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Thread: Reminder regaring doxxing and link spamming

  1. #81
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Bob I don't know how things are where you live, but here in Vegas it is a little different. I am not talking about the Strip or even Fremont Street. But go to the local casinos and these folks aren't there for entertainment. They are there trying to win money playing -EV games (and not making out too well).
    If you live in Vegas and gamble every day like playing BJ or Slots regardless of the math you always run the risk of ruin. And for most that do it struggle or never make it. I also doubt all the degenerates in Vegas could keep getting their hands on enough money to feed their habits and in turn keep the steady flow of cash the casinos need to keep profitable.

    So, the suggestion that degenerates play an important role with any casino’s income is another ridiculous comment from someone that should know better. Little shit casinos throughout Las Vegas like where the OK Corral type shitholes are located look at the degenerate’s income no different than selling lottery tickets for a small commission to help pay a few bills. But big-time casinos of course who welcome anyone’s money might find degenerates hanging around their flashy billion dollar locations like having horseshit on the sidewalk when walking out the front doors.

    Instead here is a fact that entertainment, top of the line restaurants, bars etc. might play a bigger role in their income. Degenerates are not that concerned about these aspects. Axel himself said all that stuff he gets usually goes to waste.

    Only 77% of people in the US are legal adults, and only 30% of them visited casinos in 2018. So the average adult who visited a casino lost something like $500 to $600 over the year. That figure is also about the same for what an average visitor to Las Vegas who gambles loses per trip.

    (I believe that number in the USA is 250 billion dollars total) Degenerates are not playing a big role in that number. They no longer have the means.
    Last edited by blackhole; 04-13-2020 at 03:13 PM.

  2. #82
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    But I'm really getting tired of answering belly questions.
    You initially replied to my post that was directed to another member, not you.

    I was trying to determine if MDawg has reached the long term.

    Your answer is an emphatic NO...with 4 exclamation marks, I guess in case the word "emphatic" wasn't enough emphasis.

    I didn't think that he did reach long term.

    My next question is...when will he reach the long term?

    I don't think that he ever will, but I don't know how many hands constitutes the long term or how many hands MDawg has played.

    But Dude, if you are tired of answering questions, then don't answer them.

    You don't even have to announce that you won't answer, just stop answering.

    You don't even need to read my posts, I don't care if you do and neither does anybody else.
    Last edited by coach belly; 04-13-2020 at 03:25 PM.

  3. #83
    Kew has a simple one-track mind, and that says he thinks because he says he plays a game at a tiny bit over 100% he wins, and if the game were a tiny bit less than 100% he loses. Therefore, only degenerates play -EV and lose. Nobody playing positive EV can lose, and nobody playing negative EV can win. Of course, he claims if somebody wins "today" on a negative game, he KNOWS the math will somehow sneak in and snatch it all back tomorrow...just as he KNOWS if somebody's playing +EV will never lose it. Yes, he KNOWS these things because the math books he says he reads--written in a perfect world....he never makes a mistake counting, esp. two tables at once--say so, and he always skips over the chapters where long run trends can land either result on the other side of the curve.

    Now redietz will chime in and claim "but these guys say their systems can be taught to others as winning systems WHEN THEY CAN'T"! And he'll swear on a stack of atheist bibles that libtard university professors agree. That's flawed also. My strategy wins consistently and over the long term because I give the big hits every opportunity to show more frequently, and the very small $2500 minimum win goal vs. the large bankroll used enhances the chance of winning. I have a slightly smaller chance of accomplishing this on 99.1% games than I do on 100.5% games, but that difference is insignificant inany one session and everybody knows that.

    Can I teach my vp strategy to others so that they too have the great results I've had? Yes....but only if I could find someone at least as smart as me and trained in discipline and determination as I've been. And consider I was motivated and smart enuf to have raped the Nv. casinos for over five years with the double up gig. In other words, it'll be a damn hard find.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 04-13-2020 at 03:31 PM.

  4. #84
    So I am curious about something. Late last night, Redietz, painted a scenario, that I expanded on (speculated) that MDawg may might be planning with an advantage because he was receiving better odds or something that allows his play to be +EV, because he is a high stakes player. It is my understanding this isn't that unusual.

    I noticed MDawg, who usually jumps on such things within minutes, hasn't denied that yet. Should we read anything into that MDawg? (or spokesman coach belly?)

  5. #85
    Gold LMR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Say, maybe, the casinos have you guys by the "balls". Same as politics. Religion. Whatever.
    Lustin' lutins (from) NUTS:LI (Lichtenstein), unlist insult, until's sunlit!


    ---> MR. L(osing).

    Shut it down, LMR. = Low Mind thRust, (invar.)

    555 = 111 + 4*111 = 15*37, or 37*15, as 153, and 7, or, 371, and 5. As 153 on 371, to 5/7 left, as 6 +/- 1.

    3/21 to 8/22 is 153 + 1 days. 321 = 107*3 + 0; 123 = 3*71 + 0. To 1/0. 822 = (-1 + 7)(37 + 100); 228 = 57[6 - (1 + 1)], ---> 11411. 15[3^2] = 153 + (5 + 1). 154 days is ~ 42.08% of year 2020. 451 = 11*41^1.

  6. #86
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    But I still contend this is not what built most casinos. It’s the people who go there for entertainment and that gamble responsibly, which means within their means. I’ve seen stats on this, and by far the majority of casino’s revenue comes from responsible gamblers.
    Serious question Bob21. Do you work for or have any connection to the casino industry? The arguments you make are the exact arguments that Dan Lubin used to passionately make. If you are not familiar Dan was a member at WoV, and long time casino employee and later casino game developer. I have encountered a number of people that make the arguments that you are making and every one of them has some sort of association with a casino or the casino industry, or a family member that worked for a casino or something along those lines.
    Kj, we've gone over this before. I have NO connection with casinos. I'm a genuine low level red chipper AP. I do read a lot and the stats I've quoted are accurate and not published by casinos. Also, I use common sense, and see what is going on when I'm in casinos. Yes, of course there are degenerates there. But for the most part, high-class people are there that can afford to lose what they are gambling, and they are there for a good time. It's called entertainment!

    As I've said on another post, I knew a high roller lawyer who lost probably $100,000 to $200,000/yr and still enjoyed going. My estimates come from how much he plays, and some things his wife told my girlfriend at the time about some of his loses. He never discussed his loses with me, but he did say he had some.

    The casino industry brings in about $40 Billion/yr. This is more than the NFL, NBA, and MLB brings in combined. You can include movie revenue too, if you'd like. Do you really think all this revenue casinos are generating comes mostly from degenerates and people who think they have a non-math system to win?

    Why can't APs accept that most people go to casinos for entertainment? Why do APs (some, not all of them) have to make the casinos the villain? Is it to somehow make what they're doing have some kind of value? Does this give them a purpose in life? I have no problem being an AP, and also respecting what a casino does. Why can't you?

  7. #87
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Kew has a simple one-track mind, and that says he thinks because he says he plays a game at a tiny bit over 100% he wins, and if the game were a tiny bit less than 100% he loses.
    Shorterm, NO, Longterm, Yes.

    First of all, if we are going to converse, you have to put your hatred on the back burner and try to have a discussion like a normal human being. New rules or not, I am not going to just keep exchanging attacks.

    Now you have often said something along the lines that playing a 99.5% return (or even 99%) vs a 100.2% return makes no difference. That a players chance of winning is about the same. This is true....shortterm or a small sample size. So for that day, a trip, a couple days yes, you are absolutely right.

    But the problem is that your claim, not the double up bug...forget that, your claim of now 4 years, I think $375k winnings play is not short-term or a small sample size. You have said things like you would play once a week, drive up and play 6 hours. I mean average speed VP play is what 500 hands an hour, so that is 3000 hands a week, x 52 weeks is 150,000 or 600,000 rounds for the 4 years. That is not a small sample size that you can defy the math, Rob.

  8. #88
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    MDawg may might be planning with an advantage because he was receiving better odds or something that allows his play to be +EV, because he is a high stakes player. It is my understanding this isn't that unusual.
    Keep what sense could he be receiving better odds?

  9. #89
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Why do APs (some, not all of them) have to make the casinos the villain?
    Some of the APs also engage in denigrating the recreational players.

    Why do you suppose that is?

  10. #90
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Kew has a simple one-track mind, and that says he thinks because he says he plays a game at a tiny bit over 100% he wins, and if the game were a tiny bit less than 100% he loses.
    Shorterm, NO, Longterm, Yes.

    First of all, if we are going to converse, you have to put your hatred on the back burner and try to have a discussion like a normal human being. New rules or not, I am not going to just keep exchanging attacks.

    Now you have often said something along the lines that playing a 99.5% return (or even 99%) vs a 100.2% return makes no difference. That a players chance of winning is about the same. This is true....shortterm or a small sample size. So for that day, a trip, a couple days yes, you are absolutely right.

    But the problem is that your claim, not the double up bug...forget that, your claim of now 4 years, I think $375k winnings play is not short-term or a small sample size. You have said things like you would play once a week, drive up and play 6 hours. I mean average speed VP play is what 500 hands an hour, so that is 3000 hands a week, x 52 weeks is 150,000 or 600,000 rounds for the 4 years. That is not a small sample size that you can defy the math, Rob.
    OK. Here's a question no one has ever chosen to answer.

    My history from playing about 200 sessions shows an average of 85% chance of winning "today's" session. This is also why people have chosen not to take me up on my various challenges. I believe they understand the huge chance I have of winning minimum $2500 betting up to 6 denominations with constant cashouts that are never risked again along with a $57,200 session bankroll. Make sense?

    So, if I have such a good chance today, why not tomorrow and the next session and the next session, etc.? The math doesn't change. The opportunity doesn't change. Why do you say I HAVE to lose it all eventually? Why ignore the giant winners that are hit? Why ignore that these winning sessions are almost always larger than the largest losing sessions? I don't lose $57,200 in a session, ever. I think my avg. loss in my losing sessions is four figures. All those smaller winning sessions (smaller being $2500-$10,000) add up.

    This IS a short term, single session strategy that has nothing to do with the long term. And even if you want to say 200 sessions IS long term, it has been an overall winner.

  11. #91
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    I have no problem being an AP, and also respecting what a casino does. Why can't you?
    Because I see it every single day of my normal (pre- coronavirus) life. Again take a ride up North Las Vegas Blvd through the homeless corridor towards Jerry's Nugget. And you don't even have to go to the homeless corridor. You see it downtown on Fremont street. You see it all up and down Boulder highway. On the lower strip by the Strat, and all up and down Paradise and Maryland parkway to the airport. You even see it in the nicer parts of Henderson and Summerlyn where I used to live in a gated community. Outside the gate, 100 feet away behind the strip mall, a homeless encampment.

    And you can say every city has its homeless growing problem. And that is about addiction. A lot of drug and alcohol addiction. And that is the case here in Vegas as well. But here for many, the addiction is gambling, the drug is gambling and the casinos are the drug dealer. And that is no exaggeration. They know exactly what they are doing. They roll out the welcome mat for these folk on the first of the month when they get their welfare checks and/or whatever other assistance they are on.

    And I have already mentioned Friday evenings at these local type casinos. There is a line, 30, 40, 50 people deep at the cage waiting to cash their paycheck. That isn't by accident, the casinos encourage that. They offer bonuses and free drinks for workers to cash their checks before they ever make it home to their families.

    And before that it was senior citizens and social security. Before social security benefits went to direct deposit, casinos enticed Seniors in to cash and blow their social security on the 3rd of the month. So what if grandma has to eat cat food the rest of the month.

    Tax season and tax refunds....same thing. Yes, people have to take responsibility for their own actions, but these are predatory actions, thought out by a predatory industry. So don't give me any of your "entertainment business" bullshit. That is a false narrative for the local type casinos here in Vegas.

  12. #92
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    OK. Here's a question no one has ever chosen to answer.

    My history from playing about 200 sessions shows an average of 85% chance of winning "today's" session. This is also why people have chosen not to take me up on my various challenges. I believe they understand the huge chance I have of winning minimum $2500 betting up to 6 denominations with constant cashouts that are never risked again along with a $57,200 session bankroll. Make sense?

    So, if I have such a good chance today, why not tomorrow and the next session and the next session, etc.? The math doesn't change. The opportunity doesn't change. Why do you say I HAVE to lose it all eventually? Why ignore the giant winners that are hit? Why ignore that these winning sessions are almost always larger than the largest losing sessions? I don't lose $57,200 in a session, ever. I think my avg. loss in my losing sessions is four figures. All those smaller winning sessions (smaller being $2500-$10,000) add up.

    This IS a short term, single session strategy that has nothing to do with the long term. And even if you want to say 200 sessions IS long term, it has been an overall winner.
    People have answered and you don't like or accept the answer and you wont like or accept mine, but here it is: A bunch of short-term, small sample size does not equate to a long term larger sample size. The best example continues to be the example I frequently use for roulette. Is it reasonable that a person can walk into a casino bet black and win 3 out of 4 spins and leave. Absolutely! It is reasonable they can do that every single day for a year? Not a chance in hell! Why not? why can't they repeat that short term anomaly each and every day. That is basically what you are claiming.

    Look I appreciate you better tone, although I suspect it wont last, and it is not my intent to insult you here Rob, but what you are claiming is nothing new. I know you think it is this new ground breaking one has ever done what you are doing. That simply isn't true. It is simply a variation of progression wagering system and it has been proven since your granddaddy was a toddler that progression betting systems cannot turn a negative expectation game into a winning game….not longterm.

    What progression systems do and have always done is change the groupings of wins and losses, but not the totality. What you always end up with is many small wins (thus your 85%) number and eventually a much, much larger loss that wipes away all those wins and then some. You can't change this. You just can't will it away.

  13. #93
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    eventually a much, much larger loss that wipes away all those wins and then some.
    Others have asserted the eventuality and inevitability of losing...

    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    They have the hook set so far up your ass that it is only a matter of time before the inevitable happens.
    But doesn't the statement below contradict what you have asserted?

    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    A winning streak "up to this point" has no bearing on future results. His past winning streak will not make him more likely to lose.

  14. #94
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Why do APs (some, not all of them) have to make the casinos the villain?
    Some of the APs also engage in denigrating the recreational players.

    Why do you suppose that is?
    Some of the rec players like you, coach engage in denigrating the AP's. Why do you suppose that is?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  15. #95
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post

    Others have asserted the eventuality and inevitability of losing...

    But doesn't the statement below contradict what you have asserted?

    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    A winning streak "up to this point" has no bearing on future results. His past winning streak will not make him more likely to lose.
    You changed the context of what I said by excluding the last sentence. The likelyhood to lose remains constant. Giving up 1% you are more likely to lose than to win. What has happened in the past has no bearing on future results.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  16. #96
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    I have no problem being an AP, and also respecting what a casino does. Why can't you?
    Because I see it every single day of my normal (pre- coronavirus) life. Again take a ride up North Las Vegas Blvd through the homeless corridor towards Jerry's Nugget. And you don't even have to go to the homeless corridor. You see it downtown on Fremont street. You see it all up and down Boulder highway. On the lower strip by the Strat, and all up and down Paradise and Maryland parkway to the airport. You even see it in the nicer parts of Henderson and Summerlyn where I used to live in a gated community. Outside the gate, 100 feet away behind the strip mall, a homeless encampment.

    And you can say every city has its homeless growing problem. And that is about addiction. A lot of drug and alcohol addiction. And that is the case here in Vegas as well. But here for many, the addiction is gambling, the drug is gambling and the casinos are the drug dealer. And that is no exaggeration. They know exactly what they are doing. They roll out the welcome mat for these folk on the first of the month when they get their welfare checks and/or whatever other assistance they are on.

    And I have already mentioned Friday evenings at these local type casinos. There is a line, 30, 40, 50 people deep at the cage waiting to cash their paycheck. That isn't by accident, the casinos encourage that. They offer bonuses and free drinks for workers to cash their checks before they ever make it home to their families.

    And before that it was senior citizens and social security. Before social security benefits went to direct deposit, casinos enticed Seniors in to cash and blow their social security on the 3rd of the month. So what if grandma has to eat cat food the rest of the month.

    Tax season and tax refunds....same thing. Yes, people have to take responsibility for their own actions, but these are predatory actions, thought out by a predatory industry. So don't give me any of your "entertainment business" bullshit. That is a false narrative for the local type casinos here in Vegas.
    Kj, if you feel so strongly about this, why aren't you working to shut down casinos and make them illegal? Aren't you being a hypocrite by being an AP, while you see all this going on? Remember an AP can only make money if a casino is profitably, which means a casino is somehow extracting money from other gamblers.

    It sounds like your views are more similar to people who lived pre-1933. This is when casinos were illegal throughout our country. As I'm sure you know, casinos have been illegal for most of our country's history. The reason they've been illegal is to protect the weak, the gambling addicts, from themselves. It sounds like you want to go back to those times.

    You've got to remember we live in a free country, and we are A Nation of Laws. If the casinos are breaking some law, then you need to report them, rather than looking away. No business should be allowed to break the law. I will never defend a casino if I find out they are breaking the law. And if I see them breaking the law, I will report them. For the most part, I've only seen very ethical behavior by all the casinos I've visited, and I have been to Vegas a couple times. Vegas has ethical casinos too with good business practices.

    And if we don't have the right laws in place to stop the casino's "predatory actions" (as you call them), then why don't you work to get these laws put in place? I've noticed "predatory" is a code word many APs use to describe the casino industry. Btw, seeing something that is wrong and not doing anything about it is as bad as the person (or business) doing the action itself.

    You sound like a typical liberal who wants to hold businesses responsible for a person's actions. Here's something they maybe forgot to teach you in your government/history classes. With freedom comes responsibility. It sounds like you feel most people aren't responsible enough to handle freedom. Well if that's the case, then you need to work on shutting down casinos, rather than trying to make money in them. At least you wouldn't be a hypocrite!

  17. #97
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    You changed the context of what I said by excluding the last sentence.
    No I did not change the context.

    The phrases "not more likely to lose" and "The likelyhood to lose remains constant" are equivalent.

  18. #98
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Some of the rec players like you, coach engage in denigrating the AP's. Why do you suppose that is?
    I participate in discussions by asking questions without malice.

    I engage with whoever replies with unprovoked insults.

  19. #99
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Some of the rec players like you, coach engage in denigrating the AP's. Why do you suppose that is?
    I participate in discussions by asking questions without malice.

    I engage with whoever replies with unprovoked insults.
    What about your unprovoked insults? You've been doing it for years.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  20. #100
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    What about your unprovoked insults? You've been doing it for years.
    If I encounter a situation where another member who I sympathize with is being attacked by a group of associates, then I'll enter the fray and return fire in his defense.

    Other than that, I don't recall unprovoked insults on my part, but I'm willing to revisit any threads where that may have occurred. Post links and I'll review the incidents.

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