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Thread: For Politards Only Thread

  1. #221
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Trump shows everyone how to soar like an eagle when you are surrounded by democratic turkeys. Way back when Jimmy Carter brokered a peace deal between Israel and Egypt. The only middle east peace deal in 70 years. That is, until Trump arrived in office. Obama/Biden dissed Israel. Ignored them. They paid the Palestinians 750 million dollars a year. And made a deal giving away billions of dollars to Iran with a guarantee that Iran would wind up with a nuclear weapon in the end.

    Trumps squashed the Iran deal. Dems cryed like bitches. Trump declared Jerusalem the capitol of Israel. Dems screamed about it. Trump quit paying the Palestinians because they wouldn't make peace with Israel. Dems denounced it. Trump declared Israel had sovereign rights over the Golan Heights. Dems fought against it. Dems fought against all of Trumps moves saying it would destroy relations in the middle east.

    Then what happens? Trump brokers a peace deal between Israel and UAE. Then he does the same with Bahrain. Trump gets nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. More middle east nations are likely to fall in line.

    70 frickin' years and it took Trump to get peace deals going in the middle east. I know this is bound to be eating redietz' up. This is just a few more in a long line of accomplishments by Trump while surrounded by sleazeball democrats and fake news.
    Peace deals are better than not having peace deals but all these countries do not neighbor or have that much to do with each other.

    Could you tell us the nature of the conflict that Trump resolved? If not I might have to call you the p-word but I want to respect your post.
    You are right, blackhole. This idiot isn't worth conversing with. He has no clue that the Arab nations have been aligned against and calling for the destruction of Israel for 70 years. He's to stupid to trade posts with so I'm through. Even redietz understands whats going on in the middle east. I'm thinking I'm going to have to put this idiot back on ignore. But not before I call him the P-words Cunt, you're a punk pussy.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  2. #222
    The US Ambassador to China, Terry Branstad is leaving his position at the beginning of October. Curious that he would leave his position before the elections. Hopefully, it is not due to health reasons.

    As with many Ambassadors, Mr. Branstad was not well known to many parts of America. He was a two term governor of Iowa. He was an early loyal supporter of Donald Trump. He also had some minimal ties to China, which was a key for him gaining this position (and a good choice). Unfortunately, being an Ambassador to China is similar to being an Ambassador to North Korea, the political spotlight was not going to be shining on you (and that is not a negative).

    That first round of tariff slaps, first by the US and then retaliated by China, ultimately hurt some US manufacturers, but especially the farmers. No doubt, Mr. Branstad caught some heat from his home state. Give him credit, he persevered for a few more years. I just hope he did not age exponentially, due to stress, as most politicians.

  3. #223
    Originally Posted by Deech View Post
    The US Ambassador to China, Terry Branstad is leaving his position at the beginning of October. Curious that he would leave his position before the elections. Hopefully, it is not due to health reasons.

    As with many Ambassadors, Mr. Branstad was not well known to many parts of America. He was a two term governor of Iowa. He was an early loyal supporter of Donald Trump. He also had some minimal ties to China, which was a key for him gaining this position (and a good choice). Unfortunately, being an Ambassador to China is similar to being an Ambassador to North Korea, the political spotlight was not going to be shining on you (and that is not a negative).

    That first round of tariff slaps, first by the US and then retaliated by China, ultimately hurt some US manufacturers, but especially the farmers. No doubt, Mr. Branstad caught some heat from his home state. Give him credit, he persevered for a few more years. I just hope he did not age exponentially, due to stress, as most politicians.
    I'm for total economic disengagement from China until they get their heads out of their asses.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  4. #224
    While I an Independent, I believe our compass was lost when the Houston Rocket's GM made a twitter comment about Hong Kong. The Chinese government did not like this tweet. Personally, the commissioner of the NBA should have stood tall and stated that American's have the right to free speech. NBA players would not stand tall against Chinese oppression, but locally, they will. The money is tenfold with the Chinese regarding the NBA. Yes, upset the applecart locally, but heavens forbid you speak to upset international money.

    Again, my beliefs is that athletes should not be messengers on anything. If they are quiet on China, do not bellow about anything local.

    PS: To lean the other way, I admire Chris Wallace.

  5. #225
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Trump shows everyone how to soar like an eagle when you are surrounded by democratic turkeys. Way back when Jimmy Carter brokered a peace deal between Israel and Egypt. The only middle east peace deal in 70 years. That is, until Trump arrived in office. Obama/Biden dissed Israel. Ignored them. They paid the Palestinians 750 million dollars a year. And made a deal giving away billions of dollars to Iran with a guarantee that Iran would wind up with a nuclear weapon in the end.

    Trumps squashed the Iran deal. Dems cryed like bitches. Trump declared Jerusalem the capitol of Israel. Dems screamed about it. Trump quit paying the Palestinians because they wouldn't make peace with Israel. Dems denounced it. Trump declared Israel had sovereign rights over the Golan Heights. Dems fought against it. Dems fought against all of Trumps moves saying it would destroy relations in the middle east.

    Then what happens? Trump brokers a peace deal between Israel and UAE. Then he does the same with Bahrain. Trump gets nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. More middle east nations are likely to fall in line.

    70 frickin' years and it took Trump to get peace deals going in the middle east. I know this is bound to be eating redietz' up. This is just a few more in a long line of accomplishments by Trump while surrounded by sleazeball democrats and fake news.
    Peace deals are better than not having peace deals but all these countries do not neighbor or have that much to do with each other.

    Could you tell us the nature of the conflict that Trump resolved? If not I might have to call you the p-word but I want to respect your post.
    You are right, blackhole. This idiot isn't worth conversing with. He has no clue that the Arab nations have been aligned against and calling for the destruction of Israel for 70 years. He's to stupid to trade posts with so I'm through. Even redietz understands whats going on in the middle east. I'm thinking I'm going to have to put this idiot back on ignore. But not before I call him the P-words Cunt, you're a punk pussy.
    UAE and Bahrain don't neighbor Israel directly in any shape. There has never been a threat of a flare up with UAE or Bahrain. I will give Trump credit for it, because it is a great start. However, it is just that - a start. I'm not sure what it actually does. Again, I ask a simple question and you project that I don't know what I am talking about. As usual, it is the other way around.

  6. #226
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Peace deals are better than not having peace deals but all these countries do not neighbor or have that much to do with each other.

    Could you tell us the nature of the conflict that Trump resolved? If not I might have to call you the p-word but I want to respect your post.
    You are right, blackhole. This idiot isn't worth conversing with. He has no clue that the Arab nations have been aligned against and calling for the destruction of Israel for 70 years. He's to stupid to trade posts with so I'm through. Even redietz understands whats going on in the middle east. I'm thinking I'm going to have to put this idiot back on ignore. But not before I call him the P-words Cunt, you're a punk pussy.
    UAE and Bahrain don't neighbor Israel directly in any shape. There has never been a threat of a flare up with UAE or Bahrain. I will give Trump credit for it, because it is a great start. However, it is just that - a start. I'm not sure what it actually does. Again, I ask a simple question and you project that I don't know what I am talking about. As usual, it is the other way around.
    That's because you don't know what you are talking about. Israel, UAE and Bahrain are in the middle east. The several Arab countries in the middle east, including UAE and Bahrain have been aligned against Israel and have called for its destruction for 70 years. Egypt used to be a part of the coalition but broke with it and made peace with Israel during the Carter Presidency. No Arab country has broke from the coalition until UAE and Bahrain. Iran has been part of the coalition even though they are Persian. Iran certainly wants to see Israel destroyed.

    Trump came in and pulled us out of the agreement with Iran that virtually guaranteed they get the nuclear weapon. The reason is because the Obama engineered agreement would end in 15 years and Iran would develop a nuclear weapon anyway. Trump said negatory on that bullshit.

    Had Trump not shut Iran down UAE and Bahrain would not have made peace with Israel. They would have been to afraid of Iran to do it. Trump is breaking down the old Arab coalition and they are realigning as Israel and the Arab countries against Iran. And that is exactly what we want to see to keep Iran in check.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  7. #227
    If there actually is anyone on this board who is a middle east expert, pleases weigh in with some facts and sources to back up opinions. I remember the Israeli/Jordan/Egypt peace deal. It was huge. The Arab world had previously united under a goal of pushing Israel into the sea. If Israel lost just once, such a thing was possible.

    UAE and Bahrain is different. They were not combatants. for one. Gulf states have been aligning with Israel for years in opposition to Iran. An unintended consequence of invading Iraq and Afghanistan is that it allowed Iran to increase it's influence in the region. My understanding is, that these gulf states have previously refused to officially normalize relations with Israel until it reached an agreement with the Palestinians. It sounds to me like Netanyahu is pausing further settlement expansions in order to make this deal palatable to Arabs. I have no clue whether they will back out when and if settlement expansions resume.

    Some of you may remember the cartoon bomb that Netanyahu drew to encourage us to go to war with Iran because they were so close to having a nuclear weapon. I certainly don't have the security clearance or expertise to know how close they actually were. Netanyahu's urgency aside, within a few months was a common guess. The treaty pushed that out to a year or more. I think that was better than a few months. This was a 15 year treaty. While there were no guarantees that Iran would comply that long, the international inspectors, Obama administration and Trump administration had all signed off as Iran being in compliance. I don't know why someone would think that withdrawing from the deal makes an Iran bomb less likely. If Iran complied with the deal, they couldn't build a bomb until 2030. The hardliners involved in the 1976 revolution would be gone by then. They might even get replaced by moderates. If hardliners are still in charge, then we would have choices to make over the time that it would take to make a bomb. If Iran didn't comply with the deal, then it would be a lot easier to to get allies to slap back sanctions. Pulling out of a deal that Iran was complying with gives Iran an excuse to also pull out of or violate the agreement and much less incentive for our allies to put as severe sanctions back in place. By the end of 2021 Iran could have a bomb or we could have new war. Iran is not less dangerous now than when it was complying with a treaty.
    Last edited by wasilla; 09-14-2020 at 08:14 PM.

  8. #228
    Originally Posted by Deech View Post
    The US Ambassador to China, Terry Branstad is leaving his position at the beginning of October. Curious that he would leave his position before the elections. Hopefully, it is not due to health reasons.

    As with many Ambassadors, Mr. Branstad was not well known to many parts of America. He was a two term governor of Iowa. He was an early loyal supporter of Donald Trump. He also had some minimal ties to China, which was a key for him gaining this position (and a good choice). Unfortunately, being an Ambassador to China is similar to being an Ambassador to North Korea, the political spotlight was not going to be shining on you (and that is not a negative).

    That first round of tariff slaps, first by the US and then retaliated by China, ultimately hurt some US manufacturers, but especially the farmers. No doubt, Mr. Branstad caught some heat from his home state. Give him credit, he persevered for a few more years. I just hope he did not age exponentially, due to stress, as most politicians.
    I like your posting style Deech. Perhaps when we have a disagreement, we will be able to discuss it without calling each other names or making stuff up.

  9. #229
    Originally Posted by wasilla View Post
    If there actually is anyone on this board who is a middle east expert, pleases weigh in with some facts and sources to back up opinions. I remember the Israeli/Jordan/Egypt peace deal. It was huge. The Arab world had previously united under a goal of pushing Israel into the sea. If Israel lost just once, such a thing was possible.

    UAE and Bahrain is different. They were not combatants. for one. Gulf states have been aligning with Israel for years in opposition to Iran. An unintended consequence of invading Iraq and Afghanistan is that it allowed Iran to increase it's influence in the region. My understanding is, that these gulf states have previously refused to officially normalize relations with Israel until it reached an agreement with the Palestinians. It sounds to me like Netanyahu is pausing further settlement expansions in order to make this deal palatable to Arabs. I have no clue whether they will back out when and if settlement expansions resume.

    Some of you may remember the cartoon bomb that Netanyahu drew to encourage us to go to war with Iran because they were so close to having a nuclear weapon. I certainly don't have the security clearance or expertise to know how close they actually were. Netanyahu's urgency aside, within a few months was a common guess. The treaty pushed that out to a year or more. I think that was better than a few months. This was a 15 year treaty. While there were no guarantees that Iran would comply that long, the international inspectors, Obama administration and Trump administration had all signed off as Iran being in compliance. I don't know why someone would think that withdrawing from the deal makes an Iran bomb less likely. If Iran complied with the deal, they couldn't build a bomb until 2030. The hardliners involved in the 1976 revolution would be gone by then. They might even get replaced by moderates. If hardliners are still in charge, then we would have choices to make over the time that it would take to make a bomb. If Iran didn't comply with the deal, then it would be a lot easier to to get allies to slap back sanctions. Pulling out of a deal that Iran was complying with gives Iran an excuse to also pull out of or violate the agreement and much less incentive for our allies to put as severe sanctions back in place. By the end of 2021 Iran could have a bomb or we could have new war. Iran is not less dangerous now than when it was complying with a treaty.
    Please weigh in with some facts and sources to back up your opinions instead of trying to act like an expert, Washitta.

    This fucking chump, Washitta, wants to get sarcastic then spouts off a bunch of unsourced "facts" and opinions. This is the type of bullshit from the left one has to contend with here. Nothing in what I said was wrong. Washitta is an assclown that thinks just like Obama. That the Iranians will change when the next generation Mullahs are in power. Only fools would trust that.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  10. #230
    Originally Posted by wasilla View Post
    Originally Posted by Deech View Post
    The US Ambassador to China, Terry Branstad is leaving his position at the beginning of October. Curious that he would leave his position before the elections. Hopefully, it is not due to health reasons.

    As with many Ambassadors, Mr. Branstad was not well known to many parts of America. He was a two term governor of Iowa. He was an early loyal supporter of Donald Trump. He also had some minimal ties to China, which was a key for him gaining this position (and a good choice). Unfortunately, being an Ambassador to China is similar to being an Ambassador to North Korea, the political spotlight was not going to be shining on you (and that is not a negative).

    That first round of tariff slaps, first by the US and then retaliated by China, ultimately hurt some US manufacturers, but especially the farmers. No doubt, Mr. Branstad caught some heat from his home state. Give him credit, he persevered for a few more years. I just hope he did not age exponentially, due to stress, as most politicians.
    I like your posting style Deech. Perhaps when we have a disagreement, we will be able to discuss it without calling each other names or making stuff up.
    Fuck you, Washitta.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  11. #231
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by wasilla View Post
    If there actually is anyone on this board who is a middle east expert, pleases weigh in with some facts and sources to back up opinions. I remember the Israeli/Jordan/Egypt peace deal. It was huge. The Arab world had previously united under a goal of pushing Israel into the sea. If Israel lost just once, such a thing was possible.

    UAE and Bahrain is different. They were not combatants. for one. Gulf states have been aligning with Israel for years in opposition to Iran. An unintended consequence of invading Iraq and Afghanistan is that it allowed Iran to increase it's influence in the region. My understanding is, that these gulf states have previously refused to officially normalize relations with Israel until it reached an agreement with the Palestinians. It sounds to me like Netanyahu is pausing further settlement expansions in order to make this deal palatable to Arabs. I have no clue whether they will back out when and if settlement expansions resume.

    Some of you may remember the cartoon bomb that Netanyahu drew to encourage us to go to war with Iran because they were so close to having a nuclear weapon. I certainly don't have the security clearance or expertise to know how close they actually were. Netanyahu's urgency aside, within a few months was a common guess. The treaty pushed that out to a year or more. I think that was better than a few months. This was a 15 year treaty. While there were no guarantees that Iran would comply that long, the international inspectors, Obama administration and Trump administration had all signed off as Iran being in compliance. I don't know why someone would think that withdrawing from the deal makes an Iran bomb less likely. If Iran complied with the deal, they couldn't build a bomb until 2030. The hardliners involved in the 1976 revolution would be gone by then. They might even get replaced by moderates. If hardliners are still in charge, then we would have choices to make over the time that it would take to make a bomb. If Iran didn't comply with the deal, then it would be a lot easier to to get allies to slap back sanctions. Pulling out of a deal that Iran was complying with gives Iran an excuse to also pull out of or violate the agreement and much less incentive for our allies to put as severe sanctions back in place. By the end of 2021 Iran could have a bomb or we could have new war. Iran is not less dangerous now than when it was complying with a treaty.
    Please weigh in with some facts and sources to back up your opinions instead of trying to act like an expert, Washitta.

    This fucking chump, Washitta, wants to get sarcastic then spouts off a bunch of unsourced "facts" and opinions. This is the type of bullshit from the left one has to contend with here. Nothing in what I said was wrong. Washitta is an assclown that thinks just like Obama. That the Iranians will change when the next generation Mullahs are in power. Only fools would trust that.
    I'm am not the expert that I seek. I believe what I said was accurate, but my knowledge on the subject doesn't even reach wikapedia level. Correct me were I'm wrong. I don't mind. I wasn't being sarcastic and don't know what part of my post could be interpreted as such.

  12. #232
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by wasilla View Post
    Originally Posted by Deech View Post
    The US Ambassador to China, Terry Branstad is leaving his position at the beginning of October. Curious that he would leave his position before the elections. Hopefully, it is not due to health reasons.

    As with many Ambassadors, Mr. Branstad was not well known to many parts of America. He was a two term governor of Iowa. He was an early loyal supporter of Donald Trump. He also had some minimal ties to China, which was a key for him gaining this position (and a good choice). Unfortunately, being an Ambassador to China is similar to being an Ambassador to North Korea, the political spotlight was not going to be shining on you (and that is not a negative).

    That first round of tariff slaps, first by the US and then retaliated by China, ultimately hurt some US manufacturers, but especially the farmers. No doubt, Mr. Branstad caught some heat from his home state. Give him credit, he persevered for a few more years. I just hope he did not age exponentially, due to stress, as most politicians.
    I like your posting style Deech. Perhaps when we have a disagreement, we will be able to discuss it without calling each other names or making stuff up.
    Fuck you, Washitta.
    This post wasn't sarcastic either. I like Deech's posting style. He seems measured and factual.

  13. #233
    I felt I needed to post his before the CNN/Fox organizations put their spin on this. There are many good politicians in this world. I do not pick sides. My hope is that there is dignity in the discussions and arguments in the next few weeks with the presidential candidates. There are weaknesses with both individuals. Yes, I would prefer a different candidate for both parties, just like 2016, but here we are.

  14. #234
    Originally Posted by Deech View Post
    I felt I needed to post his before the CNN/Fox organizations put their spin on this. There are many good politicians in this world. I do not pick sides. My hope is that there is dignity in the discussions and arguments in the next few weeks with the presidential candidates. There are weaknesses with both individuals. Yes, I would prefer a different candidate for both parties, just like 2016, but here we are.
    When the rubber hits the road Deech, you'll find that people with jobs, 401k's, and brokerage accounts will vote for Trump even if they publicly claim otherwise. And he has shown there has never been a more successful leader of the economy than him.

    So if you somehow would not "prefer" Trump to be the GOP candidate, it is very confusing.

  15. #235
    ABC News introduced the President to one of the "undecided voters," that got to ask him a question, as a member of the Socialist Workers Party. You can't make this shit up. LOL!

    The whole thing was a setup. Every question was loaded. But they were "undecided voters." Yeah, right. You betcha!
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 09-16-2020 at 06:45 AM.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  16. #236
    I thought I would wander down the path to the right and combine my love for sports, emphasizing a conservative view. There has been a minor locker room awareness that the Pittsburgh Steelers may not be in agreement on the name of the individual that they are wearing on the back of their helmets. A team vote was taken and the team voted to have a teenager, Antwon Rose Jr., This individual was shot dead by police on the east side of Pittsburgh two years ago. He was shot running away from a vehicle in which there was a drive by shooting. When the driver was being arrested, both Rose and a back seat passenger exited the vehicle and ran. They did not respond to the command to stop. Rose was shot three times.

    While the back seat passenger fired most of the shots in the drive by shooting, the target, verified that his beef was with Antwon Rose Jr.. He stated that Rose Jr. was trying to shoot him. Rose had an empty 9 millimeter gun cartridge in his pocket and the gun was under the front seat of the car as he exited when police arrived. His DNA was on the gun and he had gunshot residue on his hands. Also, there was an armed robbery of Rose's employer hours before he was shot. A gun from that robbery was stolen and was in the car.

    When it comes to a team vote, things get difficult. Alejandro Villanueva (Martinez) is an Army West Point graduate. He served three tours in Afghanistan. I need not say more. He put a piece of tape on the back of his helmet and put the name of a service veteran that died in Iraq and received a Silver Ster. This particular soldier was black. Alejandro asked his coach if this was acceptable. and Coach Tomlin gave his blessings.

    The post game comments from his teammates are disturbing. I realize athletes do not do due diligence on all factors of everyday occurrences. I must state that after leaving NYC as a youth I grew up in the shadows of West Point. Everyone has a voice, but in my heart, some individuals speak louder than others.

  17. #237
    Originally Posted by Deech View Post
    I thought I would wander down the path to the right and combine my love for sports, emphasizing a conservative view. There has been a minor locker room awareness that the Pittsburgh Steelers may not be in agreement on the name of the individual that they are wearing on the back of their helmets. A team vote was taken and the team voted to have a teenager, Antwon Rose Jr., This individual was shot dead by police on the east side of Pittsburgh two years ago. He was shot running away from a vehicle in which there was a drive by shooting. When the driver was being arrested, both Rose and a back seat passenger exited the vehicle and ran. They did not respond to the command to stop. Rose was shot three times.

    While the back seat passenger fired most of the shots in the drive by shooting, the target, verified that his beef was with Antwon Rose Jr.. He stated that Rose Jr. was trying to shoot him. Rose had an empty 9 millimeter gun cartridge in his pocket and the gun was under the front seat of the car as he exited when police arrived. His DNA was on the gun and he had gunshot residue on his hands. Also, there was an armed robbery of Rose's employer hours before he was shot. A gun from that robbery was stolen and was in the car.

    When it comes to a team vote, things get difficult. Alejandro Villanueva (Martinez) is an Army West Point graduate. He served three tours in Afghanistan. I need not say more. He put a piece of tape on the back of his helmet and put the name of a service veteran that died in Iraq and received a Silver Ster. This particular soldier was black. Alejandro asked his coach if this was acceptable. and Coach Tomlin gave his blessings.

    The post game comments from his teammates are disturbing. I realize athletes do not do due diligence on all factors of everyday occurrences. I must state that after leaving NYC as a youth I grew up in the shadows of West Point. Everyone has a voice, but in my heart, some individuals speak louder than others.
    Antwon Rose was a common criminal and should not be honored for anything. This is what disgusts me about the fricking millionaire athletes. They are all lackys for BLM and Antifa. Their behavior is disgusting.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  18. #238
    Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died today. Just 46 days before the election. This is going to add a real bitch fight to an election that is already a bitch fight. Somebody is going to get bitch slapped.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  19. #239
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Deech View Post
    I thought I would wander down the path to the right and combine my love for sports, emphasizing a conservative view. There has been a minor locker room awareness that the Pittsburgh Steelers may not be in agreement on the name of the individual that they are wearing on the back of their helmets. A team vote was taken and the team voted to have a teenager, Antwon Rose Jr., This individual was shot dead by police on the east side of Pittsburgh two years ago. He was shot running away from a vehicle in which there was a drive by shooting. When the driver was being arrested, both Rose and a back seat passenger exited the vehicle and ran. They did not respond to the command to stop. Rose was shot three times.

    While the back seat passenger fired most of the shots in the drive by shooting, the target, verified that his beef was with Antwon Rose Jr.. He stated that Rose Jr. was trying to shoot him. Rose had an empty 9 millimeter gun cartridge in his pocket and the gun was under the front seat of the car as he exited when police arrived. His DNA was on the gun and he had gunshot residue on his hands. Also, there was an armed robbery of Rose's employer hours before he was shot. A gun from that robbery was stolen and was in the car.

    When it comes to a team vote, things get difficult. Alejandro Villanueva (Martinez) is an Army West Point graduate. He served three tours in Afghanistan. I need not say more. He put a piece of tape on the back of his helmet and put the name of a service veteran that died in Iraq and received a Silver Ster. This particular soldier was black. Alejandro asked his coach if this was acceptable. and Coach Tomlin gave his blessings.

    The post game comments from his teammates are disturbing. I realize athletes do not do due diligence on all factors of everyday occurrences. I must state that after leaving NYC as a youth I grew up in the shadows of West Point. Everyone has a voice, but in my heart, some individuals speak louder than others.
    Antwon Rose was a common criminal and should not be honored for anything. This is what disgusts me about the fricking millionaire athletes. They are all lackys for BLM and Antifa. Their behavior is disgusting.
    You'll find that the vast majority of these black thugs killed by police are felons of one type or another, and that eliminating them from the human race is eliminating a ton of misery from the lives of many innocent people going forward.

    This Breonna Taylor incident we keep hearing about from the loud mouthed blacks in the NFL and the NBA, where the cops supposedly busted into the "wrong apartment" and "gunned her down"? As usual, it was found to be mostly bs as the city settled for $12mil out of pressure. Turns out her punkass boyfriend was who the police were looking for and he shot at them as they charged thru her door. They fired back and missed him, but bullets went thru the wall and struck Breonna. He should be charged with her murder. The police did nothing wrong. And she should be forever labeled as stupid for getting involved with such a loser.

  20. #240
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by Deech View Post
    I thought I would wander down the path to the right and combine my love for sports, emphasizing a conservative view. There has been a minor locker room awareness that the Pittsburgh Steelers may not be in agreement on the name of the individual that they are wearing on the back of their helmets. A team vote was taken and the team voted to have a teenager, Antwon Rose Jr., This individual was shot dead by police on the east side of Pittsburgh two years ago. He was shot running away from a vehicle in which there was a drive by shooting. When the driver was being arrested, both Rose and a back seat passenger exited the vehicle and ran. They did not respond to the command to stop. Rose was shot three times.

    While the back seat passenger fired most of the shots in the drive by shooting, the target, verified that his beef was with Antwon Rose Jr.. He stated that Rose Jr. was trying to shoot him. Rose had an empty 9 millimeter gun cartridge in his pocket and the gun was under the front seat of the car as he exited when police arrived. His DNA was on the gun and he had gunshot residue on his hands. Also, there was an armed robbery of Rose's employer hours before he was shot. A gun from that robbery was stolen and was in the car.

    When it comes to a team vote, things get difficult. Alejandro Villanueva (Martinez) is an Army West Point graduate. He served three tours in Afghanistan. I need not say more. He put a piece of tape on the back of his helmet and put the name of a service veteran that died in Iraq and received a Silver Ster. This particular soldier was black. Alejandro asked his coach if this was acceptable. and Coach Tomlin gave his blessings.

    The post game comments from his teammates are disturbing. I realize athletes do not do due diligence on all factors of everyday occurrences. I must state that after leaving NYC as a youth I grew up in the shadows of West Point. Everyone has a voice, but in my heart, some individuals speak louder than others.
    Antwon Rose was a common criminal and should not be honored for anything. This is what disgusts me about the fricking millionaire athletes. They are all lackys for BLM and Antifa. Their behavior is disgusting.
    You'll find that the vast majority of these black thugs killed by police are felons of one type or another, and that eliminating them from the human race is eliminating a ton of misery from the lives of many innocent people going forward.

    This Breonna Taylor incident we keep hearing about from the loud mouthed blacks in the NFL and the NBA, where the cops supposedly busted into the "wrong apartment" and "gunned her down"? As usual, it was found to be mostly bs as the city settled for $12mil out of pressure. Turns out her punkass boyfriend was who the police were looking for and he shot at them as they charged thru her door. They fired back and missed him, but bullets went thru the wall and struck Breonna. He should be charged with her murder. The police did nothing wrong. And she should be forever labeled as stupid for getting involved with such a loser.
    Her CURRENT boyfriend was INNOCENT. It was her EX-boyfriend they were looking for. EX-BOYFRIEND.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

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