams at night. Not nightmares, but odd dreams with people that I haven't seen or even thought about since childhood. Maybe just a co-incidence, but seems weird.

  14. #34
    I'm sorry you've been ill Mr Kewlj. I guess I'm lucky. I don't know anyone ill with the virus or even suspects they had it. A friend had bronchitis and tested negative for the virus.

    About the dreams. Unusual dreams are not unusual given our present circumstances. We are all pressured one way or another and our dreams reflect those pressures. We spend time on social media and we reminisce about the old days and so we dream about the old days.

    A classmate is a psychologist and we discussed this on Facebook. He says we have a 50/50 chance of dreaming about anything... either we dream about it or we don't. LOL

    In other words, don't worry about it.

    More importantly: were the dreams in color or black and white?

    He says people who dream in black and white are more intelligent than those people who dream in color.

    I always thought I dreamed in black and white because I couldn't afford the color.

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post

    More importantly: were the dreams in color or black and white?
    I honestly don't even know or maybe don't remember. I just remember waking up the past few days, still remembering at least part of the dream and thinking "that's weird". Not scary weird. Not a nightmare, just odd type weird.

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Why did KJ fake his own death?
    You would have to go back in time, 15-20 years to Forgot the details. It was a clusterfuck.

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by House of Orange View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Why did KJ fake his own death?
    You would have to go back in time, 15-20 years to Forgot the details. It was a clusterfuck.
    It was actually about 10 years and blackjackinfo, although with crossover members, the story made its way to BJ21.

    I am happy to explain my actions as I have done so before here. I am not proud of the incident but had my reasons. And I have never run from it. I take responsibility for it. It would have been easy to start over with a new handle. I never did that.

  18. #38
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Why did KJ fake his own death?
    Through the internet someone was able to figure out where KJ lived and robbed him. So he faked his death in hopes of not getting robbed again.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  19. #39
    So now we are being treated to "nightmares by kew" after he and his baby bro contracted coronavirus in a building they had to move into because some other anonymous poster that kew likely lied about supposedly forced him out of his lover's house and into hiding?

    I'm wondering....does this concoction fall under "counting two tables simultaneously and all that jazz" or "are crooked CSM's just another illusion?"

    Either way----yep, this guy kew is certainly the picture of health with a clear path of success and long life ahead of him!

    Ooo...Ooo just saw the post about people who get so mad and jealous about me that they "look me up"!
    Kew, redietz, and arci you say. Hmmm....and what do these 3 all-stars all have in common? YAHTZEE!! They all tell and told lies about myself and my family, and they all have spouses who DIED. Arci's son even went that route right afterwards.

    So tell me kew....isn't this karma just another reason why scoundrels like yourself and those two clowns keep trying and losing when it comes to me? And isn't it nice how What Goes Around Comes Around....and in such a righteous way! Of course, you and red paid the price beforehand, but we all had the privilege of having arci right here when he paid his dues for lying about me. So I gots to wonder....seeing you still have such a sick need to make up lies about me after apparently not having learned your lesson, do you think the Lord continues to punish you with viruses etc.?

    Good luck.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 04-12-2020 at 02:25 AM.

  20. #40
    Thank you mickeycrimm. That is a good summary. No doubt my version would have been longer, but really said no more.

    Rob, your post is scary. It is scary how quickly you are losing it. I think all members, regardless of political affiliation can agree that Joe Biden is quickly going downhill. Singer is on a much faster track now frequently mixing up events and timelines, starting new threads with identical names of threads already going, posting things in the wrong thread than he meant to. People sometimes sadly talk about a slow decline. Sadly, Singer is on a tobaggan, careening down the ice covered slopes of mental decline.

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