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Thread: A conservative Black women's view on George Floyd and police brutality

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    It is amazing how hard it is for you to stay on topic. What is your mental malfunction?

    I looked into her background to see if she seemed like she'd have an interesting take on things. Nothing suggests that all. What is suggested is she is just another hustler with a book to sell, pandering to a certain demographic.

    I'm now the bigger racist because I won't listen to her and she happens to be black.
    I'll listen to her if you donate $100 to some charity for the time I will waste.

    Anyway.. it is embarassing that I even bother to argue with you. I need to stop.

    Always "typical liberal response" then you go off on about how liberals think without a hint of introspection EVER. You're the most broken of broken records.

    I've never even voted for a Democratic President in my life. I have voted third party. Don't even know if I am that much of a liberal, but it doesn't matter in your world.
    Accountinquestion, I’ll take you up on your offer. Give me the charity, and I’ll send $100 to it. I hope it’s not some left-wing nut case charity, but even if it is I’ll follow through. It’s only $100 and I would be interested in what you think. I’m a conservative so I keep my word. I know this is a rare concept in liberal circles.

    I have listened to a lot of conservatives and Candace brought up some good points I hadn’t heard before. Some sound silly on the surface, but they still make sense. One of her points is people in all professions make mistakes and have bad apples. There are no exceptions. That will never change. Do people protest against every institution with a bad apple? If they did, no one would get any work done in our country. We’d be protesting 24/7, just stopping to eat and sleep. The last part was my commentary.

    The profession she concentrated on is doctors. It’s a good example to compare with police, since both professions can help people, but also can kill people. Docotrs kill by mistake and on purpose an estimated 270,000 people a year. Where is all the outrage of doctor’s killing people? Where are the “protests”; where are the riots?

    Since there are no protests or riots, does that mean everybody is okay with doctors killing over a quarter million people a year? And there are serial doctors who murder people, including black people. Where’s the outrage? Why don’t these lives matter?

    Her main point is the black culture is the only culture that caters to the lowest common denominator. No other culture, even Latino culture, defends the criminal element like blacks. She learned this from Shelby Steele, a black conservative. And yes, I got a couple of his books, along with several other white and black conservatives. I get my liberal opinions everyday from the media, so I know both sides.

    I don’t sit in a silo only wanting to hear one side, and then spew out liberal propaganda.
    Ok, I will think up a charity and give it to you then I will give this woman my full attention for 15 minutes or possibly slightly longer. I'll likely take your word on the donation because if you want to lie about such a thing then more power to you. Some sort of soup kitchen that has low overhead is something we should both agree on. If you want to make the payment and give me the charity name otherwise I'll need to find one first. I have a million things to do already, so it'll be a bit, so if you want to pick the soup-kitchen charity pay it and get the ball moving then I will follow through on my side.

    The problem with the police is there is little accountability. They lie on reports to cover their tracks. There is a 2-tiered justice system, possibly 3. There is also a level of corruption. Good cops get weeded out because the rotten ones are never forced to leave. It just corrupts the whole system. The well meaning ones get worn down by the ones with seniority. My understanding is this happened in the Floyd case. These are government employees with more power than anyone.

    The basic problem is the power / abilities ratio is way too high for cops. These are not our finest. The mainstream right wants to elevate these government employees but their job is not as dangerous as roofers and such. This and other things gives them a power that no one else in society has. You make all these other analogies with other professions but none of this is true. You can sue a doctor far more easily. They don't have qualified immunity.

    I saw a video yesterday guys protesting. Cop told them to lower their flag becuase it might be used as a weapon. So he backs up. Then cop wants to give them a trespassing ticket. Thats not how public property works. So one guy is like sure mother fucker, here is my id. 2nd guy says, 'no, I don't have an id'. Then cop goes to arrest him over completely made up enforcement of laws. He pulls his taser out and tries to taze this guy. This is a man who wasn't violent and was not breaking the law. I wonder how much trouble the cop gets in? He should be fired. In private industry your ass wouldn't last very long doing shit like that. The escalation to the less than lethal use of force which actually ends up killing various people. All over a non-violent person who hadn't even broken a law. Only way to get that corrected is to get tazed, hope you don't get a serious head injury or allow yourself to be arrested under nonsensical enforcement. This shit happens all the time. You'll say you're not ok with it, but then on the other hand you disparage those who stand up against this sort of thing. You can't have both sides.
    My favorite charity when it comes to helping the poor is the Salvation Army. Yes, they are Christian related, but they believe in action and helping those in need. If you look up the Salvantion Army’s record, the majority of your donation goes to the people in need. Growing up, my family always donated our furniture, clothes and other things we didn’t need to the Salavation Army; we never had garage sales.

    I also worked for a summer for the Salvation Army, with New York City inner city at risk kids in a camp in New Jersey. Talk about an experience. I got to know some black counselers from the projects and even spent a weekend in a project in the Bronx with one since he invited me. We were good friends and he wanted me to see how his family lived.

    We took the subway to where he lived Friday evening, and as we got closer to his home, the people on the subway looked less and less like me. I was the only white guy I saw that weekend, and this was during the late 70s when they were a lot of race riots. I survived that weekend, but it was something I would have never done had I known how bad it was, and how my life was at risk.

    His mom was great, but the project where he lived was a complete shithole. His mom was a good cook and I had some of the best meals that weekend. His dad was in prison for killing someone so I never met him. It was hard to sleep that weekend with all the noise and yelling in the steeets. It seemed like anarchy.

    After the weekend, he said if had he told me how bad it was and how much my life was at risk, he knew I wouldn’t have visited his project. He said he was pretty sure he could protect me too. That was good to know after the fact. Lol

    I had some close calls that weekend but survived. He always had my back, or it could have been really bad. It’s something I’d only do one time in my life to say I did it.

    So are you okay with the Salvation Army?

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post

    Accountinquestion, I’ll take you up on your offer. Give me the charity, and I’ll send $100 to it. I hope it’s not some left-wing nut case charity, but even if it is I’ll follow through. It’s only $100 and I would be interested in what you think. I’m a conservative so I keep my word. I know this is a rare concept in liberal circles.

    I have listened to a lot of conservatives and Candace brought up some good points I hadn’t heard before. Some sound silly on the surface, but they still make sense. One of her points is people in all professions make mistakes and have bad apples. There are no exceptions. That will never change. Do people protest against every institution with a bad apple? If they did, no one would get any work done in our country. We’d be protesting 24/7, just stopping to eat and sleep. The last part was my commentary.

    The profession she concentrated on is doctors. It’s a good example to compare with police, since both professions can help people, but also can kill people. Docotrs kill by mistake and on purpose an estimated 270,000 people a year. Where is all the outrage of doctor’s killing people? Where are the “protests”; where are the riots?

    Since there are no protests or riots, does that mean everybody is okay with doctors killing over a quarter million people a year? And there are serial doctors who murder people, including black people. Where’s the outrage? Why don’t these lives matter?

    Her main point is the black culture is the only culture that caters to the lowest common denominator. No other culture, even Latino culture, defends the criminal element like blacks. She learned this from Shelby Steele, a black conservative. And yes, I got a couple of his books, along with several other white and black conservatives. I get my liberal opinions everyday from the media, so I know both sides.

    I don’t sit in a silo only wanting to hear one side, and then spew out liberal propaganda.
    Ok, I will think up a charity and give it to you then I will give this woman my full attention for 15 minutes or possibly slightly longer. I'll likely take your word on the donation because if you want to lie about such a thing then more power to you. Some sort of soup kitchen that has low overhead is something we should both agree on. If you want to make the payment and give me the charity name otherwise I'll need to find one first. I have a million things to do already, so it'll be a bit, so if you want to pick the soup-kitchen charity pay it and get the ball moving then I will follow through on my side.

    The problem with the police is there is little accountability. They lie on reports to cover their tracks. There is a 2-tiered justice system, possibly 3. There is also a level of corruption. Good cops get weeded out because the rotten ones are never forced to leave. It just corrupts the whole system. The well meaning ones get worn down by the ones with seniority. My understanding is this happened in the Floyd case. These are government employees with more power than anyone.

    The basic problem is the power / abilities ratio is way too high for cops. These are not our finest. The mainstream right wants to elevate these government employees but their job is not as dangerous as roofers and such. This and other things gives them a power that no one else in society has. You make all these other analogies with other professions but none of this is true. You can sue a doctor far more easily. They don't have qualified immunity.

    I saw a video yesterday guys protesting. Cop told them to lower their flag becuase it might be used as a weapon. So he backs up. Then cop wants to give them a trespassing ticket. Thats not how public property works. So one guy is like sure mother fucker, here is my id. 2nd guy says, 'no, I don't have an id'. Then cop goes to arrest him over completely made up enforcement of laws. He pulls his taser out and tries to taze this guy. This is a man who wasn't violent and was not breaking the law. I wonder how much trouble the cop gets in? He should be fired. In private industry your ass wouldn't last very long doing shit like that. The escalation to the less than lethal use of force which actually ends up killing various people. All over a non-violent person who hadn't even broken a law. Only way to get that corrected is to get tazed, hope you don't get a serious head injury or allow yourself to be arrested under nonsensical enforcement. This shit happens all the time. You'll say you're not ok with it, but then on the other hand you disparage those who stand up against this sort of thing. You can't have both sides.
    My favorite charity when it comes to helping the poor is the Salvation Army. Yes, they are Christian related, but they believe in action and helping those in need. If you look up the Salvantion Army’s record, the majority of your donation goes to the people in need. Growing up, my family always donated our furniture, clothes and other things we didn’t need to the Salavation Army; we never had garage sales.

    I also worked for a summer for the Salvation Army, with New York City inner city at risk kids in a camp in New Jersey. Talk about an experience. I got to know some black counselers from the projects and even spent a weekend in a project in the Bronx with one since he invited me. We were good friends and he wanted me to see how his family lived.

    We took the subway to where he lived Friday evening, and as we got closer to his home, the people on the subway looked less and less like me. I was the only white guy I saw that weekend, and this was during the late 70s when they were a lot of race riots. I survived that weekend, but it was something I would have never done had I known how bad it was, and how my life was at risk.

    His mom was great, but the project where he lived was a complete shithole. His mom was a good cook and I had some of the best meals that weekend. His dad was in prison for killing someone so I never met him. It was hard to sleep that weekend with all the noise and yelling in the steeets. It seemed like anarchy.

    After the weekend, he said if had he told me how bad it was and how much my life was at risk, he knew I wouldn’t have visited his project. He said he was pretty sure he could protect me too. That was good to know after the fact. Lol

    I had some close calls that weekend but survived. He always had my back, or it could have been really bad. It’s something I’d only do one time in my life to say I did it.

    So are you okay with the Salvation Army?
    A very interesting story Bob. Sometimes I am surprised. Quite the life experience.

    Yes, Salvation Army is fine. The object was not to nitpick a charity. Salvation Army is not perfect but I've never heard of them being corrupt. Tell me when you've made the payment and I'll go watch that 15 minute clip you posted or whatever it is you wish to me to watch regarding Candace.

    Just to be clear. I don't think Republican ideals are necessarily bad or wrong. My main problem with Republicans is they *always* side with capital. "you're either rich or you're stupid" is my favorite saying but I no longer use it out of respect for a few close Republican friends. This includes all these bail-outs. It isn't really about any high-grounded views about the market working and so forth. It is all about preserving capital and power of those who already have it. Trump is also anti-environment and so are most Republicans. You can argue they aren't, but if they aren't willing to address the issues then they're anti in my book. We'll see if she has anything I haven't heard from a black conservative.

  3. #23
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post

    Accountinquestion, I’ll take you up on your offer. Give me the charity, and I’ll send $100 to it. I hope it’s not some left-wing nut case charity, but even if it is I’ll follow through. It’s only $100 and I would be interested in what you think. I’m a conservative so I keep my word. I know this is a rare concept in liberal circles.

    I have listened to a lot of conservatives and Candace brought up some good points I hadn’t heard before. Some sound silly on the surface, but they still make sense. One of her points is people in all professions make mistakes and have bad apples. There are no exceptions. That will never change. Do people protest against every institution with a bad apple? If they did, no one would get any work done in our country. We’d be protesting 24/7, just stopping to eat and sleep. The last part was my commentary.

    The profession she concentrated on is doctors. It’s a good example to compare with police, since both professions can help people, but also can kill people. Docotrs kill by mistake and on purpose an estimated 270,000 people a year. Where is all the outrage of doctor’s killing people? Where are the “protests”; where are the riots?

    Since there are no protests or riots, does that mean everybody is okay with doctors killing over a quarter million people a year? And there are serial doctors who murder people, including black people. Where’s the outrage? Why don’t these lives matter?

    Her main point is the black culture is the only culture that caters to the lowest common denominator. No other culture, even Latino culture, defends the criminal element like blacks. She learned this from Shelby Steele, a black conservative. And yes, I got a couple of his books, along with several other white and black conservatives. I get my liberal opinions everyday from the media, so I know both sides.

    I don’t sit in a silo only wanting to hear one side, and then spew out liberal propaganda.
    Ok, I will think up a charity and give it to you then I will give this woman my full attention for 15 minutes or possibly slightly longer. I'll likely take your word on the donation because if you want to lie about such a thing then more power to you. Some sort of soup kitchen that has low overhead is something we should both agree on. If you want to make the payment and give me the charity name otherwise I'll need to find one first. I have a million things to do already, so it'll be a bit, so if you want to pick the soup-kitchen charity pay it and get the ball moving then I will follow through on my side.

    The problem with the police is there is little accountability. They lie on reports to cover their tracks. There is a 2-tiered justice system, possibly 3. There is also a level of corruption. Good cops get weeded out because the rotten ones are never forced to leave. It just corrupts the whole system. The well meaning ones get worn down by the ones with seniority. My understanding is this happened in the Floyd case. These are government employees with more power than anyone.

    The basic problem is the power / abilities ratio is way too high for cops. These are not our finest. The mainstream right wants to elevate these government employees but their job is not as dangerous as roofers and such. This and other things gives them a power that no one else in society has. You make all these other analogies with other professions but none of this is true. You can sue a doctor far more easily. They don't have qualified immunity.

    I saw a video yesterday guys protesting. Cop told them to lower their flag becuase it might be used as a weapon. So he backs up. Then cop wants to give them a trespassing ticket. Thats not how public property works. So one guy is like sure mother fucker, here is my id. 2nd guy says, 'no, I don't have an id'. Then cop goes to arrest him over completely made up enforcement of laws. He pulls his taser out and tries to taze this guy. This is a man who wasn't violent and was not breaking the law. I wonder how much trouble the cop gets in? He should be fired. In private industry your ass wouldn't last very long doing shit like that. The escalation to the less than lethal use of force which actually ends up killing various people. All over a non-violent person who hadn't even broken a law. Only way to get that corrected is to get tazed, hope you don't get a serious head injury or allow yourself to be arrested under nonsensical enforcement. This shit happens all the time. You'll say you're not ok with it, but then on the other hand you disparage those who stand up against this sort of thing. You can't have both sides.
    My favorite charity when it comes to helping the poor is the Salvation Army. Yes, they are Christian related, but they believe in action and helping those in need. If you look up the Salvantion Army’s record, the majority of your donation goes to the people in need. Growing up, my family always donated our furniture, clothes and other things we didn’t need to the Salavation Army; we never had garage sales.

    I also worked for a summer for the Salvation Army, with New York City inner city at risk kids in a camp in New Jersey. Talk about an experience. I got to know some black counselers from the projects and even spent a weekend in a project in the Bronx with one since he invited me. We were good friends and he wanted me to see how his family lived.

    We took the subway to where he lived Friday evening, and as we got closer to his home, the people on the subway looked less and less like me. I was the only white guy I saw that weekend, and this was during the late 70s when they were a lot of race riots. I survived that weekend, but it was something I would have never done had I known how bad it was, and how my life was at risk.

    His mom was great, but the project where he lived was a complete shithole. His mom was a good cook and I had some of the best meals that weekend. His dad was in prison for killing someone so I never met him. It was hard to sleep that weekend with all the noise and yelling in the steeets. It seemed like anarchy.

    After the weekend, he said if had he told me how bad it was and how much my life was at risk, he knew I wouldn’t have visited his project. He said he was pretty sure he could protect me too. That was good to know after the fact. Lol

    I had some close calls that weekend but survived. He always had my back, or it could have been really bad. It’s something I’d only do one time in my life to say I did it.

    So are you okay with the Salvation Army?
    Most of the money the Salvation Army takes in goes to the poor. Goodwill is a racket with most of the money going to executives.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  4. #24
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Ok, I will think up a charity and give it to you then I will give this woman my full attention for 15 minutes or possibly slightly longer. I'll likely take your word on the donation because if you want to lie about such a thing then more power to you. Some sort of soup kitchen that has low overhead is something we should both agree on. If you want to make the payment and give me the charity name otherwise I'll need to find one first. I have a million things to do already, so it'll be a bit, so if you want to pick the soup-kitchen charity pay it and get the ball moving then I will follow through on my side.

    The problem with the police is there is little accountability. They lie on reports to cover their tracks. There is a 2-tiered justice system, possibly 3. There is also a level of corruption. Good cops get weeded out because the rotten ones are never forced to leave. It just corrupts the whole system. The well meaning ones get worn down by the ones with seniority. My understanding is this happened in the Floyd case. These are government employees with more power than anyone.

    The basic problem is the power / abilities ratio is way too high for cops. These are not our finest. The mainstream right wants to elevate these government employees but their job is not as dangerous as roofers and such. This and other things gives them a power that no one else in society has. You make all these other analogies with other professions but none of this is true. You can sue a doctor far more easily. They don't have qualified immunity.

    I saw a video yesterday guys protesting. Cop told them to lower their flag becuase it might be used as a weapon. So he backs up. Then cop wants to give them a trespassing ticket. Thats not how public property works. So one guy is like sure mother fucker, here is my id. 2nd guy says, 'no, I don't have an id'. Then cop goes to arrest him over completely made up enforcement of laws. He pulls his taser out and tries to taze this guy. This is a man who wasn't violent and was not breaking the law. I wonder how much trouble the cop gets in? He should be fired. In private industry your ass wouldn't last very long doing shit like that. The escalation to the less than lethal use of force which actually ends up killing various people. All over a non-violent person who hadn't even broken a law. Only way to get that corrected is to get tazed, hope you don't get a serious head injury or allow yourself to be arrested under nonsensical enforcement. This shit happens all the time. You'll say you're not ok with it, but then on the other hand you disparage those who stand up against this sort of thing. You can't have both sides.
    My favorite charity when it comes to helping the poor is the Salvation Army. Yes, they are Christian related, but they believe in action and helping those in need. If you look up the Salvantion Army’s record, the majority of your donation goes to the people in need. Growing up, my family always donated our furniture, clothes and other things we didn’t need to the Salavation Army; we never had garage sales.

    I also worked for a summer for the Salvation Army, with New York City inner city at risk kids in a camp in New Jersey. Talk about an experience. I got to know some black counselers from the projects and even spent a weekend in a project in the Bronx with one since he invited me. We were good friends and he wanted me to see how his family lived.

    We took the subway to where he lived Friday evening, and as we got closer to his home, the people on the subway looked less and less like me. I was the only white guy I saw that weekend, and this was during the late 70s when they were a lot of race riots. I survived that weekend, but it was something I would have never done had I known how bad it was, and how my life was at risk.

    His mom was great, but the project where he lived was a complete shithole. His mom was a good cook and I had some of the best meals that weekend. His dad was in prison for killing someone so I never met him. It was hard to sleep that weekend with all the noise and yelling in the steeets. It seemed like anarchy.

    After the weekend, he said if had he told me how bad it was and how much my life was at risk, he knew I wouldn’t have visited his project. He said he was pretty sure he could protect me too. That was good to know after the fact. Lol

    I had some close calls that weekend but survived. He always had my back, or it could have been really bad. It’s something I’d only do one time in my life to say I did it.

    So are you okay with the Salvation Army?
    Most of the money the Salvation Army takes in goes to the poor. Goodwill is a racket with most of the money going to executives.
    Good to see you confirm this Mickey. I have looked into the Salvation Army and they have one of the highest percentage of people's donations getting to their target group, the poor and those in need.

    Their executives don't make much. Other than working for the Salvation Army for that summer, I don't know much about them. But all I've read and seen is they are an organization that truly tries to help those in need.

    Before I left that weekend, my friend and his mom went to the small Salvation Army church located on the bottom floor of one of the projects. It's the first and only time I've been in a Salvation Army church. There were only about 15 people there that morning, and we were surrounded by these huge projects (large government owned apartments for those that don't know what a project is) in NYC. So I guess you could say, there aren't many church-goers in projects, at least not those projects.

    Btw, for those that don't know, a "project" is where the rich white liberals warehouse blacks, and think they are doing good.

    It was an interesting church service I will never forget. We sang some spiritual hymns very similar to the Baptist hymns I grew up with. Even though not many people were there that morning, this small group still saw hope in a sea of hopelessness, created more or less by white liberals ridden with guilty.

    His mom had not lost her faith and was as genuine as anybody I have ever met. That whole weekend she treated my like royality. I will never forget her hospitality. She had no anger to the white liberals who had created her hellhole.

    The reason I say "white liberals" is because the blacks didn't have enough power back then with only about 10% of the vote to create this environment that led to the destruction of black families. At that time I didn't understand that, but I do now. "White liberals" are one of the most destructive forces our society has ever known.

    We worshiped at that church that morning and then left, and got on the subway and headed back to our camp in New Jersey. That Sunday morning I wasn't afraid, since not many brothers are out and about in the morning.

    Here's a tip if you're white and visiting the projects. You'll be okay till about noon, since most people sleep in. I mean they are up all night creating chaos in the streets. But at noon and after, it can get a little dicey. Lol

    Accountinquestion, I'll let you know when I make my $100 donation to the Salvation Army. Too bad it's not Christmas time since I could just slip a $100 bill into the pot at my local Walmart. I hope I can get it done before Christmas.

    As far as the Candace video, you won't learn much from her, since I'm pretty sure you've heard most of it before, but you'll like her passion, and she knows her stats. Btw, the stats show whites are more targeted by police than blacks, but I know that doesn't fit the liberal narrative that we're a racist society, so you'll never hear this from the media.

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Candace Owens started a gofundme for an Alabama bar owner that the left called for boycotting because he said George Floyd was a "thug." $205,000 was raised in just a few hours but then gofundme terminated the fundraising saying it promoted "intolerance." The only intolerance was of course by gofundme.

    This is the type of shit the left keeps pulling over and over again. Hi tech needs to be brought to its knees over their intolerance.
    Here's a website that describes what Mickey is talking about for those "white liberals" like MWP who are too lazy and uneducated to spend time to listen to the 15 min video from Candace Owens:

  6. #26
    All that fucking talk and he doesn't know if he'll be able to donate $100 before Christmas to the Salvation Army. This is after he stated he'd take me up on my offer and then me being 100% agreeable. I guess he didn't get to make his point.

    What a fucking waste of everyone's time and I'm sure listening to Candace would be the same.

    It is interesting to wonder what would happen if there were no projects and what did welfare do to contribute to the black situation but not with weirdo bob.

  7. #27
    The left made it very hard to research George Floyd on the internet. But enough people prevailed that the research now shows great lefty hero Floyd went to prison nine times.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    All that fucking talk and he doesn't know if he'll be able to donate $100 before Christmas to the Salvation Army. This is after he stated he'd take me up on my offer and then me being 100% agreeable. I guess he didn't get to make his point.

    What a fucking waste of everyone's time and I'm sure listening to Candace would be the same.

    It is interesting to wonder what would happen if there were no projects and what did welfare do to contribute to the black situation but not with weirdo bob.
    Look accountinqueation, I can tell you’re pretty much a lost cause, along with MWP. I said I’d let you know when I donate $100 to the Salvation Army. What’s the rush?

    You can still become educated and listen to the video. It’s a free country. The problem is most people like you and MWP want to live in ignorance.

    As far as wondering what would have happened without welfare (and its many more white liberal programs besides welfare that destroyed the black family and the inner city), just look at the situation before welfare. The black family was mostly in tact and the inner cites were thriving.

    So there, you don’t have to wonder anymore. I’ve saved you time wondering.

    Btw, most of my black friends see white liberals the same as I do. Most are racist and look down on blacks. They think they alone are going to be the savior of blacks. It’s sad that white liberals have such a low view of blacks, and society.

  9. #29
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Black conservative, Walter Williams said that African-Americans are "the only ones that make heroes out of the worst in society. No where else in the world do they do it, not even in Africa." He was referring to making heroes out of the George Floyd types.
    Those making heroes of George Floyd are in the minority. That is not anywhere near the point of most protestors. It is for police accountability. But please your best to ignore the point to everything and make up some false alternative narrative.

    Go look at the protestors that carry signs? Show me pictures that have George Floyd's name on them? So fucking full of shit.

    And Bob21, I have no idea if liberalism broke up the black family unit. You seem to act like they were all fine before the policies. This is not true on any level and an absurdity on its face.

    And I do have an idea who broke the black family. The stats clearly show it started with liberalism. And I never said everything was fine before the 60s Civil Rights movement. But the inner cities were thriving, people had jobs, families were still in tact, crime was low, etc. Compared to now it was close to utopia.

    Liberals have created hellholes out of our inner cities. They weren’t like that before liberals got in charge. Look up the stats if you don’t believe me.

    Lyndon Johnson the uncivil rights reformer who gave us The Great Society.

    Here are a few LBJ quotes. (Don't shoot the messenger)

    “I'm going to have to bring up the nigger bill again. [Said to a southern U.S. Senator upon the occasion of the Republicans re-introducing the Civil Right Act of 1957, according to LBJ's Special Counsel Harry McPherson.]”
    ― Lyndon B. Johnson

    “Let's face it. Our ass is in a crack. We're gonna have to let this nigger bill pass. [Said to Senator John Stennis (D-MS) during debate on the Civil Rights Act of 1957]”
    ― Lyndon B. Johnson

    “As long as you are black, and you’re gonna be black till the day you die, no one’s gonna call you by your goddamn name. So no matter what you are called, nigger, you just let it roll off your back like water, and you’ll make it. Just pretend you’re a goddamn piece of furniture. [Said to his chauffeur, Robert Parker, when Parker said he’d prefer to be referred to by his name rather than "boy," "nigger" or "chief."]”
    ― Lyndon B. Johnson

    “Son, when I appoint a nigger to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a nigger. [Said to an aide in 1965 regarding the appointment of Thurgood Marshall as associate justice of the Supreme Court]”
    ― Lyndon B. Johnson

    “I'll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years. [Said to two governors regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964, according to then-Air Force One steward Robert MacMillan]”
    ― Lyndon B. Johnson

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    All that fucking talk and he doesn't know if he'll be able to donate $100 before Christmas to the Salvation Army. This is after he stated he'd take me up on my offer and then me being 100% agreeable. I guess he didn't get to make his point.

    What a fucking waste of everyone's time and I'm sure listening to Candace would be the same.

    It is interesting to wonder what would happen if there were no projects and what did welfare do to contribute to the black situation but not with weirdo bob.
    Look accountinqueation, I can tell you’re pretty much a lost cause, along with MWP. I said I’d let you know when I donate $100 to the Salvation Army. What’s the rush?
    Someone so lowly they have to welch on giving $100 to charity. Christmas? You have to save up? No, most likely you weren't sincere from the start. You thought you'd troll me, because I'd say no to the Salvation Army. After all - isn't that what a liberal would do in your mentally diseased world view? Then you go could on with a 7 paragraph response using some form of the word liberal in each paragraph.

    I said you were trash before and I actually started to change my opinion. lol oops

    There is 0 rush, just don't expect me to be reading any messages from you come Christmas time. If you can't afford a lousy $100, then why bother with the back and forth? At best you're a very insincere person.

    Like I said, you're a trash person. Nothing to see or hear. Keep the $100, sounds like you probably need it as bad as Salvation Army.

  11. #31
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    All that fucking talk and he doesn't know if he'll be able to donate $100 before Christmas to the Salvation Army. This is after he stated he'd take me up on my offer and then me being 100% agreeable. I guess he didn't get to make his point.

    What a fucking waste of everyone's time and I'm sure listening to Candace would be the same.

    It is interesting to wonder what would happen if there were no projects and what did welfare do to contribute to the black situation but not with weirdo bob.
    Look accountinqueation, I can tell you’re pretty much a lost cause, along with MWP. I said I’d let you know when I donate $100 to the Salvation Army. What’s the rush?
    Someone so lowly they have to welch on giving $100 to charity. Christmas? You have to save up? No, most likely you weren't sincere from the start. You thought you'd troll me, because I'd say no to the Salvation Army. After all - isn't that what a liberal would do in your mentally diseased world view? Then you go could on with a 7 paragraph response using some form of the word liberal in each paragraph.

    I said you were trash before and I actually started to change my opinion. lol oops

    There is 0 rush, just don't expect me to be reading any messages from you come Christmas time. If you can't afford a lousy $100, then why bother with the back and forth? At best you're a very insincere person.

    Like I said, you're a trash person. Nothing to see or hear. Keep the $100, sounds like you probably need it as bad as Salvation Army.
    Boy, that was quite a rant. Hey, we don’t have a Salavation Army in my town. I live in a small town. I gave you my word I’d donate $100 to Salvation Army. I’ll do that anyway regardless of what you do.

    But I’m not going to drive 100 miles to the closet town with a Salvation Army or go online to do that. The reason I mentioned Christmas is because that’s when I see the Salvation Army here. Why can’t you view the video now? Scared you might learn something, and it might move you away from being a white liberal?

    And btw, the Candace Owens you researched is not the same one in the video I posted. I found the information you have on Candace Owens Farmer. The one who went to Rhode Island. She’s older and different skin color and looks different than the Candace in my link.

    Great research job accountinquestion. Lol. Sounds like you need to get out more and stop smoking that dope. It’s fried your brain. All you needed to do is open my link and you’d seen her photo and that she wasn’t the same person you looked up. This is how lazy liberals like you are. You probably saw they were both black women so you assumed they must be the same person.

    The sad fact is this is how white liberals like you look at blacks. You see them as all being the same, rather than being distinctly different, which is how God and I view them.
    Last edited by Bob21; 06-10-2020 at 11:57 AM.

  12. #32
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Lyndon Johnson the uncivil rights reformer who gave us The Great Society.

    Here are a few LBJ quotes. (Don't shoot the messenger)

    “I'm going to have to bring up the nigger bill again. [Said to a southern U.S. Senator upon the occasion of the Republicans re-introducing the Civil Right Act of 1957, according to LBJ's Special Counsel Harry McPherson.]”
    ― Lyndon B. Johnson

    “Let's face it. Our ass is in a crack. We're gonna have to let this nigger bill pass. [Said to Senator John Stennis (D-MS) during debate on the Civil Rights Act of 1957]”
    ― Lyndon B. Johnson

    “As long as you are black, and you’re gonna be black till the day you die, no one’s gonna call you by your goddamn name. So no matter what you are called, nigger, you just let it roll off your back like water, and you’ll make it. Just pretend you’re a goddamn piece of furniture. [Said to his chauffeur, Robert Parker, when Parker said he’d prefer to be referred to by his name rather than "boy," "nigger" or "chief."]”
    ― Lyndon B. Johnson

    “Son, when I appoint a nigger to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a nigger. [Said to an aide in 1965 regarding the appointment of Thurgood Marshall as associate justice of the Supreme Court]”
    ― Lyndon B. Johnson

    “I'll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years. [Said to two governors regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964, according to then-Air Force One steward Robert MacMillan]”
    ― Lyndon B. Johnson
    Any more quotes?
    These are like reading old time "walk in the bar" jokes.
    A priest, a rabbi and a minister walk into a bar...

  13. #33
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    But I’m not going to drive 100 miles to the closet town with a Salvation Army or go online to do that.
    LOL. Aren't you already online? I mean not right now, but when you posted this?

    Here's a link if that helps.

  14. #34
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Lyndon Johnson the uncivil rights reformer who gave us The Great Society.

    Here are a few LBJ quotes. (Don't shoot the messenger)

    “I'm going to have to bring up the nigger bill again. [Said to a southern U.S. Senator upon the occasion of the Republicans re-introducing the Civil Right Act of 1957, according to LBJ's Special Counsel Harry McPherson.]”
    ― Lyndon B. Johnson

    “Let's face it. Our ass is in a crack. We're gonna have to let this nigger bill pass. [Said to Senator John Stennis (D-MS) during debate on the Civil Rights Act of 1957]”
    ― Lyndon B. Johnson

    “As long as you are black, and you’re gonna be black till the day you die, no one’s gonna call you by your goddamn name. So no matter what you are called, nigger, you just let it roll off your back like water, and you’ll make it. Just pretend you’re a goddamn piece of furniture. [Said to his chauffeur, Robert Parker, when Parker said he’d prefer to be referred to by his name rather than "boy," "nigger" or "chief."]”
    ― Lyndon B. Johnson

    “Son, when I appoint a nigger to the bench, I want everybody to know he’s a nigger. [Said to an aide in 1965 regarding the appointment of Thurgood Marshall as associate justice of the Supreme Court]”
    ― Lyndon B. Johnson

    “I'll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years. [Said to two governors regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964, according to then-Air Force One steward Robert MacMillan]”
    ― Lyndon B. Johnson
    Any more quotes?
    These are like reading old time "walk in the bar" jokes.
    A priest, a rabbi and a minister walk into a bar...
    Oh there are more. The dude was pretty coarse. If today’s liberals only knew.

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by GOATshoes View Post
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    But I’m not going to drive 100 miles to the closet town with a Salvation Army or go online to do that.
    LOL. Aren't you already online? I mean not right now, but when you posted this?

    Here's a link if that helps.
    Thanks. It’s still more work than I care to go through. Why is this important to you? I said I’d do it, so why is the timing so important?

    I could really care less about our resident weed smoker, accountinquewtion. He’s fun to debate since he has mostly hard left ideals, but he is not smart enough to know it. Those are always fun people to debate.

    Look, I know if people are committed to their leftist liberal ideology, one 15 min video isn’t going to change their mind.

    Most of the liberals on this site like our pot smoker, MWP, redietz, Darkoz and DGenBen would have to read at least 10 conservative books and spend time listening to conservative radio everyday, before they could become deprogrammed from their liberal ideology, and I don’t see that happening. Most people are happy in their beliefs, even when they know they are wrong.

    And as far as accountinquestion, he’s just happy when he’s in the basement smoking his weed. He mostly doesn’t want to get arrested so he stays away from states where it’s illegal to smoke weed. I’ve pretty much got accountinquestion figured out.

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Thanks. It’s still more work than I care to go through. Why is this important to you? I said I’d do it, so why is the timing so important?
    Your donation isn’t important to me so much as I thought the reasoning was funny. The idea of “going online” being effort when you’re already online. It made me think of the days of sacrificing your phone line to dial up AOL. It was a lot more effort to go online then compared to now.

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by GOATshoes View Post
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Thanks. It’s still more work than I care to go through. Why is this important to you? I said I’d do it, so why is the timing so important?
    Your donation isn’t important to me so much as I thought the reasoning was funny. The idea of “going online” being effort when you’re already online. It made me think of the days of sacrificing your phone line to dial up AOL. It was a lot more effort to go online then compared to now.
    There is more to it than going on line. You still have to fill out things to make a donation, and have your credit card or some way to pay any company or charity online. I don’t keep my credit cards with me at work. I’d have had to go to my car, which is parked quite aways from my office.

    The only reason I added the online comment is because I know how you people think. You’d think why not just go online to make a donation? Like I said it was more work than I was willing to go through. Yes, I could have done it, but it’d have taken me about 30 mins. You think a goofball like accountinquestion is worth it to me.

    Why was it important to you and accountinquestion to get it done right away. I didn’t care when accountinquestion watched the video. If he was interested in the video so much he could have watched it right away. Why did I have to make the donation first?

    I have a feeling you’re a liberal or you wouldn’t have bothered making a rather stupid post, and searching the internet for Salvation Army and attaching the link. This must have meant a lot to you.

    Are you a liberal, or a sock puppet of accountinquestion?

  18. #38
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    I have a feeling you’re a liberal or you wouldn’t have bothered making a rather stupid post, and searching the internet for Salvation Army and attaching the link. This must have meant a lot to you.
    It took me less than a minute to find the link. I just thought your reasoning was funny. The more time you spend explaining it, the less it seems like such an effort to just go and donate. Eventually you will spend more time explaining than donating would take. That's between you and AIQ, I don't really care either way, but it was funny to read.

    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Are you a liberal, or a sock puppet of accountinquestion?
    I am neither.

    BTW, why are so many here paranoid of sock accounts? This is only my 11th post and you're the second person to accuse me of being a sock. I assume there are many more like me who lurk for entertainment.

  19. #39
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Originally Posted by GOATshoes View Post
    Originally Posted by Bob21 View Post
    Thanks. It’s still more work than I care to go through. Why is this important to you? I said I’d do it, so why is the timing so important?
    Your donation isn’t important to me so much as I thought the reasoning was funny. The idea of “going online” being effort when you’re already online. It made me think of the days of sacrificing your phone line to dial up AOL. It was a lot more effort to go online then compared to now.
    There is more to it than going on line. You still have to fill out things to make a donation, and have your credit card or some way to pay any company or charity online. I don’t keep my credit cards with me at work. I’d have had to go to my car, which is parked quite aways from my office.

    The only reason I added the online comment is because I know how you people think. You’d think why not just go online to make a donation? Like I said it was more work than I was willing to go through. Yes, I could have done it, but it’d have taken me about 30 mins. You think a goofball like accountinquestion is worth it to me.

    Why was it important to you and accountinquestion to get it done right away. I didn’t care when accountinquestion watched the video. If he was interested in the video so much he could have watched it right away. Why did I have to make the donation first?

    I have a feeling you’re a liberal or you wouldn’t have bothered making a rather stupid post, and searching the internet for Salvation Army and attaching the link. This must have meant a lot to you.

    Are you a liberal, or a sock puppet of accountinquestion?
    You know, he doesn't go out to his car where he keeps his credit cards until Christmas time in his small town. That'd take half an hour !

    I think his whole point was thinking I'd come up with some issue having him donate to the Salvation Army and he'd be able to play 'gotcha!' and drone on for pages about liberals in his typically mentally ill fashion.

    And btw, the Candace Owens you researched is not the same one in the video I posted. I found the information you have on Candace Owens Farmer. The one who went to Rhode Island. She’s older and different skin color and looks different than the Candace in my link.

    Great research job accountinquestion. Lol. Sounds like you need to get out more and stop smoking that dope. It’s fried your brain. All you needed to do is open my link and you’d seen her photo and that she wasn’t the same person you looked up. This is how lazy liberals like you are. You probably saw they were both black women so you assumed they must be the same person.
    Well yea, I did assume they're the same person. Funny how wiki and everyone else finds the woman with Farmer in her name who goes by Candace Owens. You could have given alternative information about who she is if that one was wrong. Lol. Shouldn't be hard but instead you spend all the effort telling me I'm wrong. It is likely bullshit as you didn't come up with other info. Such trash.

    And epic Danny going back quoting a dead man from decades ago trying to win some non-existent argument. LMAO. Good stuff.

  20. #40
    Originally Posted by GOATshoes View Post

    And epic Danny going back quoting a dead man from decades ago trying to win some non-existent argument.
    Not surprising the Cunt doesn't get the context of the reply.

    Which was in response to:

    And I do have an idea who broke the black family. The stats clearly show it started with liberalism. And I never said everything was fine before the 60s Civil Rights movement. But the inner cities were thriving, people had jobs, families were still in tact, crime was low, etc. Compared to now it was close to utopia.

    Liberals have created hellholes out of our inner cities. They weren’t like that before liberals got in charge. Look up the stats if you don’t believe me.
    The point being that the liberal revered Lyndon Johnson, the uncivil rights reformer who gave us The Great Society, was responsible for much of todays black societal problems by trying to stamp out poverty. Guess what, we still have lots of it.

    Oh yeah, and he was a virulent racist.

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