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Thread: The WoV Thread

  1. #4601
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Axel is a video poker player. Video poker! I actually didn't realize how low end he was until he sent me a PM talking about video poker, claiming that because he had won some big video poker jackpots, that he was a high roller. I had no idea he was so low end.

    Sure, fine, no problem. But don't talk to me about high end play when you're a video poker player.

    No wonder he was so clueless that he wanted to bust out a W2-G to try to prove that he had won a lot at table games, or was asking a table game alleged winner to "show him his CTR" to prove the win.

    Sure, yes, after the fact, after he's been schooled, he may come back and claim, "That's not what I meant" - but when he shoots from the hip from his vast gaming knowledge, he makes himself look ridiculous time and again.

    The problem with this guy is he wants to be an expert on everything.

    Axel is accusatory of anyone who claims to have done anything, always accusing others of being sock puppets:

    Axel is constantly trying to prove himself:

    Bottom line, he's jealous:

    Wow, it's pretty pathetic that you keep quoting Freddy from another forum, it just goes to show just how desperate you are.

    You keep saying the same wrong s*** over and over and over. The funny thing is, I play very little video poker nowadays, I basically just use it as a tool to pick up free play unless something juicy comes up. As I said before, I've played just about every normal Casino their game there is with an advantage, and even some Oddball stuff, including racebook promotions and clocking and even spinning big six wheels, hole carding 3 card poker, Ace steering and much more. I have traveled around the United States making various different plays. Here's one of my friends and old partners talking about a big six play I was involved, there was days leading up to the event that he was talking about, I preferred not to be mentioned, I had already caught Heat so I didn't return for the next session. with starts @ 44:19

    I'm not sure how I could be jealous of you when I don't even believe the s*** you're touting.

  2. #4602
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    What's curious is why anyone, and I do mean - anyone, would have a problem with some good honest Axel bashing posts, when all this guy does is spend tens of thousands of posts challenging others and calling most everyone new who crosses his path a liar.

    DarkOz is also an alleged AP, correct? Axel must have spent hundreds of posts challenging him too.

    No honor among these thieves!

    He gives - he gets.
    That just goes to show proof that just because someone's an advantage player that doesn't mean I automatically agree what's their methods, theories, techniques and overall approach to Advantage Play.

  3. #4603
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Ever wonder why so many AP’s careers began while being homeless? (Darkoz, Mickey, KJ, etc. all top posters)
    I was homeless for 3 months WHILE I WAS IN HIGH SCHOOL! That was years before my AP career started! Years before I was even of age to gamble. Including my situation in this statement, to whatever point you are trying to make is dishonest. Not surprising, but completely dishonest.
    In the past you would brag how you once were homeless and eventually brushed the dirt off and became an alleged successful Black Jack AP.

    I don’t care if it was 3 months or 3 years, the fact remains you were homeless before you became an AP. Darkoz was homeless living in subways, Mickey was a homeless HoBo, before they became self-proclaimed alleged AP’s. I don’t know how old they were except for the fact they admit they were homeless.

    So, regardless of the different circumstances, you do fit into my point. And not surprisingly I’m not being completely dishonest.

    It’s obvious when you want to utilize the being homeless narrative in a positive way like a rag to riches story everything’s okay with it. When in reality this whole discussion is another perfect example of the two different tongues you speak with.

    In other words, you’re a complete bullshitting artist that will say anything and contradict anything to fit your false perfect loving, save and help the rookie card counter image. Sadly, you’re to deaf and dumb to realize the image you created on these forums for yourself is one of an anonymous bullshit artist.

  4. #4604
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    What's clear to me is that Axel is an alcoholic,
    It is clear to you that he is an acholic? I think you are putting too much stock in one night that Axel met up with some forum members socially and apparently had too much to drink. So what? they weren't meeting to go play at a casino. It was strictly a social meeting. Maybe Axelwolf is the kind of person that is a little nervous when meeting new people. Maybe he drank too much as a result. Who knows. Or maybe he is an acholic. There are plenty of functioning alcoholics in the world. Some of the greatest people in their fields, including some TOP blackjack players of all time are functioning alcoholics.

    What does any of it matter, with the possible exception that one may be considering teaming with Axelwolf on a play. That is the Only scenario where I might even consider that it is any of my business.

    The problem on this forum continues to be that people form teams, demonize one another and then alter reality to fit those feelings. Very few seem capable of separating out.
    Absolutely don't get nervous with meeting up with anyone, I'm actually the opposite, with or without the presence of alcohol. It's just fun to drink socially. At no time in my life have I ever drank daily that was all dictated on how much I was going out. I drank too much one night, I wouldn't drink anything sometimes for weeks. I might go out 4 days in a row and drink anything from very little to moderately depending on what I'm doing. Then there might be a day where I drink too much depending on the situation and what I'm doing.

    Over 40% of Americans that drink, drink too much. There are many people that have a few drinks at night everyday before they go to bed, with dinner or at some other time would be considered having an alcohol disorder. Anyone who drank too much at one time and their life(including their college days) and stopped could be considered a recovering alcoholic. Someone who drinks once a week could be considered an alcoholic.

  5. #4605
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    I was not aware of a Fire Bet on craps.

    When Axel offered to "show me his W2-Gs" he was offering them to prove that he was a high rolling table player at one time. .
    Yet, more lies. Please show proof that my mention of WW2 G's had anything to do with proving I was a high limit table player. I have said more than once I'm not some High rolling degenerate table games player. You just love lying and spinning the truth to fit your little agenda hoping no one will notice and actually believe what you're saying.

    This will be at least the third thing that I've asked you to prove in order to backup your statements. You still haven't backed up your statements regarding the other two things and now here's a third there's zero chance you can back up.

    And for clarification, and yet another thing you have wrong, I never offered to show YOU my w-2g's.

    However, I did in fact offer to show you how badly you suck at heads no limit up poker.

  6. #4606
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    "show him the CTR" to prove a seven figure table game win, another contradiction and evidence of no extensive past in table game play.
    and you keep bringing this up over and over, it's obvious you have absolutely nothing significant to MDawg on, so you keep grasping at the same old imaginary straws.

    You have no idea why made that statement and I've already went over this before.

    Me knowing full well his entire story was b******* that could have very well been a leading question to see how he would answer. I have in fact been CTR'ed many times. There's actually CTR's mentioned in one of my cases.

    That wouldn't have been the first time I've asked somebody a leading question to see how they would answer in order to get to the truth. If you'll notice, he certainly didn't comment on that now did he? They probably realize the gig was up.

  7. #4607
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Axel is a video poker player. Video poker! I actually didn't realize how low end he was until he sent me a PM talking about video poker, claiming that because he had won some big video poker jackpots, that he was a high roller. I had no idea he was so low end.

    Sure, fine, no problem. But don't talk to me about high end play when you're a video poker player.

    No wonder he was so clueless that he wanted to bust out a W2-G to try to prove that he had won a lot at table games, or was asking a table game alleged winner to "show him his CTR" to prove the win.

    Sure, yes, after the fact, after he's been schooled, he may come back and claim, "That's not what I meant" - but when he shoots from the hip from his vast gaming knowledge, he makes himself look ridiculous time and again.

    The problem with this guy is he wants to be an expert on everything.

    Axel is accusatory of anyone who claims to have done anything, always accusing others of being sock puppets:

    Axel is constantly trying to prove himself:

    Bottom line, he's jealous:

    And by the way, my cock is more than 7 inches. I can't remember where this originally came up but I think we were at a Superbowl party having a good time perhaps it had something to do with Rome's or someone else making a little dick comment, I really can't remember now. I do remember when I made such claim I was called out until my wife confirmed it was true. Someone was like, how would you know, did you measure it or something? I believe we answered yes simultaneously, and everyone busted up laughing.

    But that's nothing for you to drool over, apparently Rob Singer has a nine and a half inch cock.
    Last edited by AxelWolf; 06-15-2020 at 01:01 AM.

  8. #4608
    At least you have a challenge to do side wagers on for the next WoV meetup.

    Poker plays have made crazier wagers and I’m sure you have no problem putting it out if the cash is right. Beats a McNugget eating challenge. And it could be the incentive KJ needs to actually show his face in public.

  9. #4609
    Meantime, as to Axel:
    My statement, challenging you:
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    You have never played at any very high limit table game
    Your immediate response:
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post

    I tell you what, I'll be happy to dig out a box full of old W-2g's
    Please just stick to what you know:
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    I've been sitting in bed
    I repaired a laptops plug-in Jack I picked up for $4o that's now worth about $180.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  10. #4610
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Axel is a video poker player. Video poker! I actually didn't realize how low end he was until he sent me a PM talking about video poker, claiming that because he had won some big video poker jackpots, that he was a high roller. I had no idea he was so low end.

    Sure, fine, no problem. But don't talk to me about high end play when you're a video poker player.

    No wonder he was so clueless that he wanted to bust out a W2-G to try to prove that he had won a lot at table games, or was asking a table game alleged winner to "show him his CTR" to prove the win.

    Sure, yes, after the fact, after he's been schooled, he may come back and claim, "That's not what I meant" - but when he shoots from the hip from his vast gaming knowledge, he makes himself look ridiculous time and again.

    The problem with this guy is he wants to be an expert on everything.

    Axel is accusatory of anyone who claims to have done anything, always accusing others of being sock puppets:

    Axel is constantly trying to prove himself:

    Bottom line, he's jealous:

    And by the way, my cock is more than 7 inches. I can't remember where this originally came up but I think we were at a Superbowl party having a good time perhaps it had something to do with Rome's or someone else making a little dick comment, I really can't remember now. I do remember when I made such claim I was called out until my wife confirmed it was true. Someone was like, how would you know, did you measure it or something? I believe we answered yes simultaneously, and everyone busted up laughing.

    But that's nothing for you to drool over, apparently Rob Singer has a nine and a half inch cock.
    Are we in the bathroom at Porky's now? (The school bathroom to be exact)

  11. #4611
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Meantime, as to Axel:
    My statement, challenging you:

    Your immediate response:

    Please just stick to what you know:
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    I've been sitting in bed
    I repaired a laptops plug-in Jack I picked up for $4o that's now worth about $180.
    So this is your final answer to: "Please show proof that my mention of WW2 G's had anything to do with proving I was a high limit table player."

    I have to go do s*** right now, but I'll wait for your confirmation.

  12. #4612
    How does Billryan only get 3 days when suspended?
    Does the Martingale Rule not apply to him?

    Redietz sure loves to constantly advertise and push his blog site huh???
    Fucking guy loves to take everything from America and constantly bash America!?

  13. #4613
    Axel, sounds like you're busy. I hope it is doing something more productive than chasing broken down laptops to turn for hundred dollar profits.

    When I have time, I'll post the complete unexpurgated explanation of how and why I believe you're a drunk, with a failing memory, a hustler, an envious jealous type, a currently low end player, a phony, a boaster who is desperate to prove that he's still relevant, and clueless about SEO, casino high end play, casino high end table game play, and generally disliked by many people on these forums - in my own thread. If I and all the others I will quote are completely wrong about you, I will stand corrected. In the meantime, enjoy your day!
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  14. #4614
    Flip Flop queerJ is at it again.
    This time he went from we have to open everything up and take our chances to...
    My brother and I are taking the summer off.
    We both had the Chinese Flu but nobody is wearing a mask in the Casino or taking it seriously.
    He goes on to predict that the Casinos will soon shut down yet again.
    How hard is it to wear a mask?
    It's kinda fucking hard to wear it for long periods of time for most of us and most of us refuse to go through life wearing a mask.
    Dark Oz not included.

  15. #4615
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    How does Billryan only get 3 days when suspended?
    Does the Martingale Rule not apply to him?

    Redietz sure loves to constantly advertise and push his blog site huh???
    Fucking guy loves to take everything from America and constantly bash America!?
    The Wizard makes a mockery of himself daily.

  16. #4616
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Flip Flop queerJ is at it again.
    This time he went from we have to open everything up and take our chances to...
    My brother and I are taking the summer off.
    We both had the Chinese Flu but nobody is wearing a mask in the Casino or taking it seriously.
    He goes on to predict that the Casinos will soon shut down yet again.
    How hard is it to wear a mask?
    It's kinda fucking hard to wear it for long periods of time for most of us and most of us refuse to go through life wearing a mask.
    Dark Oz not included.
    Seriously wearing a mask isn't that difficult

    Ii get wanting to reopen but refusing to use safety measures to keep the spread of disease?

    Most men hate wearing condoms but telling hookers you feel your freedom is being threatened makes no sense right?

    Use protection to stop disease regardless of if it's condoms or face masks

  17. #4617
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Flip Flop queerJ is at it again.
    This time he went from we have to open everything up and take our chances to...
    My brother and I are taking the summer off.
    We both had the Chinese Flu but nobody is wearing a mask in the Casino or taking it seriously.
    He goes on to predict that the Casinos will soon shut down yet again.
    How hard is it to wear a mask?
    It's kinda fucking hard to wear it for long periods of time for most of us and most of us refuse to go through life wearing a mask.
    Dark Oz not included.

    It makes it harder for him to tell the age of the other players that may need advice. And he needs attention. Odds are he never had the CV. Seriously how many people do ANY of us know that had it, Dark Is not included. Since he needs to be the center of attention, it wouldn’t be a reach for him to say he had it.

    And besides, if he isn’t gambling in casinos, what purpose does he serve at WoV? His reason for going back was to write about casino conditions and help young gamblers in need.

    As for RED, he sticks it in the Serbs ass daily by advertising his Sports Handicapping Service. With PGA and NASCAR going strong, he has plenty of winners to sell. Again, is the Wizard getting a kickback is a legitimate question.

  18. #4618
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Flip Flop queerJ is at it again.
    This time he went from we have to open everything up and take our chances to...
    My brother and I are taking the summer off.
    We both had the Chinese Flu but nobody is wearing a mask in the Casino or taking it seriously.
    He goes on to predict that the Casinos will soon shut down yet again.
    How hard is it to wear a mask?
    It's kinda fucking hard to wear it for long periods of time for most of us and most of us refuse to go through life wearing a mask.
    Dark Oz not included.

    It makes it harder for him to tell the age of the other players that may need advice. And he needs attention. Odds are he never had the CV. Seriously how many people do ANY of us know that had it, Dark Is not included. Since he needs to be the center of attention, it wouldn’t be a reach for him to say he had it.

    And besides, if he isn’t gambling in casinos, what purpose does he serve at WoV? His reason for going back was to write about casino conditions and help young gamblers in need.

    As for RED, he sticks it in the Serbs ass daily by advertising his Sports Handicapping Service. With PGA and NASCAR going strong, he has plenty of winners to sell. Again, is the Wizard getting a kickback is a legitimate question.

    EDIT posted twice because site slowed. But it’s worth keeping because of the quality of the post.

  19. #4619
    Originally Posted by Darkoz View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Flip Flop queerJ is at it again.
    This time he went from we have to open everything up and take our chances to...
    My brother and I are taking the summer off.
    We both had the Chinese Flu but nobody is wearing a mask in the Casino or taking it seriously.
    He goes on to predict that the Casinos will soon shut down yet again.
    How hard is it to wear a mask?
    It's kinda fucking hard to wear it for long periods of time for most of us and most of us refuse to go through life wearing a mask.
    Dark Oz not included.
    Seriously wearing a mask isn't that difficult

    Ii get wanting to reopen but refusing to use safety measures to keep the spread of disease?

    Most men hate wearing condoms but telling hookers you feel your freedom is being threatened makes no sense right?

    Use protection to stop disease regardless of if it's condoms or face masks
    Yes it is. I wear a mask when flying because it’s my only option when boarding. However I take it off when flying as I keep a bottle of water on my tray table (which I don’t wipe off because it’s a waste of time). I’m not a total asshole and if I had to sneeze I would cover myself. I would expect the same of anyone else. Otherwise the mask does nothing.

    So you always wore a mask before this? Not the one to fool casinos. Because there was always the risk of disease. Many Chinese did long before this. Otherwise your “Use Protection” statement makes no sense.

    As for the hooker and condoms, you probably have more experience with that than me. I like to believe you are right on that one.

  20. #4620

    Speaking of no win situations. Who can now say either the Wizard or the Serbs don’t read this site? RED was suspended for advertising his Tout site for weeks after myself and others discussed it.

    Congratulations to Dan for allowing us to have a site where we can bring the hypocrisy of WoV to light.

    And while many disagree on my respect of BBB, but she is always consistent. RED’s shilling for his Sports Handicapping site would never have been allowed this long if she didn’t have personal issues keeping her from her volunteer work at WoV.
    Last edited by The Boz; 06-15-2020 at 08:36 PM.

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