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Thread: For Politards Only Thread

  1. #321
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post

    This is so easy-the Trump trap. Say you will consider packing the courts- Trump then asks well what's wrong with what we're doing? Again, what's his healthcare plan promised 31/2 years ago-will he phase out SS? I guess we don't deserve to know.
    Of course we deserve to know. SS will NOT be phased out. Who said that it was? Geez obfuscation at it's best.
    Is the country going to be better off with 47 year career politician Biden? I'll ask again.
    Nice try sling. Nowhere in the article is Trump quoted to phasing out SS.

    Also, you never answered my question about Biden.

    Is the country going to be better off with 47 year career politician Biden?

    And, He won’t respond to the court packing question until after the election. Do you think doing that will be good for the country and don't we deserve an answer before the election?

  2. #322
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    The SS Ponzi Scheme should immediately be terminated and every single person who has had any money put into it be immediately refunded that exact amount.
    Sign me up please.

  3. #323
    Yes, we'll be better off. I would have rather had a John Kasich in 2016, but you have to play the hand you're dealt. Instead of firing everyone who disagrees, I think we will have a more bipartisan government. Packing the court discussions are only diversions to the real issues that matter. IT DOESN'T MATTER! And it's the very thing Trump's doing now!

  4. #324
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    Yes, we'll be better off. I would have rather had a John Kasich in 2016, but you have to play the hand you're dealt. Instead of firing everyone who disagrees, I think we will have a more bipartisan government. Packing the court discussions are only diversions to the real issues that matter. IT DOESN'T MATTER! And it's the very thing Trump's doing now!
    Thanks sling.
    I respect your opinion but couldn't disagree more.

  5. #325
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    Yes, we'll be better off. I would have rather had a John Kasich in 2016, but you have to play the hand you're dealt. Instead of firing everyone who disagrees, I think we will have a more bipartisan government. Packing the court discussions are only diversions to the real issues that matter. IT DOESN'T MATTER! And it's the very thing Trump's doing now!
    Thanks sling.
    I respect your opinion but couldn't disagree more.

  6. #326
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    For me, it's simply a repeat of 2016-the lesser of two evils-only reversed. Conservatism misrepresented by a lying, heartless, moneygrabbing, dictator versus socialist ideas toned down by SOME bipartisan leadership. I see no major problem with Barrett-she was just used as a pawn like all of Trump's choices. Eventually they all see thru him. Hopefully, McConnell and Graham will be tossed-they have shown their colors braggart style.
    Sling you've got serious problems if that's what you're seeing. I'll give you only a few examples here, and I expect you'll begin to realize somebody somewhere has brainwashed you something fierce.

    1. Does Trump lie? Do politicians lie?? What bothers and confuses you about him is he is not a politician, but he drives them (and you never-Trumpers fools) crazy with his calculated but very well-placed exaggerations, embellishments, and ACCOMPLISHMENTS.

    2. If you look beyond that queer negro Don Lemon, you'd see where across Trump's entire lifetime, he's been the most thoughtful, empathetic & sympathetic and giving president in our country's history. Your and others' blindness to that comes from your disagreement with him being able to simply enforce the laws as dictated by Congress. People like you actually want him to ignore those laws. That's very stupid.

    3. Is Trump "money-grabbing"? As a capitalist and very successful businessman....I certainly hope so. As our President....he doesn't take a salary. So do you know how dumb you sound when you say "money-grabbing"?

    4. Is Trump a Dictator? Only people who get so very frustrated by his uncanny energy, his ability to do more than he said he was going to do, and his propensity to rub it into critic's faces and basically win almost every single challenge, are the ones that cannot stand the man. He seems to burn your ass with his anti-swamp style, and he does do that to the weak among us.

    5. Trump's Supreme Count picks are his "pawns"? I can tell you're irritated by his being able to get 3 conservatives onto the court even if he loses the election, because that's what never-Trumpers do. They cannot stomach his successes, so they jump up and down like screaming/spoiled little children who can't get their way. And I hope you're learning a thing or two more about the brilliance of Trump as you watch his very special pick Any Barrett completely impress and at the same time rip apart the hapless, hopeless democrats this week. It is a thing of beauty, is it not?....watching a devout Catholic mother of 7 and attractive & loving wife who's never been divorced, showing Feinstein & Co. exactly and precisely how small they are!

    Please wise up.

  7. #327
    Watch this my left wing communist /socialists / pay off my student loans voters. This will help soften the blow to the head that's coming.

  8. #328
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Watch this my left wing communist /socialists / pay off my student loans voters. This will help soften the blow to the head that's coming.

    I read your election night TV plan and I'm doing the same thing. There was nothing like watching the A-G-O-N-Y & P-A-I-N on the liberal faces as it became more and more apparent that crooked Hillary and her pervert husband would NOT EVER be going back to the White House. And while I don't have as much confidence in the people of this country to do the right thing this year, I've got my fingers crossed that we'll see the same lost, lonely and foresaken crocodile tears in 3 weeks.

  9. #329
    And all fucking reality it's going to be a cum sperm night.

    Both sides, if you're on the left or the right you're going to be in front of your TV with either a prostitute sucking your dick or jar of lotion and a roll of paper towels. Because if you're on the left you got a shot at getting one of your people back in and you're definitely going to want to jack off and get a nut when that happens or at least with the thought of it anyway.

    And if you're on the right, get a fine-looking bitch to suck your cock while Trump gets re-elected and cum at the same time he's announced the next president. So either way I'll be a cumblast guys!!!!!

  10. #330
    And we are not halfway thru October...
    Keep your friends close, keep your drinks closer...

  11. #331
    Originally Posted by Prozema View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    The SS Ponzi Scheme should immediately be terminated and every single person who has had any money put into it be immediately refunded that exact amount.
    Sign me up please.
    While I know both of you are being sarcastic and facetious, I needed a mathematical exercise. As an older individual that will hopefully receive SS in four years, I wondered if I would have been better without contributing to SS (which is not an option). I spent over an hour trying to determine base numbers. Remember, the employer gives equal amount to SS as the employee. If some one does not want to give into SS (which is technically not an option) and they want their money, then the equal contribution from the employer should/could not be added.

    Long story made short; my base SS number is worth 4 years of SS benefits at 66 1/2 years. If I took every dollar I earned for 35 years and put it in a 4% savings, at age 66 1/2 I would have slightly above 8 years of the SS payout. The numbers would double (8 years without interest and 16/17 years with interest) if you want to claim the employer's contribution. With age expectancy at 84 or so, that would be a wash.

    So, if the SS program lives, it is beneficial. If it dies, I will hunted down like a dog.

  12. #332
    Originally Posted by Deech View Post
    Originally Posted by Prozema View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    The SS Ponzi Scheme should immediately be terminated and every single person who has had any money put into it be immediately refunded that exact amount.
    Sign me up please.
    While I know both of you are being sarcastic and facetious, I needed a mathematical exercise. As an older individual that will hopefully receive SS in four years, I wondered if I would have been better without contributing to SS (which is not an option). I spent over an hour trying to determine base numbers. Remember, the employer gives equal amount to SS as the employee. If some one does not want to give into SS (which is technically not an option) and they want their money, then the equal contribution from the employer should/could not be added.

    Long story made short; my base SS number is worth 4 years of SS benefits at 66 1/2 years. If I took every dollar I earned for 35 years and put it in a 4% savings, at age 66 1/2 I would have slightly above 8 years of the SS payout. The numbers would double (8 years without interest and 16/17 years with interest) if you want to claim the employer's contribution. With age expectancy at 84 or so, that would be a wash.

    So, if the SS program lives, it is beneficial. If it dies, I will hunted down like a dog.
    You'll never get back equal to or more than you put into it. It's a scam.

  13. #333
    To date, you must admit, even at at deficit, the SS checks have been paid, through 75 plus years. So, to date, SS is not a scam. By math, if someone wanted their SS contributions at an early age (21 yeas old) , it is an equivalent of four years at age 66 1/2 on SS payroll (to break even). If you do no not live to 70 years old, it is a bad beat (for the individual taking SS). But the spouse can claim the higher benefits. That adds to the what if question. SS is a plus if a couple can get past 60 years of age.

    A scam usually has one entity taking advantage over another individual. Social Security does not do this. If this was a scam, they would be worried about a deficit. Again, I will repeat the statement, if Social Security was a scam they would have a surplus and indiscretions would be published (not that a surplus is wrong).

    My personal raw breakeven is 70 1/2 years old. I hope I add to the deficit. I want to be "above equal".

  14. #334
    SS is also an insurance policy against becoming disabled. Hordes of people drawing it long before the age of 62. SS yielded a surplus for decades. The extra money went into the general fund and was blown by politicians never to be recovered.

    If people were allowed to cash out what they paid in then paying in 2020 dollars for money they paid in 1990 would be a good deal....for the government.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  15. #335
    Originally Posted by jpfromla View Post
    And we are not halfway thru October...
    Dorsey and Zuckerburg blocking this story from twitter and Facebook may be the straw that breaks the camels back. They are both going to be subpoena’d to testify before Congress for their felonious actions.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  16. #336
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by jpfromla View Post
    And we are not halfway thru October...
    Dorsey and Zuckerburg blocking this story from twitter and Facebook may be the straw that breaks the camels back. They are both going to be subpoena’d to testify before Congress for their felonious actions.
    I'm with you Mick, but no one on the other side seems to care. They have big tech in their pocket and are okay with an Orwellian future as long as they win.

    Until I hear anyone on CNN or MSdnc bitch about it or even Red, MWP, or sling on here complain/denounce, then it just proves how far down the hole US society has gone. Win at all costs. We hate this guy so the end justifies the means. Media has taken sides so the concept of journalism is gone. I mean they missed/chose not to cover, the story of their LIFETIME with the fake Russia, dossier, attempted coup.

    It's a lot to overcome when over half the country doesn't care.

  17. #337
    Originally Posted by Deech View Post
    Originally Posted by Prozema View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    The SS Ponzi Scheme should immediately be terminated and every single person who has had any money put into it be immediately refunded that exact amount.
    Sign me up please.
    While I know both of you are being sarcastic and facetious, I needed a mathematical exercise. As an older individual that will hopefully receive SS in four years, I wondered if I would have been better without contributing to SS (which is not an option). I spent over an hour trying to determine base numbers. Remember, the employer gives equal amount to SS as the employee. If some one does not want to give into SS (which is technically not an option) and they want their money, then the equal contribution from the employer should/could not be added.

    Long story made short; my base SS number is worth 4 years of SS benefits at 66 1/2 years. If I took every dollar I earned for 35 years and put it in a 4% savings, at age 66 1/2 I would have slightly above 8 years of the SS payout. The numbers would double (8 years without interest and 16/17 years with interest) if you want to claim the employer's contribution. With age expectancy at 84 or so, that would be a wash.

    So, if the SS program lives, it is beneficial. If it dies, I will hunted down like a dog.
    I was being serious. On top of whatever I contributed my employer contributed an equal amount on my behalf. i.e. they paid the government and not me for my labor.

  18. #338

  19. #339
    Typical reaction from libtard outlets sling. And that's one of the reasons we can be sure the story about the sleaze that's been going on within the Biden family is true. The left is squirming right now--and justifiably so. They put up the patriarch of yet another crooked political democratic family as their stumbling, mumbling candidate, and now they're crying in their beer over all the damage control needed just to get him to election night. Even the complicity of the liberal media doesn't seem to be helping matters any.

    It's BATTER UP time for Trump....and he leads the league in solid hits when it comes to this sorta game.

  20. #340
    Those pictures of Hunter, passed out with a crack pipe sure don’t look bogus....but, they could be photoshopped by Russian fairies.
    Keep your friends close, keep your drinks closer...

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