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Thread: The Big Hurt Is Coming

  1. #81
    I'll comment here, now that I've got all things done for tomorrow's departure.

    As usual, kew is barking up the wrong tree, with a blatant lack of knowledge along with a deep-set burning envy over everything Rob Singer.

    Neither of my books include anything about my strategy. The first one is all about how misled I felt I was by the "AP gurus" who sold me their goods but couldn't deliver. The 2nd book was about a trip around the entire state of Nevada in 30 days, which unbeknowst to me at the time set up what would become a good route to work the DU play a bit later.

    So kew looks like just another dummy yet again. Big surprise. He keeps trying and trying, yet he keeps failing and failing. Maybe sabre can step in and lick him as a consolation prize.

  2. #82
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    The same could be said for you and blackjack, except that the winning strategy you employ wasn't developed by you.
    That is correct. Everything I learned and began employing was developed by other very successful players based on sound mathematical principals. I have added some of my own twists and things over the years based on my experience, but everything starts with sound, proven mathematical principals.

    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Now about the agenda...what was Singer's agenda, especially with respect to the timing of the book?
    Coach belly, I don't know if you are familiar with my situation at Norm's blackjack site where my forum banning troubles began. There was a guy that after decades of being a low limit recreational player, announced that he would be known as one of the blackjack greats. He then began touting his super duper counting system that would allow a player to have 5 times the advantage of a traditional card counter. Basically a 5% advantage, which is impossible from card counting. If a player were to place his laptop on the felt (table) so as to allow for perfect play, he could not achieve a 5% advantage. That kind of advantage requires more advanced things like hole-carding.

    So I never knew exactly what this guys agenda was, because he didn't appear to be selling anything. No book. He wasn't selling his system, just pushing it. But that didn't make it any less wrong or any less of an agenda.

    Now when I encountered the Singer situation I saw a lot of similarities. Rob was spewing BS claims but it wasn't clear to me why. I only recently became aware that he had published books. (self published or limited run if I am not mistaken, meaning he paid for the publishing). Still I didn't think THAT was the motivation behind his agenda. I though his agenda was to make a name for himself, trying to out do, Dancer, who Rob was obviously obsessed with. And I still think that was a big part of it. But I now think the books were a big part of it. I believe Rob thought those books would take off and become a money making deal. And the more controversial he could be, the better I believe he thought sales would be. But that didn't happen as his target audience wasn't buying any of his snake oil.

    And as time went on, Rob moved on to other claims, as these snake oil salesmen often do. So yeah, I do believe book sales was Rob's initial agenda or at least part of it, in creating a name for himself, no matter how controversial. That is right out of Donald Trumps playbook isn't it? One of the big takeaways from Art of the deal is that there is no such thing as bad publicity. If people are talking....that is a good thing.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  3. #83
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Neither of my books include anything about my strategy. The first one is all about how misled I felt I was by the "AP gurus" who sold me their goods but couldn't deliver.
    Who sold you a bill of goods? Name names?

    I think what you mean to say is that some successful VP players, probably Dancer, but maybe others, shared sound, mathematical principals that many people have used to make a profit playing video poker. You however, being a lifelong degenerate losing player, as you admit from 1994-2000, but most likely long before that, didn't have the discipline to make it work and play a winning game. So you began a crusade against successful advantage players that have been able to success where you have failed, using sound mathematical principals. A crusade based on envy and bitterness that has lasted to present day times.

    Now before you even dispute the envious comment, I am not talking about wealth, or success you may have had in the working world, I am talking strictly about beating the casinos. That was your big dream and you failed. You are envious and down right bitter towards those that have been able to do what you dreamed of. And that explains your 20 year crusade against advantage players and the proven gambling math. Think about THAT on your trip. You failed at the thing you wanted most of all. And because you failed, all you had left was a world of make believe and fantasy claims, constantly evolving fantasy claims....for 20 years now!

    Wise up!
    Last edited by kewlJ; 05-12-2020 at 04:33 PM.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  4. #84
    Think about the AP's on this forum or other forums that have shared some of their experiences and history. Their "stories" don't change. My story is consistent and based on math and for good reason. Mickeycrimm's story has been very consistent. Same with Axelwolf and even Dancer. Bosox, is one of those AP's that don't share too much (and doesn't like it when others do), but what he shares doesn't change, it is consistent. Even recreational players, same thing. Very consistent over years and decades.

    And then we have Rob Singer, who's story changes more than his diaper. And all of it defies the mathematics. It is simply fantasy stuff because that is what Rob Singer is....a fantasy writer.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  5. #85
    I think you're blaming Dancer, Paymar etc. for my losing more than I am kew....

    But it's worthy noting that with all your concocted stories of winning year after year while outsmarting casino surveillance, the whiny ass squeally little twit that you are will never, ever produce proof that you win anything at all, let alone proof that you even play. "I don't need to prove my claims because I play according to the math!" doesn't cut it in the real world. Nobody needs proof of the math. We need proof that you do what you claim to do. For all anybody knows, you suck at the game and it wouldn't be that far of a stretch either, given your complete inability of having any discipline at all.

    So fess up Mr. BJ pro--prove something other than your envy and propensity for running your mouth.

    And wise up.

  6. #86
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I think you're blaming Dancer, Paymar etc. for my losing more than I am kew....

    But it's worthy noting that with all your concocted stories of winning year after year while outsmarting casino surveillance, the whiny ass squeally little twit that you are will never, ever produce proof that you win anything at all, let alone proof that you even play. "I don't need to prove my claims because I play according to the math!" doesn't cut it in the real world. Nobody needs proof of the math. We need proof that you do what you claim to do. For all anybody knows, you suck at the game and it wouldn't be that far of a stretch either, given your complete inability of having any discipline at all.

    So fess up Mr. BJ pro--prove something other than your envy and propensity for running your mouth.

    And wise up.

    I don't try to outsmart casinos or casino surveillance. That is a losing strategy or at least a strategy that doesn't lend to longevity. I learned that in my time in Atlantic City. You achieve longevity by identifying tolerance and comfort levels of different casinos, shifts, even pit people and playing within those levels that people (pit and surveillance) don't have to answer for.

    Anyway, here is the difference between me and all the other AP's I mentioned and even those I didn't mention and you. We are active current players, all playing against a foe who wants to identify us and stop us from playing. That is why we have to be anonymous on forums and why none of us are about to prove anything to on a message board forum that can put our careers or playing days in jeopardy.

    But you are not an AP, not anonymous and not a current player. And the casino and casino industry isn't trying to stop you from playing, on the contrary they welcome you because you are a lifelong losing player. So YOU are free to provide supporting evidence of your claims without the consequences that we have.

    So one has to ask if this story was so important to you, that you just HAD to tell someone as you told Mike last night and have stated here multiple times, why would you be unwilling to provide any such evidence? Why would you fight it at every turn, placing conditions you know can't be met? Such evidence would only give you the glory and attention that you seek. So despite all your efforts, there is no reason that makes sense except you can't because the evidence requested, even by Mike and Dan Druff now, would not prove your claims but rather expose you.

    Gigs up Rob.

    Everyone else WISE UP!
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  7. #87
    Only you could make a glaring fool of yourself on TWO threads at once! Is this supposed to correlate with your "ability" to count TWO tables simultaneously?

    Let us know how much rope you need the night Trump wins again. And let us all know the level of P-A-I-N you'll be suffering first though. We'll need a good belly-laugh to go along with the endless smiles.

  8. #88
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    Questions to Rob:

    5) You said in the video that you got a few $100k winners using this trick. If you were so worried about getting in trouble, which you seemed to be, why did you hit these machines for such high denomination wins, where the chance of them examining your play was higher?
    5. My mindset was to play without worrying. People who wilt are ineffective. The worry came after I left casinos but it passed quickly. I hit large jackpots playing my strategy in the past and multiple jackpots on the same machines. There was never any trouble or reviews that I saw. When you hit these large winners, they usually have a tech come over and scroll thru the screens to make sure nothing was tampered with physically or electronically. And nothing was. Plus, now we know any notion that upstairs re-runs videos of players who hit one jackpot let alone many, was completely disspelled by the play of Kane and Nestor.
    While I don't care if Rob did or didn't do the DU thingy, I find it somewhat interesting. I thought this question by Dan was a good one, and I don't believe Rob's answer made much sense.

    Rob's answer is that he played the DU the same way as he would when playing under normal non-cheating conditions. This makes no sense. If I knew I was doing something that was obviously against the rules of the game, and I wanted to get away with it, the last thing I'd do is win a big jackpot and draw attention to myself.

    I mean with this play you could control how much you won, so there would be no reason to ever win a big jackpot. If surveillance ever went back and carefully looked at the video, they could see something funny going on. Why risk it? I'm surprised any smart person who wanted to get away with this play for an extended period of time would ever want to win a big jackpot. Makes no sense.

    I also checked on the stature of limitations on tax fraud. This is something MDawg brought up. It turns out he's right, there is no statue of limitations. While I have no idea what Rob put on his tax returns during this time, I doubt if he claimed $2.8 million of gambling winnings during this time. If he didn't claim this amount and he REALLY won $2.8 million this could open him up for tax fraud. Who would do that? Most smart people wouldn't. They'd take that secret to their grave. But if he didn't win this amount, Rob knows the IRS can't prosecute him for something he didn't do, so he's not worried about this. Just something to think about. Not proof of anything.

    Again, not a big deal to me. But since I have nothing else to do tonight, I thought I'd inject my two cents worth. Who knows, this might have only been one cent worth.

  9. #89
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Let us know how much rope you need the night Trump wins again. And let us all know the level of P-A-I-N you'll be suffering first though. We'll need a good belly-laugh to go along with the endless smiles.
    Not only is Trump not going to win, but I don't believe he will even be running. The end might come as early as next month when the supreme court releases it's decision for the term, including todays case on Trump taxes. It is actually 3 separate cases and if the supreme court rules against Trump in any one, his taxes will be released and I suspect he will step down before that.

    If the Taxes don't do it, the end may come later in the summer, probably around Labor day, when polls show him down 15 point. There have not been and will not be much movement in Trumps numbers. Everything is baked in. He is around 40% and it is not going up, EVEN with Joe Biden being the dems nominee. If Trump runs he will lose because of women. His numbers with women are off 20% from 2016. Women decided 2018 midterms and they will decide the 2020 presidential election. And they aren't wavering or undecided. They have made up their mind.

    This will be come obvious to Trump sometime around Labor day and he will abandon the Republicans quicker than he hijacked them. None of that "captain going down with the ship" stuff. Trump will be the first one to jump ship. The rats always are the first ones off. Oh he will come up with some excuse that blames everyone and anyone else, but make no mistake, He will jump ship. He is not a "when the going gets tough"... kind of guy.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  10. #90
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Not only is Trump not going to win, but I don't believe he will even be running. The end might come as early as next month when the supreme court releases it's decision for the term, including todays case on Trump taxes. It is actually 3 separate cases and if the supreme court rules against Trump in any one, his taxes will be released and I suspect he will step down before that.

    If the Taxes don't do it, the end may come later in the summer, probably around Labor day, when polls show him down 15 point. There have not been and will not be much movement in Trumps numbers. Everything is baked in. He is around 40% and it is not going up, EVEN with Joe Biden being the dems nominee. If Trump runs he will lose because of women. His numbers with women are off 20% from 2016. Women decided 2018 midterms and they will decide the 2020 presidential election. And they aren't wavering or undecided. They have made up their mind.

    This will be come obvious to Trump sometime around Labor day and he will abandon the Republicans quicker than he hijacked them. None of that "captain going down with the ship" stuff. Trump will be the first one to jump ship. The rats always are the first ones off. Oh he will come up with some excuse that blames everyone and anyone else, but make no mistake, He will jump ship. He is not a when the going gets tough kind of guy.
    I'm not sure who is more delusional between you and Redietz anymore.
    After this post I guess you are leading.

  11. #91
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Think about the AP's on this forum or other forums that have shared some of their experiences and history. Their "stories" don't change. My story is consistent and based on math and for good reason. Mickeycrimm's story has been very consistent. Same with Axelwolf and even Dancer. Bosox, is one of those AP's that don't share too much (and doesn't like it when others do), but what he shares doesn't change, it is consistent. Even recreational players, same thing. Very consistent over years and decades.

    And then we have Rob Singer, who's story changes more than his diaper. And all of it defies the mathematics. It is simply fantasy stuff because that is what Rob Singer is....a fantasy writer.
    for the record, I do and have shared, sometimes too much even. I prefer not to do it on a public forum that's available for anyone and everyone to see. If you go back through my post I have shared some plays that came up in the past that. They were mostly things I didn't think would could or would come up again.
    I've answered multiple video poker questions gave advice on how one could get started. I have Talked about bankroll management, AP Theory and various strategies along with other things related to Advantage play. I have no doubt you can find quite a few people (even guys that were already known in blackjack and other types of Advantage play) that would tell you that I help them quite a bit learn some new interesting things that's helped lead them and open their eyes to new very profitable things. To be honest, I think it's a lot easier to talk about card counting since they're so much information out there as it is already.

  12. #92
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I think you're blaming Dancer, Paymar etc. for my losing more than I am kew....

    But it's worthy noting that with all your concocted stories of winning year after year while outsmarting casino surveillance, the whiny ass squeally little twit that you are will never, ever produce proof that you win anything at all, let alone proof that you even play. "I don't need to prove my claims because I play according to the math!" doesn't cut it in the real world. Nobody needs proof of the math. We need proof that you do what you claim to do. For all anybody knows, you suck at the game and it wouldn't be that far of a stretch either, given your complete inability of having any discipline at all.

    So fess up Mr. BJ pro--prove something other than your envy and propensity for running your mouth.

    And wise up.
    Rob, what years were you attempting real Advantage play on machines?

    I have no idea what you were doing, but I can guarantee you if you were playing the stuff that I was there would be zero chance you would have a losing 3 months, let alone losing after that many years.

    I have kind of noticed what you said about Advantage play when talking about it. For the most part I get the feeling you are painting a picture how someone sitting there putting in long hours trying to turn out a small one or one and a half percent advantage, 2% on a good day, hoping everything runs as it should. I certainly played things like that but a tremendous amount of what I was doing had a much higher percent Advantage than that. For example, one of my favorite plays was a double four of a kind promotion, especially when they were giving you a true double on all four of a kinds. Something like that is a home run, it would be fairly hard to lose on something like that. Normally they kept it at 125 coin bonus, but even then, that's going to be a home run after a short. I can't even remember the number of times I played a double four of a kind promotion.

    I think I may have mentioned the double four of a kind Secretaries Day promotion. That's kind of a funny/ fun story. Perhaps, I'll tell the story, someone might enjoy it.

  13. #93
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I think you're blaming Dancer, Paymar etc. for my losing more than I am kew....

    But it's worthy noting that with all your concocted stories of winning year after year while outsmarting casino surveillance, the whiny ass squeally little twit that you are will never, ever produce proof that you win anything at all, let alone proof that you even play. "I don't need to prove my claims because I play according to the math!" doesn't cut it in the real world. Nobody needs proof of the math. We need proof that you do what you claim to do. For all anybody knows, you suck at the game and it wouldn't be that far of a stretch either, given your complete inability of having any discipline at all.

    So fess up Mr. BJ pro--prove something other than your envy and propensity for running your mouth.

    And wise up.
    Rob, what years were you attempting real Advantage play on machines?

    I have no idea what you were doing, but I can guarantee you... if you were playing the stuff that I was, there would be zero chance you would have a losing 3 months, let alone, losing after that many years.

    I have noticed what you said about Advantage play when talking about it. For the most part, I get the feeling you are painting a picture about someone sitting there putting in long hours trying to grind out a small 1%-1.5 %.... 2% on a good day, hoping everything runs as it should. I certainly played things like that, but a tremendous amount of what I was doing had a much much higher percent Advantage than that. Let's play the video to poker with over a 200% advantage(how the hell are you going to lose on something like that?).

    One of my favorite plays was a double four of a kind promotion, especially when they were giving you a true double on all four of a kinds. Something like that is a home run, it would be fairly hard to lose on something like that. Normally they kept it at 125 coin bonus, but even then, that's going to be a home run after a short. I can't even remember the number of times I played a double four of a kind promotion.

    I think I may have mentioned the double four of a kind Secretaries Day promotion. That's kind of a funny/ fun story. Perhaps, I'll tell the story, someone might enjoy it.

  14. #94
    Now you have AndrewG trying to portray Robocchio on WoV as some sort of gangsta…

    "By the way today on VCT he made it clear he is armed and threatened anyone who might approach his wife or grandkids. I don't know who would but clearly he's dangerous. Several times when I spoke to him he reminded me that he killed two people. I don't know the circumstances but I consider him dangerous. I won't have any further contact with him."

    This is almost as outlandish as Redietz's accusations that this is an alt-right forum. Then stating he will report this place to the government. You can't make this retarded shit up.

    Episode 4 of As Grandpa's Dreams Turn.....GOAT

  15. #95
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Now you have AndrewG trying to portray Robocchio on WoV as some sort of gangsta…

    "By the way today on VCT he made it clear he is armed and threatened anyone who might approach his wife or grandkids. I don't know who would but clearly he's dangerous. Several times when I spoke to him he reminded me that he killed two people. I don't know the circumstances but I consider him dangerous. I won't have any further contact with him."

    This is almost as outlandish as Redietz's accusations that this is an alt-right forum. Then stating he will report this place to the government. You can't make this retarded shit up.

    Episode 4 of As Grandpa's Dreams Turn.....GOAT
    Allow me to repost Mr Singer's entire post which appeared earlier in this thread:

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    It sounds like you don't want a follow-up interview?
    There is zero chance that Axel will allow a video of himself interviewing you to be shared on any of these forums without his personage hidden, and his voice distorted.

    He never explained why he declined Mike's invitation in the first place...when he would have ripped the mic away from the Wiz and go after you with really tough questions.

    If these high-profile doubters want first-hand proof of your RV, why not invite them to meet you somewhere en route to your next destination for a personal tour?
    I didn't think about axel's anonymity. But if we do an interview then we do it face-to-face. No voice distortions/no facial hiding.

    My next destination is S. Dakota, then Minnesota. We're going thru Colorado, where we will spend a few days at an RV park near Boulder. Anybody who wants to meet us there send me an email. But you will not be allowed near my wife or grandchildren. I'll have a Glock 29 10mm and a backup 380 LCP II to support that.

  16. #96
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post

    Allow me to repost Mr Singer's entire post which appeared earlier in this thread:

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    It sounds like you don't want a follow-up interview?
    There is zero chance that Axel will allow a video of himself interviewing you to be shared on any of these forums without his personage hidden, and his voice distorted.

    He never explained why he declined Mike's invitation in the first place...when he would have ripped the mic away from the Wiz and go after you with really tough questions.

    If these high-profile doubters want first-hand proof of your RV, why not invite them to meet you somewhere en route to your next destination for a personal tour?
    I didn't think about axel's anonymity. But if we do an interview then we do it face-to-face. No voice distortions/no facial hiding.

    My next destination is S. Dakota, then Minnesota. We're going thru Colorado, where we will spend a few days at an RV park near Boulder. Anybody who wants to meet us there send me an email. But you will not be allowed near my wife or grandchildren. I'll have a Glock 29 10mm and a backup 380 LCP II to support that.
    Well, of course he doesn't want anyone near his wife and grandkids. He can't have his family find out about his online story telling. Plus they'll be in the camper van at the trailer park while he meets anyone that wants to go at the laundromat down the road.
    Not even David Blaine could turn a camper into a $1.5 million Newell.

  17. #97
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    Well, of course he doesn't want anyone near his wife and grandkids. He can't have his family find out about his online story telling. Plus they'll be in the camper van at the trailer park while he meets anyone that wants to go at the laundromat down the road.
    Not even David Blaine could turn a camper into a $1.5 million Newell.
    Rob Singer unlikely could even shoot a gun. He's exposed his leftist views on gun-ownership previously. All this tough-guy talk is simply a ruse to keep anyone from approaching him around his family because of the shame and berating his wife would give him. "You told me you were done with this internet websites".

    "Honey, honey, I tried. I asked them to kick me off. I told them I wasn't coming back, but dear, you don't know how haaaard it is."

    Show us the picture of the hooptie RV Rob and stop living your life of online lies. Even I own a hooptie RV. That doesn't mean I'm proud of it, but it was a simple cash purchase. Rusty on the bottom but sound otherwise. We won't judge and maybe Kewl would agree to take the high-road and layoff you.

  18. #98
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post

    Allow me to repost Mr Singer's entire post which appeared earlier in this thread:

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    It sounds like you don't want a follow-up interview?
    There is zero chance that Axel will allow a video of himself interviewing you to be shared on any of these forums without his personage hidden, and his voice distorted.

    He never explained why he declined Mike's invitation in the first place...when he would have ripped the mic away from the Wiz and go after you with really tough questions.

    If these high-profile doubters want first-hand proof of your RV, why not invite them to meet you somewhere en route to your next destination for a personal tour?
    I didn't think about axel's anonymity. But if we do an interview then we do it face-to-face. No voice distortions/no facial hiding.

    My next destination is S. Dakota, then Minnesota. We're going thru Colorado, where we will spend a few days at an RV park near Boulder. Anybody who wants to meet us there send me an email. But you will not be allowed near my wife or grandchildren. I'll have a Glock 29 10mm and a backup 380 LCP II to support that.
    Well, of course he doesn't want anyone near his wife and grandkids. He can't have his family find out about his online story telling. Plus they'll be in the camper van at the trailer park while he meets anyone that wants to go at the laundromat down the road.
    Not even David Blaine could turn a camper into a $1.5 million Newell.
    max we've been married nearly 42 years--which pisses a lot of the losers around here off--so my wife is aware to the extent she wants to be aware of the nonsense that gets flung my way. She simply laughs, knowing what I've accomplished in the vp world. And two teens? Wise up.

    Which reminds me....Boulder's only 800 miles from LV. Why is kew, Alan, etc. not contacting me about making the drive for a tour of the rig? You mean their hysteria was just an act? No families, no self-respect, no life. What else do these slugs have to do right now?

    You're probably also not going to like this: we have a 2-yr. old winnebago camper AND the Newell. But I've never liked driving a class A. It's too big, which is why our son uses it more than we do these days. It's also a money pit, which are reasons why it'll be for sale in the fall. We'll probably be asking $675k. It's in pristine shape for 10 years old. Only 38,000 miles. When I put the ad w/pic on the internet I'll post a copy of it here. You people deserve a fair shot.

    Well, grandkids are up which means our journey begins. Keep posting the spin, twists and omissions! I'll try to catch up in 3-4 weeks. And stop being a grumpy old man

  19. #99
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    max we've been married nearly 42 years--which pisses a lot of the losers around here off--so my wife is aware to the extent she wants to be aware of the nonsense that gets flung my way. She simply laughs, knowing what I've accomplished in the vp world. And two teens? Wise up.

    Which reminds me....Boulder's only 800 miles from LV. Why is kew, Alan, etc. not contacting me about making the drive for a tour of the rig? You mean their hysteria was just an act? No families, no self-respect, no life. What else do these slugs have to do right now?

    You're probably also not going to like this: we have a 2-yr. old winnebago camper AND the Newell. But I've never liked driving a class A. It's too big, which is why our son uses it more than we do these days. It's also a money pit, which are reasons why it'll be for sale in the fall. We'll probably be asking $675k. It's in pristine shape for 10 years old. Only 38,000 miles. When I put the ad w/pic on the internet I'll post a copy of it here. You people deserve a fair shot.

    Well, grandkids are up which means our journey begins. Keep posting the spin, twists and omissions! I'll try to catch up in 3-4 weeks. And stop being a grumpy old man
    More Singer Bullshit! Singer doesn't own a Newell. He owns a Winnebago or more precisely the bank owns his Winnebago. Even that he is still paying on. He doesn't own a Newell. Never owned a Newell. And that is precisely why he can't and won't show any kind of documentation about a Newell. And now suddenly he is preparing to sell the make believe Newell, to remove that from the discussion because he can't produce it.

    In 2011 Singer lived in an Apartment and owned a winnebego. Does THAT sound like a guy who won 2.8 million over 5 years ending in 2009? Does it sound like a guy who made all the money in the private sector that Singer claims? He lived in an apartment, and there is nothing wrong with that, until he starts lying with all this make believe crap. He has lived in apartments all his life, evicted from one with a legal judgement. And yes the food stamp penalty was there, but no longer is, because it happened. He never purchased a Newell and he never purchased property (that he says he put in his daughter and son-in-laws name). They purchased the properties and still have mortgages on them.

    Singer is a retired dude, living a modest retired life, on social security and whatever other retirement he may have, same as most retired people. Except Singer isn't content with that, so he has invented a fantasy existence with ever changing claims of casino financial quests. He considers himself a writer, and that's all this now decades troll of the AP community is, a work of fiction.

    I am getting tired of telling you people, WISE UP!. At least do yourself the favor of looking into it. If you enjoy these works of fiction and the decades old Troll of the AP community that is Rob Singer, that's fine. Just know what it is.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  20. #100
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Let us know how much rope you need the night Trump wins again. And let us all know the level of P-A-I-N you'll be suffering first though. We'll need a good belly-laugh to go along with the endless smiles.
    Not only is Trump not going to win, but I don't believe he will even be running. The end might come as early as next month when the supreme court releases it's decision for the term, including todays case on Trump taxes. It is actually 3 separate cases and if the supreme court rules against Trump in any one, his taxes will be released and I suspect he will step down before that.

    If the Taxes don't do it, the end may come later in the summer, probably around Labor day, when polls show him down 15 point. There have not been and will not be much movement in Trumps numbers. Everything is baked in. He is around 40% and it is not going up, EVEN with Joe Biden being the dems nominee. If Trump runs he will lose because of women. His numbers with women are off 20% from 2016. Women decided 2018 midterms and they will decide the 2020 presidential election. And they aren't wavering or undecided. They have made up their mind.

    This will be come obvious to Trump sometime around Labor day and he will abandon the Republicans quicker than he hijacked them. None of that "captain going down with the ship" stuff. Trump will be the first one to jump ship. The rats always are the first ones off. Oh he will come up with some excuse that blames everyone and anyone else, but make no mistake, He will jump ship. He is not a "when the going gets tough"... kind of guy.
    Care to gamble on whether Trump runs or not? I'll go 1K that says Trump runs. You can most likely get more action on this bet Mr. Political Operative.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

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