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Thread: Time for Cognitive Dissonance

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    When the defendant says that all the witnesses against him are lying and he's the one telling the truth...the defendant gets convicted. Lots of criminals lamenting that fact of life.
    Theres one glaring hole in your argument. All the witnesses are not against Trump. The NAMED witnesses say he didn't say it. Only the ANONYMOUS witnesses say he said it.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Mickey you missed something. This was FOX reporting. This is why it is so interesting.

    I have no idea if it is true or false but it is completely within the realm of believability if you've been paying attention for the past 4 years and not ran around with your head stuck up your ass.
    LOL! You fucking idiot. I didn't miss anything. I'm just not going with the anonymous sources bullshit anymore. Get these goddam cowards to come forward and state their case so we can see if they were even in an arena where they could have heard such a thing. A long list of people have come forward saying they were there and Trump didn't say anything like that. They are not anonymous. Sarah Huckabee for example.

    Cunt, you and comrade dietz have an agenda. YOU WANT TO BELIEVE ANONYMOUS SOURCES OVER NAMED SOURCES. As far as I'm concerned yellow bellied anonymous sources can go straight to hell. I'm sick and tired of the cowards that write that shit.

    Also - I have no clue if he said it. Given everything else about him it isn't hard to believe though. Not wanting to be seen in pictures with his fat daughter and many other things.

    I'm not going to bother arguing over it - this whole thing is LOL. The guy was LOL from the start. He was never Presidential material. LOL at the losers who think otherwise. LOL LOL LOL.
    Trump is the hardest working president we ever had. And he's accomplished much more than any president in my lifetime. But you keep drinking that kool-aid, loser.

    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  3. #23
    Speaking of cognitive issues, have you seen China Joe Biden's press conference? Hey, the place was packed. At least a dozen people showed up. Joe is in poor shape. He was very slow in answering the softball questions from the media even though the questions and answers were scripted. It was embarrassing how easy the media was on him. Every question was set up so he could attack Trump. It would be funny if it weren't so sad. I can't believe you lefties nominated such an old sad no energy figure to be the next president.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  4. #24
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    When the defendant says that all the witnesses against him are lying and he's the one telling the truth...the defendant gets convicted. Lots of criminals lamenting that fact of life.
    Theres one glaring hole in your argument. All the witnesses are not against Trump. The NAMED witnesses say he didn't say it. Only the ANONYMOUS witnesses say he said it.
    What about the thirty or so named women who claim that Grump raped or sexually assaulted them?
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    When the defendant says that all the witnesses against him are lying and he's the one telling the truth...the defendant gets convicted. Lots of criminals lamenting that fact of life.
    Theres one glaring hole in your argument. All the witnesses are not against Trump. The NAMED witnesses say he didn't say it. Only the ANONYMOUS witnesses say he said it.
    What about the thirty or so named women who claim that Grump raped or sexually assaulted them?
    What about Tara Reide?
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  6. #26
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    I DID wise up. Capitalism is the STEALING of benefits from "socialism". The classic EpiPen gouging is an example because they knew Medicare would pick up the tab. Enter exorbitant drug and hospital costs, and the Affordable Care Act looks very expensive- but, hey, the thieves are making it in a free, capitalist country! Enter my wife's $10,000 Bill to BCBS to give her an infusion of an antidiarhea medication that had she have been able to wait till morning would have cost $100! But who's gonna tell your wife "you can make it!" when she's throwing up and about to pass out? Don't fret, Red. Trump probably was in pain kneeling on his bone spurs while lamenting over his hero, John McCain, when he made these statements. Just forgot ths: when we get in a bind, just BORROW from SS for-whenever- then pay it back-whenever! But wait! Now Trump's gonna phase it out! I would close with the words on the Statue of Liberty- but since it doesn't say energetic, rich, well fed,they may want to take THAT statue down!
    Very incoherent sling. I'm a simple guy. Gimmee something I can understand.

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Sounds like "Rob Singer" might want to invest some of that double up bug money in the election. BetOnline has Trump -120 right now. LOL. Northbet has Republicans-to-win Presidency at -107. Of course, that's essentially "Action" as opposed to designated pitchers. If Trump wins, "Rob Singer" will "Double Up!" Seems only right.
    Thanks to Trump I'm not needing any of that DU money, and if you had any money invested in the stock market instead of in loafers, busses, and gay bath houses you'd comprehend why it's not necessary. And I already put money on Trump as the underdog at SP.

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    LOL! You fucking idiot. I didn't miss anything. I'm just not going with the anonymous sources bullshit anymore. Get these goddam cowards to come forward and state their case so we can see if they were even in an arena where they could have heard such a thing. A long list of people have come forward saying they were there and Trump didn't say anything like that. They are not anonymous. Sarah Huckabee for example.

    Cunt, you and comrade dietz have an agenda. YOU WANT TO BELIEVE ANONYMOUS SOURCES OVER NAMED SOURCES. As far as I'm concerned yellow bellied anonymous sources can go straight to hell. I'm sick and tired of the cowards that write that shit.

    Also - I have no clue if he said it. Given everything else about him it isn't hard to believe though. Not wanting to be seen in pictures with his fat daughter and many other things.

    I'm not going to bother arguing over it - this whole thing is LOL. The guy was LOL from the start. He was never Presidential material. LOL at the losers who think otherwise. LOL LOL LOL.
    Trump is the hardest working president we ever had. And he's accomplished much more than any president in my lifetime. But you keep drinking that kool-aid, loser.

    I am not sure where you get I "rely on CNN for fact-checking". Your logic is pathetic. Amazing you can do the machine math.

    CNN put fact checking in the title. I saw a screen cap and googled it. CNN was only one covering it, but I looked a bit elsewhere just to not waste time on your puppet-like response. If you want to argue with the facts then have at it.

    Puppet, playing golf and canceling everything you can attached to someone's name out of spite does not count for "work".

  9. #29

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Account, I am very disappointed in you. I have to side with mickey crimm on this one, as his answer is science-based. In science, specifically physics, work is defined as "measure of energy transfer that occurs when an object is moved by an external force, at least part of which is applied in the direction of the displacement."

    Lugging 290 pounds around a golf course is therefore quite an impressive bit of work. Thus, golfing 140 times in three years is consistent both with taking a lot of time off and doing a yeoman's amount of work, in the scientific sense. Scientifically, President Trump may quite possibly be "the hardest working president in history." If you ever wore a 75-pound weight vest while golfing, you would have some appreciation for his abilities. Having worn a 30-pound vest while running and struggling mightily, I certainly am in awe of the man.

  11. #31
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    Theres one glaring hole in your argument. All the witnesses are not against Trump. The NAMED witnesses say he didn't say it. Only the ANONYMOUS witnesses say he said it.
    What about the thirty or so named women who claim that Grump raped or sexually assaulted them?
    What about Tara Reide?
    If the number of named witnesses ever got anywhere near thirty I'd definitely start to worry.

    Hey have you seen this?
    is Grump always a day late and a dollar short or how did Biden one up him again by swooping this domain name before Grump could even think of it. Then again we're talking about a guy who knows he's going to lose so he probably didn't want to waste the bread on a domain name. After all, names that haven't been picked up yet do cost all of what, eight bucks.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  12. #32
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    I DID wise up. Capitalism is the STEALING of benefits from "socialism". The classic EpiPen gouging is an example because they knew Medicare would pick up the tab. Enter exorbitant drug and hospital costs, and the Affordable Care Act looks very expensive- but, hey, the thieves are making it in a free, capitalist country! Enter my wife's $10,000 Bill to BCBS to give her an infusion of an antidiarhea medication that had she have been able to wait till morning would have cost $100! But who's gonna tell your wife "you can make it!" when she's throwing up and about to pass out? Don't fret, Red. Trump probably was in pain kneeling on his bone spurs while lamenting over his hero, John McCain, when he made these statements. Just forgot ths: when we get in a bind, just BORROW from SS for-whenever- then pay it back-whenever! But wait! Now Trump's gonna phase it out! I would close with the words on the Statue of Liberty- but since it doesn't say energetic, rich, well fed,they may want to take THAT statue down!
    Very incoherent sling. I'm a simple guy. Gimmee something I can understand.
    America is a mix of socialism and capitalism to offset the weaknesses of each. I voted for Trump based on a sane balance of these tenets-help for the needy without misuse for those hoping for handouts. It soon became evident his obsession was make Trump great and not America. Dear God- every time he opens his mouth, I wanna throw up! How can anyone believe this habitual liar? Honestly, the last election is just like this one-choosing the lesser of two evils. His hatred for Obama, McCain, or ANYONE who disagrees with him is the fuel to drive his reasoning.
    Last edited by slingshot; 09-05-2020 at 04:24 PM.

  13. #33
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    I DID wise up. Capitalism is the STEALING of benefits from "socialism". The classic EpiPen gouging is an example because they knew Medicare would pick up the tab. Enter exorbitant drug and hospital costs, and the Affordable Care Act looks very expensive- but, hey, the thieves are making it in a free, capitalist country! Enter my wife's $10,000 Bill to BCBS to give her an infusion of an antidiarhea medication that had she have been able to wait till morning would have cost $100! But who's gonna tell your wife "you can make it!" when she's throwing up and about to pass out? Don't fret, Red. Trump probably was in pain kneeling on his bone spurs while lamenting over his hero, John McCain, when he made these statements. Just forgot ths: when we get in a bind, just BORROW from SS for-whenever- then pay it back-whenever! But wait! Now Trump's gonna phase it out! I would close with the words on the Statue of Liberty- but since it doesn't say energetic, rich, well fed,they may want to take THAT statue down!
    Very incoherent sling. I'm a simple guy. Gimmee something I can understand.
    America is a mix of socialism and capitalism to offset the weaknesses of each. I voted for Trump based on a sane balance of these tenets-help for the needy without misuse for those hoping for handouts. It soon became evident his obsession was make Trump great and not America. Dear God- every time he opens his mouth, I wanna throw up! How can anyone believe this habitual liar? Honestly, the last election is just like this one-choosing the lesser of two evils. His hatred for Obama, McCain, or ANYONE who disagrees with him is the fuel to drive his reasoning.
    It is refreshing to see someone who voted for Trump is objective.

  14. #34
    This whole matter reminds me of a Law and Order episode where the defendant gets on the stand and tries to present his version of what happened all composed and rationally trying to lie his way out of whatever it is that he did. Then next thing you know he gets triggered by the prosecutor into somehow losing his cool and letting loose with some "That bitch!" type remark that makes it obvious that he has a violent temper and really did hack his wife to bits knowingly versus whatever amnesiac or psych defense he was trying to lay down, all this as the dramatic background music crescendoes to emphasize how badly he just blew it and gave himself away.

    Similarly with
    Trump Faces Uproar Over Reported Remarks Disparaging Fallen Soldiers
    Grump tries to lie his way out of this one

    “It’s a fake story and it’s a disgrace that they’re allowed to do it,” he told reporters in the Oval Office, insisting that he respected the troops. “To me, they’re heroes,” he said. “It’s even hard to believe how they could do it. And I say that, the level of bravery, and to me, they’re absolute heroes.”

    but just can't help himself and lets loose with enough anti-military comments such as about his arch-nemesis McCain or about Kelly to make it clear that he's guilty as charged.

    But he railed against one former military officer, John Kelly, a retired four-star Marine general who served as his White House chief of staff at the time of the reported episode and who he seemed to blame for the article. “Didn’t do a good job, had no temperament and ultimately he was petered out,” Trump said when asked about Kelly on Friday evening. “He was exhausted. This man was totally exhausted. He wasn’t even able to function in the last number of months.”

    Trump says "I say what I say" when asked about 2015 McCain comments.

    And of course the next scene we cut away to is the jury coming in refusing to look at him before they read their verdict.
    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    I DID wise up. Capitalism is the STEALING of benefits from "socialism". The classic EpiPen gouging is an example because they knew Medicare would pick up the tab. Enter exorbitant drug and hospital costs, and the Affordable Care Act looks very expensive- but, hey, the thieves are making it in a free, capitalist country! Enter my wife's $10,000 Bill to BCBS to give her an infusion of an antidiarhea medication that had she have been able to wait till morning would have cost $100! But who's gonna tell your wife "you can make it!" when she's throwing up and about to pass out? Don't fret, Red. Trump probably was in pain kneeling on his bone spurs while lamenting over his hero, John McCain, when he made these statements. Just forgot ths: when we get in a bind, just BORROW from SS for-whenever- then pay it back-whenever! But wait! Now Trump's gonna phase it out! I would close with the words on the Statue of Liberty- but since it doesn't say energetic, rich, well fed,they may want to take THAT statue down!
    Very incoherent sling. I'm a simple guy. Gimmee something I can understand.
    America is a mix of socialism and capitalism to offset the weaknesses of each. I voted for Trump based on a sane balance of these tenets-help for the needy without misuse for those hoping for handouts. It soon became evident his obsession was make Trump great and not America. Dear God- every time he opens his mouth, I wanna throw up! How can anyone believe this habitual liar? Honestly, the last election is just like this one-choosing the lesser of two evils. His hatred for Obama, McCain, or ANYONE who disagrees with him is the fuel to drive his reasoning.
    Your problem sling is, either you have zero money invested in the markets, or you haven't been paying attention to the ENORMOUSLY effective job Trump's been doing overall. Learn not to read his tweets if they offend you. It's his way of needling the liberal press, and he does a very good job of it.

    Alternatively, you can learn to ignore the rantings of California flakes like Mdawg. He has no choice but to believe Biden has any value at all. These are the type of libtards that'll come apart at the seams when Trump gets re-elected. And for all the violent vitriol he and his ilk speak, they'll simply wilt like ineffective and weak stems when they end up having to face those of us on the right who obviously far out-gun those wimpy-ass losers.

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    Very incoherent sling. I'm a simple guy. Gimmee something I can understand.
    America is a mix of socialism and capitalism to offset the weaknesses of each. I voted for Trump based on a sane balance of these tenets-help for the needy without misuse for those hoping for handouts. It soon became evident his obsession was make Trump great and not America. Dear God- every time he opens his mouth, I wanna throw up! How can anyone believe this habitual liar? Honestly, the last election is just like this one-choosing the lesser of two evils. His hatred for Obama, McCain, or ANYONE who disagrees with him is the fuel to drive his reasoning.
    Your problem sling is, either you have zero money invested in the markets, or you haven't been paying attention to the ENORMOUSLY effective job Trump's been doing overall. Learn not to read his tweets if they offend you. It's his way of needling the liberal press, and he does a very good job of it.

    Alternatively, you can learn to ignore the rantings of California flakes like Mdawg. He has no choice but to believe Biden has any value at all. These are the type of libtards that'll come apart at the seams when Trump gets re-elected. And for all the violent vitriol he and his ilk speak, they'll simply wilt like ineffective and weak stems when they end up having to face those of us on the right who obviously far out-gun those wimpy-ass losers.
    This reminds me of Trump not being able to understand the many who chose to serve their country instead of MONEY!

  17. #37
    I hear the betting odds are now favoring Trump.

  18. #38
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    I hear the betting odds are now favoring Trump.
    It's ironic that George Floyd's death has now put Minnesota into play for Repubicans. They haven't won there since 1972. The rioting/burning/looting has chased a lot of liberals over to the republican side.

    It's not hard to figure. You're a good liberal and a small businessperson in a liberal town. You vote democrat. Then when the shit hits the fan you find out that the liberal lunatics you elected won't do a damn thing to protect your property or business. They order the cops to stand down. And they defund the police. They leave you in a dangerous spot where you have to arm and protect yourself. All that tax money you paid in the town didn't benefit you one iota.

    The dem strategy has backfired on them. They alienated a lot of liberals. That's why Trump is surging to the lead.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  19. #39
    I'm no fan of Biden's. Fairly annoyed that is the best the democratic party can do. Which is worse for voters, Biden being that old or being gay? I mean if they're going with standard white guy, should have just threw it all behind Pete. Then Kamala.. is she even black? Or another Jewish woman? (I kid.... I kid..)

    Trump isn't any better mentally. They seem about equal to me. Trump just doesn't play by the rules. Which is ok and all, but this country was founded on rules and such. That is where a great deal of our strength is derived. It is to the point where a debate is no longer a positive thing. Usually I'd say Biden is a blah blah, but honestly, Trump is about everything but honesty. To debate, you have to at least agree to not just talk out your ass constantly.

    <shrug> what're ya gonna do?

  20. #40
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I'm no fan of Biden's. Fairly annoyed that is the best the democratic party can do. Which is worse for voters, Biden being that old or being gay? I mean if they're going with standard white guy, should have just threw it all behind Pete. Then Kamala.. is she even black? Or another Jewish woman? (I kid.... I kid..)

    Trump isn't any better mentally. They seem about equal to me. Trump just doesn't play by the rules. Which is ok and all, but this country was founded on rules and such. That is where a great deal of our strength is derived. It is to the point where a debate is no longer a positive thing. Usually I'd say Biden is a blah blah, but honestly, Trump is about everything but honesty. To debate, you have to at least agree to not just talk out your ass constantly.

    <shrug> what're ya gonna do?
    Q: Do you know how to tell when dems are lying?
    A: Their lips are moving.

    The dems throw up hoax after hoax after hoax about Trump. The press is even worse. Dems don't care about truth, only power. To them the end justifies the means.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

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