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Thread: Time for Cognitive Dissonance

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Comrade Dietz, thank you for bringing your cognitive dissonance to the attention of this forum. Yes, you know the story is a hoax, but you truly want to believe the president dissed the soldiers. So you have looked for anything you could find to rectify your false belief.

    How long have you been bashing Fox News? I even explained to you that Fox News has as many left wing operatives as right wing. But you continued to disparage Fox News as an alt-right news network. But now you want to use them to perpetuate the false narrative that the president dissed the soldiers. You, Comrade Dietz, have dissed Fox News more than anyone else on this forum. But now you want to use them as truth sayers after you called them liars for so long? GTFO!!

    Now, I know what you are up to. You think people like me are going to think "WTF? The president dissed the soldiers? I believe in low taxes and less government but by golly because the president dissed the soldiers I'm going to vote for high taxes and more government!! Yeah, that's the ticket!! That'll show the bastards!!

    Comrade Dietz, you have portrayed yourself as the cynical one but here you are ready to believe the bullshit because it can benefit your attempts to turn the country into a socialist dictatorship. But have you taken a look at the timing of the story? It happened to have coincided with Trump's rise in the polls and Biden's free fall in the polls.

    The Atlantic false narrative is designed to stop the Trump poll surge. Wise up.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 09-05-2020 at 02:09 AM.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  3. #3
    Red, you remain the idiot you've always been.

    How many times is it gonna take before you people learn that making up and repeating false negative stories from anonymous sources about our great president only plays in his favor?

    He's beaten phonies like you into the ground so many times that it's almost embarrassing.

  4. #4

    Thank you for answering the query. Fox News, of course, has completely different sources than those used by The Atlantic. Otherwise, obviously, Fox News would not have spent 36 hours denying the reports, but then, after actually asking their own sources, then verifying the reports.

    The questions regarding cognitive dissonance are simply, for those interested readers:

    1) Confronted with all major media outlets reporting the same thing from completely different sources, would Trump supporters stand firm and decide that all media, including Fox News, was fake news?

    2) Would Trump supporters then acknowledge that they have better sources and better knowledge than all American media sources combined, including Fox News?


    1) Would Trump supporters acknowledge that they have limited knowledge of what the president actually thinks and has said, and that reporters for all American media companies have better access to such information than they, the down-on-the-street, Trump supporters?

    2) Would they budge in their Trump support, or would the most damning information disconfirming Trump as noble leader simply be rejected as "not religious canon" regardless of uniform reportage?

    The answer, at least with the first two responders, is clearly the former.

  5. #5
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    Thank you for answering the query. Fox News, of course, has completely different sources than those used by The Atlantic. Otherwise, obviously, Fox News would not have spent 36 hours denying the reports, but then, after actually asking their own sources, then verifying the reports.

    The questions regarding cognitive dissonance are simply, for those interested readers:

    1) Confronted with all major media outlets reporting the same thing from completely different sources, would Trump supporters stand firm and decide that all media, including Fox News, was fake news?

    2) Would Trump supporters then acknowledge that they have better sources and better knowledge than all American media sources combined, including Fox News?


    1) Would Trump supporters acknowledge that they have limited knowledge of what the president actually thinks and has said, and that reporters for all American media companies have better access to such information than they, the down-on-the-street, Trump supporters?

    2) Would they budge in their Trump support, or would the most damning information disconfirming Trump as noble leader simply be rejected as "not religious canon" regardless of uniform reportage?

    The answer, at least with the first two responders, is clearly the former.
    We know how those with TDS will respond. He can't do anything wrong. He is their god.

  6. #6
    I keep seeing TDS used differently.

    I know it's Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    I see it used

    1) by Trump supporters to show how deranged the left is whenever they hear about Trump the left gets deranged.

    2) by Dems who say anyone supporting Trump is deranged especially if following him blindly.

    So which is the correct usage.


  7. #7
    "As someone who is just to the right of center I believe in low taxes and less government. But this thing about Trump dissing the troops has me pissed off to high heaven! I'm so pissed I'm going to vote for China Joe Biden so I get much higher taxes and much bigger government!"

    Do you think the above statement makes a lot of sense? That you should vote against what you consider to be your best interests because you are pissed at the president for something he said.

    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 09-05-2020 at 05:57 AM.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  8. #8
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    Thank you for answering the query. Fox News, of course, has completely different sources than those used by The Atlantic. Otherwise, obviously, Fox News would not have spent 36 hours denying the reports, but then, after actually asking their own sources, then verifying the reports.

    The questions regarding cognitive dissonance are simply, for those interested readers:

    1) Confronted with all major media outlets reporting the same thing from completely different sources, would Trump supporters stand firm and decide that all media, including Fox News, was fake news?

    2) Would Trump supporters then acknowledge that they have better sources and better knowledge than all American media sources combined, including Fox News?


    1) Would Trump supporters acknowledge that they have limited knowledge of what the president actually thinks and has said, and that reporters for all American media companies have better access to such information than they, the down-on-the-street, Trump supporters?

    2) Would they budge in their Trump support, or would the most damning information disconfirming Trump as noble leader simply be rejected as "not religious canon" regardless of uniform reportage?

    The answer, at least with the first two responders, is clearly the former.
    We know how those with TDS will respond. He can't do anything wrong. He is their god.
    Cunt you and that idiot Dietz just don't get it. I will not vote for socialism under any circumstances. It's preposterous what they are accusing the president of saying. But even if he did say it I'm not your fucking dupe that is going to vote socialist because of it. Get a clue.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    Thank you for answering the query. Fox News, of course, has completely different sources than those used by The Atlantic. Otherwise, obviously, Fox News would not have spent 36 hours denying the reports, but then, after actually asking their own sources, then verifying the reports.

    The questions regarding cognitive dissonance are simply, for those interested readers:

    1) Confronted with all major media outlets reporting the same thing from completely different sources, would Trump supporters stand firm and decide that all media, including Fox News, was fake news?

    2) Would Trump supporters then acknowledge that they have better sources and better knowledge than all American media sources combined, including Fox News?


    1) Would Trump supporters acknowledge that they have limited knowledge of what the president actually thinks and has said, and that reporters for all American media companies have better access to such information than they, the down-on-the-street, Trump supporters?

    2) Would they budge in their Trump support, or would the most damning information disconfirming Trump as noble leader simply be rejected as "not religious canon" regardless of uniform reportage?

    The answer, at least with the first two responders, is clearly the former.
    Comrade Dietz is having a blast because he knows its impossible to disprove a negative. Thats the spot Trump is in. You are silly with glee, aren't you, Comrade Dietz? The only ones falling for this new hoax are lefties. At least they are acting like they are enraged. But they know the story isn't true. Dietz, don't any of you lefty hoaxers move to Hollywood. You idiots are lousy actors.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  11. #11
    The TDS is the antithesis of ODS-Obama Derangement Syndrome-which has plagued Trump since his inception.

  12. #12
    Not cool comred. You just drop a link that has nothing to do with Las Vegas in the Las Vegas subforum without mentioning at all what it’s about. Clickbait comred.

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    Thank you for answering the query. Fox News, of course, has completely different sources than those used by The Atlantic. Otherwise, obviously, Fox News would not have spent 36 hours denying the reports, but then, after actually asking their own sources, then verifying the reports.

    The questions regarding cognitive dissonance are simply, for those interested readers:

    1) Confronted with all major media outlets reporting the same thing from completely different sources, would Trump supporters stand firm and decide that all media, including Fox News, was fake news?

    2) Would Trump supporters then acknowledge that they have better sources and better knowledge than all American media sources combined, including Fox News?


    1) Would Trump supporters acknowledge that they have limited knowledge of what the president actually thinks and has said, and that reporters for all American media companies have better access to such information than they, the down-on-the-street, Trump supporters?

    2) Would they budge in their Trump support, or would the most damning information disconfirming Trump as noble leader simply be rejected as "not religious canon" regardless of uniform reportage?

    The answer, at least with the first two responders, is clearly the former.
    Comrade Dietz is having a blast because he knows its impossible to disprove a negative. Thats the spot Trump is in. You are silly with glee, aren't you, Comrade Dietz? The only ones falling for this new hoax are lefties. At least they are acting like they are enraged. But they know the story isn't true. Dietz, don't any of you lefty hoaxers move to Hollywood. You idiots are lousy actors.
    Mickey you missed something. This was FOX reporting. This is why it is so interesting.

    I have no idea if it is true or false but it is completely within the realm of believability if you've been paying attention for the past 4 years and not ran around with your head stuck up your ass.

  14. #14
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    The TDS is the antithesis of ODS-Obama Derangement Syndrome-which has plagued Trump since his inception.
    Good point. I didn't know ODS was also a diagnosable condition but it makes sense. Pretty much the sole driving force behind Trump. If it has the name Obama written on it - Tear it down. So pathetic. If not for that sorta thing, I could perhaps get behind Trump on some issues where I may be in agreement with.

  15. #15
    When the defendant says that all the witnesses against him are lying and he's the one telling the truth...the defendant gets convicted. Lots of criminals lamenting that fact of life.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  16. #16
    It will be SO much fun watching the pitiful reactions here the night Trump gets re-elected....which by all rights should be by a landslide. In fact, the only part of the night that will be even more interesting and satisfying will be watching the dikes and faggots of CNN and MSNBC boil over again--not in disbelief because they're all smart enuf to comprehend that anybody with a job, a 401k, or a market account ain't voting to see all that go up in smoke--but because it's a kick watching all the poor anchors cry crocodile tears....once again!

    Wise up. And sling, come to your senses please.

  17. #17
    I DID wise up. Capitalism is the STEALING of benefits from "socialism". The classic EpiPen gouging is an example because they knew Medicare would pick up the tab. Enter exorbitant drug and hospital costs, and the Affordable Care Act looks very expensive- but, hey, the thieves are making it in a free, capitalist country! Enter my wife's $10,000 Bill to BCBS to give her an infusion of an antidiarhea medication that had she have been able to wait till morning would have cost $100! But who's gonna tell your wife "you can make it!" when she's throwing up and about to pass out? Don't fret, Red. Trump probably was in pain kneeling on his bone spurs while lamenting over his hero, John McCain, when he made these statements. Just forgot ths: when we get in a bind, just BORROW from SS for-whenever- then pay it back-whenever! But wait! Now Trump's gonna phase it out! I would close with the words on the Statue of Liberty- but since it doesn't say energetic, rich, well fed,they may want to take THAT statue down!
    Last edited by slingshot; 09-05-2020 at 10:16 AM.

  18. #18
    Sounds like "Rob Singer" might want to invest some of that double up bug money in the election. BetOnline has Trump -120 right now. LOL. Northbet has Republicans-to-win Presidency at -107. Of course, that's essentially "Action" as opposed to designated pitchers. If Trump wins, "Rob Singer" will "Double Up!" Seems only right.

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    Thank you for answering the query. Fox News, of course, has completely different sources than those used by The Atlantic. Otherwise, obviously, Fox News would not have spent 36 hours denying the reports, but then, after actually asking their own sources, then verifying the reports.

    The questions regarding cognitive dissonance are simply, for those interested readers:

    1) Confronted with all major media outlets reporting the same thing from completely different sources, would Trump supporters stand firm and decide that all media, including Fox News, was fake news?

    2) Would Trump supporters then acknowledge that they have better sources and better knowledge than all American media sources combined, including Fox News?


    1) Would Trump supporters acknowledge that they have limited knowledge of what the president actually thinks and has said, and that reporters for all American media companies have better access to such information than they, the down-on-the-street, Trump supporters?

    2) Would they budge in their Trump support, or would the most damning information disconfirming Trump as noble leader simply be rejected as "not religious canon" regardless of uniform reportage?

    The answer, at least with the first two responders, is clearly the former.
    Comrade Dietz is having a blast because he knows its impossible to disprove a negative. Thats the spot Trump is in. You are silly with glee, aren't you, Comrade Dietz? The only ones falling for this new hoax are lefties. At least they are acting like they are enraged. But they know the story isn't true. Dietz, don't any of you lefty hoaxers move to Hollywood. You idiots are lousy actors.
    Mickey you missed something. This was FOX reporting. This is why it is so interesting.

    I have no idea if it is true or false but it is completely within the realm of believability if you've been paying attention for the past 4 years and not ran around with your head stuck up your ass.
    LOL! You fucking idiot. I didn't miss anything. I'm just not going with the anonymous sources bullshit anymore. Get these goddam cowards to come forward and state their case so we can see if they were even in an arena where they could have heard such a thing. A long list of people have come forward saying they were there and Trump didn't say anything like that. They are not anonymous. Sarah Huckabee for example.

    Cunt, you and comrade dietz have an agenda. YOU WANT TO BELIEVE ANONYMOUS SOURCES OVER NAMED SOURCES. As far as I'm concerned yellow bellied anonymous sources can go straight to hell. I'm sick and tired of the cowards that write that shit.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Comrade Dietz is having a blast because he knows its impossible to disprove a negative. Thats the spot Trump is in. You are silly with glee, aren't you, Comrade Dietz? The only ones falling for this new hoax are lefties. At least they are acting like they are enraged. But they know the story isn't true. Dietz, don't any of you lefty hoaxers move to Hollywood. You idiots are lousy actors.
    Mickey you missed something. This was FOX reporting. This is why it is so interesting.

    I have no idea if it is true or false but it is completely within the realm of believability if you've been paying attention for the past 4 years and not ran around with your head stuck up your ass.
    LOL! You fucking idiot. I didn't miss anything. I'm just not going with the anonymous sources bullshit anymore. Get these goddam cowards to come forward and state their case so we can see if they were even in an arena where they could have heard such a thing. A long list of people have come forward saying they were there and Trump didn't say anything like that. They are not anonymous. Sarah Huckabee for example.

    Cunt, you and comrade dietz have an agenda. YOU WANT TO BELIEVE ANONYMOUS SOURCES OVER NAMED SOURCES. As far as I'm concerned yellow bellied anonymous sources can go straight to hell. I'm sick and tired of the cowards that write that shit.

    Also - I have no clue if he said it. Given everything else about him it isn't hard to believe though. Not wanting to be seen in pictures with his fat daughter and many other things.

    I'm not going to bother arguing over it - this whole thing is LOL. The guy was LOL from the start. He was never Presidential material. LOL at the losers who think otherwise. LOL LOL LOL.

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