View Poll Results: Is Mission146 an insufferable prick?

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Thread: Mission146 is an Insufferable Prick

  1. #1

    This is a thread designed to express negative opinions of Mission146. In the world of gambling websites, Mission146 is also known as writer, "Brandon James."

    I believe that list format is appropriate for this OP, so let's begin:

    1.) Mission146 is a loser.

    -Mission146 is a total loser. Mission146 has a rudimentary-enough amount of intelligence that he could have accomplished much more in life with even the slightest bit of drive and motivation. However, Mission146 is not only generally apathetic, but is also profoundly lazy. Mission146 is also disorganized and, in general terms, has a negative attitude towards life.

    2.) Mission146 is not that smart.

    -It's a pretty widely recognized fact that Mission146 is not nearly as intelligent as he thinks he is. Anyone who has followed Mission146 to any extent will recognize, almost immediately, that he hides his significant intellectual failings behind a veneer of flowery language, ten-cent Thesaurus words and precise grammar/diction. In reality, Mission146 is full of many opinions, but suffers for a lack of actual facts. Not only that, but Mission146's writing style is oftentimes so convoluted and prodding, that it's sometimes difficult to tell what his opinion actually is, assuming he even has one on the subject he has just written a book about.

    Even if Mission146 has an opinion, he almost never has an actual point. Or, in the rare event that he does, any such point is lost in paragraphs of wholly unnecessary diversion consisting mostly of stream-of-thought inanities.

    3.) Mission146 is arrogant and condescending.

    -The only time that you will see Mission146 express a strong opinion, or anything strongly for that matter, is if he is almost assured that he is correct about something. It is a glorious day for Mission146 when this happens, because he will have the opportunity to express his points sardonically and with tremendous condescension.

    4.) Mission146 is unctuous.

    Unctuous: adj. (of a person) excessively or ingratiatingly flattering; oily

    -In other words, in the rare event that Mission146 says anything positive at all, it comes off as overdramatic and fake. We do not know who the real Mission146 is, but are only aware of the character that Mission146 plays in his posts. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to be as genuinely polite and complimentary (when he likes you) as Mission146 portrays himself. Perhaps equally baffling is the fact that Mission146 would present in such a way intentionally.

    5.) Mission146 is not funny.

    -Mission146 often makes sardonic statements in a manner that is humorous only to him. Everyone else recognizes nearly everything Mission146 says as pointless and annoying, but he sure seems to enjoy himself. On occasion, rare occasion, someone will actually compliment Mission146's words or say that he did indeed say something funny, but we can rest assured that these are pity compliments.

    If not pity compliments, even a man throwing darts blindly will eventually hit the bullseye if he throws enough of them. And we all know Mission talks way the fuck too much.

    6.) Mission146 is totally unreliable.

    -Mission146 is one of the least reliable people to ever live, mostly owing to reason #1. You really can't count on him for anything, because it's impossible to tell if he'll slip into one of his pathetic funks and completely drop off the face of the Earth for a few weeks to a month. Also, see lazy and unmotivated. If you rely on Mission146 for anything at all, other than things he is providing freely, you are making a mistake. He just doesn't care enough about living to be consistent in anything that he does.

    -If you make the mistake of talking to Mission146 privately, you'll notice that he likes to talk on the phone. A lot. Even though he doesn't like texting. If you send a text, you might go weeks with no response. If you call him, it's a pain in the ass just to get him off the phone...even though you never really wanted to talk to him to begin with...but, again, he didn't respond to your text.

    7.) Mission146 is annoying.

    Mission146 is the type of person who always seems to pop up when you least want him around, which is to say, "Anytime he pops up." Also, see the text/call section of #6. It should come as no surprise to anyone, least of all Mission146 himself, why nobody really wants to associate with him outside of the forums. Most folks wouldn't even associate with him on the forums, except he unfortunately pops up for long stretches at a time during which he is very active.

    8.) Mission146 has persisted for too long.

    -Despite all of his innumerable flaws, Mission146 still remains a staple of several gambling forums and there is no sign of him leaving anytime soon. One would think that he would be long gone because almost nobody actually likes him, but for whatever reason, he continues to pester the gambling community with his continued presence.

    9.) Mission146 will answer questions for anybody, but...

    -But, that would actually mean having to communicate with Mission146, and let's be honest, who the fuck would want to do that? He's a negative person, has a negative view of life, a negative view of himself and is just generally a displeasure to associate with.


    For all of these reasons, Mission146 is an insufferable prick. The best thing that he could do for the gambling community is die, but unfortunately, he's relatively young and in fair health, so that probably won't happen soon enough for everyone's liking. With any luck, he'll one day return to the bottle and accidentally give himself alcohol poisoning.

    Do you agree with these thoughts on Mission146? What are your thoughts?
    Last edited by Mission146; 06-10-2020 at 01:26 PM.

  2. #2
    I never really thought about it that much. I just came to the conclusion quickly that you were a mentally disturbed pretentious prick.
    I guess insufferable is a good enough adjective though.
    What happened today? Did the vise you normally put your balls in break or something?

  3. #3
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I never really thought about it that much. I just came to the conclusion quickly that you were a mentally disturbed pretentious prick.
    I guess insufferable is a good enough adjective though.
    What happened today? Did the vise you normally put your balls in break or something?
    Nothing in particular. I was called, "Unctuous," apparently by someone under the assumption that I don't already know that. Not everyone is as quick as you are, I suppose. Insufferable is probably the best possible adjective.

    Thank you for your concern, by the way.

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I never really thought about it that much. I just came to the conclusion quickly that you were a mentally disturbed pretentious prick.
    I guess insufferable is a good enough adjective though.
    What happened today? Did the vise you normally put your balls in break or something?
    Nothing in particular. I was called, "Unctuous," apparently by someone under the assumption that I don't already know that. Not everyone is as quick as you are, I suppose. Insufferable is probably the best possible adjective.

    Thank you for your concern, by the way.
    All I know is what I have experienced first hand and it’s all positive.

    When I first met you it was as a Mod on WoV and running the football pool. You always were professional and replied as “Your Friend” and your real first name. It was refreshing and welcoming.

    In the past when we met in person, you did something few do, out drank me without even appearing hammered.

    Showed me multiple basic AP plays that were new to me at time. Beyond the actual plays I learned how to calculate them and why they made sense. It allowed me to use that information many times over all over the country. It’s the old feed a man a fish compared to teaching him to fish.

    We talked in person and online a few times and you helped me in more ways than you know.

    And I turned on you during the entire situation with you and Wizard of Nothing on WoV. And you never held it against me.

    Bottom line is you may be an Insufferable Prick, but I appreciate the fact I have interacted with you. And you have treated me far better than I deserved. I’m a better person for knowing you and while I don’t always show it, it’s heartfelt.

    I wish nothing but the best for you. You Insufferable Prick!

  5. #5
    The Boz,

    Thank you very much for what you have said!

    1.) Knowing Me Personally

    I will say that not everyone who has met me in person has always had a positive experience. For one thing, going back to being reliable, while I pay off bets in a timely fashion I almost never pay back loans on time. For this reason, nobody should ever make a loan to me because I am completely unreliable for timely repayment. That being said, I recognize this about myself and always propose obscene interest rates right off the bat, anywhere from 30-100%, simple interest. And, more than that, any loan I have taken gets repaid eventually.

    Fortunately, my credit seems to have improved a good deal, so I won't need to ask for any loans directly from people even in the worst of times. That's a good thing for me because credit card or other types of loans will have much cheaper interest rates. I've also discovered that I don't care about money at all, so I can live on very close to nothing. Usually when I do take a loan, it's to perpetuate the continued doing of nothing.

    However, if you put more of a priority on timeliness than profit, I am not your guy for loans.

    I will say this again: Nobody should make me a loan. It will be repaid, but almost certainly not on time. I fall into funks where I go long periods of time without doing anything.

    It's especially ironic because, as Boz points out with the WoV Picks Game, I love giving money away. It's disgusting how much I tip at restaurants and what have you. I guess it gives me a misplaced sense of self-worth and esteem to be so outwardly nice.

    In addition to the loans thing, people should just avoid knowing me in person, in general, because I'm irritating. Of all of the friends I've theoretically made in the gambling world, I think only two (and you're one) actually genuinely like me. There are five people who talk to me off of the forums with regularity (you're not one), but I'm pretty sure four of those people don't actually like me. I don't blame them.

    I also don't understand why people worry so much about money. If I had every loan that I'll never get back, there'd be low five figures on the desk in front of me instantly. If I do loan money, I never ask about it again and just assume it's gone. Except my father, but that's because getting stiffed by your dad sucks. I don't talk to him anymore and he doesn't even have my number, so it doesn't matter.

    2.) WoV Game/Politeness

    -Thank you for pointing that out. While I may actually be unctuous, the lesson that I took from my Great-Grandma (R.I.P.) is that there is very rarely a good reason not to be polite. I'm actually every bit as polite to strangers, in person, as I come off on the forums. It's honestly pretty revolting. Putting grocery carts back for people, letting people walk in front of me, yielding the right of way when driving, holding doors...these all sound like nice things....but really they are revolting. I'm embarrassingly predictable and it all probably comes from a misguided need, instilled in my youth, to be perceived as a nice person.

    3.) Drinking

    -Probably not anymore, I'm afraid. It's officially been well over a year now, but I was quite a prolific alcoholic. The pace that you saw me drinking probably started to slow down about ten hours after we parted ways.

    4.) AP Plays

    -SSSSHHHHH sharing is bad, mmmkay? I'm glad you were able to put them to good use, though! For the record, I didn't share any plays that were taught to me directly by someone else.

    5.) WoN Situation

    -Did you? No worries. I must have forgotten. One person apologized to me for things done or not done during that time and I accepted. I don't have any grudges. There's one person who I could hold a grudge against, but finding a way to take me down completely would result in me not writing articles and potentially discussing AP I understand his motivations.

    In any event, I'm no longer an Administrator there and have no plans to work directly with anyone else anymore on anything in land casinos.

    Thank you for all the rest of what you said!
    Last edited by Mission146; 06-10-2020 at 02:55 PM.

  6. #6
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    The Boz,

    Thank you very much for what you have said!

    1.) Knowing Me Personally

    I will say that not everyone who has met me in person has always had a positive experience. For one thing, going back to being reliable, while I pay off bets in a timely fashion I almost never pay back loans on time. For this reason, nobody should ever make a loan to me because I am completely unreliable for timely repayment. That being said, I recognize this about myself and always propose obscene interest rates right off the bat, anywhere from 30-100%, simple interest. And, more than that, any loan I have taken gets repaid eventually.

    Fortunately, my credit seems to have improved a good deal, so I won't need to ask for any loans directly from people even in the worst of times. That's a good thing for me because credit card or other types of loans will have much cheaper interest rates. I've also discovered that I don't care about money at all, so I can live on very close to nothing. Usually when I do take a loan, it's to perpetuate the continued doing of nothing.

    However, if you put more of a priority on timeliness than profit, I am not your guy for loans.

    I will say this again: Nobody should make me a loan. It will be repaid, but almost certainly not on time. I fall into funks where I go long periods of time without doing anything.

    It's especially ironic because, as Boz points out with the WoV Picks Game, I love giving money away. It's disgusting how much I tip at restaurants and what have you. I guess it gives me a misplaced sense of self-worth and esteem to be so outwardly nice.

    In addition to the loans thing, people should just avoid knowing me in person, in general, because I'm irritating. Of all of the friends I've theoretically made in the gambling world, I think only two (and you're one) actually genuinely like me. There are five people who talk to me off of the forums with regularity (you're not one), but I'm pretty sure four of those people don't actually like me. I don't blame them.

    I also don't understand why people worry so much about money. If I had every loan that I'll never get back, there'd be low five figures on the desk in front of me instantly. If I do loan money, I never ask about it again and just assume it's gone. Except my father, but that's because getting stiffed by your dad sucks. I don't talk to him anymore and he doesn't even have my number, so it doesn't matter.

    2.) WoV Game/Politeness

    -Thank you for pointing that out. While I may actually be unctuous, the lesson that I took from my Great-Grandma (R.I.P.) is that there is very rarely a good reason not to be polite. I'm actually every bit as polite to strangers, in person, as I come off on the forums. It's honestly pretty revolting. Putting grocery carts back for people, letting people walk in front of me, yielding the right of way when driving, holding doors...these all sound like nice things....but really they are revolting. I'm embarrassingly predictable and it all probably comes from a misguided need, instilled in my youth, to be perceived as a nice person.

    3.) Drinking

    -Probably not anymore, I'm afraid. It's officially been well over a year now, but I was quite a prolific alcoholic. The pace that you saw me drinking probably started to slow down about ten hours after we parted ways.

    4.) AP Plays

    -SSSSHHHHH sharing is bad, mmmkay? I'm glad you were able to put them to good use, though! For the record, I didn't share any plays that were taught to me directly by someone else.

    5.) WoN Situation

    -Did you? No worries. I must have forgotten. One person apologized to me for things done or not done during that time and I accepted. I don't have any grudges. There's one person who I could hold a grudge against, but finding a way to take me down completely would result in me not writing articles and potentially discussing AP I understand his motivations.

    In any event, I'm no longer an Administrator there and have no plans to work directly with anyone else anymore on anything in land casinos.

    Thank you for all the rest of what you said!
    Jesus Christ man......have you no dignity?

    Need an avatar recommendation?

    Here you go;

    Name:  im-a-cuck.jpg
Views: 480
Size:  106.1 KB

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    Jesus Christ man......have you no dignity?

    Need an avatar recommendation?

    Here you go;

    Name:  im-a-cuck.jpg
Views: 480
Size:  106.1 KB
    Dignity and $5.00 will get me a disgusting pizza at Little Caesars, and I can even leave the dignity at home as long as I take the five-spot.

    The interesting thing about you is I can never tell if you're serious or not. I doubt it. But, just in case you are and really think I'm a cuck, you can have the first punch anytime you want it. From what I've heard, neither of us are going to look too pretty afterwards and I might even lose. It is what it is. I don't think I've ever seen you, so I really have no idea.

  8. #8
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post

    Dignity and $5.00 will get me a disgusting pizza at Little Caesars, and I can even leave the dignity at home as long as I take the five-spot.

    The interesting thing about you is I can never tell if you're serious or not. I doubt it. But, just in case you are and really think I'm a cuck, you can have the first punch anytime you want it. From what I've heard, neither of us are going to look too pretty afterwards and I might even lose. It is what it is. I don't think I've ever seen you, so I really have no idea.
    Hint: If the picture is not a truth bomb (i.e. Newell dealership) then it is most likely a joke.
    You're 100% correct in the doubt in this case. I wouldn't want you to publicly denigrate yourself without having someone chiming in tightening the vise
    I'm getting too old to fight anymore....I'll leave that to you younger guys.

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post

    1.) Mission146 is a loser"

    2.) Mission146 is not that smart.

    3.) Mission146 is arrogant and condescending.

    4.) Mission146 is unctuous.

    5.) Mission146 is not funny.

    6.) Mission146 is totally unreliable.

    7.) Mission146 is annoying.

    8.) Mission146 has persisted for too long.

    9.) Mission146 will answer questions for anybody, but...


    For all of these reasons, Mission146 is an insufferable prick. The best thing that he could do for the gambling community is die, but unfortunately, he's relatively young and in fair health, so that probably won't happen soon enough for everyone's liking. With any luck, he'll one day return to the bottle and accidentally give himself alcohol poisoning.

    Do you agree with these thoughts on Mission146? What are your thoughts?
    I do not know just what point you are trying to get across here, except to state that you are highly overqualified to fit right in with the rest of the membership. It seems like you have a few real-life experiences to reflect upon, just like everyone else here. I think everyone is glad to have you aboard, where we can all learn from each other's valuable lifetime happenings.

  10. #10
    10) My posts are way too f****** long, and there's zero chance AxelWolf will ever read one of my posts word for word.

  11. #11
    What I want to know is why Mission146 asked that I never PM him again.

    I resisted the impulse (so far) to send him a PM containing a single dot.

    I am also resisting the impulse to call him a crybaby for making such a request.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  12. #12
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    What I want to know is why Mission146 asked that I never PM him again.

    I resisted the impulse (so far) to send him a PM containing a single dot.

    I am also resisting the impulse to call him a crybaby for making such a request.
    Out of politeness, because there's no point in us corresponding privately if it's not confidential. You shared what I said for the sole purpose of putting additional pressure on me to do what I already said I was going to do and would have done. I don't know why you'd feel the need to attempt to manipulate me into doing something I was already going to do anyway, but I'm not having that bullshit. Had our PM's been on WoV, you'd have added to your ban length for that.

    I'd also like to congratulate you on the additional 1.1M+, in 2021, AFTER the meetup with the Wizard; that's not even including the total winnings for that year prior to that. That's a hell of a run. I was especially impressed with the north of 470k you ran up on Blackjack in under three months; I didn't specifically count the number of sessions specifically of blackjack, but a quick eyeball check would have me guess just under 10k/session average profit, or so. Actually, that was from the meetup to the end of that trip; I don't know if you did anything in December of that year, or not. We're getting there.

    With that, anything you want to say to me can be said in public.
    Last edited by Mission146; 02-15-2024 at 04:22 PM.

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    What I want to know is why Mission146 asked that I never PM him again.

    I resisted the impulse (so far) to send him a PM containing a single dot.

    I am also resisting the impulse to call him a crybaby for making such a request.
    Out of politeness, because there's no point in us corresponding privately if it's not confidential. You shared what I said for the sole purpose of putting additional pressure on me to do what I already said I was going to do and would have done. I don't know why you'd feel the need to attempt to manipulate me into doing something I was already going to do anyway, but I'm not having that bullshit. Had our PM's been on WoV, you'd have added to your ban length for that.

    I'd also like to congratulate you on the additional 1.1M+, in 2021, AFTER the meetup with the Wizard; that's not even including the total winnings for that year prior to that. That's a hell of a run. I was especially impressed with the north of 470k you ran up on Blackjack in under three months; I didn't specifically count the number of sessions specifically of blackjack, but a quick eyeball check would have me guess just under 10k/session average profit, or so. Actually, that was from the meetup to the end of that trip; I don't know if you did anything in December of that year, or not. We're getting there.

    With that, anything you want to say to me can be said in public.
    I thought you said you were done with this forum. I guess no one today means what they say....RIP

  14. #14
    Well yes that's another point. Mission146 said that he would post at WOV only in certain threads

    Posted at WOV:
    I have decided that other than running the Picks contests and promoting my articles, I will NOT be participating on the forum side of things here, or anywhere else, for any reason. The only exception to that is DT.

    which would preclude that MDawg Fan Club thread, and yet right after he posted the above, he turned around and started posting in that thread. Again. Which, as I've stated about a dozen times by now, I don't have a problem with anyone's tabulating what has been public record for now years, but as long as anyone is going to all that trouble, he should also carry over the specific posts mde that explain why MDawg wins, and while you're at it, why not include some of the backup posted.

    As far as PMs - first of all, whatever Mission146 and I discussed were on another forum and that forum has no rules about disclosing private messages.

    Secondly, I believe I disclosed what I wrote to Mission146, not what he wrote. If I did disclose that he was in agreement with what we were discussing, so what? How were we supposed to complete the negotiation of whatever we were discussing anyway if it was not disclosed to the WOV admin?

    I was trying to facilitate and negotiate a compromise to this whole thing, how were we going to accomplish that without having what was being discussed or agreed to openly on the table?

    $1.1M in a year? Is that all?

    I have friends who win that much at the tables sometimes in an hour.

    I am actually a conservative player given the size of my credit lines and max special limits.
    Last edited by MDawg; 02-15-2024 at 06:41 PM.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  15. #15
    As I said, I was responding to MDawg here to be polite.

    There was nothing to complete and no further action was required on your part. What we were discussing, by definition, required me to disclose it to a WoV Admin; there was no reason for you to do anything.

    The congratulations was just a little joke because of how many people don’t believe your adventures. As I’ve already stated, I don’t plan to state any opinion on your reports after my work compiling them is done as I’ll still care about your results just as much as I did last week, which is zero.

    Also, I maintain that I wasn’t insulting you in my post. More specifically, there was the Axel/MDawg challenge with discussion that went over six pages and only culminated in you getting suspended for a month. Booorrriiinnggg! There was the DarkOz challenge which I’ve already opined was stupid, imo. I’m also not entertained by people arguing back and forth.

    Quite frankly, if the thread consisted ONLY of your reports, then it would be much better. I didn’t even call your trip reports themselves boring. Actually, I rather enjoyed your longer descriptions of a few sessions over at True Passage, if I’m honest. Well-written…could have maybe been cleaner. Much better thread there; no pointless arguing. That’s not to say I enjoy all of your reports; obviously, there’s nothing really to like about the ones that are essentially one sentence that is just results.

    Anyway, not posting over here is probably silly. Besides, I can say whatever I want here and Dan has always treated me well. I suppose this place would be better without this annoying little mosquito called, “MaxPen,” but it’s otherwise fine.

    One fun fact is MaxPen is short for, “Maximum Penetration.” It’s not a blackjack reference, though, but rather a reference to a gay pornographic film he starred in as the taker. And, he calls me a, ‘Man Slave.’ RIP

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    $1.1M in a year? Is that all? I have friends who win that much at the tables sometimes in an hour. I am actually a conservative player given the size of my credit lines and max special limits.

    Where's those hip boots, it's getting deep...
    What, Me Worry?

  17. #17
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    There was the DarkOz challenge which I’ve already opined was stupid, imo.
    Are you referring to the Wizard witnessed session where I played Baccarat?

    or the Coach's Challenge where Darkoz was suspended for saying something he could not back up?
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  18. #18
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    There was the DarkOz challenge which I’ve already opined was stupid, imo.
    Are you referring to the Wizard witnessed session where I played Baccarat?
    That’s the only DarkOz Challenge, isn’t it?

    I’m not saying the session was stupid; +$6200, or maybe +$6400 if I recall correctly. I’m not on my computer, so I can’t conveniently check.

    I’m saying the challenge itself was stupid; I expressed my opinion of its pointlessness in that very thread, I believe. I believe I opined that it gave you more credibility and the only possible way for it not to have is if you hadn’t shown up at all. I believe I referred to it as an, “Unmitigated disaster,” for your detractors, or some such.

    I also defended your results, at that time, as theoretically possible in terms of session win percentage. If your reports can be totally believed, and I’m not saying they can as I’m not offering an opinion on that, it seems that you don’t flat bet (and, actually, seem to have a quiet disdain for flat bettors), and you don’t do anything as strict as a Martingale, but you do show a willingness to sustain huge losses in order to walk out with a small win. I should imagine that this would naturally give you a higher session win probability than flat betting would.

    You also commented on a loss rebate, at some point. I believe, in the first Adventures thread, I myself opined that hole-carding (basically, knowing the first card out) was a theoretical possibility that might explain your results.

    Obviously, I don’t think you’re catching enough cards to put yourself at a mathematical advantage on its own, if that’s what you’re doing at all…the reason I don’t think that is because you also mention betting into streaks and chops a lot, which is pretty typical Baccarat play, from what I’ve heard. However, if you’re throwing down $10,000 knowing a first card out is a ten, which gives a north of 5% advantage on banker, I believe, then that essentially long-term negates the -EV of several hands of whatever your base bet is.

    But, again, just a theory I had. When you return, you’re free to quote that post. I’d appreciate you quote it in its entirety, if you do, as I’d really like to not have to participate in that thread once the tally is posted.

    EDIT: +$6915. Didn’t realize you linked right to it. Weird number.

  19. #19
    Doesn't really make sense to me that you'd say

    and now say it was "stupid."

    You sure this hasn't already happened?

    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    With any luck, he'll one day return to the bottle and accidentally give himself alcohol poisoning.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  20. #20
    It actually seems pretty clear that AxelWolf is going on and off prodigious alcoholic benders the past years. Hence his frequent disappearing acts, periods when he is foaming at the mouth with (even more than usually) unintelligible posts, and other tell tale signs of loss of control.

    Originally Posted by jce102jz View Post
    Axelwolf was drunk 80% of the time I worked with him. He used to have me order his drinks for him, so that he could have two drinks at the same time. Always captain morgan.
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Axel drank a good amount of Captain Morgan and even fell asleep in my car.
    I drove Axelwolf to a destination of his choice because he was fall down drunk and I have seen it for over 20 years in this city.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

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