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Thread: The Adventures of MDawg (in progress)

  1. #1041
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    I think once we get above 2150 we'll really be cooking. Came close earlier.
    Seems like MD isn’t visiting here much anymore. Say what you want but the guy hit a homerun on Amazon. It closed over 2400 today and has been up everyday, even in a down market. While it’s easy to say now it was an easy pick, how many of us bought in? I certainly didn’t.

    Market futures up over 650 for Friday already based on the President talking about opening up. America is coming back stronger than ever in time.

    I encourage everyone to invest what you can, even it’s only a few dollars a week. It adds up quickly over time. It just takes dedication and persistence.

  2. #1042
    I did hit a homerun on my long term shares of AMZN, and that's all good. But I f'ed up on a "little" trade today.

    I f’ed up big time today. Not so much in terms of dollars, but in terms of stupidity. I’ve actually been taking it easy, just a trade here and there because – there’s been no need, the market has been so good to me past several days, just watching my long terms go up. I even added another 1000 sh of AMZN long a couple days ago and those have been up up UPPITY immensely too. But today when AMZN took off, I decided to short a few shares, not because I figured that it was going to plummet drastically, but just because it was simply going too far, too fast and a drop seemed inevitable. So I decided to short a few shares, as a sort of hedge against a drop.

    When holding shares long, this is called going “short against the box,” and because any short against the box must be covered before selling any long shares, in case I decided to sell those 1000 extra sh of AMZN, I didn’t want to go knee deep into a short and get locked into something crazy, so I did the short with just a paltry 100 shares, mostly just for fun and to clip a few bucks, and as a hedge in case AMZN really started dropping.

    The first short I went at 2372 and covered almost immediately for 2370, because it started to take off and it looked iffy. No biggie, made a couple hundred bucks, just for fun, and to test the waters.

    Then I shorted 100 sh again, at 2375 which I noticed that my stock tracker was showing the high of the day at 2379, but my other stock account seemed to indicate this as an error, and that 2374 was the prior top for the day, so 2375 seemed fine for either a hedge, or at least a scalp in case it looked iffy. So I filled at 2375 but when it seemed like it might run against me again, I entered the buy/cover immediately for 2373, but the stock JUST TOOK OFF and before you knew it was in the 2380s. So then I shorted another 100 shares at 2390, and entered the cover for the entire 200 short against the box at 2382, which 2382 would have represented a “get the hell out” cover at a small profit, but, would you believe it, it took off again, to pushing 2400.

    All this time, my long term shares, which I have considerable shares, plus the extra 1000, were rocketing up, but I’ve held the long terms for a long time so I didn’t really care about them I was concentrating on this dinky little trade – which, this dinky little trade was now putting me in the hole thousands of dollars, just like that.

    AMZN started to fall, but, would you believe it, fell to only 2383, just shy of my cover, and took off again, this time all the way to 2400! and beyond.

    That just seemed crazee to me, so I shorted ANOTHER 100 shares at 2408, and entered an immediate BTC for the entire 300 sh short at 2390.5, just to get the hell out of the trade at a small profit, but the stock just flew again, and finally I bailed and covered, at market, 2427, for a SOLID ten K loss.

    After THAT I noticed that it dropped a little but JUST KEPT GOING to the 2450s, so I didn’t really dwell on it then. Losing ten grand wasn’t the end of the world, and if I had held on, I would have been down a lot more. If the story had ended there, I wouldn’t even necessarily have had much to say, or dwell on. I certainly wouldn’t have gotten upset.

    My strategy, which has worked for years, is to just average in more shares whenever a trade goes against me. This has ALWAYS worked for me, but today, it seemed like it did not.

    I went back to work, regular work for some clients, and an hour or so later, I glanced at the tracker, and to my surprise, and chagrin, the damn thing was tanking! all the way down to 2300, and then 2290, then all the way down to the 2250s or so.

    Can you imagine how p’ssed I was to see the stock drop below my original cover? Realizing that by simply doing nothing but waiting I coulda made a few hunny and gotten the hell out of the trade, versus losing ten grand? Do you know now why MDawg doesn’t end up behind again at the tables once he comes back from a loss? Is anything more distasteful than losing when you could have won?

    And THAT’S why I say that I f’ed up…because if I had just turned off the computer and forgot about it, and let my original BTC in at 2290.5 stand, I would have gotten out of the trade fine and not lost a nickel, let alone ten grand – I actually would have made a couple hunny.

    But – it gets worse – at that point I was going to slam a bigger order in, for another extra 1000 shares long in the 2250s, but the AMZNing stock took off so fast, it was 2280s again before I could think. Plus I started to calm down thinking, okay, okay, so you lost ten grand, your long term shares and the other 1000 make that ten grand seem like peanuts. But still, I kept watching the stock yo yo occasionally all day. And so it went all day. I did no more trades – just that one losing one. I didn’t sell any (long sh of) AMZN today either. I didn’t really pay too much attention to the stock after that moment when I realized that I could have recouped all I lost and then some with a long trade from 2250, but there were more than a few additional occasions when I could have gone long, or short, and EASILY recouped that ten grand, and then some, without even trying. But, usually, when I get smoked like that – especially given that I haven’t had a losing trade in over two years – and especially when I lost when I could have won by just holding on another hour (admittedly, through a period when the loss would have been as high as twenty grand, which is a LOT for a little 300 share order) – and especially as well, when I passed up more than a few opp’s to recoup the lost money and then some with a REAL trade (1000 share lots), usually, after an experience like that, a trader is a little apprehensive about jumping right back in with another trade, especially as we get closer to the bell, which decreases the success probability of the day trade as less time is left on the clock.

    It was only ten grand, but still, losing ANYthing hurts MDawg when he’s so used to winning every time. Especially when he should have won on this trade – as his expected numbers were right to begin with.

    You’d have to be a stock trader to follow all of the above minutely, but basically, I f’ed up, BADLY, and MDawg doesn’t f. up often.

    The bottom line, summary of all the wall of text above: is that my instincts were right on, but in this case, I succumbed to “short fear” and pulled the trigger to get the hell out at a loss, when if I had just rode it out a bit longer, I would have done fine. I actually could have made over ten grand, instead of losing ten, but at a minimum, sticking to my guns of the original orders, I would have lost nothing at all, and made a little.

    Psychologically though, it’s hard to short and forget – you just feel like you need to keep an eye on it.

    Just goes to prove that in stocks, as at the tables, it’s YOUR choice whether to leave a winner or a loser, as there will almost inevitably be a period of time when you are ahead, and another period when you are behind. I have not seen ANY exceptions to this rule. Even the time that I lost money over two years ago on a trade, it was ALSO a frickin’ short against the box (also AMZN) and if I had simply held that trade overnight, I would have made far more than I lost.

    Last edited by MDawg; 04-16-2020 at 05:26 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  3. #1043
    Maybe what it came down to, was being up SO much, so fast, over the past several days, I decided to get clever. When really I should have just relaxed, and accepted my win.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  4. #1044
    I just glanced over at WOV
    and it looks like I wasn't the only one who entered a short position today - onenickelmiracle just shorted GILD - yeah, the one that rocketed 16% in the AH due to the potential of its drug remdesivir for treating coronavirus.

    Unfortunately for him, he shorted it before the bell, and unlike my rather small AMZN short versus my huge AMZN long position, he apparently sold all his GILD at a loss and then went all-in short - a double whammy.

    It's actually rather hard to understand this guy, but in any case, he's looking at a bad scene when the market opens tomorrow. In the long run though, given that remdesivir was not tested with any sort of control (no control patients who were NOT given the drug, let alone any kind of double blind study), the whole thing may turn out to be hot air. With his luck, I hope he doesn't end up covering at a loss then going long before the boost fades.

    Wishing him well, he's going to need some good luck tomorrow. Hard to say what I would do if I entered a short and it rocketed in the after hours, but typically these sorts of things do fade, at least some, tomorrow, so, although he's almost assuredly f'ed, damage-control-wise he might be better off waiting for the pop to fade, at least some, during the day. In my case, today, I would not have lost anything in my little shorting experiment today, and would have actually made some money if I had just grinned and bore the pain of the "short fear" squeeze.

    For me, tomorrow's a new day. and I've already dismissed today's losing trade as a lesson learned. Against the backdrop of how far ahead I am with AMZN, it's just pennies. But it does go to prove how much easier and more rewarding investing can be versus trading.
    Last edited by MDawg; 04-16-2020 at 10:10 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  5. #1045
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    I just glanced over at WOV
    and it looks like I wasn't the only one who entered a short position today - onenickelmiracle just shorted GILD - yeah, the one that rocketed 16% in the AH due to the potential of its drug remdesivir for treating coronavirus.

    Unfortunately for him, he shorted it before the bell, and unlike my rather small AMZN short versus my huge AMZN long position, he apparently sold all his GILD at a loss and then went all-in short - a double whammy.

    It's actually rather hard to understand this guy, but in any case, he's looking at a bad scene when the market opens tomorrow. In the long run though, given that remdesivir was not tested with any sort of control (no control patients who were NOT given the drug, let alone any kind of double blind study), the whole thing may turn out to be hot air. With his luck, I hope he doesn't end up covering at a loss then going long before the boost fades.

    Wishing him well, he's going to need some good luck tomorrow. Hard to say what I would do if I entered a short and it rocketed in the after hours, but typically these sorts of things do fade, at least some, tomorrow, so, although he's almost assuredly f'ed, damage-control-wise he might be better off waiting for the pop to fade, at least some, during the day. In my case, today, I would not have lost anything in my little shorting experiment today, and would have actually made some money if I had just grinned and bore the pain of the "short fear" squeeze.

    For me, tomorrow's a new day. and I've already dismissed today's losing trade as a lesson learned. Against the backdrop of how far ahead I am with AMZN, it's just pennies. But it does go to prove how much easier and more rewarding investing can be versus trading.
    SOOPOO says the companies with viral drugs are all testing them for treatment of coronavirus and and letting the public know they are doing so in hopes of the stock prices rising.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  6. #1046
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    I just glanced over at WOV
    and it looks like I wasn't the only one who entered a short position today - onenickelmiracle just shorted GILD - yeah, the one that rocketed 16% in the AH due to the potential of its drug remdesivir for treating coronavirus.

    Unfortunately for him, he shorted it before the bell, and unlike my rather small AMZN short versus my huge AMZN long position, he apparently sold all his GILD at a loss and then went all-in short - a double whammy.

    It's actually rather hard to understand this guy, but in any case, he's looking at a bad scene when the market opens tomorrow. In the long run though, given that remdesivir was not tested with any sort of control (no control patients who were NOT given the drug, let alone any kind of double blind study), the whole thing may turn out to be hot air. With his luck, I hope he doesn't end up covering at a loss then going long before the boost fades.

    Wishing him well, he's going to need some good luck tomorrow. Hard to say what I would do if I entered a short and it rocketed in the after hours, but typically these sorts of things do fade, at least some, tomorrow, so, although he's almost assuredly f'ed, damage-control-wise he might be better off waiting for the pop to fade, at least some, during the day. In my case, today, I would not have lost anything in my little shorting experiment today, and would have actually made some money if I had just grinned and bore the pain of the "short fear" squeeze.

    For me, tomorrow's a new day. and I've already dismissed today's losing trade as a lesson learned. Against the backdrop of how far ahead I am with AMZN, it's just pennies. But it does go to prove how much easier and more rewarding investing can be versus trading.
    While I’m a huge advocate of people investing in the market in any amount you have, ONM is not doing that. By his own admission, he only has a small amount to invest and just opened the account. He is not investing if you read his previous posts, he is GAMBLING. Even worse he is gambling on long shots trying to hit a home run quickly.

    When someone like you talks about shorts and day trades, it’s extra money on top of a serious long term portfolio of stocks designed for long term growth. This is all he has and it basically investing like it’s a Roulette Wheel.

    He’s a strange one to start with and what he is doing bears no resemblance to investing. It certainly isn’t a way to build a retirement portfolio.

  7. #1047
    Agreed. For example when onenickle posted today that he should be fine today to cover his GILD short from yesterday, shortly after the opening the bell, no one with any market experience would think that - at best, if he wants to cover today he should be looking at damage control. He's going to lose money by covering today, just a question of how much he loses.

    Today I bought extra AMZN long shares at first 2361 then when it dropped heavily more at 2321 which makes my average 2341 for these extra trading shares. Now it's just a matter of how much I want to make, and when I sell, that's a definite profitable trade. And that's another thing that onenickle doesn't seem to be doing, he seems to be going all in on a given stock not gradually buying in. A newbie trader will make mistakes like that not buy in segments.

    It is ironic though that if I had held my little short from yesterday until today it would have done not only fine, but made even more money than it could have yesterday. The market is cruelly ironic like that sometimes - the loser of today, if held, might be tomorrow's winner.
    Last edited by MDawg; 04-17-2020 at 07:23 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  8. #1048
    Just got an email from Cosmopolitan that my tier status, which is Platinum, would be extended to April 30, 2021. The email also said that all tier benefits will be reloaded to my account May 1st, even if I have already used them. I am not sure what that means, will have to check. Typically I don't use any of the offers anyway, as the host is simply comp'ing everything.

    I recall when I first started playing I was barely legal age to gamble, and I played heavily at BJ and won some money, and then some host took me down to their VIP office and said that she was my host now. I started asking about points because I had heard about that and she said that points were for "the little players" and that I didn't need to worry about things like that that she would just take care of me whenever I wanted to visit. Similarly now, these points that accumulate don't really mean a lot I think they are more for slots players. Although, at Cosmo you may transfer the points to your Marriott rewards account and use them at non-gaming casinos.

    In any case, what this tells me - this extension of tier status not just to the end of the year (which is what Palms is doing) but to April 2021 - is that Vegas is aware that even after they reopen that people might not be flocking back to their casinos right away. I was thinking the same, that extension of tier status or whatever to the end of the year might not be enough. It's one thing to start going back to the gym when they reopen, another to jump back into going to a casino and staying in hotel rooms.
    Last edited by MDawg; 04-17-2020 at 09:55 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  9. #1049
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Just got an email from Cosmopolitan that my tier status, which is Platinum, would be extended to April 30, 2021. The email also said that all tier benefits will be reloaded to my account May 1st, even if I have already used them. I am not sure what that means, will have to check. Typically I don't use any of the offers anyway, as the host is simply comp'ing everything.

    I recall when I first started playing I was barely legal age to gamble, and I played heavily at BJ and won some money, and then some host took me down to their VIP office and said that she was my host now. I started asking about points because I had heard about that and she said that points were for "the little players" and that I didn't need to worry about things like that that she would just take care of me whenever I wanted to visit. Similarly now, these points that accumulate don't really mean a lot I think they are more for slots players. Although, at Cosmo you may transfer the points to your Marriott rewards account and use them at non-gaming casinos.

    In any case, what this tells me - this extension of tier status not just to the end of the year (which is what Palms is doing) but to April 2021 - is that Vegas is aware that even after they reopen that people might not be flocking back to their casinos right away. I was thinking the same, that extension of tier status or whatever to the end of the year might not be enough. It's one thing to start going back to the gym when they reopen, another to jump back into going to a casino and staying in hotel rooms.
    The benefits are things like free companion rooms each year, $250 dining credit, etc. Things that probably don’t matter to you as a host would cover anyways. I posted the email in another thread.

  10. #1050
    AMZN TSLA NFLX continue to do well today.

    TSLA was down in the early morning, up now.

    I did a quick AMZN trade long, did fine, otherwise just continuing to hold all three of these horsemen.

    All three report this week!
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  11. #1051
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    I did hit a homerun on my long term shares of AMZN, and that's all good. But I f'ed up on a "little" trade today.

    I f’ed up big time today. Not so much in terms of dollars, but in terms of stupidity. I’ve actually been taking it easy, just a trade here and there because – there’s been no need, the market has been so good to me past several days, just watching my long terms go up. I even added another 1000 sh of AMZN long a couple days ago and those have been up up UPPITY immensely too. But today when AMZN took off, I decided to short a few shares, not because I figured that it was going to plummet drastically, but just because it was simply going too far, too fast and a drop seemed inevitable. So I decided to short a few shares, as a sort of hedge against a drop.

    When holding shares long, this is called going “short against the box,” and because any short against the box must be covered before selling any long shares, in case I decided to sell those 1000 extra sh of AMZN, I didn’t want to go knee deep into a short and get locked into something crazy, so I did the short with just a paltry 100 shares, mostly just for fun and to clip a few bucks, and as a hedge in case AMZN really started dropping.

    The first short I went at 2372 and covered almost immediately for 2370, because it started to take off and it looked iffy. No biggie, made a couple hundred bucks, just for fun, and to test the waters.

    Then I shorted 100 sh again, at 2375 which I noticed that my stock tracker was showing the high of the day at 2379, but my other stock account seemed to indicate this as an error, and that 2374 was the prior top for the day, so 2375 seemed fine for either a hedge, or at least a scalp in case it looked iffy. So I filled at 2375 but when it seemed like it might run against me again, I entered the buy/cover immediately for 2373, but the stock JUST TOOK OFF and before you knew it was in the 2380s. So then I shorted another 100 shares at 2390, and entered the cover for the entire 200 short against the box at 2382, which 2382 would have represented a “get the hell out” cover at a small profit, but, would you believe it, it took off again, to pushing 2400.

    All this time, my long term shares, which I have considerable shares, plus the extra 1000, were rocketing up, but I’ve held the long terms for a long time so I didn’t really care about them I was concentrating on this dinky little trade – which, this dinky little trade was now putting me in the hole thousands of dollars, just like that.

    AMZN started to fall, but, would you believe it, fell to only 2383, just shy of my cover, and took off again, this time all the way to 2400! and beyond.

    That just seemed crazee to me, so I shorted ANOTHER 100 shares at 2408, and entered an immediate BTC for the entire 300 sh short at 2390.5, just to get the hell out of the trade at a small profit, but the stock just flew again, and finally I bailed and covered, at market, 2427, for a SOLID ten K loss.

    After THAT I noticed that it dropped a little but JUST KEPT GOING to the 2450s, so I didn’t really dwell on it then. Losing ten grand wasn’t the end of the world, and if I had held on, I would have been down a lot more. If the story had ended there, I wouldn’t even necessarily have had much to say, or dwell on. I certainly wouldn’t have gotten upset.

    My strategy, which has worked for years, is to just average in more shares whenever a trade goes against me. This has ALWAYS worked for me, but today, it seemed like it did not.

    I went back to work, regular work for some clients, and an hour or so later, I glanced at the tracker, and to my surprise, and chagrin, the damn thing was tanking! all the way down to 2300, and then 2290, then all the way down to the 2250s or so.

    Can you imagine how p’ssed I was to see the stock drop below my original cover? Realizing that by simply doing nothing but waiting I coulda made a few hunny and gotten the hell out of the trade, versus losing ten grand? Do you know now why MDawg doesn’t end up behind again at the tables once he comes back from a loss? Is anything more distasteful than losing when you could have won?

    And THAT’S why I say that I f’ed up…because if I had just turned off the computer and forgot about it, and let my original BTC in at 2290.5 stand, I would have gotten out of the trade fine and not lost a nickel, let alone ten grand – I actually would have made a couple hunny.

    But – it gets worse – at that point I was going to slam a bigger order in, for another extra 1000 shares long in the 2250s, but the AMZNing stock took off so fast, it was 2280s again before I could think. Plus I started to calm down thinking, okay, okay, so you lost ten grand, your long term shares and the other 1000 make that ten grand seem like peanuts. But still, I kept watching the stock yo yo occasionally all day. And so it went all day. I did no more trades – just that one losing one. I didn’t sell any (long sh of) AMZN today either. I didn’t really pay too much attention to the stock after that moment when I realized that I could have recouped all I lost and then some with a long trade from 2250, but there were more than a few additional occasions when I could have gone long, or short, and EASILY recouped that ten grand, and then some, without even trying. But, usually, when I get smoked like that – especially given that I haven’t had a losing trade in over two years – and especially when I lost when I could have won by just holding on another hour (admittedly, through a period when the loss would have been as high as twenty grand, which is a LOT for a little 300 share order) – and especially as well, when I passed up more than a few opp’s to recoup the lost money and then some with a REAL trade (1000 share lots), usually, after an experience like that, a trader is a little apprehensive about jumping right back in with another trade, especially as we get closer to the bell, which decreases the success probability of the day trade as less time is left on the clock.

    It was only ten grand, but still, losing ANYthing hurts MDawg when he’s so used to winning every time. Especially when he should have won on this trade – as his expected numbers were right to begin with.

    You’d have to be a stock trader to follow all of the above minutely, but basically, I f’ed up, BADLY, and MDawg doesn’t f. up often.

    The bottom line, summary of all the wall of text above: is that my instincts were right on, but in this case, I succumbed to “short fear” and pulled the trigger to get the hell out at a loss, when if I had just rode it out a bit longer, I would have done fine. I actually could have made over ten grand, instead of losing ten, but at a minimum, sticking to my guns of the original orders, I would have lost nothing at all, and made a little.

    Psychologically though, it’s hard to short and forget – you just feel like you need to keep an eye on it.

    Just goes to prove that in stocks, as at the tables, it’s YOUR choice whether to leave a winner or a loser, as there will almost inevitably be a period of time when you are ahead, and another period when you are behind. I have not seen ANY exceptions to this rule. Even the time that I lost money over two years ago on a trade, it was ALSO a frickin’ short against the box (also AMZN) and if I had simply held that trade overnight, I would have made far more than I lost.

    MDawg, I wanted you to know that I really enjoyed reading your blow by blow account of your trading day. This is exactly why I quit day trading. I too often pulled the trigger and sold too early wanting to limit my loses, only to realize had a held on and not watched the market minute by minute, I'd have been better off, and would have actually made money.

    Anyway, this was a great example of why long term investing beats trading.

  12. #1052
    Why is this guy posting about his? market trading? Probably everybody has these in their portfolios so it's not worth reading.

  13. #1053
    What is dropping faster...oil prices or Joe Biden's pants at a Girl Scouts meeting?

  14. #1054
    Speaking of Amazon, is there some sort of backlash against the company? Almost every "As Seen on TV" product being hocked in commercials are now prominently displaying and saying "Not Sold on Amazon."

  15. #1055
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    What is dropping faster...oil prices or Joe Biden's pants at a Girl Scouts meeting?
    American oil production is taking a big hit. Fracking is not profitable below $30 a barrel.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  16. #1056
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    What is dropping faster...oil prices or Joe Biden's pants at a Girl Scouts meeting?
    American oil production is taking a big hit. Fracking is not profitable below $30 a barrel.
    Yeah, I thought about that. I wonder how North Dakota is doing. They are a big fracking state.

  17. #1057
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    What is dropping faster...oil prices or Joe Biden's pants at a Girl Scouts meeting?
    American oil production is taking a big hit. Fracking is not profitable below $30 a barrel.
    Yeah, I thought about that. I wonder how North Dakota is doing. They are a big fracking state.
    The Bakken Oil Field of western North Dakota and Eastern Montana was already way down on production. The oil is very deep and the subterrean rocky. Oil prices have to be high for it to be profitable.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  18. #1058
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    American oil production is taking a big hit. Fracking is not profitable below $30 a barrel.
    Yeah, I thought about that. I wonder how North Dakota is doing. They are a big fracking state.
    The Bakken Oil Field of western North Dakota and Eastern Montana was already way down on production. The oil is very deep and the subterrean rocky. Oil prices have to be high for it to be profitable.
    Yeah, I've been spending time on the internet reading various articles about the impact of coronavirus on oil prices and fracking. You probably know most of this stuff, but I'm still posting one link I found interesting for those that think this is interesting.

    The good thing about this MDawg thread is that it's kind of a catch all thread. Anything goes, stocks, fracking, you name it. I think the only thing that is off limits in this thread is the Tasha nonsense.

  19. #1059
    Negative crude oil prices meaning - what? that someone with a long position would have to PAY to have someone take it off his hands?

    But in the meantime I show real world prices at about fifteen a barrel.

    Stock trading is actually very good, and very easy right now. But I get the feeling that at least 2/3 between AMZN TSLA NFLX will jump after earnings are released.

    By the way, this checking of temperatures at Wynn/Encore is not new - shortly after we left in March they started implementing that.
    My friend who lived at Encore experienced this and was playing up until the last day they remained open.

    The worst I experienced was a lot of sanitizing stations throughout the casinos, and I have been carrying my own pocket sanitizer when playing for over a year now anyway. Everyone knows that chips and cash are dirty. Plus keeping your hands clean is lucky.

    As far as these new measures:
    Doesn't sound like fun! I would not go.
    Last edited by MDawg; 04-21-2020 at 07:37 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  20. #1060
    Here's how it goes, on a more typical day for me (with an unexpected bump, but turned out fine in the end).

    All longs. These are trading shares, as usual, on top of the long term shares I have held for years. When I do longs I almost always do it in 1000 share lots, although sometimes 500s or even 250s. Today it was 1000s all the way.

    AMZN 2373 to 2378 easy one, went much higher but I made the 5 pts.

    NFLX 435 to 438. 3 pts.

    AMZN 2370 to 2373. 3 pts.

    AMZN 2353
    AMZN 2331 (average in another 1000 sh)
    Then I entered an order to sell all 2000 sh at 2343 just to get the hell out.
    AMZN 2309 (average in another 1000 sh)
    Then I entered an order to sell all 3000 sh at 2332

    At this point AMZN dropped as low as 2278, so I was NOT feeling too GOOOOD.

    (In the meantime I also bought NFLX at 433, which I entered the immediate sell order at 435, but it plummeted, somewhere around 426, I lost track. I left that one alone because it reports today anyway, and if I got stuck, would just hold the extra sh into the bell.)

    Here's where it got interesting.

    Twice AMZN got close to, but not all the way, to 2319. So I figured, well, I'll sell 1000 of the sh at 2319, to book ten grand, and then rebuy lower.
    Well, on the third try, AMZN did hit 2319, and I sold, but then - of course, it went all the way, eventually, to 2333. Of course I was upset now, because I could have sold all 3000 sh at 2332 and restarted the process, but I didn't, and now it was too late. What I mean is, that if I had just stuck to my guns I would have sold ALL 3000 at 2332 for a profit versus selling 1000 of them at 2019 which then immediately raised my basis for the remaining 2000 shares to well above 2332.

    This is typical - although in theory "milking" it up and down, buying and selling chunks to eat away at a losing trade until it turns profitable works great (I mean EVERYTHING looks easy in hindsight...I coulda bought here, I coulda sold there, I coulda shorted here, I coulda shorted there) general, I have found for MY trades that my original selling target ends up hitting sooner or later anyway, without the need to get "clever" and buy and sell portions of the trade along the way.

    I kept watching as it dropped from the 2333, but I wasn't going to buy back the 1000 I sold at 2319 at just a few points lower, so when it finally dropped back a LOT, I pulled the trigger again, and bought back the 1000 I had sold at 2319, at 2305. Now I entered an immediate sale for all 3000 at 2330, which would book a small profit of like a grand, on these shares, but also get me out of all the AMZN trades at a good profit.

    It did drop after that to 2301, but not lower, and I felt good about it. Eventually it filled at the 2330.

    Now (of course) it is back in the 2350s. And in the meantime the 1000 NFLX sold at 435.

    So that's $19,000. booked on AMZN and $5000. on NFLX.

    I did buy extra shares of TSLA at 721 too, but didn't fiddle with that trade. I probably should have but I was too busy with AMZN. I will hold those extra TSLA shares through earnings if need be. I have an order in to sell those at 723 if it hits today.

    I don't think I will mess with more AMZN trades today, but I may buy back the extra shares of NFLX before the bell. My experience on earnings day (NFLX reports tonight) is that the stock pops early, then sells off as the risk adverse sell off. Whatever happens after the bell has NOTHING to do with the action before! don't be fooled. No earnings were leaked, no one knows a damn thing (unless you have insider info).

    Even if you don't follow all the trades, you may see how one minute's 2373, and easy trade that popped right to 2378 where I sold and well over ten points beyond, seems lofty just an hour or so later when AMZN drops to 2278! So, the point is to buy when the time is right, not just at arbitrary prices. 2373 was cheap at that moment, but an hour later, even 2300 was no sure thing.

    To a certain extent we traders do this just for the excitement and fun, but, just like gambling, there is no fun in it for me unless I win.

    It also shows you how the market tricks people...I mean at one point I was down, something like thirty grand over all in AMZN, and ended up nineteen grand ahead. But I had to do something...once I was stuck at 2373 just hoping for it to go back higher after it dropped nearly a hundred points would not have been wise. I had to average in more shares.

    Last edited by MDawg; 04-21-2020 at 11:03 AM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

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