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Thread: Biden Has to Pick a Black Running Mate Now

  1. #41
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    He should have just shut-up and let NFL handle it. Like every other President. No idea what you are blabbering about with free speech. It is all the fake-ass conservatives who get the first amendment confused.

    Okey dokey, if you say so. Well, when you think Mexicans are rapists but "assume" some are good people. Good luck with that sort of talk. He lost me then with those statements and there has been no looking back. You are a trash person. I get that and you accept that. Now, lets move on.
    Yes, Colin K had the right to do what he did, and the owners had the right to kick him out of the league, which is what they did. Even Steven Smith acknowledged this and sided with the owners and he’s a fairly liberal ESPN commentator.

    People who want to protest while they’re at work have that right, but the employer also has the right to fire them. And the NFL owners did fire him since what he was doing was impacting their business. Fans were staying away because they didn’t want to go to a football game and watch a stupid protest. Fans have rights too.

    This is what liberals like you don’t get. Most people don’t come to work protesting something; they do it on their own time.

    As a liberal, I’m sure you wish you could pass a law where you forced businesses to allow left-wing lunatic nut cases to protest while at work.
    I have no idea what you're blabbing on about. I understand the first amendment better than all you fucking fake-ass conservatives who complain about social media censoring people and such. President was completely in his rights. No shit Sherlock.
    Accountinquestion is a typical liberal. Look, he can’t even defend the topic at hand, Trump speaking out on Colin K. taking a knee during the national anthem, so what does accountinquestion do? He goes off in another direction.

    I do not defend everything Trump says. I agree his comments about illegal allian Mexicans being rapist was wrong. Again, I do not agree with everything Trump says, but with regard to Colin K. he was spot on, and the majority of Americans agreed with him.

    If Colin K wants to protest fine; just don’t do it during work. Colin should have some respect for his employer and to the public who didn’t come to a football game to watch protests.

    I get liberals like you probably like watching protests while you’re watching some sporting event.
    You keep going on about Colin K. The NFL could have handled it. Trump weighing in put him squarely on one side. He has continued with his divisive rhetoric. I will never accept that as Presidential behavior because I have some respect for the institutions and how I expect leadership to work. I despised GWB but damn, that guy at least was a leader. Wrong, but he was a leader. Trump is a divider.

    You guys got what you want and now you want to sit around and whine about it.

    You love your straw-men. This is about Trump and his words. I guess I got some concession that you "didn't agree" with his talk, but you bend over backwards to support him near always. This may have been the biggest concession yet.

  2. #42
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    He should have just shut-up and let NFL handle it. Like every other President. No idea what you are blabbering about with free speech. It is all the fake-ass conservatives who get the first amendment confused.

    Okey dokey, if you say so. Well, when you think Mexicans are rapists but "assume" some are good people. Good luck with that sort of talk. He lost me then with those statements and there has been no looking back. You are a trash person. I get that and you accept that. Now, lets move on.

    I have no idea what you're blabbing on about. I understand the first amendment better than all you fucking fake-ass conservatives who complain about social media censoring people and such. President was completely in his rights. No shit Sherlock.
    Accountinquestion is a typical liberal. Look, he can’t even defend the topic at hand, Trump speaking out on Colin K. taking a knee during the national anthem, so what does accountinquestion do? He goes off in another direction.

    I do not defend everything Trump says. I agree his comments about illegal allian Mexicans being rapist was wrong. Again, I do not agree with everything Trump says, but with regard to Colin K. he was spot on, and the majority of Americans agreed with him.

    If Colin K wants to protest fine; just don’t do it during work. Colin should have some respect for his employer and to the public who didn’t come to a football game to watch protests.

    I get liberals like you probably like watching protests while you’re watching some sporting event.
    You keep going on about Colin K. The NFL could have handled it. Trump weighing in put him squarely on one side. He has continued with his divisive rhetoric. I will never accept that as Presidential behavior because I have some respect for the institutions and how I expect leadership to work. I despised GWB but damn, that guy at least was a leader. Wrong, but he was a leader. Trump is a divider.

    You guys got what you want and now you want to sit around and whine about it.

    You love your straw-men. This is about Trump and his words. I guess I got some concession that you "didn't agree" with his talk, but you bend over backwards to support him near always. This may have been the biggest concession yet.
    I’m not so sure about that. Colin’s cause was so stupid it was hard for anybody to know how to handle it. Trump was able to bring to light how stupid this protest was. The NFL would have had a hard time doing that.

    Colin K was protesting against something where everybody - and I mean everyone - is on the same side. His protest was against police brutality. I haven’t met one person, on the right or left, that is for police brutality.

    Usually when people protest it’s over something where there is someone on the other side. This could be the first protest where everybody is on the same side.

    A couple news organizations even showed cities where police chiefs were marching with the protesters against police brutality. You couldn’t make this up if you tried. Even police are marching with people protesting against policy brutality.

  3. #43
    Here's a tip for all you churchgoers out there. Avoid arrest by disguising yourselves as rioters.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  4. #44
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post

    Excellent Bob....The officer was charged, probably rightly so and that`s still not enough....what`s funny is that you didn`t see any protests when that piece of shit was filmed in the nursing home beating up defenseless elderly white people....the funniest shit to me is seeing 15 year old white boys and girls at these protests that have no idea why they`re even there far as the rest, just another excuse to act out, steal, and run amok.....also excellent point you made about the guy out committing a crime and high as a fucking kite....not saying that he deserved to die, but like my grandfather used to tell me, "sometimes when you go looking for trouble, you find it"
    You really think the government murdering people is somehow equivalent to some low wage nursing home attendant abusing elderly people? lol at you "conservatives".

    Heres the thing that amazes me that you seem to fail grasping. Everyone knows that nursing home guy will be prosecuted. It was just race-baiting division shit. You see trash people like James Woods trying to make the comparison... but these are all trash people. Without protests, that cop would have walked. Those who can't see the difference are part of the problem.

    Keep swimming around in the ocean making up nonsense to prevent from drowning there, buddy.
    First off, I`m not your buddy Mr. Cunt, I think you`re an that that`s clear, yes I do think beating a defenseless senior citizen is equivalent to kneeling on some high as a kite criminals neck....why is it not, because the senior citizen didn`t happen to die?
    Uhh, because one was done by and covered up by the government. The other one had 0 chance of being covered up by government once the evidence was known.

    And yes there is a difference between hitting/slapping someone vs choking them out past the point of death with multiple people pleading around you to not kill the guy.

  5. #45
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post

    Accountinquestion is a typical liberal. Look, he can’t even defend the topic at hand, Trump speaking out on Colin K. taking a knee during the national anthem, so what does accountinquestion do? He goes off in another direction.

    I do not defend everything Trump says. I agree his comments about illegal allian Mexicans being rapist was wrong. Again, I do not agree with everything Trump says, but with regard to Colin K. he was spot on, and the majority of Americans agreed with him.

    If Colin K wants to protest fine; just don’t do it during work. Colin should have some respect for his employer and to the public who didn’t come to a football game to watch protests.

    I get liberals like you probably like watching protests while you’re watching some sporting event.
    You keep going on about Colin K. The NFL could have handled it. Trump weighing in put him squarely on one side. He has continued with his divisive rhetoric. I will never accept that as Presidential behavior because I have some respect for the institutions and how I expect leadership to work. I despised GWB but damn, that guy at least was a leader. Wrong, but he was a leader. Trump is a divider.

    You guys got what you want and now you want to sit around and whine about it.

    You love your straw-men. This is about Trump and his words. I guess I got some concession that you "didn't agree" with his talk, but you bend over backwards to support him near always. This may have been the biggest concession yet.
    I’m not so sure about that. Colin’s cause was so stupid it was hard for anybody to know how to handle it. Trump was able to bring to light how stupid this protest was. The NFL would have had a hard time doing that.

    Colin K was protesting against something where everybody - and I mean everyone - is on the same side. His protest was against police brutality. I haven’t met one person, on the right or left, that is for police brutality.

    Usually when people protest it’s over something where there is someone on the other side. This could be the first protest where everybody is on the same side.

    A couple news organizations even showed cities where police chiefs were marching with the protesters against police brutality. You couldn’t make this up if you tried. Even police are marching with people protesting against policy brutality.
    How is it so hard to comprehend that some police chiefs wish to acknowledge the problem? 'Couldn't make this up if you tried'. As if this act is so incredible to you. It shows how completely out of touch with reality you are. You must live in the most white section of whiteyville.

    The fact that you don't know anyone for police brutality doesn't matter if nothing changes. You can see video after video. My gf has a friend who as tear-gassed. Said there were only a handful of people in Lansing MI. Was all peaceful and here comes the tear-gas.

    "Protest - but peaceful". If you protest within the rules of whatever the system is, then it isn't really a protest. This is another thing I'm sure will go over the heads of you folks. You're all about as patriotic as a pack of rabid raccoons.

  6. #46
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    You really think the government murdering people is somehow equivalent to some low wage nursing home attendant abusing elderly people? lol at you "conservatives".

    Heres the thing that amazes me that you seem to fail grasping. Everyone knows that nursing home guy will be prosecuted. It was just race-baiting division shit. You see trash people like James Woods trying to make the comparison... but these are all trash people. Without protests, that cop would have walked. Those who can't see the difference are part of the problem.

    Keep swimming around in the ocean making up nonsense to prevent from drowning there, buddy.
    First off, I`m not your buddy Mr. Cunt, I think you`re an that that`s clear, yes I do think beating a defenseless senior citizen is equivalent to kneeling on some high as a kite criminals neck....why is it not, because the senior citizen didn`t happen to die?
    Uhh, because one was done by and covered up by the government. The other one had 0 chance of being covered up by government once the evidence was known.

    And yes there is a difference between hitting/slapping someone vs choking them out past the point of death with multiple people pleading around you to not kill the guy.
    Cocksuckerinquestion, I have no clue what your first statement means at all....and it sounds like you condone a defenseless senior citizen getting beaten and terrorized by some lowlife thug is just par for the course because they didn`t die...why so angry all the time?....I thought all you potheads were supposed to be mellow fellows?

  7. #47
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post

    First off, I`m not your buddy Mr. Cunt, I think you`re an that that`s clear, yes I do think beating a defenseless senior citizen is equivalent to kneeling on some high as a kite criminals neck....why is it not, because the senior citizen didn`t happen to die?
    Uhh, because one was done by and covered up by the government. The other one had 0 chance of being covered up by government once the evidence was known.

    And yes there is a difference between hitting/slapping someone vs choking them out past the point of death with multiple people pleading around you to not kill the guy.
    Cocksuckerinquestion, I have no clue what your first statement means at all....and it sounds like you condone a defenseless senior citizen getting beaten and terrorized by some lowlife thug is just par for the course because they didn`t die...why so angry all the time?....I thought all you potheads were supposed to be mellow fellows?
    I called you buddy, and you corrected me then go off with all these other insults and you want to think I'm the angry one? hahaha

    You people are so weak minded. You convince yourself of the most stupid shit.

    In real life, I avoid basic bitches such as yourself.

    Apparently somehow any video of a criminal is somehow analagous to the murdering of this George fellow and somehow validates that the cops did this. You weak minded fools make up the most STUPID shit just to be right in your own heads.


  8. #48
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Uhh, because one was done by and covered up by the government. The other one had 0 chance of being covered up by government once the evidence was known.

    And yes there is a difference between hitting/slapping someone vs choking them out past the point of death with multiple people pleading around you to not kill the guy.
    Cocksuckerinquestion, I have no clue what your first statement means at all....and it sounds like you condone a defenseless senior citizen getting beaten and terrorized by some lowlife thug is just par for the course because they didn`t die...why so angry all the time?....I thought all you potheads were supposed to be mellow fellows?
    I called you buddy, and you corrected me then go off with all these other insults and you want to think I'm the angry one? hahaha

    You people are so weak minded. You convince yourself of the most stupid shit.

    In real life, I avoid basic bitches such as yourself.

    Apparently somehow any video of a criminal is somehow analagous to the murdering of this George fellow and somehow validates that the cops did this. You weak minded fools make up the most STUPID shit just to be right in your own heads.

    You are wise to avoid people such as me in real life. Better over the computer. You`re not as dumb as I thought lol....please show me where I said that cop or anything he did was "validated?"...I simply asked where was your fake outrage over the defenseless senior citizen getting beaten up by that trash bag was....oh never mind, you already said they were just "slaps"


  9. #49
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    You are wise to avoid people such as me in real life. Better over the computer. You`re not as dumb as I thought lol....please show me where I said that cop or anything he did was "validated?"...I simply asked where was your fake outrage over the defenseless senior citizen getting beaten up by that trash bag was....oh never mind, you already said they were just "slaps"

    I'm not sticking up for the police as I don't like them.
    However, that move on the neck has been done millions upon millions of times for decades in every city around the world.
    This is not the first person to die from that move.
    Power to the people though.
    I didn't realize a race war or riot would be the excuse for the Government to deploy the National Guard all over the country.
    Now they are talking about deploying the Army and other Armed Forces.

    On a another note, I received a bunch of Free Play from the Stations Casinos.
    They are giving me Free Play on the first but the Casinos don't open till the 4th.
    It's a considerable amount.
    I will be asking them to add that to my account and what about all the Free Play I lost when they shut down in the middle of March??
    They owe me Money!!

    Last edited by monet; 06-02-2020 at 02:29 PM.

  10. #50
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post

    Cocksuckerinquestion, I have no clue what your first statement means at all....and it sounds like you condone a defenseless senior citizen getting beaten and terrorized by some lowlife thug is just par for the course because they didn`t die...why so angry all the time?....I thought all you potheads were supposed to be mellow fellows?
    I called you buddy, and you corrected me then go off with all these other insults and you want to think I'm the angry one? hahaha

    You people are so weak minded. You convince yourself of the most stupid shit.

    In real life, I avoid basic bitches such as yourself.

    Apparently somehow any video of a criminal is somehow analagous to the murdering of this George fellow and somehow validates that the cops did this. You weak minded fools make up the most STUPID shit just to be right in your own heads.

    You are wise to avoid people such as me in real life. Better over the computer. You`re not as dumb as I thought lol....please show me where I said that cop or anything he did was "validated?"...I simply asked where was your fake outrage over the defenseless senior citizen getting beaten up by that trash bag was....oh never mind, you already said they were just "slaps"

    Let me get this right. You're pissed at me for not being manipulated by the same shit you were manipulated by?

    Of course that man should be prosecuted. Was he let off after the tape?? What am I missing? How is it relevant? Where is the government corruption?

    What the fuck. Are you really this fucking stupid?

  11. #51
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    I called you buddy, and you corrected me then go off with all these other insults and you want to think I'm the angry one? hahaha

    You people are so weak minded. You convince yourself of the most stupid shit.

    In real life, I avoid basic bitches such as yourself.

    Apparently somehow any video of a criminal is somehow analagous to the murdering of this George fellow and somehow validates that the cops did this. You weak minded fools make up the most STUPID shit just to be right in your own heads.

    You are wise to avoid people such as me in real life. Better over the computer. You`re not as dumb as I thought lol....please show me where I said that cop or anything he did was "validated?"...I simply asked where was your fake outrage over the defenseless senior citizen getting beaten up by that trash bag was....oh never mind, you already said they were just "slaps"

    Let me get this right. You're pissed at me for not being manipulated by the same shit you were manipulated by?

    Of course that man should be prosecuted. Was he let off after the tape?? What am I missing? How is it relevant? Where is the government corruption?

    What the fuck. Are you really this fucking stupid?
    Who said I was pissed at you? I deal with numbnuts all the time, doesn`t mean I`m pissed off at all of them ....I don`t know what you mean by government corruption...did the cop not lose his job and going to be prosecuted?....

  12. #52
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post

    You are wise to avoid people such as me in real life. Better over the computer. You`re not as dumb as I thought lol....please show me where I said that cop or anything he did was "validated?"...I simply asked where was your fake outrage over the defenseless senior citizen getting beaten up by that trash bag was....oh never mind, you already said they were just "slaps"

    Let me get this right. You're pissed at me for not being manipulated by the same shit you were manipulated by?

    Of course that man should be prosecuted. Was he let off after the tape?? What am I missing? How is it relevant? Where is the government corruption?

    What the fuck. Are you really this fucking stupid?
    Who said I was pissed at you? I deal with numbnuts all the time, doesn`t mean I`m pissed off at all of them ....I don`t know what you mean by government corruption...did the cop not lose his job and going to be prosecuted?....
    You aren't pissed off at me, you just care enough to make up custom names for me.. okey dokey retard.

    I don't do that with you. I call you retard but thats just being factual, retard.

    It is pretty clear had the murder video not went viral and such it would have been covered up enough that the most we would have possibly seen was a firing. Which just means they have to then go get the same job elsewhere. Anyway, continue on, retard.

    Any video that has a black guy abusing a white man shows that the media is fake and only showing one side of the story. lol. You were manipulated BITCH.

  13. #53
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    You are wise to avoid people such as me in real life. Better over the computer. You`re not as dumb as I thought lol....please show me where I said that cop or anything he did was "validated?"...I simply asked where was your fake outrage over the defenseless senior citizen getting beaten up by that trash bag was....oh never mind, you already said they were just "slaps"

    I'm not sticking up for the police as I don't like them.
    However, that move on the neck has been done millions upon millions of times for decades in every city around the world.
    This is not the first person to die from that move.
    Power to the people though.
    I didn't realize a race war or riot would be the excuse for the Government to deploy the National Guard all over the country.
    Now they are talking about deploying the Army and other Armed Forces.

    On a another note, I received a bunch of Free Play from the Stations Casinos.
    They are giving me Free Play on the first but the Casinos don't open till the 4th.
    It's a considerable amount.
    I will be asking them to add that to my account and what about all the Free Play I lost when they shut down in the middle of March??
    They owe me Money!!

    Monet I just saw The Hustler a couple nights ago. Awesome flick.

  14. #54
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Let me get this right. You're pissed at me for not being manipulated by the same shit you were manipulated by?

    Of course that man should be prosecuted. Was he let off after the tape?? What am I missing? How is it relevant? Where is the government corruption?

    What the fuck. Are you really this fucking stupid?
    Who said I was pissed at you? I deal with numbnuts all the time, doesn`t mean I`m pissed off at all of them ....I don`t know what you mean by government corruption...did the cop not lose his job and going to be prosecuted?....
    You aren't pissed off at me, you just care enough to make up custom names for me.. okey dokey retard.

    I don't do that with you. I call you retard but thats just being factual, retard.

    It is pretty clear had the murder video not went viral and such it would have been covered up enough that the most we would have possibly seen was a firing. Which just means they have to then go get the same job elsewhere. Anyway, continue on, retard.

    Any video that has a black guy abusing a white man shows that the media is fake and only showing one side of the story. lol. You were manipulated BITCH.
    I really only made up one for you. Acuntinquestion was too easy so I really take no credit for that. Cocksuckerinquestion really just came to me today, so you kinda got me there. As far as the rest of your nonsense, you`re barking up the wrong tree here....Your fallen hero was committing a crime, high as a 2 bit whore,resisted arrest and something bad happened to him courtesy of an obviously racist cop, who is about to get what`s coming to him....I don`t deal in what if`s, such as what if the video didn`t go did, and the cop is gonna pay the piper....obviously that`s not enough for you so perhaps you should join your brothers in protest. I`m sure there`s someplace nearby where they`re running might even pick up a new TV while you`re out there lol

  15. #55
    Did you see Biden's speech today. He says he knows how to end systemic racism. I kept thinking....why didn't he tell Obama that when they were in the White House?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  16. #56
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post

    Who said I was pissed at you? I deal with numbnuts all the time, doesn`t mean I`m pissed off at all of them ....I don`t know what you mean by government corruption...did the cop not lose his job and going to be prosecuted?....
    You aren't pissed off at me, you just care enough to make up custom names for me.. okey dokey retard.

    I don't do that with you. I call you retard but thats just being factual, retard.

    It is pretty clear had the murder video not went viral and such it would have been covered up enough that the most we would have possibly seen was a firing. Which just means they have to then go get the same job elsewhere. Anyway, continue on, retard.

    Any video that has a black guy abusing a white man shows that the media is fake and only showing one side of the story. lol. You were manipulated BITCH.
    I really only made up one for you. Acuntinquestion was too easy so I really take no credit for that. Cocksuckerinquestion really just came to me today, so you kinda got me there. As far as the rest of your nonsense, you`re barking up the wrong tree here....Your fallen hero was committing a crime, high as a 2 bit whore,resisted arrest and something bad happened to him courtesy of an obviously racist cop, who is about to get what`s coming to him....I don`t deal in what if`s, such as what if the video didn`t go did, and the cop is gonna pay the piper....obviously that`s not enough for you so perhaps you should join your brothers in protest. I`m sure there`s someplace nearby where they`re running might even pick up a new TV while you`re out there lol
    Excellent post Keystone! I’ve been thinking the same thing about accountinquestion. He spends so much time defending the people “protesting” (I mean rioting), I’ve been wondering if he’s in Minneapolis “protesting”, I mean rioting too.

  17. #57
    Do you really not see the massive amount of peaceful protesting that is going on, or are you just trolling?

  18. #58
    Originally Posted by wasilla View Post
    Do you really not see the massive amount of peaceful protesting that is going on, or are you just trolling?
    Are you serious? What are they protesting? Police brutality? Can you tell me one person, right or left, black or white, green or purple, who is for police brutality?

    So basically they are posting something everybody in the world is against. So what's the point?

    More to the point, what will these protests accomplish? What do they want to change? Do they think these protests can control what all 800,000 policeman do every day?

    So are you saying every time some "bad apple" policeman commits a crime (and, yes, some policeman somewhere is going to commit a crime in the future - it's called reality) we are going to have to go through these "protests", I mean riots, again?

    Did you know Minneapolis is one of the most tolerant liberal cities in United States? This is the city where most of the cops are doing bad things, killing innocent people. Why can't they stop it? Because Minneapolis hasn't had enough "protests" or riots?

    I mean a black police officer shot and killed an innocent white women a couple years ago. Did you see a bunch of "protests" and riots when this happened? I didn't. Why don't innocent white women lives matter? Why don't they get some riots in their honor?

    I truly don't know what these protests are trying to accomplish, because I don't know of any police dept in United States that is promoting police brutality. They are all trying to make sure it doesn't happen, just like we'd like nobody to ever murder anybody ever again, but guess what, it happens. That's what our justice system is there for to deal with "bad apples".
    Last edited by Bob21; 06-02-2020 at 07:47 PM.

  19. #59
    See Wasila, what you don't get it is more akin to Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. These guys close their eyes, click their heels, say they're in agreement against police brutality and thus everyone should just accept shit service from the government.

    Those 2 black kids who were pulled out and tazed for no reason and had hteir car vandalized? The cops have been charged and have to turn themselves in by the 5th.

    Bob21 is a fucking idiot. Things have already changed. Businesses don't like this. This is capitalism. It sucks that the systemic shit is not an issue to so many people. This is the natural result at some point. You have the great divider of a President that basically has encouraged this shit.

    He's now tear-gassed clergy for a single photo-op because of assholes like me doing #bunkerboy. It is par for the course though.

    I do agree though that the police brutality is amplified via social media. It is probably better now than it has been ever in the past. It is just with cameras, we're not willing to accept it at even the level we see.

  20. #60
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    See Wasila, what you don't get it is more akin to Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. These guys close their eyes, click their heels, say they're in agreement against police brutality and thus everyone should just accept shit service from the government.

    Those 2 black kids who were pulled out and tazed for no reason and had hteir car vandalized? The cops have been charged and have to turn themselves in by the 5th.

    Bob21 is a fucking idiot. Things have already changed. Businesses don't like this. This is capitalism. It sucks that the systemic shit is not an issue to so many people. This is the natural result at some point. You have the great divider of a President that basically has encouraged this shit.

    He's now tear-gassed clergy for a single photo-op because of assholes like me doing #bunkerboy. It is par for the course though.

    I do agree though that the police brutality is amplified via social media. It is probably better now than it has been ever in the past. It is just with cameras, we're not willing to accept it at even the level we see.
    One question: How are "protests" and riots going to improve things? I mean we've been working on it since the Rodney King riots over 25 years ago. It seems like it is worse now than it was 25 years ago.

    And why is this problem worse in cities controlled by liberal mayors and liberal police chiefs for 50 years? Are you saying these liberal cites are promoting police brutality? If you are, then why are you are liberal? Is it because you like police brutality?

    Maybe you and your liberal buddies are the problem and making it worse. Have you ever thought about that?

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