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Thread: Baccarat and Blackjack Card Counting

  1. #41
    Originally Posted by Eliot View Post
    Nothing about what KJ claims to be his methods and results raises any reason to doubt him. I've known many other AP's with similar life stories. KJ's obsession and history with message boards and his battles with various posters is his own personal demon, one I don't want to address.
    "Message board, personal demon". Interesting Eliot. Don't think I have ever heard it expressed that way.

    There really is no reason for any advantage player to participate on message boards anymore. There was a time 10 years ago, when sharing experiences and learning from other players experiences made it worthwhile. But those days are long gone. Now everything is a pissing contest and message boards are filled with as many anti-AP haters and trolls as AP's.

    So that said, why do some AP's still participate? Well why does anyone? Probably some sort of deficiency. Demons is a good way of putting it.

    I guess I was just lucky enough to have come along at the right time. A time when message boards were productive and players, especially newer players could still learn a lot from others players and the experiences of other players. Like I said, everything I do is recycled, learned from other players. And most learned from players on message boards rather than books. So not that far removed from having benefited from message boards, I have a real problem with the disinformation and false claims, claims that defy math, that ARE the message boards of today. I just don't think that is fair to new players looking for real information....fact based....math based information.

  2. #42
    Eliot changed his response again.

    You have to give these AP’s credit for sticking together. My bad for thinking any of them would be honest. I’m thinking Eliot didn’t want a wild dog like KJ chasing and biting on his ass like he did with Mike Shank everywhere he could on every forum he could for years. After all I think Eliot is not done with trying to squeeze a few more bucks out of this industries nonsense in the future. No need pointing out the assholes. If you think about it, without assholes how would anyone be able to sell anything gambling?

    Being happy with life has nothing to do with stumbling into these forums and finding the entertainment involved in pointing out how much of an phony asshole certain bullshit artists are like KJ (just to name one) that exist on them.

    As far as KJ drawing BJ pros here I do agree. Many of their fights amongst themselves was also high-level entertainment. No one chased them away. They either were banned or quit because of KJ’s nonsense. From what I remember all of them doubted your bullshit claims and challenged you about them.

  3. #43
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Eliot changed his response again.

    You have to give these AP’s credit for sticking together. My bad for thinking any of them would be honest. I’m thinking Eliot didn’t want a wild dog like KJ chasing and biting on his ass like he did with Mike Shank everywhere he could on every forum him could for years. After all I think Eliot is not done with trying to squeeze a few more bucks out of this industries nonsense in the future. No need pointing out the assholes. If you think about it, without assholes how would anyone be able to sell anything gambling?

    Being happy with life has nothing to do with stumbling into these forums and finding the entertainment involved in pointing out how much of an phony asshole certain bullshit artists are like KJ (just to name one) that exist on them.

    As far as KJ drawing BJ pros here I do agree. Many of their fights amongst themselves was also high-level entertainment. No one chased them away. They either were banned or quit because of KJ’s nonsense. From what I remember all of them doubted your bullshit claims and challenged you about them.
    Just as I predicted. You weren't looking for an expert or objective opinion, you were looking and hoping for someone to say what you wanted them to say. Eliot didn't say what you were fishing for and hoping he would say, so you now dismiss him and attack him.

    If you remember that the professional type players that made appearances here all doubted me, then you really should be checked by a physician. You either have memory problems, selective memory, or just flat out are living in an alternative reality. One (1) single player claiming to be a professional player doubts my claims. But he isn't a professional blackjack player. His claims cannot be true as stated, because you can't be a professional player playing the small location he claims to play for 30 years.

  4. #44
    I think KJ is the only regular blackjack counter that posts often here. 21forme also, but he isnt going to post much and I dont blame him. I dont think he's drawn anybody here for counting discussions.

  5. #45
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Eliot changed his response again.

    You have to give these AP’s credit for sticking together. My bad for thinking any of them would be honest. I’m thinking Eliot didn’t want a wild dog like KJ chasing and biting on his ass like he did with Mike Shank everywhere he could on every forum him could for years. After all I think Eliot is not done with trying to squeeze a few more bucks out of this industries nonsense in the future. No need pointing out the assholes. If you think about it, without assholes how would anyone be able to sell anything gambling?

    Being happy with life has nothing to do with stumbling into these forums and finding the entertainment involved in pointing out how much of an phony asshole certain bullshit artists are like KJ (just to name one) that exist on them.

    As far as KJ drawing BJ pros here I do agree. Many of their fights amongst themselves was also high-level entertainment. No one chased them away. They either were banned or quit because of KJ’s nonsense. From what I remember all of them doubted your bullshit claims and challenged you about them.
    Just as I predicted. You weren't looking for an expert or objective opinion, you were looking and hoping for someone to say what you wanted them to say. Eliot didn't say what you were fishing for and hoping he would say, so you now dismiss him and attack him.

    If you remember that the professional type players that made appearances here all doubted me, then you really should be checked by a physician. You either have memory problems, selective memory, or just flat out are living in an alternative reality. One (1) single player claiming to be a professional player doubts my claims. But he isn't a professional blackjack player. His claims cannot be true as stated, because you can't be a professional player playing the small location he claims to play for 30 years.
    Not to mention he plasters his real face all over his personal sites. With a few exceptions, no high level table games AP would do such a stupid thing!

  6. #46
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    I think KJ is the only regular blackjack counter that posts often here. 21forme also, but he isn't going to post much and I don't blame him. I dont think he's drawn anybody here for counting discussions.
    There have been a number of regular blackjack counters over the few years. Bosox, who is obviously posting less since his wife's passing, Midwest player, 21forme, KimLee, RS_, Maxpen all were at least at one time regular card counters. Even Axelwolf, has much more card counting experience in his past than I was initially aware.

    I am not saying all these guys came here because of me. 21forme and Kim Lee did. I am sure Moses did but it was to attack me. There have been a few others that aren't coming to mind right now, that showed up posted a bit and then decided this forum wasn't for them. (The smart ones). If I am not mistaken, BoSox and Midwest Player both showed up shortly after a link to this forum showed up at one of the blackjack forums, maybe posted by that bob21 character.

    The point is there have been regular and knowledgeable blackjack players, that tested the waters here, but usually bolt pretty quickly.

  7. #47
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post

    Not to mention he plasters his real face all over his personal sites. With a few exceptions, no high level table games AP would do such a stupid thing!
    Who are you talking about? I don't think we are talking about the same person.

  8. #48
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post

    Not to mention he plasters his real face all over his personal sites. With a few exceptions, no high level table games AP would do such a stupid thing!
    Who are you talking about? I don't think we are talking about the same person.
    JSTAT. Not to mention he uses his real name on his sites.

    If you meant someone else, I retract my statement then.

    As for those other counters, they aren't regular posters except for max and axel.

  9. #49
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post

    Not to mention he plasters his real face all over his personal sites. With a few exceptions, no high level table games AP would do such a stupid thing!
    Who are you talking about? I don't think we are talking about the same person.
    JSTAT. Not to mention he uses his real name on his sites.

    If you meant someone else, I retract my statement then.

    As for those other counters, they aren't regular posters except for max and axel.
    I wasn't talking about JSTAT. but whatever.

    There isn't going to be and never was going to be any legitimate blackjack discussion at this forum, so you wouldn't expect there to be many BJ players that participate regularly. Even common sense advantage plays are fought by the anti-APers. And yet people making ridiculous claims that defy math and logic seem to be the norm.

  10. #50
    Why is kew so agitated? Because eliot, as so many others have done, simply spoke the truth about the personal demons a serial liar like kew has forever been burdened--and cursed--with.

    And those concocted stories.....

  11. #51
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Why is kew so agitated? Because eliot, as so many others have done, simply spoke the truth about the personal demons a serial liar like kew has forever been burdened--and cursed--with.

    And those concocted stories.....
    Says the guy who went to an RV dealership only 7 miles from his home, pretended to be a perspective buyer, so he could pose for pictures (complete with squeegy) pretending to own the RV on the dealership lot!

    How you have the balls to even say a word about anyone or anything is beyond me.

    Oh wait...I forgot you produced a handwritten bill of sales from a company that doesn't exist, on a piece of scrap paper with no company letterhead or logo, so how dare I question the picture of you sitting tall in the saddle (driver's seat) parked at the dealership.

    Shades of a 9 year old posing at the wheel of the local fire truck.

  12. #52
    Heading out for a while, so I want to bump this back to JSTAT. Hoping you will confirm or correct so we can get into a discussion about EV for your trips and play. I'll give you a hint as to where I am going with this. Pre-covid, I accumulated 6-7 thousand dollars per month EV, playing green to mid black stakes in Las Vegas. I don't think you were playing higher stakes that that and I don't even think a player can play green to black for long in Reno on a regular basis, so I guess my question is how did you accumulate roughly 3k EV per trip that would be necessary to win $1000-$5000 per trip for 10 years?

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Ok well you didn't exactly provide a hard, solid number for results that I was looking for, so I am going to try to dig a little for it. So prior to you retiring from the USPS in 2009, you played blackjack 4 times a year, making $1000-$5000 per trip. I am going to split it right down the middle. You averaged $3000 win per trip or $12,000 win a year for 10 years? Is that right? I mean blackjack is about long-term results, and that is what I am trying to establish. Did you make over 100k total in those 10 years?? 12k a year for 10 years =$120,000? That would be a good solid supplemental income from which to base your claims. I will wait for a confirmation before I go any further.

    Also would like confirmation about your baccarat play. You started playing in 2014, after you were already retired. What quantity of play are we talking? still several trips a year, or more since you are retired?

    I am sure you and others can see where I am going with this. I am trying to establish sample size of amount of play for your claims.

    I'll be honest. What it feels like to me is claims based on a small sample size, similar to the claims that Tthree (who I am sure you and other blackjack guys know of) back on Norm's forum 5-6 years ago. The claims were quite fantastic and turns out based on a small and insignificant sample size. As time went on and he got to a bigger sample size, even he admitted the results came back down to reality, more in line with what the math said it would be. The math never lies....LONGTERM. So I just want to be sure that a small sample size is not what we are dealing with here.

    And no offense, but you ought to be able to give a hard, solid number of results, rather than I made $1000-$5000 per trip. That is too vague. reminds me of my grandfather when I would ask how he did betting horses over his life. His answer would be "about even", when of course he wasn't. Somebody taking their gambling seriously as you have done with all your videos and time put in, ought to have a very definitive number to give as far as results.

  13. #53
    Why I find this shit funny is a testament to my insanity.

    Last night I see KewlJ had posted after being absent. At the bottom there was only 1 logged in user. Rob.Singer. I just had a good chuckle waiting.. came back some time later and no post was made. I was like wooooah whats happening. There must be no trace of blood in the water. Nothing to attack. No weakness. But sure as shit it couldn't last long.

    There will be no peace between KJ and RS.

  14. #54
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Heading out for a while, so I want to bump this back to JSTAT. Hoping you will confirm or correct so we can get into a discussion about EV for your trips and play. I'll give you a hint as to where I am going with this. Pre-covid, I accumulated 6-7 thousand dollars per month EV, playing green to mid black stakes in Las Vegas. I don't think you were playing higher stakes that that and I don't even think a player can play green to black for long in Reno on a regular basis, so I guess my question is how did you accumulate roughly 3k EV per trip that would be necessary to win $1000-$5000 per trip for 10 years?

    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Ok well you didn't exactly provide a hard, solid number for results that I was looking for, so I am going to try to dig a little for it. So prior to you retiring from the USPS in 2009, you played blackjack 4 times a year, making $1000-$5000 per trip. I am going to split it right down the middle. You averaged $3000 win per trip or $12,000 win a year for 10 years? Is that right? I mean blackjack is about long-term results, and that is what I am trying to establish. Did you make over 100k total in those 10 years?? 12k a year for 10 years =$120,000? That would be a good solid supplemental income from which to base your claims. I will wait for a confirmation before I go any further.

    Also would like confirmation about your baccarat play. You started playing in 2014, after you were already retired. What quantity of play are we talking? still several trips a year, or more since you are retired?

    I am sure you and others can see where I am going with this. I am trying to establish sample size of amount of play for your claims.

    I'll be honest. What it feels like to me is claims based on a small sample size, similar to the claims that Tthree (who I am sure you and other blackjack guys know of) back on Norm's forum 5-6 years ago. The claims were quite fantastic and turns out based on a small and insignificant sample size. As time went on and he got to a bigger sample size, even he admitted the results came back down to reality, more in line with what the math said it would be. The math never lies....LONGTERM. So I just want to be sure that a small sample size is not what we are dealing with here.

    And no offense, but you ought to be able to give a hard, solid number of results, rather than I made $1000-$5000 per trip. That is too vague. reminds me of my grandfather when I would ask how he did betting horses over his life. His answer would be "about even", when of course he wasn't. Somebody taking their gambling seriously as you have done with all your videos and time put in, ought to have a very definitive number to give as far as results.
    My goal at single deck blackjack in the 90's was to play up to 13 hours at one table. Most of the pit games were $5 minimums (some one dollar). SD games in the Reno and Lake Tahoe area everywhere!. Sit at a $5 table and start after a shuffle. By ordering a few beers and smoking cigarettes, most ploppies cleared the table. Playing heads-up was the goal and that's when the fireworks began. By betting $25 at the top, it allowed me to drop down to a $5 bet when the blackjack frequency was low. When the count and side count was up, it was $50. On the third and forth hand, the bet is $100 when the BJ rate was above the 4.83% rate. Then the bet is dropped down to the $5 wager till the shuffle. I won until I had enough beer. How can a counter who drinks win and play mistake free? I did and got away with a 1-20 spread while fooling surveillance and the pit. Every casino I hit I won good money. You see KJ, knowing surveillance was using Hi-Lo to determine a threat, I bet the minimum at 50% and beyond before the shuffle fooled them.

    A winning outcome is certain when we are getting the same amount of blackjacks as the dealer when the blackjack frequency is high. Matching blackjacks is a sure winner since we win 50% more. It adds up to big paydays. The longer you play, the more you win. Casinos were candy stores back then. Thanks for taking me back into the time machine KJ
    Last edited by JSTAT; 09-10-2020 at 12:59 PM.
    JSTAT on casinos, poker, and blackjack/baccarat card counting without charge. Saying what needs to said at

  15. #55
    Oh boy. Someone forgot to lock the door and JSTAT got out. Time to hear how simulations are worthless, betting efficiency is overrated, playing efficiency is useless, and there's only one count that actually works. He can't tell you the tags or a betting ramp or index plays, but his count is the one true Jesus. All other counts are -EV.

    Thanks for rising from the dead JSTAT. Don't get hit by a bus while crossing the street.

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