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Thread: The Big Hurt Is Coming

  1. #281
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    OK a couple more thoughts.

    1.) and this is another thing I never thought I would say. Blackhole's post, now buried a couple pages back is what a real man admitting he was wrong looks like. Good for you Blackhole. There is no shame in being wrong or reading a situation wrong. There is some shame in refusing to admit it when the truth is staring you in the face. Mickey went half way with his "I'll admit this don't look good for Rob". I guess that is as far as he can go and him telling you what he really feels.

    2.) Early this morning mickey as I expected lashed out at both MaxPen and myself with vulgar name calling. And then he said something astonishing to me, "You don't have anything to do with it. Fuck off, cunt". The truth is I have everything to do with this. Since the day Rob stole this claim of the double up for his own, I have kept up the pressure, because I knew it was all bullshit. I looked into Rob's history to be sure I was right and released what info I was able to in the hopes that other people would check things out for themselves.

    Each time I did, Rob responded as a serial liar / troll does, with more personal attacks and nasty lies about me and my family. Same as he does with anyone who dares challenge him. That is a bully tactic to scare them away and scare them from continuing to tell the truth. And it deflects from the truth being told. But each time he did, I endured. I just continued on, not seeking, because I knew the truth, but slowly, methodically revealing the truth and Rob's lies. As recently as 2-3 days ago, I was criticized for this with several people saying I should move on.

    Now my badgering Rob with the truth and constantly exposing his BS, by itself wouldn't have broken the damn. As my new signature of Alan's words say, Rob always had an answer or made one up. The problem is each time you do that, you leave little strings that don't make sense. And with enough strings, you have the rope needed to hang yourself.

    3.) This morning, my friend BoSox said: "Considering his history he could not have made it easier to discover, Singer does not work that way. The story is not complete". You are right to feel this way BoSox. Rob is a master troll and a professional liar. So you don't expect him to slip up as he did yesterday. But that slip up was out of desperation. When Alan took this story back to WoV and got Mike to do the interview, Alan masterfully cornered Rob. Rob HAD to do the interview and he looked worse than ever. His refusal to produce any kind of supporting documentation could no longer just be dismissed. First Mike and the Dan Druff weighing in after the interview that Rob should at least produce some documentation on the RV that he himself (Rob) said he bought with the DU bug money became overwhelming.

    Rob HAD to do something. And he knew he couldn't produce the paperwork, because those of us that looked into it know there is no paperwork, because Rob NEVER owned an RV of the value he stated. Again, anyone can check these records. So unable to produce that record Rob had two choice, he could make up phony documentation (photoshop ect) of which he has proven to be not too good at, or he take pictures of a similar RV, claiming that is his. Rob chose the later and that too blew up in his face because he is just not good at that kind of thing.

    So yes, BoSox, you are correct that it was a little surprising to see Rob slip up as he did, but it was out of desperation. He was backed into a corner and had to try something.

    Do I take pleasure in this? You bet your ass I do! Not because Rob has beyond a doubt been exposed, which I believe real AP's have right to expose these phony claims, but because Rob made it so personal with me.

    I tell you the one person we haven't heard from that I would like to is slingshot. Just wondering what your thoughts are slingshot.
    Wow! Didn't expect all this-or that anyone would care about my thoughts. Just received post my grandaughter's tumors had shrunk from treatments considerably and she's so excited to also learn some change in meds and her hair will now grow, although the meds will turn it slightly whiter. Anyway, my best friend has his really nice tow camper with all amenities at the lake here and we have visited several times- though not lately due to the Trumpdemic. My thoughts? Seeing my 10 year old granddaughter sink an over the back basket a la Jordan,bald headed,from the free throw line,then give the first pump "YES",is worth more than anything! On a side note-I enjoyed the visits to the lake, but getting back home was refreshing. As they say, no place like home. Now-reality check. The DUB is over with! Rob's life with vp seems, by his own admission, a passing interest. So how does any of this affect my life? Finally, I was a nobody who didn't prepare in life and had nothing when I met my present wife who just wouldn't take my word that I wasn't worth the time or effort. I didn't even know her parents had money until our 3rd year when they called us over and handed me the keys to a new Chrysler- her mother had congestive heart failure and.couldn't drive anymore. Then came the trust fund-which I won't touch-and a fairly new Ford Expedition. So that is why I play low stakes and certainly have no right to comment on anyone else. I'm richly blessed.

  2. #282
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    I was kind of wondering about the pricing as well, but I wasn't sure how much mileage and various different options an upgrades counted as far as the price goes. Whatever the case, when you're trying to hide or launder or spend money, price isn't always an issue.
    I can't speak for hypotheticals...there are many different scenarios, but according to what Rob says he won the money via slot or video gaming machines, which would mean that any jackpot over $1200. would have already been reported via a W-2G, right? There's no way he could have won the millions he claims to have won via slots/video gaming and not received a multitude of W-2Gs.

    Also, he has said more than once that his tax returns would back up his claimed winnings.

    Assuming what he has said is true, then all of the money would already have been reported and even paid tax against, in which case there would have been no further need to rinse it.

    Even if everything he says about filing taxes against it is just a cover story he told us versus admitting tax evasion, and he somehow was able to avoid the W-2Gs or somehow managed to get them issued against bogus identities...a lot of ifs...and he just somehow ended up with a pile of $2.8M in unreported cash, once he got that unreported cash into a form where he could buy anything priced over ten grand without reporting, this would presuppose that he already laundered it.

    Showing up at the motor home dealer with a million and half in cash is going to result, assuming the motor home dealer is even willing to accept that much cash which is extremely doubtful, in a financial cash report
    and that amount of cash received is going to trigger a major red flag with the government.

    Point being, that before he showed up at the motor home dealer, again assuming all of the ifs including the biggest if of whether any of this is even true and a million dollar or close motor home was purchased, he would have already dealt with converting that cash to something more like a cashier's check, in which case, already laundered, there would have been no reason to blow or overspend the money.

    Have you ever seen the movie At Close Range? In it Christopher Walken's character buys a used car for cash, drives it across the street and sells it for cash, and then declares that he has laundered the money. That's ridiculous. All he did was convert the cash in his hand to a lower sum of cash in his hand. It wasn't like those particular initial dollars had been reported stolen. This sort of misunderstanding of what money laundering is, and isn't, leads to thinking that Rob's implied story of that he needed to park cash in something like a motorhome was part of any laundering scheme.

    What I am saying, in sum, is that either Rob hid his identity throughout the casino wins and somehow received millions in cash that he would have then had to launder, which buying a motor home for cash from a reputable dealer is definitely NOT a way to launder, OR all the money he won was already reported and accounted for with the government, in which case no need to stash it anywhere just for the sake of stashing.

    Or, none of this is even true and there never were $2.8M in winnings.
    Rob has different versions depending on what fits best for the story he is telling THAT day.

    At times Rob has said, he didn't spend any of the money for a few years, but put it in a safe, not wanting to draw attention to himself. This would indicate taxes weren't paid.

    But then when it was convenient to say so, he claimed to walk into a dealership with a suitcase full of cash and buy a 1.5 million dollar RV. As if THAT wouldn't draw attention to himself. Like you said, this would immediately trigger cash transaction reports (the dealership would be required by law to do so) and ultimately someone from the IRS is going to want to know where that money came from.

    But none of it really matters. None of it happened. Rob refers to his handle 'Rob Singer' as a pen name. Not a handle as most people on forums have but a "pen name". That is because Rob thinks of himself is a fiction writer. And maybe that is what this has been about all along.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  3. #283
    Wow, nice post slingshot. I am so glad that things are now going good for your granddaughter.

  4. #284
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    Wow! Didn't expect all this-or that anyone would care about my thoughts. Just received post my grandaughter's tumors had shrunk from treatments considerably and she's so excited to also learn some change in meds and her hair will now grow, although the meds will turn it slightly whiter. Anyway, my best friend has his really nice tow camper with all amenities at the lake here and we have visited several times- though not lately due to the Trumpdemic. My thoughts? Seeing my 10 year old granddaughter sink an over the back basket a la Jordan,bald headed,from the free throw line,then give the first pump "YES",is worth more than anything! On a side note-I enjoyed the visits to the lake, but getting back home was refreshing. As they say, no place like home. Now-reality check. The DUB is over with! Rob's life with vp seems, by his own admission, a passing interest. So how does any of this affect my life? Finally, I was a nobody who didn't prepare in life and had nothing when I met my present wife who just wouldn't take my word that I wasn't worth the time or effort. I didn't even know her parents had money until our 3rd year when they called us over and handed me the keys to a new Chrysler- her mother had congestive heart failure and.couldn't drive anymore. Then came the trust fund-which I won't touch-and a fairly new Ford Expedition. So that is why I play low stakes and certainly have no right to comment on anyone else. I'm richly blessed.
    Congratulations to your granddaughter and your family for that wonderful news. Undoubtedly, that will be the best thing I hear today.

    Don't sell yourself short, slingshot. Money is not a measuring stick to a person. You seem like a decent guy and that comes through on a message board forum, so I am sure it comes through 100 times as evident in personal interactions.

    And that coming through on an internet forum is exactly why I am interested in your thoughts. On this and now most forums, lines are drawn. Teams are formed and picked. there aren't many objective and unbiased among us. I think you fit that mold and also, as you know I believe you have been mislead by Rob over the years. So I was and continue to be sincerely interested in your thoughts.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  5. #285
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post

    MaxPen, you mentioned in an earlier post that it took you 15 minutes to find out the truth. That's the part which is baffling to me. Somehow that does not follow the storyline of Rob Singer's secrecy lifestyle. Considering his history he could not have made it easier to discover, Singer does not work that way. The story is not complete.
    Not sure what your point is. This is not baffling at all. And no amount of of attempting to baffle with bullshit by the master troll Rob Singer can overcome this. Rob finally got a legacy in the Gambling Community. He will forever be known as Mr. Newell.......GOAT

    Let's make it Uncle Newell...LOL

  6. #286
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    OK a couple more thoughts.

    1.) and this is another thing I never thought I would say. Blackhole's post, now buried a couple pages back is what a real man admitting he was wrong looks like. Good for you Blackhole. There is no shame in being wrong or reading a situation wrong. There is some shame in refusing to admit it when the truth is staring you in the face. Mickey went half way with his "I'll admit this don't look good for Rob". I guess that is as far as he can go and him telling you what he really feels.

    2.) Early this morning mickey as I expected lashed out at both MaxPen and myself with vulgar name calling. And then he said something astonishing to me, "You don't have anything to do with it. Fuck off, cunt". The truth is I have everything to do with this. Since the day Rob stole this claim of the double up for his own, I have kept up the pressure, because I knew it was all bullshit. I looked into Rob's history to be sure I was right and released what info I was able to in the hopes that other people would check things out for themselves.

    Each time I did, Rob responded as a serial liar / troll does, with more personal attacks and nasty lies about me and my family. Same as he does with anyone who dares challenge him. That is a bully tactic to scare them away and scare them from continuing to tell the truth. And it deflects from the truth being told. But each time he did, I endured. I just continued on, not seeking, because I knew the truth, but slowly, methodically revealing the truth and Rob's lies. As recently as 2-3 days ago, I was criticized for this with several people saying I should move on.

    Now my badgering Rob with the truth and constantly exposing his BS, by itself wouldn't have broken the damn. As my new signature of Alan's words say, Rob always had an answer or made one up. The problem is each time you do that, you leave little strings that don't make sense. And with enough strings, you have the rope needed to hang yourself.

    3.) This morning, my friend BoSox said: "Considering his history he could not have made it easier to discover, Singer does not work that way. The story is not complete". You are right to feel this way BoSox. Rob is a master troll and a professional liar. So you don't expect him to slip up as he did yesterday. But that slip up was out of desperation. When Alan took this story back to WoV and got Mike to do the interview, Alan masterfully cornered Rob. Rob HAD to do the interview and he looked worse than ever. His refusal to produce any kind of supporting documentation could no longer just be dismissed. First Mike and the Dan Druff weighing in after the interview that Rob should at least produce some documentation on the RV that he himself (Rob) said he bought with the DU bug money became overwhelming.

    Rob HAD to do something. And he knew he couldn't produce the paperwork, because those of us that looked into it know there is no paperwork, because Rob NEVER owned an RV of the value he stated. Again, anyone can check these records. So unable to produce that record Rob had two choice, he could make up phony documentation (photoshop ect) of which he has proven to be not too good at, or he take pictures of a similar RV, claiming that is his. Rob chose the later and that too blew up in his face because he is just not good at that kind of thing.

    So yes, BoSox, you are correct that it was a little surprising to see Rob slip up as he did, but it was out of desperation. He was backed into a corner and had to try something.
    KJ the below quote is what I actually wrote this morning, and I am firmly on the undecided side which means there just might be a perfect explanation for all of this mystery, and it very well could be extremely nieve in the least to think that Singer would put himself in that type of position.

    MaxPen, you mentioned in an earlier post that it took you 15 minutes to find out the truth. That's the part which is baffling to me. Somehow that does not follow the storyline of Rob Singer's secrecy lifestyle. Considering his history he could not have made it easier to discover, Singer does not work that way. The story is not complete.

    Where's the damn dam tour? (couldn't help that KJ)

    Rob flew too close to the sun and got burned. Some of what BoSox is saying is true though, Rob always has an out, but slipped up this time majorly. Not how he operates. Maybe the pressure of being asked about the RV in the interview got to him. I'm not going to pile on, but just say that if this was a trial (this is a kangaroo court) and I were on the jury I'd have no problem voting to convict.

    Damn, that kinda stung.

  7. #287
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post

    Rob flew too close to the sun and got burned. Some of what BoSox is saying is true though, Rob always has an out, but slipped up this time majorly. Not how he operates. Maybe the pressure of being asked about the RV in the interview got to him. I'm not going to pile on, but just say that if this was a trial (this is a kangaroo court) and I were on the jury I'd have no problem voting to convict.

    Damn, that kinda stung.
    Well let's be clear, Rob was not on trial. But his credibility was.

    And along that analogy, we had a guy, used to be on this forum, who's father was a lawyer for the mob. Some might call that a "shyster". So this son-of-a-shyster got to the point that he couldn't even stick by this guy Singer anymore. That is like the mob lawyer, throwing up his hands in the middle of court and exclaiming "Ya know what, I can't do this anymore. he is guilty as hell".

    Sorry for that analogy Alan.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  8. #288
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Penn, you're a piece of shit maggot. No one controls me. No one makes my mind up for me, except me. I call every motherfucking shot. Meanwhile, peer pressure controls your punk ass. You take your marching orders from axels fucking crowd and suck KJ's dick. Fucking grow up, assclown.

    Penn made a conscience decision to attack me and has done it multiple times. That means he is not a good guy. He's a piece of shit. And as far as machine plays go he's a bottomfeeder.
    I'm just gonna try and be the bigger person and overlook these misrepresentations. I will attribute your newfound stupidity to one of two things.

    1. You had some serious oxygen deprivation during the heart attack.


    2. You actually met up with Rob and at the inch 8 mark it got lodged in your throat causing oxygen deprivation which affected the old brain housing group.

    I will always remember the good old days when you posted the ever so appropriate Grandpa Newell nose growing gifs though.

Size:  [/QUOTE]
    Last edited by MaxPen; 05-16-2020 at 02:44 PM.

  9. #289
    My poking fun at Alan isn't done so vindictively. I think Alan did a really good thing in bringing this story back to life at WoV, which lead to the interview, which lead to Singer's desperation play last night. I am not sure Alan's reasons for doing so where as honorable as he says. I think there was a large part about getting even with Rob for things said about Alan personally. But that's ok.

    Now while I may have this Alan or Andrews attention. How the hell do I get through to Dter today to file my unemployment? They have said for a week that Today is the day they are able to handle the New claims and new rules. Getting through to Dter is about as easy as getting through to Mickeycrimm.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  10. #290
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    I will always remember the good old days when you posted the ever so appropriate Uncle Newell nose growing gifs though.
    MaxPen, with all due respect as you are the one that broke the damn, this new "Uncle Newell" moniker isn't working for me.

    Rob is either cousin eddie or the dry cleaner guy from Get Shorty who he resembled so much. Really it is "cousin eddie". The dry cleaner guy is just a resemblance.

    I mean the new "grandpa" is in the running too. And if you think about it there is a bit of resemblance between Rob and Grandpa from the monsters. Not as close as Leo the dry cleaner, but there is a resemblance if you look.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  11. #291
    Once again.....

  12. #292
    Originally Posted by Mickeycrimms Clitoris View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    See, this is why monet loves this place. This is like dialogue from Pulp Fiction.

    Monet, in his lower key way, let Rob know the gig was up, but Rob just would not take the hint.

    Deech's analysis is irrefutable. I know someone who laid a lot of tile, including marble. The tile will never have those identical identifying characteristics. You'd have to clone the RV.

    MaxPen laid it all to rest for Mr. Newell.

    Maybe some posters will explain that Rob did clone the RV. As a government agent, he has access to secret cloning tech. He keeps it (drum roll) in that storage shed in Arizona...which is just a mile from his van down by the river.

    Anyway, salutes to all.

    I have an idea about how Rob can regain some of his credibility. Maybe mickey can help.
    Yeah, I'll help you out. You always come with that bullshit "I know someone that does so and so. There's no way blah blah blah...." Like knowing someone makes you a fucking expert. You're an idiot.

    Now, I've got some breaking news for you. I now endorse Rob Singer's video poker system. All of you idiots get out there and play it. Take 50K with you and when you get 20K stuck just remember Crimm said all your dreams will come true.

    Being right on this site is worthless. Nothing but assclown trolls here. That's why I don't care if I'm right or wrong anymore. This site is filled with bags of shit. I quit giving up information on this site a long time ago. i could still be dishing it out but there are to many assclowns that want to call you names while they are soaking up the free information. Fuck those idiots. They get nothing from me anymore.

    Oh yes. I'm now endorsing the Roulette systems on Gambling Forums. Tell 'em Mickey sent ya. All your dreams will come true. This is the kind of information you assclowns deserve. Now climb back under your rocks.

    This dumb fuck is totally losing it, all because he had his brains fucked out relentlessly by Rob Singer. To the point where he doesn’t know what day it is. On a positive note though, liquor stores in Montana are doing a roaring trade again.
    I think I heard this in The Hateful Eight.

  13. #293
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    I will always remember the good old days when you posted the ever so appropriate Uncle Newell nose growing gifs though.
    MaxPen, with all due respect as you are the one that broke the damn, this new "Uncle Newell" moniker isn't working for me.

    Rob is either cousin eddie or the dry cleaner guy from Get Shorty who he resembled so much. Really it is "cousin eddie". The dry cleaner guy is just a resemblance.

    I mean the new "grandpa" is in the running too. And if you think about it there is a bit of resemblance between Rob and Grandpa from the monsters. Not as close as Leo the dry cleaner, but there is a resemblance if you look.
    I agree that Grandpa Newell is much better than Uncle Newell. There's just so many options. Which is the reason Singer is a classic.

  14. #294
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post

    Rob flew too close to the sun and got burned. Some of what BoSox is saying is true though, Rob always has an out, but slipped up this time majorly. Not how he operates. Maybe the pressure of being asked about the RV in the interview got to him. I'm not going to pile on, but just say that if this was a trial (this is a kangaroo court) and I were on the jury I'd have no problem voting to convict.

    Damn, that kinda stung.
    Well let's be clear, Rob was not on trial. But his credibility was.

    And along that analogy, we had a guy, used to be on this forum, who's father was a lawyer for the mob. Some might call that a "shyster". So this son-of-a-shyster got to the point that he couldn't even stick by this guy Singer anymore. That is like the mob lawyer, throwing up his hands in the middle of court and exclaiming "Ya know what, I can't do this anymore. he is guilty as hell".

    Sorry for that analogy Alan.
    You didn’t need to make anything clear. I just made an analogy.

    I never felt the need to go after Rob for proof of anything. In fact I don’t think I ever hit anyone for proof of any gambling claim on this forum. Detective Belly you can check on that If you like. That includes Alan and his 18 yos. I believe that he believes it. End of story. Just doesn’t matter to me what someone’s claims are. Like I’m going to lose any sleep over it.

  15. #295
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Hilarious is one word you could use. But it doesn't do it justice. I mean seriously, imagine two people, a couple in their 70's driving to a dealership to take pictures inside an RV so they can post it online pretending to own it. That is way beyond hilarious. It is way beyond sad. It is seriously a sickness.
    Seriously, maybe this calls for an intervention. I am not going to do it but maybe someone should send the interview with Mike, the pictures of Rob pretending to own an RV at the dealership to his kids. Let them look into whether he really is mentally stable.
    We need to do the same with you. Gett help.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  16. #296
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Took the wife along? Who do you think took the pictures?

    Hilarious is one word you could use. But it doesn't do it justice. I mean seriously, imagine two people, a couple in their 70's driving to a dealership to take pictures inside an RV so they can post it online pretending to own it. That is way beyond hilarious. It is way beyond sad. It is seriously a sickness.
    As is an obsession with everything Rob Singer a serious sickness.
    Mickey why don't you be a man and just admit what everyone already knows: That Rob yet again got caught in a lie. And that you fell for some of his shit. I am sure on some level you knew the truth. You seem to have embraced the Singer Troll game and enjoy the entertainment value.
    As I've said idiot. Being right or wrong on this site is worthless. Go ahead and keep on with your obsession. Nobody gives a fuck. The big joke is you talking about wanting to be a part of serious discussions on gambling but you keep on with your psychotic need to troll this forum. You're all fucked up.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  17. #297
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post

    Rob flew too close to the sun and got burned. Some of what BoSox is saying is true though, Rob always has an out, but slipped up this time majorly. Not how he operates. Maybe the pressure of being asked about the RV in the interview got to him. I'm not going to pile on, but just say that if this was a trial (this is a kangaroo court) and I were on the jury I'd have no problem voting to convict.

    Damn, that kinda stung.
    Well let's be clear, Rob was not on trial. But his credibility was.

    And along that analogy, we had a guy, used to be on this forum, who's father was a lawyer for the mob. Some might call that a "shyster". So this son-of-a-shyster got to the point that he couldn't even stick by this guy Singer anymore. That is like the mob lawyer, throwing up his hands in the middle of court and exclaiming "Ya know what, I can't do this anymore. he is guilty as hell".

    Sorry for that analogy Alan.
    You didn’t need to make anything clear. I just made an analogy.

    I never felt the need to go after Rob for proof of anything. In fact I don’t think I ever hit anyone for proof of any gambling claim on this forum. Detective Belly you can check on that If you like. That includes Alan and his 18 yos. I believe that he believes it. End of story. Just doesn’t matter to me what someone’s claims are. Like I’m going to lose any sleep over it.
    I agree. I never understood the fascination with needing proof. The story made no sense whatsoever from the beginning. It had so many holes in it, it’s hard for me to believe that anybody thought it might be true.

    But then again what else is there to do on these forums, and during a lockdown, so I guess it kept us all entertained for a while.

    I was surprised Michael Shackford even wasted time with the interview. But then, again, when I thought about it, it made sense. It had interest from some people so why not, and WOV is trying to sell hits on their website.

  18. #298
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Penn, you're a piece of shit maggot. No one controls me. No one makes my mind up for me, except me. I call every motherfucking shot. Meanwhile, peer pressure controls your punk ass. You take your marching orders from axels fucking crowd and suck KJ's dick. Fucking grow up, assclown.

    Penn made a conscience decision to attack me and has done it multiple times. That means he is not a good guy. He's a piece of shit. And as far as machine plays go he's a bottomfeeder.
    I'm just gonna try and be the bigger person and overlook these misrepresentations. I will attribute your newfound stupidity to one of two things.

    1. You had some serious oxygen deprivation during the heart attack.


    2. You actually met up with Rob and at the inch 8 mark it got lodged in your throat causing oxygen deprivation which affected the old brain housing group.

    I will always remember the good old days when you posted the ever so appropriate Grandpa Newell nose growing gifs though.


    When the Nevada casinos open back up you can go back to the bottomfeeding. Since this coronavirus hit life up in North Las Vegas has really gotten to you. Queing up in the soup lines at St. Vinnies and the Sally is a bitch, right?

    And when you get thru all you've got to look forward to is sucking KJ's cock.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  19. #299
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    When the Nevada casinos open back up you can go back to the bottomfeeding. Since this coronavirus hit life up in North Las Vegas has really gotten to you. Queing up in the soup lines at St. Vinnies and the Sally is a bitch, right?

    And when you get thru all you've got to look forward to is sucking KJ's cock.
    First of all, if I had to guess, I would guess MaxPen would be the "top" meaning not the one doing the sucking. Just a guess though.

    More importantly, is your obsession with guys sucking dick or gay sex between guys. There is no one on any forum I have ever been on that is more obsessed with that stuff than you mickeycrimm.

    I mean you are supposedly a straight guy right? Living with another dude and never been married but supposedly a straight guy. You might try acting like it.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  20. #300
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    OK a couple more thoughts.

    1.) and this is another thing I never thought I would say. Blackhole's post, now buried a couple pages back is what a real man admitting he was wrong looks like. Good for you Blackhole. There is no shame in being wrong or reading a situation wrong. There is some shame in refusing to admit it when the truth is staring you in the face. Mickey went half way with his "I'll admit this don't look good for Rob". I guess that is as far as he can go and him telling you what he really feels.

    2.) Early this morning mickey as I expected lashed out at both MaxPen and myself with vulgar name calling. And then he said something astonishing to me, "You don't have anything to do with it. Fuck off, cunt". The truth is I have everything to do with this. Since the day Rob stole this claim of the double up for his own, I have kept up the pressure, because I knew it was all bullshit. I looked into Rob's history to be sure I was right and released what info I was able to in the hopes that other people would check things out for themselves.

    Each time I did, Rob responded as a serial liar / troll does, with more personal attacks and nasty lies about me and my family. Same as he does with anyone who dares challenge him. That is a bully tactic to scare them away and scare them from continuing to tell the truth. And it deflects from the truth being told. But each time he did, I endured. I just continued on, not seeking, because I knew the truth, but slowly, methodically revealing the truth and Rob's lies. As recently as 2-3 days ago, I was criticized for this with several people saying I should move on.

    Now my badgering Rob with the truth and constantly exposing his BS, by itself wouldn't have broken the damn. As my new signature of Alan's words say, Rob always had an answer or made one up. The problem is each time you do that, you leave little strings that don't make sense. And with enough strings, you have the rope needed to hang yourself.

    3.) This morning, my friend BoSox said: "Considering his history he could not have made it easier to discover, Singer does not work that way. The story is not complete". You are right to feel this way BoSox. Rob is a master troll and a professional liar. So you don't expect him to slip up as he did yesterday. But that slip up was out of desperation. When Alan took this story back to WoV and got Mike to do the interview, Alan masterfully cornered Rob. Rob HAD to do the interview and he looked worse than ever. His refusal to produce any kind of supporting documentation could no longer just be dismissed. First Mike and the Dan Druff weighing in after the interview that Rob should at least produce some documentation on the RV that he himself (Rob) said he bought with the DU bug money became overwhelming.

    Rob HAD to do something. And he knew he couldn't produce the paperwork, because those of us that looked into it know there is no paperwork, because Rob NEVER owned an RV of the value he stated. Again, anyone can check these records. So unable to produce that record Rob had two choice, he could make up phony documentation (photoshop ect) of which he has proven to be not too good at, or he take pictures of a similar RV, claiming that is his. Rob chose the later and that too blew up in his face because he is just not good at that kind of thing.

    So yes, BoSox, you are correct that it was a little surprising to see Rob slip up as he did, but it was out of desperation. He was backed into a corner and had to try something.
    KJ the below quote is what I actually wrote this morning, and I am firmly on the undecided side which means there just might be a perfect explanation for all of this mystery, and it very well could be extremely nieve in the least to think that Singer would put himself in that type of position.

    MaxPen, you mentioned in an earlier post that it took you 15 minutes to find out the truth. That's the part which is baffling to me. Somehow that does not follow the storyline of Rob Singer's secrecy lifestyle. Considering his history he could not have made it easier to discover, Singer does not work that way. The story is not complete.

    Where's the damn dam tour? (couldn't help that KJ)

    Rob flew too close to the sun and got burned. Some of what BoSox is saying is true though, Rob always has an out, but slipped up this time majorly. Not how he operates. Maybe the pressure of being asked about the RV in the interview got to him. I'm not going to pile on, but just say that if this was a trial (this is a kangaroo court) and I were on the jury I'd have no problem voting to convict.

    Damn, that kinda stung.

    Just like a great magician who makes the crowd watch what he wants them to Rob Singer will pull out the rug leaving two web sites in awe, beware. Just like death and taxes, you can count on hearing from Singer.

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