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Thread: Trump In Action

  1. #1
    Trump was at a roundtable on Maine Fisheries today. Maine fishermen and processors have been getting ripped off for quite awhile. Watch Trump in action as the problems are explained to him and his responses. This is textbook on how a president should operate. This roundtable should be shown to all future presidents.

    Trump gets going on the Maine Fisheries at about 3:20

    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  2. #2
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Trump was at a roundtable on Maine Fisheries today. Maine fishermen and processors have been getting ripped off for quite awhile. Watch Trump in action as the problems are explained to him and his responses. This is textbook on how a president should operate. This roundtable should be shown to all future presidents.

    Trump gets going on the Maine Fisheries at about 3:20

    I am certain lots of Trump quotes will be shown to future presidents.

  3. #3
    How about some Obama quotes: "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan. Healthcare premiums will be reduced."

    Those were some real doozies weren't they, darkoz. The kind that really affect peoples bottom lines.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    How about some Obama quotes: "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan. Healthcare premiums will be reduced."

    Those were some real doozies weren't they, darkoz. The kind that really affect peoples bottom lines.
    While liberals complained about Trump visiting one of the “whitest” states a majority of Americans with Retirement account in mutual funds are celebrating their just reward for sticking with America and it reliance.

    And Trump in coming here to South Dakota, a state he has in the bag to celebrate for the 4th of July.
    So proud he is OUR President.

    And that George Floyd did not die in vain while being murdered by a bad cop. He also cured Coronavirus.

  5. #5
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    How about some Obama quotes: "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan. Healthcare premiums will be reduced."

    Those were some real doozies weren't they, darkoz. The kind that really affect peoples bottom lines.
    Regardless of any bad quotes from Obama, the Yuuuge dearth of horrible quotes from Trump is so big that it's going to be discussed for decades.
    The "Yeah, but look at this guy" argument gets real old.

    What happened to repeal and replace Obamacare?

    Ironic Obamacare being brought up

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    How about some Obama quotes: "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan. Healthcare premiums will be reduced."

    Those were some real doozies weren't they, darkoz. The kind that really affect peoples bottom lines.
    While liberals complained about Trump visiting one of the “whitest” states a majority of Americans with Retirement account in mutual funds are celebrating their just reward for sticking with America and it reliance.

    And Trump in coming here to South Dakota, a state he has in the bag to celebrate for the 4th of July.
    So proud he is OUR President.

    And that George Floyd did not die in vain while being murdered by a bad cop. He also cured Coronavirus.
    You mean Floyd ended quarantine by getting people out to protest.

    Let's hope that works out. The virus isn't gone.

    These protests and reopening efforts are actually perfect timing for the election.

    No affect August September October, Trump may yet have a chance

    But if all the protests and reopening result in a massive hospitalization and death toll right during the final months of the election then, hmmmm!

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by Darkoz View Post

    You mean Floyd ended quarantine by getting people out to protest.

    Let's hope that works out. The virus isn't gone.

    These protests and reopening efforts are actually perfect timing for the election.

    No affect August September October, Trump may yet have a chance

    But if all the protests and reopening result in a massive hospitalization and death toll right during the final months of the election then, hmmmm!
    This Virus Bullshit is over.
    This is not the Bubonic Plague no matter how much you and others act like it is.
    We have to deal with it now like all the other viruses.
    Casinos have opened in Vegas and people are packing them in playing side by side once again.
    Heck, I only seen about half of the players in masks and none of the people who are considered pros/aps.
    As a matter of fact, I talked to 7 people who I have known in Vegas for over 20 years.
    None of them had it or know anyone who had it.
    queerJ is the only one that thinks he had it.
    The whole thing is obviously some power grab along with a monetary shift.
    No different than the Real Estate Scam/Crisis.

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by Darkoz View Post

    You mean Floyd ended quarantine by getting people out to protest.

    Let's hope that works out. The virus isn't gone.

    These protests and reopening efforts are actually perfect timing for the election.

    No affect August September October, Trump may yet have a chance

    But if all the protests and reopening result in a massive hospitalization and death toll right during the final months of the election then, hmmmm!
    This Virus Bullshit is over.
    This is not the Bubonic Plague no matter how much you and others act like it is.
    We have to deal with it now like all the other viruses.
    Casinos have opened in Vegas and people are packing them in playing side by side once again.
    Heck, I only seen about half of the players in masks and none of the people who are considered pros/aps.
    As a matter of fact, I talked to 7 people who I have known in Vegas for over 20 years.
    None of them had it or know anyone who had it.
    queerJ is the only one that thinks he had it.
    The whole thing is obviously some power grab along with a monetary shift.
    No different than the Real Estate Scam/Crisis.
    It's nice you guys avoided the disaster till now. And I hope it stays that way.

    But I live in NYC. I have had a number of people I know including an AP partner pass away from Covid-19 (age 42)

    I know friends who have told me of people they know who died of Covid-19.

    During it's height the ambulance sirens passed my house every few minutes.

    That level can't be what you want?

    It's like standing in the tracks of a high speed train and saying it's safe because you can't see the train or danger. When you do see it, your dead!

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by Darkoz View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by Darkoz View Post

    You mean Floyd ended quarantine by getting people out to protest.

    Let's hope that works out. The virus isn't gone.

    These protests and reopening efforts are actually perfect timing for the election.

    No affect August September October, Trump may yet have a chance

    But if all the protests and reopening result in a massive hospitalization and death toll right during the final months of the election then, hmmmm!
    This Virus Bullshit is over.
    This is not the Bubonic Plague no matter how much you and others act like it is.
    We have to deal with it now like all the other viruses.
    Casinos have opened in Vegas and people are packing them in playing side by side once again.
    Heck, I only seen about half of the players in masks and none of the people who are considered pros/aps.
    As a matter of fact, I talked to 7 people who I have known in Vegas for over 20 years.
    None of them had it or know anyone who had it.
    queerJ is the only one that thinks he had it.
    The whole thing is obviously some power grab along with a monetary shift.
    No different than the Real Estate Scam/Crisis.
    It's nice you guys avoided the disaster till now. And I hope it stays that way.

    But I live in NYC. I have had a number of people I know including an AP partner pass away from Covid-19 (age 42)

    I know friends who have told me of people they know who died of Covid-19.

    During it's height the ambulance sirens passed my house every few minutes.

    That level can't be what you want?

    It's like standing in the tracks of a high speed train and saying it's safe because you can't see the train or danger. When you do see it, your dead!
    The virus didn't go anywhere. All these guys thinking they know better than science because of their incredibly limited observations.

    Maybe summer will slow it down significantly, but it'll be back. Once schools go back into session that is worse than any protest. Those kids won't have symptoms but their teachers will.

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    How about some Obama quotes: "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan. Healthcare premiums will be reduced."

    Those were some real doozies weren't they, darkoz. The kind that really affect peoples bottom lines.[/QUOTE

    What happened to repeal and replace Obamacare?

    Ironic Obamacare being brought up
    Were it not for MCCain it would have been repealed.

    Dems don’t have anyone like that who will go against Pelosi & Schumer.

  11. #11
    Didn't know that Trump or coronavirus was a topic for the front page of VCT, but, here goes....

    The Black Death represented four years of the Bubonic Plague. "A third of the people died" if you want to summarize what happened just during those four years. The Bubonic Plague itself was not stamped out and came and went over the next 800 years. Yes, let's hope what we have here with coronavirus is nothing like that!

    I recall someone posted something about "It's the flu bro" about coronavirus early on at this forum. Don't need to know who it was, but I hope that someone doesn't lose a family member or friend to have to understand how wrong he was/is. At a minimum, it spreads a lot easier than the flu and once you get it a 4% death rate across the board is pretty grim compared to the flu. There are people who are relatively young dying from it with no preexisting health conditions. We also don't know how the lifespan of those who catch it but recover will be affected - it could end up being something like TB, or worse, that weakens you for life.

    And if the coronavirus goes on for four years unchecked, while it won't kill a third of us, it will look a lot worse than anyone gives it credit for right now. We've had to deal with it in the U.S. so far for only four months, not four years.

    The purpose of the lockdown was merely to clear enough hospital beds so that hospitals could handle the influx of patients. Also, we would hope that social distancing, wearing masks and better hand washing hygiene are being practiced now to slow the spread of the virus.

    But otherwise, nothing has changed and if people are not careful we'll be right back where we were in March again, with hospitals overwhelmed. While patients who end up in the hospital aren't surviving as well as would be hoped, percentage wise, still, it's worth having a hospital bed open because many with coronavirus who react badly enough to require hospitalization still do recover.

    As far as Trump, it's relatively pointless to argue about what he says or does because everyone here already has his mind made up, but betting man wise, not even commenting about whether I support him or not, I'd say that he is finished and has little or no chance of re-election --- at the very least: certainly if it were a straight 1:1 payoff I'd bet on the other guy.
    Last edited by MDawg; 06-05-2020 at 07:51 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  12. #12
    It's like standing in the tracks of a high speed train and saying it's safe because you can't see the train or danger. When you do see it, your dead![/QUOTE]

    But don’t you honestly think it took out most of the vulnerable in many places? If it was so contagious within the general public don’t you think those of us protesting to open states up 2 months ago would have had/ spread it? How about people like me on the Florida beaches 5 weeks ago? The Floyd protestors last Monday?

    Sucks people died, but people die everyday. It sucks more people lost their jobs over it. And according to the HuffPost, the layoffs have affected blacks the most. You know, because racist employers call the white employees back first.

    Or is there another reason why they are affected the most? Only the looters know.

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    How about some Obama quotes: "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan. Healthcare premiums will be reduced."

    Those were some real doozies weren't they, darkoz. The kind that really affect peoples bottom lines.
    While liberals complained about Trump visiting one of the “whitest” states a majority of Americans with Retirement account in mutual funds are celebrating their just reward for sticking with America and it reliance.

    And Trump in coming here to South Dakota, a state he has in the bag to celebrate for the 4th of July.
    So proud he is OUR President.

    And that George Floyd did not die in vain while being murdered by a bad cop. He also cured Coronavirus.
    The US has $6 trillion looking for a new home with another 3 or so behind it. The stock market is bound to go up. The real question is,,,,What will the gains buy in the future?

    Wondering why the market is up is like wondering why a guy who did an ounce of coke in the past few days still hasn't slept. Also, it's not all that impressive.

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by Darkoz View Post
    During it's height the ambulance sirens passed my house every few minutes.
    I don't know if I believe that one. Coronavirus isn't like a car wreck or heart attack, where one minute you are okay and the next minute you could be dying.

    I've known and read about people with coronavirus and you slowly get worse to where someone usually takes you to the hospital or doctor. For the most part, they don't call the ambulance.

    When you make outlandish claims like this, it kind of calls into question all the other stuff you say.

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    It's like standing in the tracks of a high speed train and saying it's safe because you can't see the train or danger. When you do see it, your dead!
    But don’t you honestly think it took out most of the vulnerable in many places? If it was so contagious within the general public don’t you think those of us protesting to open states up 2 months ago would have had/ spread it? How about people like me on the Florida beaches 5 weeks ago? The Floyd protestors last Monday?

    Sucks people died, but people die everyday. It sucks more people lost their jobs over it. And according to the HuffPost, the layoffs have affected blacks the most. You know, because racist employers call the white employees back first.

    Or is there another reason why they are affected the most? Only the looters know.[/QUOTE]

    Yes it took a lot of the vulnerable out. I hear people who aren't vulnerable using this as some type of escape argument.

    Is Covid-19 ok not to take seriously just because it ONLY kills vulnerable people? Hmmmm!

    The other issue is that death from Covid-19 seems to be the marker of seriousness that people point to. I believe it has a 98% survival rate.

    Damn that's good.

    But 98% that survive don't do so like it's a cakewalk. Quite a large percentage of those that get sick will get seriously sick. You see those videos of people being cheered because they are being discharged after four weeks in the hospital? Being cheered because they were taken off a ventilator?


    so honest question to you. Would you feel comfortable risking a ventilator and four weeks hospitalized as long as you suvived?

    I know someone who dealt with it and is feeling better. He said it was basically drowning for three weeks straight. Extreme headaches and nausea from lack of sleep. He said he could not remember if he slept. It was like a hazy dream because that drowning feeling didn't stop for sleep. You simply could not catch any rest until your brain simply shutdown for exhaustion long enough for the illness to wake you up again.

    So, touting the survival rate belies how serious this threat really is

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by Darkoz View Post
    During it's height the ambulance sirens passed my house every few minutes.
    I don't know if I believe that one. Coronavirus isn't like a car wreck or heart attack, where one minute you are okay and the next minute you could be dying.

    I've known and read about people with coronavirus and you slowly get worse to where someone usually takes you to the hospital or doctor. For the most part, they don't call the ambulance.

    When you make outlandish claims like this, it kind of calls into question all the other stuff you say.
    Well I witnessed it.

    As for going to the hospital on your own, they were giving advice to please call an ambulance for Covid-19 suspicion. They DIDN'T want Covid-19 spread to the hospital and sick people in the emergency ward. So there was activism here to call 911 to get instructions which usually resulted in the ambulance

    Also many people who said they could make it themselves to the hospital were simply told to stay home (again for fear of spreading it to others) and also because if you didn't need hospitalization, there was no treatment or cure for it. (" Yep, you got Coronavirus. Go home. We can't help you if you are well enough to travel. What do you want us to do? Two weeks quarantine but if your conditions worsen then call 911").

    So basically the ambulance was sent for whenever someone was deathly ill.

    At it's peak we were seeing over 900 people dying a day. That's dying, not hospitalizations. I suppose if the 2% death rate is correct you can extrapolate some larger percentage of Ill rushed to the hospital

    Finally, PLEASE NOTE:. NY is STILL in lockdown!!! Broadway is still shuttered. Casinos closed. Movie theaters closed. Malls closed. A phased reopening is slowly underway.

    It's law that masks must be worn. I would say about 90% of people obey this. The others get yelled at for their insolence and DON'T get served at most businesses.

    You think we would still be in lockdown at this very moment if we didn't just go through hell?
    Last edited by Darkoz; 06-05-2020 at 09:51 PM.

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by Darkoz View Post
    During it's height the ambulance sirens passed my house every few minutes.
    I don't know if I believe that one. Coronavirus isn't like a car wreck or heart attack, where one minute you are okay and the next minute you could be dying.

    I've known and read about people with coronavirus and you slowly get worse to where someone usually takes you to the hospital or doctor. For the most part, they don't call the ambulance.

    When you make outlandish claims like this, it kind of calls into question all the other stuff you say.
    At any rate Bob21 don't believe me alone.

    Read the first paragraph of this article

  18. #18
    Interesting DarkOz. Id heard about all the ambulance sirens and 911 calls, but wasn't sure why it was happening. I'm glad to be living in Alaska. We have a press releases when we get a double digit increase in cases that day. I can't imagine what you're city went and is still going through. Thanks for sharing your story.

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by Darkoz View Post
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by Darkoz View Post
    During it's height the ambulance sirens passed my house every few minutes.
    I don't know if I believe that one. Coronavirus isn't like a car wreck or heart attack, where one minute you are okay and the next minute you could be dying.

    I've known and read about people with coronavirus and you slowly get worse to where someone usually takes you to the hospital or doctor. For the most part, they don't call the ambulance.

    When you make outlandish claims like this, it kind of calls into question all the other stuff you say.
    Well I witnessed it.

    As for going to the hospital on your own, they were giving advice to please call an ambulance for Covid-19 suspicion. They DIDN'T want Covid-19 spread to the hospital and sick people in the emergency ward. So there was activism here to call 911 to get instructions which usually resulted in the ambulance

    Also many people who said they could make it themselves to the hospital were simply told to stay home (again for fear of spreading it to others) and also because if you didn't need hospitalization, there was no treatment or cure for it. (" Yep, you got Coronavirus. Go home. We can't help you if you are well enough to travel. What do you want us to do? Two weeks quarantine but if your conditions worsen then call 911").

    So basically the ambulance was sent for whenever someone was deathly ill.

    At it's peak we were seeing over 900 people dying a day. That's dying, not hospitalizations. I suppose if the 2% death rate is correct you can extrapolate some larger percentage of Ill rushed to the hospital

    Finally, PLEASE NOTE:. NY is STILL in lockdown!!! Broadway is still shuttered. Casinos closed. Movie theaters closed. Malls closed. A phased reopening is slowly underway.

    It's law that masks must be worn. I would say about 90% of people obey this. The others get yelled at for their insolence and DON'T get served at most businesses.

    You think we would still be in lockdown at this very moment if we didn't just go through hell?
    Meanwhile you have looters filling the streets like cockroaches at an Indian restaurant. Including the mayor's daughter. Without a damn thing being done about it. Can't make this stuff up. The businesses should just open in protest of being closed.

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by Darkoz View Post
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post

    I don't know if I believe that one. Coronavirus isn't like a car wreck or heart attack, where one minute you are okay and the next minute you could be dying.

    I've known and read about people with coronavirus and you slowly get worse to where someone usually takes you to the hospital or doctor. For the most part, they don't call the ambulance.

    When you make outlandish claims like this, it kind of calls into question all the other stuff you say.
    Well I witnessed it.

    As for going to the hospital on your own, they were giving advice to please call an ambulance for Covid-19 suspicion. They DIDN'T want Covid-19 spread to the hospital and sick people in the emergency ward. So there was activism here to call 911 to get instructions which usually resulted in the ambulance

    Also many people who said they could make it themselves to the hospital were simply told to stay home (again for fear of spreading it to others) and also because if you didn't need hospitalization, there was no treatment or cure for it. (" Yep, you got Coronavirus. Go home. We can't help you if you are well enough to travel. What do you want us to do? Two weeks quarantine but if your conditions worsen then call 911").

    So basically the ambulance was sent for whenever someone was deathly ill.

    At it's peak we were seeing over 900 people dying a day. That's dying, not hospitalizations. I suppose if the 2% death rate is correct you can extrapolate some larger percentage of Ill rushed to the hospital

    Finally, PLEASE NOTE:. NY is STILL in lockdown!!! Broadway is still shuttered. Casinos closed. Movie theaters closed. Malls closed. A phased reopening is slowly underway.

    It's law that masks must be worn. I would say about 90% of people obey this. The others get yelled at for their insolence and DON'T get served at most businesses.

    You think we would still be in lockdown at this very moment if we didn't just go through hell?
    Meanwhile you have looters filling the streets like cockroaches at an Indian restaurant. Including the mayor's daughter. Without a damn thing being done about it. Can't make this stuff up. The businesses should just open in protest of being closed.
    Yes we maybe are set back with the containment of this virus. Won't know for a few weeks. These are trying times

    As for opening in protest, lol, the looting has had the opposite effect. Stores are boarding their windows. Probably last thing to do flaunting the law is OPEN during a looting riot

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