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Thread: Alan Mendelson Going For The Jugular

  1. #181
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Especially when background checks of our resident public multi-millionaire show no assets of any significance besides a few beat vehicles registered in his name. Along with other derogatory info that doesn't compute with the narrative.
    Last night mickey made a post with about 9 or 10 different things that some of us have "claimed" regarding Singer. You know the things like, the eviction/ legal judgements against for not paying rent, the living in his daughters driveway stealing electricity. The food stamp fraud allegation. living in a mobile home park in the armpit of Nevada, Pahrump.

    Mickey seemed to think or be saying that all that stuff, some of which he repeatedly said was made up. It wasn't! It is all.... every one of those things on Singers public record that some of us looked up.

    Now I'll be honest. I am not particularly proud that I did go look those things up. In light of recent developments where someone has stalled me and right to the door of my building last summer, I am seeing that I looked that up in a different light. There is no excuse for doing that even provoked as Singer is so good at. So I am not proud that I did that and now have that information, but if you are going to try to say that all of those things are made up, I can assure you they are not.

    The food stamp thing has mysteriously disappeared from his record. If I had to guess, because the time frame is up on his disqualification from the program, he was able to get someone to remove that. Everything else mentioned is on there. Now I don't know if Singer lives in the RV parked in the driveway of a house registered to his daughter or if he lives in the house. So yeah, the living in the RV stealing electricity and wifi was a guess and meant to be humorous, as was the "cousin eddie" references.

    Should I know all these things. Probably not. And I regret looking into them. But what is done is done and the fact is just like MaxPen said, these facts just aren't consistent with Singers story.
    Your bullshit only goes so far. Very convenient of you not to be able to prove Rob was on food stamps. Put up proof or fuck off.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  2. #182
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Kew, instead of all the deflecting & diversion
    Hilarious comment from the guy who has spent 20 years with diversions & deflecting (with his vile attacks).

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    And be fully assured....if it were I who wanted to come over to your little place off the Strip that you had to move into because you couldn't afford to buy sugar daddy's house, it would absolutely happen.
    The home I sold after my partner passed, which was my home, paid for by me and the condo I purchased also paid for by me (although my brother is in the process of paying me for his half) are almost exactly the same price. Sadly, because I was pretty naïve about sharing that part of my life when I moved, there are people that searched real estate transactions and were able to connect, including the guy that stalked me last summer. Also including some in the AP community, who I don't think did so for nefarious reasons, but just out of curiosity (hopefully).

    But the point is that if the house had been in "sugardaddy's" name, as you allege, no one would have been able to piece this info together. Also my so called "sugar daddy" had no real money which would make him about the poorest "sugardaddy" ever. But never let the facts get in the way of a good attack Rob. I mean why start now.

  3. #183
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    You have to admit all but one of those stories are highly believable.
    Especially when background checks of our resident public multi-millionaire show no assets of any significance besides a few beat vehicles registered in his name. Along with other derogatory info that doesn't compute with the narrative.

    I get to put together another package? Great!! Where am I sending it? Mickey, what's your address?

    Um, mickey, you helped me post my "Tipsters or Gypsters?" records in the Retro Road Trip thread. You want to repost them for me? I appreciated your reorienting them for me. I am bad with this online posting stuff. And those futures tickets...oh yeah, they were my late cousin's, E.R. Dietz. Well, we could post them anyway. And Alan has a package somewhere with some cool stuff in it.

    The thing about sports handicapping. Your record is pretty much public. Everybody knows when you've had a bang-up season or sucked to hell.

    By the way, E.R. Dietz will be coming back from the dead soon, sort of a tribute to MDawg. Probably at WoV. I'll give you a heads up. He needs to learn to post photos. It'll be a humor thread.

    FYI, back when mickey was helping me prove my personal history, E.R. Dietz (my late cousin) posted some very impressive futures tickets. Somebody should probably look those up. The thing about E.R. -- he always made a killing in sports, but then he'd find ways to blow it. Since he's coming back from the dead, he'll be explaining this stuff at WoV. He's kind of the Super Dave of sports betting.
    I'll be glad to post up here any proof you send me via internet. I don't give my address to anyone. Now besides records of win/losses which I figure you want to send, we will need proof of monetary win. After all, a professional makes money. Anyone can make picks without betting. The proof is in the money you made. Tax returns must specifically show gambling income but will not be conclusive that you made the money betting sports. You will also need to prove that it was your main source of income.

    Another trick scamdicappers do is to buy future tickets on every team, hoping for a long shot to win. No different that buying both sides of a game for large amounts, counting the Vig as cost of doing business. Anyone looking to impress with pictures of winners knows this scam. It’s looks great when you can show a ticket paying off on a long shot and say you knew it was coming. Or showing you “knew” team X was going to win easily and you bet $10,000 or more on them? The $1000 Vig is nothing compared to what you can make off suckers looking to win with your advice.

    Not saying Red pulls these stunts but what you ask is reasonable if he is who he says he is. Naturally we won’t see any of this, but without the proof you ask, either can be assumed to be possible.

  4. #184
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I like how kew won't ever be able to prove his claims, so he concocts the excuse that "I gamble according to the math so that 100% means I win 100% of what I say I've won, and YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!
    You don't have to believe me. I have always said that. Anyone can choose to believe whatever they like.

    But there are two things. One is the math has to work. My math works. I mean most people like "King James" and jbjb and even some of my AP "friends" kind of laugh at me because I choose to play with such a narrow advantage that is card counting. BUT IT IS AN ADVANTAGE and I add some of my own twists to enhance that advantage and preserve longevity. I only occasionally reveal some of those "twists", and will never do so on this forum again as there is just no point. But no matter what anyone wants to say, my claims clear the first hurdle that the math works and for good reason.

    Ok so number one is the math has to work. The second thing is and I know I constantly repeat this but "people need to figure out who knows what they are talking about and who is just taking." When I speak of what I do, it becomes pretty clear to almost everyone that I know what I am talking about. Oh sure, some people don't like me, for a variety of different reasons but I think there is very few people familiar with me that don't find me credible, because I know what I am talking about.

    KewlJ, the one point that we have all heard a thousand times and I canno't fully grasp is the extreme small amount of barrings you have experienced in 15 years of playing in Vegas. We all know the story of you playing short sessions with a rather large rotation of casinos. You often enter and leave without buy in's and cash outs as well as playing for the most part unrated.

    When you have often told various forums that you are often recognized by someone in the pit, but that you know you will be allowed to play because that employee knows full well that you will be leaving shortly and is not worth the trouble of barring you, in my mind that is beyond comprehension, especially when fifteen years are involved. I am asking everyone on the board does KJ's story stands the test of credibility?
    Last edited by BoSox; 04-30-2020 at 02:28 PM.

  5. #185
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    And as has been noted many times over and over again at WoV, anyone who wanted to believe a negative system will win long term was dreaming.
    I am not a member at WoV (in case you aren't aware). Good that the members there regularly refute Singer's alternative math. So, if I was on that forum, I probably wouldn't have to speak up as much because other are. But here, no body speaks up much. the ones that did, regularly just grow tired and give up. And Singer just keeps on going. Doesn't matter how he is proven wrong, he just keeps coming with the same claims. So I am going to keep speaking up that they defy math and are all but impossible. "Evil triumphs when good men say/do nothing".

    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    You personally probably did more damage to ZenKing with your stories than Singer ever did to anyone.
    Get the fuck out of here! I did not encourage Zenking to attempt to follow in my footsteps. I have never encouraged anyone to. What I do is a grind. Its a tough way to make easy money. It isn't brain surgery, but it takes discipline and understanding and acceptance of the variance (swings) involved. Zenking still doesn't seem to have mastered that last part. And I am not sure he ever will. And I have said that to him both publicly and privately. It may be that he is just not cut out for this. But whether he is or isn't that is his journey. I never freaking encouraged him or anyone else to pursue card counting.

  6. #186
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I like how kew won't ever be able to prove his claims, so he concocts the excuse that "I gamble according to the math so that 100% means I win 100% of what I say I've won, and YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!
    You don't have to believe me. I have always said that. Anyone can choose to believe whatever they like.

    But there are two things. One is the math has to work. My math works. I mean most people like "King James" and jbjb and even some of my AP "friends" kind of laugh at me because I choose to play with such a narrow advantage that is card counting. BUT IT IS AN ADVANTAGE and I add some of my own twists to enhance that advantage and preserve longevity. I only occasionally reveal some of those "twists", and will never do so on this forum again as there is just no point. But no matter what anyone wants to say, my claims clear the first hurdle that the math works and for good reason.

    Ok so number one is the math has to work. The second thing is and I know I constantly repeat this but "people need to figure out who knows what they are talking about and who is just taking." When I speak of what I do, it becomes pretty clear to almost everyone that I know what I am talking about. Oh sure, some people don't like me, for a variety of different reasons but I think there is very few people familiar with me that don't find me credible, because I know what I am talking about.

    KewlJ, the one point that we have all heard a thousand times and I canno't fully grasp is the extreme small amount of barrings you have experienced in 15 years of playing in Vegas. We all know the story of you playing short sessions with a rather large rotation of casinos. You often enter and leave without buy in's and cash outs as well as playing unrated.
    When you have often told various forums that you are often recognized by someone in the pit, but that you know you will be allowed to play because that employee knows full well that you will be leaving shortly and is not worth the trouble of barring you, in my mind that is beyond comprehension, especially when fifteen years are involved. I am asking everyone on the board does KJ's story stands the test of credibility?
    Of course it doesn't and he knows that. Why else do you think he constantly has to defend himself in the face of overwhelming odds. He's always pulling pages out of math books and posting them as responses. Well, he also keeps trying to GO AGAINST THE MATH by saying the computer attached to his neck can overcome ANY equation that the casino uses to their advantage.

    Judging by the amount of time he spends posting long-winded rambles that are mainly desperate repetitions because he just doesn't feel confident enuf that he was able to pull the wool over everyone's eyes, I strongly suspect he agrees with this assessment.

  7. #187
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    And as has been noted many times over and over again at WoV, anyone who wanted to believe a negative system will win long term was dreaming.
    I am not a member at WoV (in case you aren't aware). Good that the members there regularly refute Singer's alternative math. So, if I was on that forum, I probably wouldn't have to speak up as much because other are. But here, no body speaks up much. the ones that did, regularly just grow tired and give up. And Singer just keeps on going. Doesn't matter how he is proven wrong, he just keeps coming with the same claims. So I am going to keep speaking up that they defy math and are all but impossible. "Evil triumphs when good men say/do nothing".

    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    You personally probably did more damage to ZenKing with your stories than Singer ever did to anyone.
    Get the fuck out of here! I did not encourage Zenking to attempt to follow in my footsteps. I have never encouraged anyone to. What I do is a grind. Its a tough way to make easy money. It isn't brain surgery, but it takes discipline and understanding and acceptance of the variance (swings) involved. Zenking still doesn't seem to have mastered that last part. And I am not sure he ever will. And I have said that to him both publicly and privately. It may be that he is just not cut out for this. But whether he is or isn't that is his journey. I never freaking encouraged him or anyone else to pursue card counting.
    My point on ZK is he blamed you for his predicament in the past. Has anyone ever blamed their failures in their gambling life on Singer??

    My guess is there may be one person but even he isn’t willing to admit it.

  8. #188
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I like how kew won't ever be able to prove his claims, so he concocts the excuse that "I gamble according to the math so that 100% means I win 100% of what I say I've won, and YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!
    You don't have to believe me. I have always said that. Anyone can choose to believe whatever they like.

    But there are two things. One is the math has to work. My math works. I mean most people like "King James" and jbjb and even some of my AP "friends" kind of laugh at me because I choose to play with such a narrow advantage that is card counting. BUT IT IS AN ADVANTAGE and I add some of my own twists to enhance that advantage and preserve longevity. I only occasionally reveal some of those "twists", and will never do so on this forum again as there is just no point. But no matter what anyone wants to say, my claims clear the first hurdle that the math works and for good reason.

    Ok so number one is the math has to work. The second thing is and I know I constantly repeat this but "people need to figure out who knows what they are talking about and who is just taking." When I speak of what I do, it becomes pretty clear to almost everyone that I know what I am talking about. Oh sure, some people don't like me, for a variety of different reasons but I think there is very few people familiar with me that don't find me credible, because I know what I am talking about.

    KewlJ, the one point that we have all heard a thousand times and I canno't fully grasp is the extreme small amount of barrings you have experienced in 15 years of playing in Vegas. We all know the story of you playing short sessions with a rather large rotation of casinos. You often enter and leave without buy in's and cash outs as well as playing unrated.
    When you have often told various forums that you are often recognized by someone in the pit, but that you know you will be allowed to play because that employee knows full well that you will be leaving shortly and is not worth the trouble of barring you, in my mind that is beyond comprehension, especially when fifteen years are involved. I am asking everyone on the board does KJ's story stands the test of credibility?
    An emphatic NO! You make a good point Bosox. I know from my own experience when I got the boot from a local casino shortly after I arrived that day.

    After I cashed in my chips, I talked to the manager who had come down to politely tell me no more blackjack. He actually said I could play any other game, just not blackjack. And I was a lowly red chipper, just like my good friend bomb thrower MWP.

    He said they had been watching me for a while, like a couple weeks, and finally decided to call a stop to my action. And I mean this is early in my career when I was probably a losing counter.

    So to Bosox’s point, it doesn’t seem likely that Kj has been playing for 15 years at the same casinos. Short sessions just means it’ll take them longer for them to throw him out, but they will eventually.

  9. #189
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    You have to admit all but one of those stories are highly believable.
    Especially when background checks of our resident public multi-millionaire show no assets of any significance besides a few beat vehicles registered in his name. Along with other derogatory info that doesn't compute with the narrative.

    I get to put together another package? Great!! Where am I sending it? Mickey, what's your address?

    Um, mickey, you helped me post my "Tipsters or Gypsters?" records in the Retro Road Trip thread. You want to repost them for me? I appreciated your reorienting them for me. I am bad with this online posting stuff. And those futures tickets...oh yeah, they were my late cousin's, E.R. Dietz. Well, we could post them anyway. And Alan has a package somewhere with some cool stuff in it.

    The thing about sports handicapping. Your record is pretty much public. Everybody knows when you've had a bang-up season or sucked to hell.

    By the way, E.R. Dietz will be coming back from the dead soon, sort of a tribute to MDawg. Probably at WoV. I'll give you a heads up. He needs to learn to post photos. It'll be a humor thread.

    FYI, back when mickey was helping me prove my personal history, E.R. Dietz (my late cousin) posted some very impressive futures tickets. Somebody should probably look those up. The thing about E.R. -- he always made a killing in sports, but then he'd find ways to blow it. Since he's coming back from the dead, he'll be explaining this stuff at WoV. He's kind of the Super Dave of sports betting.
    I'll be glad to post up here any proof you send me via internet. I don't give my address to anyone. Now besides records of win/losses which I figure you want to send, we will need proof of monetary win. After all, a professional makes money. Anyone can make picks without betting. The proof is in the money you made. Tax returns must specifically show gambling income but will not be conclusive that you made the money betting sports. You will also need to prove that it was your main source of income.
    This is where you'll hit a dead end with this dead beat. "What's the internet....what's an email?" "And why would I bother with all that when I can send you newspaper articles from30 years ago that tout my pickabilities?"

  10. #190
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    You don't have to believe me. I have always said that. Anyone can choose to believe whatever they like.

    But there are two things. One is the math has to work. My math works. I mean most people like "King James" and jbjb and even some of my AP "friends" kind of laugh at me because I choose to play with such a narrow advantage that is card counting. BUT IT IS AN ADVANTAGE and I add some of my own twists to enhance that advantage and preserve longevity. I only occasionally reveal some of those "twists", and will never do so on this forum again as there is just no point. But no matter what anyone wants to say, my claims clear the first hurdle that the math works and for good reason.

    Ok so number one is the math has to work. The second thing is and I know I constantly repeat this but "people need to figure out who knows what they are talking about and who is just taking." When I speak of what I do, it becomes pretty clear to almost everyone that I know what I am talking about. Oh sure, some people don't like me, for a variety of different reasons but I think there is very few people familiar with me that don't find me credible, because I know what I am talking about.

    KewlJ, the one point that we have all heard a thousand times and I canno't fully grasp is the extreme small amount of barrings you have experienced in 15 years of playing in Vegas. We all know the story of you playing short sessions with a rather large rotation of casinos. You often enter and leave without buy in's and cash outs as well as playing unrated.
    When you have often told various forums that you are often recognized by someone in the pit, but that you know you will be allowed to play because that employee knows full well that you will be leaving shortly and is not worth the trouble of barring you, in my mind that is beyond comprehension, especially when fifteen years are involved. I am asking everyone on the board does KJ's story stands the test of credibility?
    An emphatic NO! You make a good point Bosox. I know from my own experience I got the boot from a local casino shortly after I arrived that day. After I cashed in my chips for cash, I talked to the manager who had come down to politely tell me no more blackjack. He actually said I could play any other game, just not blackjack. And I was a lowly red chipper, just like my good friend bomb thrower MWP.

    He said they had been watching me for a while, like a couple weeks, and finally decided to call a stop to my action. And I mean this is early in my career when I was probably a losing counter. So to Bosox’s point, it doesn’t seem likely that Kj has been playing for 15 years at the same casinos. Short sessions just means it’ll take them longer for them to throw you out, but they will eventually.
    Doesn't matter Bob. Kew won't accept any characterization but his own. Now you are on his shit list.

  11. #191
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    KewlJ, the one point that we have all heard a thousand times and I canno't fully grasp is the extreme small amount of barrings you have experienced in 15 years of playing in Vegas. We all know the story of you playing short sessions with a rather large rotation of casinos. You often enter and leave without buy in's and cash outs as well as playing for the most part unrated.

    When you have often told various forums that you are often recognized by someone in the pit, but that you know you will be allowed to play because that employee knows full well that you will be leaving shortly and is not worth the trouble of barring you, in my mind that is beyond comprehension, especially when fifteen years are involved. I am asking everyone on the board does KJ's story stands the test of credibility?
    Do a poll BoSox! Oh wait you JUST mastered quoting, so a poll is probably still down the road for you. (That is humor my friend).

    Look BoSox, I share and have shared more of what I do that any player in our community. I try to be cautious sharing only bits and pieces here and there that might be beneficial to other players, rather than spelling it all out in one place. Some things I keep to myself. I just can't share everything or I wouldn't be able to play. Sometimes I don't share things until I am moving on from that specific thing or technique.

    I actually shared something fairly significant on another forum in the last few weeks, during this stay-at-home time. Something that has played a big part in my longevity. I was a little surprised it didn't get more traction, but unfortunately the forums I am now regulated to, don't have a lot of blackjack players and blackjack discussion, so it didn't get a lot of public comments. BUT almost as soon as I shared this particular information or technique, I got private messages and emails from 4 different people, I'll call them "AP friends", wanting to know why I would have shared such a thing, made that technique that I do and have never read that anyone else does, public. They all thought it a big mistake. It wasn't a mistake. I am moving on from that particular technique to something new I have been implementing, so I was able to share it at this time.

    So my point is. I share a lot about what I do, the techniques I use to achieve longevity and my own twists that I put on things. But I just can't share everything BoSox. I am still an active player. Maybe some day.

  12. #192
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    KewlJ, the one point that we have all heard a thousand times and I canno't fully grasp is the extreme small amount of barrings you have experienced in 15 years of playing in Vegas. We all know the story of you playing short sessions with a rather large rotation of casinos. You often enter and leave without buy in's and cash outs as well as playing for the most part unrated.

    When you have often told various forums that you are often recognized by someone in the pit, but that you know you will be allowed to play because that employee knows full well that you will be leaving shortly and is not worth the trouble of barring you, in my mind that is beyond comprehension, especially when fifteen years are involved. I am asking everyone on the board does KJ's story stands the test of credibility?
    Do a poll BoSox! Oh wait you JUST mastered quoting, so a poll is probably still down the road for you. (That is humor my friend).

    Look BoSox, I share and have shared more of what I do that any player in our community. I try to be cautious sharing only bits and pieces here and there that might be beneficial to other players, rather than spelling it all out in one place. Some things I keep to myself. I just can't share everything or I wouldn't be able to play. Sometimes I don't share things until I am moving on from that specific thing or technique.

    I actually shared something fairly significant on another forum in the last few weeks, during this stay-at-home time. Something that has played a big part in my longevity. I was a little surprised it didn't get more traction, but unfortunately the forums I am now regulated to, don't have a lot of blackjack players and blackjack discussion, so it didn't get a lot of public comments. BUT almost as soon as I shared this particular information or technique, I got private messages and emails from 4 different people, I'll call them "AP friends", wanting to know why I would have shared such a thing, made that technique that I do and have never read that anyone else does, public. They all thought it a big mistake. It wasn't a mistake. I am moving on from that particular technique to something new I have been implementing, so I was able to share it at this time.

    So my point is. I share a lot about what I do, the techniques I use to achieve longevity and my own twists that I put on things. But I just can't share everything BoSox. I am still an active player. Maybe some day.
    You're scrambling now, aren't you kew?!! And just like redietz, you think you're too smart for anybody to see it....

  13. #193
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post

    My point on ZK is he blamed you for his predicament in the past. Has anyone ever blamed their failures in their gambling life on Singer??

    My guess is there may be one person but even he isn’t willing to admit it.
    There are far more than one person that have been harmed by Singers claims. Besides the few on any forum that may admit it, there are "lurkers" on every forum. You know damn right well some probably immediately jumped on this "sure" system holy grail. Besides forums there is the platform that Alan provided. I don't know what kind of following Alan has. I am assuming small, but people keep telling me he is a celebrity.

    And lastly.....Singer wrote several book! I am assuming they weren't best sellers. (were they self published or did Anthony Curtis publish them?) I don't know but surely some people bought and read them and likely were harmed by them. So come on Slingshot isn't the only one. To his credit he admits that he has tried to play Singers system.

  14. #194
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post

    My point on ZK is he blamed you for his predicament in the past. Has anyone ever blamed their failures in their gambling life on Singer??

    My guess is there may be one person but even he isn’t willing to admit it.
    There are far more than one person that have been harmed by Singers claims. Besides the few on any forum that may admit it, there are "lurkers" on every forum. You know damn right well some probably immediately jumped on this "sure" system holy grail. Besides forums there is the platform that Alan provided. I don't know what kind of following Alan has. I am assuming small, but people keep telling me he is a celebrity.

    And lastly.....Singer wrote several book! I am assuming they weren't best sellers. (were they self published or did Anthony Curtis publish them?) I don't know but surely some people bought and read them and likely were harmed by them. So come on Slingshot isn't the only one. To his credit he admits that he has tried to play Singers system.
    And we both agree they are idiots for following a mathematically impossibility long term. Why not go after Christopher Mitchell if you are so much of a consumer advocate? Or tell people they won’t be able to do what you did because they don’t have what you do in dedication or desire? Because even if your game is mathematically sound, it doesn’t mean they can or will beat it. Why even bring up what you do?

    And other than some shitty book sales (See Dancer, Curtis, Wizard, Munchkin, Rubin) what did Singer make off his claims from suckers? Certainly less than all those I listed.

  15. #195
    Can't wait to see how this Christopher Mitchell saga plays out.

  16. #196
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Singer wrote several books! I don't know but surely some people bought and read them and likely were harmed by them.
    My understanding is that Rob wrote 2 books, that were more like long trip reports than gambling strategy books.

    Rob's also written several times that he has given many books away, is willing to give away more, and wanted to give them all away from the start but the publisher wouldn't allow it.

    It's astonishing how the attitudes have changed around here,
    must be a virus going around or something...

    Now if 6 turned out to be 9
    I don't mind, I don't mind
    If all the hippies cut off all their hair
    I don't care, I don't care
    'cos I got my own world to live through
    And I ain't gonna copy you

  17. #197
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Can't wait to see how this Christopher Mitchell saga plays out.
    The guy going after him seemed to be a bulldog. I think we all agree anything he gets is well deserved.

    But again, anyone who fell for his shit probably deserves the fucking they got. The only sad thing is the one guy that actually wins is happy to split his winnings with him and will become an advocate for him.

  18. #198
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    KewlJ, the one point that we have all heard a thousand times and I canno't fully grasp is the extreme small amount of barrings you have experienced in 15 years of playing in Vegas. We all know the story of you playing short sessions with a rather large rotation of casinos. You often enter and leave without buy in's and cash outs as well as playing for the most part unrated.

    When you have often told various forums that you are often recognized by someone in the pit, but that you know you will be allowed to play because that employee knows full well that you will be leaving shortly and is not worth the trouble of barring you, in my mind that is beyond comprehension, especially when fifteen years are involved. I am asking everyone on the board does KJ's story stands the test of credibility?
    One more thing BoSox. You learn to read people.

    A little story from years ago just after I moved to Vegas. I fell in love with The M resort. They had good blackjack games at the time, table were not crowded during weekdays, had a nice buffet (at the time). I just really liked that place. And unfortunately over-played it.

    They were tolerant of me and I sort of became a regular. Several times a week and worst of all usually the same time of day, late morning/early afternoon on weekdays so I could hit that buffet. And I saw the same dealers and pit. Like I said they were tolerant of me, more than I would have expected. One pit guy in particular seemed to really like me. He had an Irish last name and was clearly of Irish decent as I am. He also had a Philadelphia connection although he had been in Vegas for a long time and at that times I regularly wore hats and shirts with Philly sports team logos. I have gotten away from that as it became too identifying.

    So like I said the guy was just super friendly every time I saw him. Nice warm :good morning: and always lots a small talk chit chat about almost anything under the sun. So one day I come in, buy in and start playing. He comes over and I say good morning so and so. I get a very cold "Morning" back from him. 10 minutes later I was backed off with a rather weird incident of a guy in a suit following me around the casinos as I ate and did other things. I mean I knew that backoff was coming as soon as I got that cold "morning" from my pit "buddy".

    That was sort of my first experience with reading someone. And I have gotten far, far better in the last 8-9 years. I am almost never surprised by a back off anymore. I almost always know when one might be coming. Rarely am I caught by surprise. And that means I am able to avoid most of them. Even new pit folks that I encounter, you can read them and just get a feel for them almost immediately. I don't think this a special gift or talent, just experience at play. So this is a big part of why I experience relatively few backoffs now a days. To get one, it is almost like I have had to have read someone wrong and/or been surprised by them.

  19. #199
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Another trick scamdicappers do is to buy future tickets on every team, hoping for a long shot to win.

    Not saying Red pulls these stunts
    OK...but you didn't say anything about E.R.Dietz.

    I hereby find E.R. posthumously guilty of scamdicapping.

  20. #200
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Can't wait to see how this Christopher Mitchell saga plays out.
    The guy going after him seemed to be a bulldog. I think we all agree anything he gets is well deserved.

    But again, anyone who fell for his shit probably deserves the fucking they got. The only sad thing is the one guy that actually wins is happy to split his winnings with him and will become an advocate for him.
    Kevin Davis is the same guy that did this same thing to Michael Morgenstern. Some of those video are comedy gold.

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