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Thread: Covid-19 by the numbers

  1. #601
    Gold LMR's Avatar
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    If I heard right, if once the number of infected goes from one in a hundred to one in ten, then comes the economically debilitating fear factor.

    I made a cursory search for the Wizard's forum post of, ha, the "Pinko Faggot's" about this mess becoming a "black hole", in the fall. Didn't show up, under "black hole".
    Lustin' lutins (from) NUTS:LI (Lichtenstein), unlist insult, until's sunlit!


    ---> MR. L(osing).

    Shut it down, LMR. = Low Mind thRust, (invar.)

    555 = 111 + 4*111 = 15*37, or 37*15, as 153, and 7, or, 371, and 5. As 153 on 371, to 5/7 left, as 6 +/- 1.

    3/21 to 8/22 is 153 + 1 days. 321 = 107*3 + 0; 123 = 3*71 + 0. To 1/0. 822 = (-1 + 7)(37 + 100); 228 = 57[6 - (1 + 1)], ---> 11411. 15[3^2] = 153 + (5 + 1). 154 days is ~ 42.08% of year 2020. 451 = 11*41^1.

  2. #602
    Monet has come to the conclusion that the rest of the world, including arguably the most conservative paper owned by the most conservative American, is wrong, and he is right. He must be a stable genius.

    Meanwhile, unlike the folks who cannot admit when they are wrong, I give you my mea culpa regarding the pandemic. This was my most egregious error in the last five months:


  3. #603
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Monet has come to the conclusion that the rest of the world, including arguably the most conservative paper owned by the most conservative American, is wrong, and he is right. He must be a stable genius.

    Meanwhile, unlike the folks who cannot admit when they are wrong, I give you my mea culpa regarding the pandemic. This was my most egregious error in the last five months:

    *yawn* didn't click.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  4. #604
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Monet has come to the conclusion that the rest of the world, including arguably the most conservative paper owned by the most conservative American, is wrong, and he is right. He must be a stable genius.
    First off, I didn't come to any conclusions.
    I haven't changed what I do because of some Chink Virus.
    I may have to suffer through wearing a mask on and off while in a Casino or Store to appease you Faggots.
    My main point is that shutting down the world, in Fear, is far worse than keeping the world open for business.
    The truth is, this whole damn thing is a huge power, money grab.
    FYI... you, I and everyone else is eventually going to die sooner or later so what the fuck are you so worried or scared about???

    Hell Fire most likely as even Jesus said not to trouble yourself storing up years worth of grain as all that trivial bullshit is in vain.
    Luke 12:13-21
    Even if you don't believe in the Bible and Jesus you can't refute the message or point of the parable of the Rich Fool.
    Don't believe in the Bible or Jesus... fine but everyone knows and believes that they will eventually die.
    That is one truth that is universal even though you faggots are trying to build microcomputers (nanotechnology) to inject into your bloodstream to live forever.

    What one should be focused on is Matthew 6:19-21
    It will be a miracle if I make it but hopefully we can continue our discussion in the bowels of hell.

    Now get back to your Slant Eyed Girlfriend that your dearly departed wife must approve of and slurp some more noodles with your gook, faggot friends.
    After you have used and abused this poor Asian girl maybe you can impress the Hot Babes at a Mensa Meeting with your Sports Betting Prowess.
    Last edited by monet; 07-19-2020 at 09:14 PM.

  5. #605

  6. #606
    *yawn* didn't click.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  7. #607
    The leftist newspaper story that Houston, Texas is out of hospital beds is false. They have 2500 open beds. There's been 4300 Texans to die from covid-19 this year. Did you know that in the 2017-18 flu season there were 11,000 Texans to die from the flu. Redietz, do you consider the authorities in Texas to be criminally negligent for not shutting down the Texas economy in 2017-18?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  8. #608
    Gold LMR's Avatar
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    Last Updated On

    October 19, 2018

    Last winter, influenza and its complications killed more than 80,000 in the United States and hospitalized more than 900,000 — the highest totals for death and illness during a seasonal outbreak since CDC numbers on flu deaths were first reported in 1976. Previously, flu-related deaths had ranged from 12,000 in the 2011-12 season to the previous high of 56,000 in 2012-2013. The CDC figures are estimates based on statistical models.

    The 180 children who died in 2017-2018 was also a new record, beating the old one of 171 set in 2012-2013. The majority of them were unvaccinated, CDC said.

    In Texas, more than 11,000 people died from flu and its complications during the 2017-18 flu season, including 16 children, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) said.

    Even before Thursday's announcement, CDC had branded 2017-2018 a "high severity season" based on anecdotal evidence and the data that was available. There were several reasons for that severity but perhaps the biggest was that last year's vaccine was not effective against all the strains that appeared. In a typical flu season, flu vaccine can be up to 40- to 60-percent effective. The 2017-18 vaccine was 36-percent effective, one CDC study found.
    I guess that that flu season was particularly bad, for the above reasons. That Texas, as a state, was even more of an anomaly.


    Jun 28, 2020

    The Washington Post reported Sunday that the Texas Medical Center, the world’s largest medical complex located in Houston, “quietly” removed ICU data from its website, which posts regular updates about its efforts against Covid-19.
    Maybe, Trump is the reason that there are, it seems, far fewer internet stories about all of this stuff.
    Lustin' lutins (from) NUTS:LI (Lichtenstein), unlist insult, until's sunlit!


    ---> MR. L(osing).

    Shut it down, LMR. = Low Mind thRust, (invar.)

    555 = 111 + 4*111 = 15*37, or 37*15, as 153, and 7, or, 371, and 5. As 153 on 371, to 5/7 left, as 6 +/- 1.

    3/21 to 8/22 is 153 + 1 days. 321 = 107*3 + 0; 123 = 3*71 + 0. To 1/0. 822 = (-1 + 7)(37 + 100); 228 = 57[6 - (1 + 1)], ---> 11411. 15[3^2] = 153 + (5 + 1). 154 days is ~ 42.08% of year 2020. 451 = 11*41^1.

  9. #609
    Gold LMR's Avatar
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    "Ours may become the first civilization destroyed, not by the power of our enemies, but by the ignorance of our teachers and the dangerous nonsense they are teaching our children. In an age of artificial intelligence they are creating artificial stupidity." Black conservative Thomas Sowell

    Look. This is just nonsense. Nobody programs any computer to be stupid.

    Some sort of stupidly mixed metaphor.
    Lustin' lutins (from) NUTS:LI (Lichtenstein), unlist insult, until's sunlit!


    ---> MR. L(osing).

    Shut it down, LMR. = Low Mind thRust, (invar.)

    555 = 111 + 4*111 = 15*37, or 37*15, as 153, and 7, or, 371, and 5. As 153 on 371, to 5/7 left, as 6 +/- 1.

    3/21 to 8/22 is 153 + 1 days. 321 = 107*3 + 0; 123 = 3*71 + 0. To 1/0. 822 = (-1 + 7)(37 + 100); 228 = 57[6 - (1 + 1)], ---> 11411. 15[3^2] = 153 + (5 + 1). 154 days is ~ 42.08% of year 2020. 451 = 11*41^1.

  10. #610
    Former MLB player Aubrey Huff tweeted he has a friend who filled out the form at a COVID testing site but had to leave before being tested. 4 days later he was notified he tested positive.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  11. #611
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Former MLB player Aubrey Huff tweeted he has a friend who filled out the form at a COVID testing site but had to leave before being tested. 4 days later he was notified he tested positive.
    I follow a guy on twitter, who used to play baseball, and he has a friend, and I heard...... lol give us a break. Who cares. You win! It is a hoax!

  12. #612
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    This is what CV deaths by the day look like. The peak was May 6 with 2,701 deaths. It's been a steady decline ever since. Yesterday, June 24 there were 688 deaths. The media and fear mongers keep on with the doom and gloom but this graph that you can view on worldometers by googling "coronavirus deaths by day" will let us know if there is a spike. The number of deaths per day is the real story.

    Good to know that "number of deaths per day" is the real story, as per mickey crimm. I don't know about you, but to me, 700 per day deaths does not seem like winning, unless you're Charlie Sheen.

    There is no trick to this. The reduction in deaths was directly attributable to the shutdowns and younger people now getting the disease. Previously, deaths trailed hospitalizations by three to four weeks. As health professionals have gotten a handle on what works and what does not (method of intubation, for example, and how patients should be positioned while intubated), the lag has increased a bit. Previously, patients average length on a ventilator was roughly 21/22 days. If you were on that long, you were probably going to die.

    So in case anyone is still reading the posts of one of the original "COVID-19 is a scam" folks, with his "only" 688 deaths yesterday schtick, here's the deal.

    Reduction in deaths was directly attributable to shutdowns and social distancing.
    With Memorial Day, the end of shutdowns, and the start of both church-going and protests all roughly three weeks ago, it figured to take three to four weeks for virus cases to dramatically increase. Here they are, exactly on schedule.
    With the cases increasing, the death rates will start climbing in another three to four weeks after the usual lag time.

    What mickey is quoting is exactly what should be happening, according to epidemiologists. What's silly about mickey's assertion is that, with cases currently exploding, people should celebrate the "low" death rate. That's great...for another three to four weeks. Then the death rate will start to climb again.

    Now, a question. Before this entire COVID-19 thing got underway, would anyone have thought mickey would be claiming 700 deaths a day was a good thing? What exactly is mickey's metric on this? Would 1000 deaths a day be a sign the U.S. has this under control? What is mickey suggesting? That re-opening is "working" because the U.S. has "only" 700 deaths in a day?

    More importantly, why would the U.S. opt for a shutdown a month SHORTER than Italy or Spain's shutdowns, which were harsher? What is it about the U.S. economy that is so fragile? What is it that makes U.S. citizenry uniquely unable to spend an extra four to six weeks in lockdown as opposed to, say, Italy or South Korea or New Zealand? Are Americans all snowflakes?

    The projection now is for 180,000 dead by the end of September. I think that's low. I've been correct every single time. We'll see if I'm correct again. Fatality rates should go down some, with younger people infected and health care professionals having some experience under their belts. But the 180,000 is still low.

    Also to consider, mickey's assertion that all that matters now is deaths. For those people who are taking months to recover, or who have permanent lung damage, it's a big deal. This is not a live-long-and-healthy-after-recovery or die disease.

    Mickey has consistently been wrong and consistently given terrible advice. With any luck, no one is reading this thread any longer. I mean, what happens next? Mickey explains how 200,000 dead is winning because the death rate is low?

    Mickey, you have really done people a disservice who are trying to figure out the virus. Why don't you tell everyone what "losing" would look like? What metric would be required for you to say that early re-opening was a bad idea? Take your time and lay it out. How many dead or infected would convince you that the U.S. does not really know what it's doing as compared to South Korea or New Zealand or Japan or Italy, which really butchered things at first? What numbers would lead you to say the U.S. has done a bad job? I think the UK and Brazil have done as poorly as the U.S., but that's about it. You have any other candidates?

    Right on schedule, here's the large uptick in deaths. It will get worse. The President mentioned that on Tuesday, by the way.

  13. #613
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    This is what CV deaths by the day look like. The peak was May 6 with 2,701 deaths. It's been a steady decline ever since. Yesterday, June 24 there were 688 deaths. The media and fear mongers keep on with the doom and gloom but this graph that you can view on worldometers by googling "coronavirus deaths by day" will let us know if there is a spike. The number of deaths per day is the real story.

    Good to know that "number of deaths per day" is the real story, as per mickey crimm. I don't know about you, but to me, 700 per day deaths does not seem like winning, unless you're Charlie Sheen.

    There is no trick to this. The reduction in deaths was directly attributable to the shutdowns and younger people now getting the disease. Previously, deaths trailed hospitalizations by three to four weeks. As health professionals have gotten a handle on what works and what does not (method of intubation, for example, and how patients should be positioned while intubated), the lag has increased a bit. Previously, patients average length on a ventilator was roughly 21/22 days. If you were on that long, you were probably going to die.

    So in case anyone is still reading the posts of one of the original "COVID-19 is a scam" folks, with his "only" 688 deaths yesterday schtick, here's the deal.

    Reduction in deaths was directly attributable to shutdowns and social distancing.
    With Memorial Day, the end of shutdowns, and the start of both church-going and protests all roughly three weeks ago, it figured to take three to four weeks for virus cases to dramatically increase. Here they are, exactly on schedule.
    With the cases increasing, the death rates will start climbing in another three to four weeks after the usual lag time.

    What mickey is quoting is exactly what should be happening, according to epidemiologists. What's silly about mickey's assertion is that, with cases currently exploding, people should celebrate the "low" death rate. That's great...for another three to four weeks. Then the death rate will start to climb again.

    Now, a question. Before this entire COVID-19 thing got underway, would anyone have thought mickey would be claiming 700 deaths a day was a good thing? What exactly is mickey's metric on this? Would 1000 deaths a day be a sign the U.S. has this under control? What is mickey suggesting? That re-opening is "working" because the U.S. has "only" 700 deaths in a day?

    More importantly, why would the U.S. opt for a shutdown a month SHORTER than Italy or Spain's shutdowns, which were harsher? What is it about the U.S. economy that is so fragile? What is it that makes U.S. citizenry uniquely unable to spend an extra four to six weeks in lockdown as opposed to, say, Italy or South Korea or New Zealand? Are Americans all snowflakes?

    The projection now is for 180,000 dead by the end of September. I think that's low. I've been correct every single time. We'll see if I'm correct again. Fatality rates should go down some, with younger people infected and health care professionals having some experience under their belts. But the 180,000 is still low.

    Also to consider, mickey's assertion that all that matters now is deaths. For those people who are taking months to recover, or who have permanent lung damage, it's a big deal. This is not a live-long-and-healthy-after-recovery or die disease.

    Mickey has consistently been wrong and consistently given terrible advice. With any luck, no one is reading this thread any longer. I mean, what happens next? Mickey explains how 200,000 dead is winning because the death rate is low?

    Mickey, you have really done people a disservice who are trying to figure out the virus. Why don't you tell everyone what "losing" would look like? What metric would be required for you to say that early re-opening was a bad idea? Take your time and lay it out. How many dead or infected would convince you that the U.S. does not really know what it's doing as compared to South Korea or New Zealand or Japan or Italy, which really butchered things at first? What numbers would lead you to say the U.S. has done a bad job? I think the UK and Brazil have done as poorly as the U.S., but that's about it. You have any other candidates?

    Right on schedule, here's the large uptick in deaths. It will get worse. The President mentioned that on Tuesday, by the way.
    Comrade Dietz, ow come the big uptick in Texas in 2017-18 didn't shut the Texas economy down?

    PS: you've gone from never posting links for years to posting links galore these days. Who taught you how to do it?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  14. #614
    Gold LMR's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Comrade Dietz, ow come the big uptick in Texas in 2017-18 didn't shut the Texas economy down?
    My guess would be that they didn't have months to (properly) prepare for it. Look, this is all the more reason to shut stuff down, heading into the fall, to prevent also another such flu catastrophe.

    Mickey, you're just like Trump, with trying to defend yourself totally in the blind. Too bad that Trump is killing so many persons to try to win such a "fight". You, on the other hand, are harmless, except to yourself.
    Lustin' lutins (from) NUTS:LI (Lichtenstein), unlist insult, until's sunlit!


    ---> MR. L(osing).

    Shut it down, LMR. = Low Mind thRust, (invar.)

    555 = 111 + 4*111 = 15*37, or 37*15, as 153, and 7, or, 371, and 5. As 153 on 371, to 5/7 left, as 6 +/- 1.

    3/21 to 8/22 is 153 + 1 days. 321 = 107*3 + 0; 123 = 3*71 + 0. To 1/0. 822 = (-1 + 7)(37 + 100); 228 = 57[6 - (1 + 1)], ---> 11411. 15[3^2] = 153 + (5 + 1). 154 days is ~ 42.08% of year 2020. 451 = 11*41^1.

  15. #615
    If Comrade Dietz has done his research properly then he would know that the average age of a covid death is 78 and most likely with pre-existing conditions. In other words they already had a foot in the grave when they contracted covid. But don't expect him to admit it.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  16. #616
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    If Comrade Dietz has done his research properly then he would know that the average age of a covid death is 78 and most likely with pre-existing conditions. In other words they already had a foot in the grave when they contracted covid. But don't expect him to admit it.

    One would think mickey would have checked on this, but for some reason failed to share the information. A full 40% of Americans are considered to have "pre-existing conditions." I reported that many weeks ago, but I'll repeat it for any people who were wondering about that.

    It does seem like such a clear, basic, necessary statistic. A full 40% of Americans have "at risk conditions."

  17. #617
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    If Comrade Dietz has done his research properly then he would know that the average age of a covid death is 78 and most likely with pre-existing conditions. In other words they already had a foot in the grave when they contracted covid. But don't expect him to admit it.

    One would think mickey would have checked on this, but for some reason failed to share the information. A full 40% of Americans are considered to have "pre-existing conditions." I reported that many weeks ago, but I'll repeat it for any people who were wondering about that.

    It does seem like such a clear, basic, necessary statistic. A full 40% of Americans have "at risk conditions."
    Damn, you're dense, boy. "A full 40% of Americans" are not 78 years old. Get a fucking clue, dude.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  18. #618
    Gold LMR's Avatar
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    I think that Red meant that there is much more to it than simply the very old dead from it.

    Look specifically at the very old dead. If there is no economic or other government benefit from thusly letting the old die, then it's a form and degree of murder, or elder abuse. If there is economic or other government benefit, then who is intentionally going to bring it into their own household? To the latter scenario, is old Trump going to send the young one to a public school, this year? Not in this lifetime.
    Lustin' lutins (from) NUTS:LI (Lichtenstein), unlist insult, until's sunlit!


    ---> MR. L(osing).

    Shut it down, LMR. = Low Mind thRust, (invar.)

    555 = 111 + 4*111 = 15*37, or 37*15, as 153, and 7, or, 371, and 5. As 153 on 371, to 5/7 left, as 6 +/- 1.

    3/21 to 8/22 is 153 + 1 days. 321 = 107*3 + 0; 123 = 3*71 + 0. To 1/0. 822 = (-1 + 7)(37 + 100); 228 = 57[6 - (1 + 1)], ---> 11411. 15[3^2] = 153 + (5 + 1). 154 days is ~ 42.08% of year 2020. 451 = 11*41^1.

  19. #619
    Early on Comrade Deitz told us to listen to the scientists. I was listening to the scientists.
    Fauci said I didn't have to wear a mask.
    Then he said I had nothing to fear from CV.
    Then he said the travel ban on China was not necessary.
    Then he said the CV would end quickly.

    So I started a thread about CV being a hoax perpetrated by the media. I did it because I was listening to the scientists. But a couple months later everything turned around.

    Fauci said I had to wear a mask.
    He said I had to social distance.
    Then he said the CV was going to be with us awhile.
    Then he said it may not ever be eradicated.
    Then he said there may not be a vaccine.

    So it turns out that the real hoax is that CV IS NOT A HOAX.

    So since Fauci did an about face I'm doing an about face. I'm with you Comrade Dietz. The CV is no joke.

    Except, you've said that Trump has done a bad job on CV. And he IS taking a lot of bad press over it. Could cost him the election.

    Meanwhile, Fauci, who is the main advisor to the President on CV, , and a darling of the main stream media, who was giving out all the conflicting information on CV, is given hero status. Here he is throwing out the first pitch. Looks like dude is a little on the spastic side. Had his mask on and everything for the photo op.

    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  20. #620
    But wait! Comrade Dietz! Fauci is caught at the game not wearing his mask and not social distancing!! Is this a new message from Fauci? That CV is a hoax after all. Say it ain't so, Dietz. Say it ain't so.
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    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

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