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Thread: Alan Mendelson Going For The Jugular

  1. #1
    A few weeks back an Alan Mendelson tweet came through my twitter feed. I publicly messaged him calling him AndrewG as a joke. I didn't get a reply until last Friday, April 24, at 4:22 PM and it was by direct messaging that only he and I could read. The information Alan sent me was on Rob Singer and AndrewG.

    Alan said he met Singer at Red Rock before Singer broke the double up story and told Alan about what he was really doing from 2004 to 2009 and that Singer told him he used the progressive vp system as a cover story.

    Alan said he felt used, duped, but asked Singer if he (Alan) could write the story. He said at first Rob refused but then later told him he could have the story. Then Alan followed that comment with "So again he was taking advantage of me." He said that was the last time he talked to Singer and that he no longer trusted him.

    In this message Alan said he didn't know about Andrew because he had been off the forum for many months because Dan wouldn't pay Jason the proper amount for the forum license. He said Jason and him didn't want to contribute to Dan's traffic.

    Then Alan told me that my message calling him Andrew got him to looking into who AndrewG was.

    My first thought was if Alan was asking Rob to let him write the story how could Rob be taking advantage of him again?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  2. #2
    In his next few messages to me Alan was questioning the veracity of Rob's claims about the double up bug. He was asking questions that have already been asked here on this site. He said he doesn't believe Rob's story and that I was duped. He wanted to know why I didn't catch the part of the story where Rob claimed to have made 2.8 million. I had to tell him I knew that from the start.

    Than Alan went back into his spiel about how Rob used him. That the Singer Progressive System was a lie and it didn't work. I asked Alan about Rob's claim to have made 400K using the system from 2000 to 2004. Alan totally ignored that. Wouldn't give a response on it. Just kept saying the Singer System was a lie. He said he asked Rob for proof on the double up bug and hasn't received any.

    On Sunday, April 26 at 7:44 AM I received a message from Alan saying he spoke to AndrewG. He said AndrewG was some kind of a law clerk and a "nice kid." The last thing he wrote in that message was when it came time for a new story Rob threw him under the bus. I really don't know what that statement meant.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 04-29-2020 at 06:15 AM.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  3. #3
    In a message to me on Monday Alan said Singer is 100% wrong about going undetected. He said its about the slot staff that have to account for the handpays and there are shift records for every handpay. And there are audits of machines for coin in/coin out. The problem I see with that is those records would go back ten years at the minimum. Would anyone have access to them?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  4. #4
    I asked Alan how he got in contact with AndrewG. He said AndrewG contacted him thru his website, Alanbestbuys. He said he spoke with AndrewG's employer who is a lawyer and he spoke with his own lawyer. Said they gave him useful advice.

    Then he said we won't be hearing from AndrewG on VCT anymore because of lawyer/client privilege. I asked him why AndrewG couldn't post on other subjects at VCT. Alan said I would have to ask AndrewG that question. This was after AndrewG said he would no longer be posting on VCT.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  5. #5
    So it looks to me that Alan is planning some sort of civil action.

    It looks more and more like Alan and AndrewG are one and the same. I think AndrewG/Alan quit posting on VCT because he could see the handwriting on the wall. Everyone already thinks they are one and the same and will keep demanding proof that they are not.

    So I am asking that AndrewG prove conclusively that he is not Alan.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  6. #6
    Now maybe everyone can get a good idea of why Alan has not been able to keep any one of his marriages together while he's continuously being driven by gambling action and discussion. And just maybe they can see why his own son came onto this forum to let everyone know that his father stiffed him for wages. If he's all lathered up about some type of civil suit, again, then it only means he needs more money to gamble with. He's just a lonely old man who has failed in life at every turn, much of it attributed to being a degenerate gambler.

    The simple facts mickey are: I told Alan about the double up play right after I talked to axel and right before I told you. Alan, as usual and as he had always done since the first day he contacted me, was looking for a way to make money off of me thru stories, videos, interviews, and his website. I never cared one way or the other. I chose to tell him about double up because he and I were "friends" and I wanted to apologize lightly for misleading him about how I played from '04-'09.

    But you're correct--there really was no deceipt in that he was interested in reporting about how I played my strategy, and I did in fact play it for 4 years. I also advised and trained players on it while I was involved in the double up play. I suspect Alan doesn't want to see any of that now because it's too inconvenient.

    People tend to deteriorate mentally as they get into their senior years. We can all tell that hasn't happened to you yet, and it hasn't hit me at all either. But Alan....given all his self-caused and lifelong personal problems, I'm seeing someone who's having a very hard time of it.

    He can post whatever nonsense he chose to post here as Andrew. He can whine to anyone and everyone and rewrite history/make things up about me all he wants at WoV. But my life story's already been written, and unlike him, I'm fully enjoying being old and retired. We're headed out on Friday and we can't wait!

  7. #7
    Why don't Andrewg and Alan just plan to meet up together and have a trusted Source like Dan Druff verify it? For example, me and another Poster on another website met each other in real life and the Head Admin confirmed that we were two different people via video chat. I asked one of Moses's "Friends,"to just agree to meet Moses in a public place and then take a Selfie of them together and post it on here to quell any doubts about Moses and his "Friend," Moses's "Friend" refused to do that simple verification effort and made up lame excuses on why she couldn't take a selfie of she and Moses together in a public space. Soon Dan banned Moses's "Friend," for being too "good" of a "Friend" to Moses if you get my drift.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  8. #8
    I read Alan's post at WoV last night before bed. My immediate thought was something akin to the title of this thread, that Alan really wants to bring Rob down as far as his reputation (or lack of one). Seems like the reason Alan rejoined WoV. Will be interesting to see if Mike allows it. Looks like Axel isn't waiting for the decision and is already diving in. lol

    Wasn't it about a year ago that someone at WoV asked Mike to weigh in on Rob's double up bug claim and issue his (Mike's) opinion as to weather their was any credibility to it? At the Time Mike agreed to look into, I am presuming speak to Rob, see what kind of supporting evidence might be available and express his opinion. Mike never followed through. All he did was post word for word what was written on Alan's site, which was told to Alan by Rob. So essentially Mike's investigation consisted of Rob's claim in his own words. Since Alan is now stating that that article that Mike reposted was false, this is an opportunity for Mike to finally follow through and see what he can find out and voice his opinion.

    As for Alan, the timing doesn't seem right to me. Alan says he and Rob met for breakfast about a year ago and Rob revealed everything to him, for which Alan is now upset, feels duped and wants to clear the record. The problem is Alan defended Rob long after that meeting on this very forum, right up until Alan exited about 6 months ago. He didn't stop defending Rob after he learned he "had been duped". So the timing looks more like, all of the sudden Alan is pissed and wants to try to bring Rob down. And that timing seems to coincide more with Rob's comments about his personal opinion of Alan and gambling addiction. THAT is what it looks like Alan is really pissed about, no? At least to me from what I know.

    Anyway, maybe it will make for good reading during the next couple days of quarantine.

  9. #9
    By the way, despite how I feel about Rob and personally find his claim not all that credible, I don't think Alan should be granted free reign to make his claims and attempt to damage Rob's reputation on a forum that Rob cannot respond. That seems pretty unfair to me. Of course, no one ever said Michael Shackleford was fair.

  10. #10
    Yes good reading kew. Most have the time. Alan's infuriated that he can't give his stimulus to the poker machines at RR so he's trying to make Breaking News any way he can. And that's not sarcasm.

    One of his biggest problems with this is him constantly making believe he and Andrew are not the same. That's where you start if you want ANYONE to begin to believe any of this. People at WoV and some here hate me enuf to want to believe any negative thing said about me. A good journalist would take advantage of that.

    Similarly, Alan is a professional arguer. He loves being provocative and reporting on controversial stories so that he can argue his heart out. I'm sure all his ex's fully understand. Bringing his gripe to WoV may turn out to be a double edged sword. He's looking for a sympathetic outlet. Not sure if their dislike of me outweighs how nutty they've found he is because of his dice problem and 18 yo's baloney that he argued no end. He also won't get anyone arguing FOR me, which is counter-productive to what he wants to do: argue.

    I'm predicting he'll do with this what he's done with most things in his life when it comes to gaming issues: fail.

  11. #11
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    By the way, despite how I feel about Rob and personally find his claim not all that credible, I don't think Alan should be granted free reign to make his claims and attempt to damage Rob's reputation on a forum that Rob cannot respond. That seems pretty unfair to me. Of course, no one ever said Michael Shackleford was fair.
    But you DO agree I've said many times that I HAVE played my strategy for 4 years, and that I trained people on it for 10 years? Alan claims I said I never played it.

    Alan's feeling duped. Poor fellow. He should call Gaming Today and ask them how much they cared about the truth when I apologized to them.

  12. #12
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    In a message to me on Monday Alan said Singer is 100% wrong about going undetected. He said its about the slot staff that have to account for the handpays and there are shift records for every handpay. And there are audits of machines for coin in/coin out. The problem I see with that is those records would go back ten years at the minimum. Would anyone have access to them?
    This is where people like Alan are wrong and incapable of ever getting it.

    What does machine "coin-in and coin-out" have to do with anything?

    Anyone who plays vp and gets a handpay knows the casino has a record of it, even w/o using a card. The undetected" claim I think Alan's referring to is about my being detected using the steps of the play to bump up my win amount. I believe several very knowlegdeable machine players here have already chimed in as I have--that hitting a single handpay does not trigger a rewind review. That should be obvious to any of the thick people around here.

    Also, I hit every mid-to-major casino across the state during this play's lifespan, which means a lot of weeks passed before I returned anywhere. Is Alan trying to claim that whenever I walk in they're gonna go back and review my past handpays before allowing me to play?

    Whatever his odd confusion about this, I invite everyone in this type of conundrum to go back and review how the casinos reacted to the many handpays Kane and Nestor received even in the same days and on the same machines....and they went undetected until Silverton. And even then and with all the video, surveillance couldn't figure out what was going on.

    And since I have the time: it's curious that Alan starts crying about this now, right after I finally joined in here with everyone else about Alan being the classic GA poster boy for being a degenerate gambler, after years of helping him cover it up with my support. That should tell VCTers and WoVers how sincere he is about being "duped" all along. The preponderance of evidence supplied on this and the WoV forums and by none other than himself and his own family member has always been crystal clear to me.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 04-29-2020 at 09:50 AM.

  13. #13
    About Nestor and Kane was that the Scandal that was only found out because one of them demanderd the BIG WIN NOT to be reported to the CTR/IRS? There was a major Scandal that went on for a long time but was busted because one of the Partners demanded to be paid the big win under the table whuch rightfully set off alarm bells in the Casino Staff and they investigated and discovered a huge cheating scandal.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    But you DO agree I've said many times that I HAVE played my strategy for 4 years, and that I trained people on it for 10 years? Alan claims I said I never played it.

    Alan's feeling duped. Poor fellow. He should call Gaming Today and ask them how much they cared about the truth when I apologized to them.
    WHAT?!? Are YOU seriously asking me to vouch for you? I don't know about a 9 inch dick, but you must seriously have some big gonads to even think such a thing.

    I will give you this: Since you came up with this double up bug claim about a year ago, and changed your progressive wagering fantasy claim from 10 years over a million dollars to 4 years, 375K, you have stuck with that pretty consistently. But neither the original 10 years claim or the altered 4 year claim, is sustainable. they just are not realistic.

    So let's get something straight here. Alan seems to be saying that you told him the whole claim in regards to your Singer progressive system was baloney, both the original 10 years claim and the later altered 4 year claim. He is saying that you used these claims which I and others have said are impossible for cover. So let''s be clear here, are you denying what Alan is saying today Rob?

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    So let's get something straight here. Alan seems to be saying that you told him the whole claim in regards to your Singer progressive system was baloney, both the original 10 years claim and the later altered 4 year claim. He is saying that you used these claims which I and others have said are impossible for cover. So let''s be clear here, are you denying what Alan is saying today Rob?
    Ok nevermind this part as it looks like Alan has changed his story a bit and now says you still claim the partial claim.

    I am not sure what Alans big gripe is.....that you lied to him? we ALL feel that way. lol

  16. #16
    I also don't understand and don't like that Alan went to another forum to spill this. He should have confronted Rob here. We all know that Rob would have just attacked Alan mercifully. but still. To go to another forum that Rob cant respond on, for the sole purpose of trying ruin someone's reputation is cowardly.

  17. #17
    Alan is going to implode at WOV. It’s already starting.
    Keep your friends close, keep your drinks closer...

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by jpfromla View Post
    Alan is going to implode at WOV. It’s already starting.
    agreed. He will end up banned. It seems like he is willing to do so to get what he thinks is his revenge on Singer. For what is the part that is a little foggy to me. I guess for Singer calling him and still calling him a degenerate gambler.

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    But you DO agree I've said many times that I HAVE played my strategy for 4 years, and that I trained people on it for 10 years? Alan claims I said I never played it.

    Alan's feeling duped. Poor fellow. He should call Gaming Today and ask them how much they cared about the truth when I apologized to them.
    WHAT?!? Are YOU seriously asking me to vouch for you? I don't know about a 9 inch dick, but you must seriously have some big gonads to even think such a thing.

    I will give you this: Since you came up with this double up bug claim about a year ago, and changed your progressive wagering fantasy claim from 10 years over a million dollars to 4 years, 375K, you have stuck with that pretty consistently. But neither the original 10 years claim or the altered 4 year claim, is sustainable. they just are not realistic.

    So let's get something straight here. Alan seems to be saying that you told him the whole claim in regards to your Singer progressive system was baloney, both the original 10 years claim and the later altered 4 year claim. He is saying that you used these claims which I and others have said are impossible for cover. So let''s be clear here, are you denying what Alan is saying today Rob?
    No, you're wrong on both counts.

    1. I simply asked you to confirm that I SAID here that I played my strategy from 2000-2004. Nothing about whether I won or lost. That's your one-track mind at work again.

    2. For the tenth time---I told Alan (and apologized for) that I did not play my strategy for 10 years and win nearly $1million, but that I DID play it the first 4 years and won $375k--which was and will always remain absolutely true.

    3. I don't know if he's claiming I never taught anyone on my strategy or not, but I did, and for the entire 10 years.

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by jpfromla View Post
    Alan is going to implode at WOV. It’s already starting.
    agreed. He will end up banned. It seems like he is willing to do so to get what he thinks is his revenge on Singer. For what is the part that is a little foggy to me. I guess for Singer calling him and still calling him a degenerate gambler.
    If there is one thing that the former poster here, and current poster at WOV has been sadly consistent at - he never, never ever gets the last word. At best he leaves.
    Keep your friends close, keep your drinks closer...

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