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Thread: For Politards Only Thread

  1. #701
    Originally Posted by wasilla View Post
    I thought that Arizona was done, but my MSNBC analysist seems to think that it is still in play based on Maricopa's latest vote report. Next batch expected in a couple of hours.
    Biden's lead was 7.8 points with 76% of the vote counted when it was called for him. As of right now with 88% counted it's a 3.35 point lead. Not really over yet. So MSNBC got one thing right this year.

  2. #702
    Rob, you are no different than an open package of sliced deli meat well beyond its life sitting in the refrigerator like 3 months. Smelly, expired, useless and deteriorating. Same shit! Even Dan says basically the same about you, ROMAFL!

  3. #703
    I’m ready to concede that Biden will be our next president.

    Trump had to win by a landslide to avoid what everyone (at least 50%) suspects is taking place. It’s peculiar when you have a good election in congress and senate overcoming the mass infusion of cash invested by the billionaires and only the white house loses.

    It’s also odd how the last 5 battleground states remaining uncounted with Trump having the lead in all of them, are all Democratically controlled states where all the leadership endlessly trashed and exposed their hatred for Trump over the years. We’re all watching what’s happening since the ballot counting pause which adds even more concern to the legitimacy of the voting in those states.

    Unless Trump miraculously finds outright fraud which I doubt, I’m certain this election is over. I’m also certain if the deep state and mainstream media were clearly able to endlessly and fraudulently harass Trump for 4 years and completely get away with it, even after committing felonies for everyone to openly see while doing it; voting fraud is a walk in the park for them. Maybe Cunt will see the billionaire controlled deep state now.

    When the governor and AG (or whoever that was) in Pennsylvania called Biden the winner while there were over a million ballots left uncounted, that should give you an idea how confident they were of the final results already. When people went to sleep election night most had to be pretty certain Trump had it in the bag. Including CNN given praise to Trump for his efforts and ground game. Plus, they were obviously starting the blame game bitching about how wrong the polls were again. They knew all about the fake polls but were already working on protecting their phony image.

    Something stinks in Denmark and did for the last four years. Thanks to Trump he was able to pull in on the reins a bit and slow up the fascist’s goals. Hopefully now he shined the light on deep state and media. It’s all about the trillions and billions of dollars now available and how the people in good positions want to get a piece of it. No longer about the people.

    Only hope is we still have the senate (actually still un-confirmed) who should be able to slow down the radical far left money hungry movement. Maybe in two years (mid-term elections) after the people realize how much of a bad mistake they made today, will completely overtake the house and senate. Then two years later hope for another person with Trump ideas for the people (Dem. or Rep.) to get elected and hope they could right the ship again if it didn’t take on too much water like the Titanic did before it sunk.

    AOC plus 3 are in for some big bucks soon. All of them will be the next multi-millionaires living next door to Maxine Waters, and Pelosi’s multimillion-dollar gated and guarded homes.

    Imagine the windfall Biden’s family is in for with him as president?

  4. #704
    While I agree with you Blackhole, I’m trying to have a little more faith. Otherwise it’s an ugly reality of how crooked the left is and how much they hate this country.

  5. #705
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    While I'm surprised this morning that Biden still has a chance, I'm appalled at the behaviour of the President. If anyone still believes he is a representative of our country, God help us. Too bad his prototypes-Mcconnell, Graham-got to stick around. Maybe Guilliani can bring him his pacifier. These helpers were working together-Democrat and Republican- to insure accuracy while braving the pandemic-like our caregivers, police, etc., . Some replaced workers who actually contracted the virus. Shameful!
    Are or were you British?

  6. #706
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    I’m ready to concede that Biden will be our next president.

    Trump had to win by a landslide to avoid what everyone (at least 50%) suspects is taking place. It’s peculiar when you have a good election in congress and senate overcoming the mass infusion of cash invested by the billionaires and only the white house loses.

    It’s also odd how the last 5 battleground states remaining uncounted with Trump having the lead in all of them, are all Democratically controlled states where all the leadership endlessly trashed and exposed their hatred for Trump over the years. We’re all watching what’s happening since the ballot counting pause which adds even more concern to the legitimacy of the voting in those states.

    Unless Trump miraculously finds outright fraud which I doubt, I’m certain this election is over. I’m also certain if the deep state and mainstream media were clearly able to endlessly and fraudulently harass Trump for 4 years and completely get away with it, even after committing felonies for everyone to openly see while doing it; voting fraud is a walk in the park for them. Maybe Cunt will see the billionaire controlled deep state now.

    When the governor and AG (or whoever that was) in Pennsylvania called Biden the winner while there were over a million ballots left uncounted, that should give you an idea how confident they were of the final results already. When people went to sleep election night most had to be pretty certain Trump had it in the bag. Including CNN given praise to Trump for his efforts and ground game. Plus, they were obviously starting the blame game bitching about how wrong the polls were again. They knew all about the fake polls but were already working on protecting their phony image.

    Something stinks in Denmark and did for the last four years. Thanks to Trump he was able to pull in on the reins a bit and slow up the fascist’s goals. Hopefully now he shined the light on deep state and media. It’s all about the trillions and billions of dollars now available and how the people in good positions want to get a piece of it. No longer about the people.

    Only hope is we still have the senate (actually still un-confirmed) who should be able to slow down the radical far left money hungry movement. Maybe in two years (mid-term elections) after the people realize how much of a bad mistake they made today, will completely overtake the house and senate. Then two years later hope for another person with Trump ideas for the people (Dem. or Rep.) to get elected and hope they could right the ship again if it didn’t take on too much water like the Titanic did before it sunk.

    AOC plus 3 are in for some big bucks soon. All of them will be the next multi-millionaires living next door to Maxine Waters, and Pelosi’s multimillion-dollar gated and guarded homes.

    Imagine the windfall Biden’s family is in for with him as president?
    Welcome to permanent global tyranny. I feel sorry for the younger members of civilization.

  7. #707
    EvenBitch must've had a heart attack and died over this. He has not posted over there since midday Tuesday.

    Didn't he run for the hills after one of the Obama wins too?

  8. #708
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    EvenBitch must've had a heart attack and died over this. He has not posted over there since midday Tuesday.

    Didn't he run for the hills after one of the Obama wins too?
    Yep, after the 2012 election he disappeared for months.

    Probably just out counting his cash from his roulette “system”.

  9. #709
    Trump suing Nevada over non residents voting there.

    I wouldn’t put it past one fat slob who moved from Nevada to Arizona with the ballots being mailed to everyone.

    Which brings us to the Arizona problem. It’s liberal garbage moving from CA & NY to AZ to get away from the same shit they vote for. It’s only going to get worse as liberals want the GOP lifestyle but still want the liberal handouts in these states.

    We need a border wall from Mexico to Canada up the CA, OR & WA borders.

  10. #710
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    While I'm surprised this morning that Biden still has a chance, I'm appalled at the behaviour of the President. If anyone still believes he is a representative of our country, God help us. Too bad his prototypes-Mcconnell, Graham-got to stick around. Maybe Guilliani can bring him his pacifier. These helpers were working together-Democrat and Republican- to insure accuracy while braving the pandemic-like our caregivers, police, etc., . Some replaced workers who actually contracted the virus. Shameful!
    LOL when Biden cuts your Social Security.
    While I know that was a sarcastic comment, as an individual who declined SS benefits this year, in my first year of eligibility, that fear, is finally present in my life. I do not believe that any President over the age of 65 would ever play games with this benefit.

    I am not a sociologist, but the thought of natural selection can always come into play. Is there an easy way to beef up the insurance of SS benefits? Yes, hope that the individuals over 90 years of age in nursing homes quickly and discretely die. It would have to be without intention and/or possible imprisonment. A virus, unchecked, would be the likely candidate. In all seriousness, I am surprised that some whack job, from either side of the aisle, has not tossed out this "cure" for the SS deficit. Or stating that it has been done this year. That is my rant from the right side of the aisle.

    Now, let me go with something from the left side. One of Biden's tax proposals is to raise the salary level for taxable income that is dedicated towards SS. Presently, the maximum salary that is taxed is $137.700. if you make more money that this, you do not pay an additional 6.2% tax on your income. I do not know the exact number, but he may up this to $200.000, We need to back fill this SS deficit. Somehow. Nor fond of the virus option. I do not have the answer but if things stay static, the baby boomer generation will be affected, through no fault of their own.

  11. #711
    Fox news just said they found over 10,000 voters in Nevada no longer living in state.

    Just found out just a lawsuit by Trump campaign. "The lawsuit, which was first reported by Fox, will allege “that at least 10,000 people voted in [Nevada], despite no longer living there,” as well as allege instances of deceased voters reportedly casting ballots."
    Last edited by blackhole; 11-05-2020 at 12:58 PM.

  12. #712
    Originally Posted by Deech View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    While I'm surprised this morning that Biden still has a chance, I'm appalled at the behaviour of the President. If anyone still believes he is a representative of our country, God help us. Too bad his prototypes-Mcconnell, Graham-got to stick around. Maybe Guilliani can bring him his pacifier. These helpers were working together-Democrat and Republican- to insure accuracy while braving the pandemic-like our caregivers, police, etc., . Some replaced workers who actually contracted the virus. Shameful!
    LOL when Biden cuts your Social Security.
    While I know that was a sarcastic comment, as an individual who declined SS benefits this year, in my first year of eligibility, that fear, is finally present in my life. I do not believe that any President over the age of 65 would ever play games with this benefit.
    Yes, that was many flip flops ago. Biden won't cut SS now, but he isn't against raising taxes.

  13. #713
    I don't understand the outrage?
    Voter Fraud or Suppression has always been a part of voting, in the world and throughout history.
    My only question is, if it is easier now compared to the past?
    Supposedly, theft and fraud are much easier today compared to the past.
    One thing that amazes me is the prison sentence you will get for fraud compared to murder.
    Currently, it makes fraud worth it, in the long run, in America, when looking at the numbers.
    Heck, our whole society has moved back to the thumbs up and thumbs down system via twitter and other social internet platforms.
    The parallels between Ancient Rome and America are interesting when you compare them.
    Last edited by monet; 11-05-2020 at 02:03 PM.

  14. #714
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    The parallels between Ancient Rome and America are interesting when you compare them.
    The Roman Empire lasted for like a 1,000 years. Many speculations why it collapsed but unable to confirm what actually caused the downfall.

    We're only 500 plus years old. We'll never last as long as the Romans did. Personally, I think with all the wide open boarders and the endless flow of immigrants this country could only end up like the ones they all came and ran away from.

  15. #715
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I don't understand the outrage?
    Voter Fraud or Suppression has always been a part of voting in the world and throughout history.
    My only question is if it is easier now compared to the past?
    Heck, our whole society has moved back to the thumbs up and thumbs down system via twitter and other social internet platforms.
    The parallels between Ancient Rome and America are interesting when you compare them.
    With mail-in ballots fraud is easier now. That and people are unscrupulous.
    It used to be like a badge of honor to go to your polling place after work or during lunch, vote on the punch device, hand the ballot over to polling person and slap the I voted sticker on your shirt. Our society is weak and lazy now and the half of the country that is the beneficiary of the fraud doesn't care.

  16. #716
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    I’m ready to concede that Biden will be our next president.

    Trump had to win by a landslide to avoid what everyone (at least 50%) suspects is taking place. It’s peculiar when you have a good election in congress and senate overcoming the mass infusion of cash invested by the billionaires and only the white house loses.

    It’s also odd how the last 5 battleground states remaining uncounted with Trump having the lead in all of them, are all Democratically controlled states where all the leadership endlessly trashed and exposed their hatred for Trump over the years. We’re all watching what’s happening since the ballot counting pause which adds even more concern to the legitimacy of the voting in those states.

    Unless Trump miraculously finds outright fraud which I doubt, I’m certain this election is over. I’m also certain if the deep state and mainstream media were clearly able to endlessly and fraudulently harass Trump for 4 years and completely get away with it, even after committing felonies for everyone to openly see while doing it; voting fraud is a walk in the park for them. Maybe Cunt will see the billionaire controlled deep state now.

    When the governor and AG (or whoever that was) in Pennsylvania called Biden the winner while there were over a million ballots left uncounted, that should give you an idea how confident they were of the final results already. When people went to sleep election night most had to be pretty certain Trump had it in the bag. Including CNN given praise to Trump for his efforts and ground game. Plus, they were obviously starting the blame game bitching about how wrong the polls were again. They knew all about the fake polls but were already working on protecting their phony image.

    Something stinks in Denmark and did for the last four years. Thanks to Trump he was able to pull in on the reins a bit and slow up the fascist’s goals. Hopefully now he shined the light on deep state and media. It’s all about the trillions and billions of dollars now available and how the people in good positions want to get a piece of it. No longer about the people.

    Only hope is we still have the senate (actually still un-confirmed) who should be able to slow down the radical far left money hungry movement. Maybe in two years (mid-term elections) after the people realize how much of a bad mistake they made today, will completely overtake the house and senate. Then two years later hope for another person with Trump ideas for the people (Dem. or Rep.) to get elected and hope they could right the ship again if it didn’t take on too much water like the Titanic did before it sunk.

    AOC plus 3 are in for some big bucks soon. All of them will be the next multi-millionaires living next door to Maxine Waters, and Pelosi’s multimillion-dollar gated and guarded homes.

    Imagine the windfall Biden’s family is in for with him as president?
    The Senate will remain in Republican power, and Biden will get zero of his or his controllers' kooky laws and policies passed.

    Pelosi is taking a massive beating and she knows it. Nothing she predicted came through. None of her candidates flipped red to blue, and the old lady with every lift known is being held accountable.

    It does appear Biden will win, but it's also clear there are some big time liberal antics going on. They may or may not get caught. They've been planning this lawlessness since before covid, knowing they couldn't beat Trump straight up and with full knowledge that EVERY dirty trick and lie they tried has lost up until now. Sort of their last-gasp effort. Votes coming into democratic-controlled swing states 100% for Biden in the middle of the night? Not allowing Republican observers anywhere near the ballots and counting in swing states? Accepting votes late that no one knows where they come from?

    I just saw an interesting fact. Trump leads Biden by 13,000 votes in Georgia. Every single county there reports 100% counting completed. Yet Georgia itself claims "only 99%" of the votes are counted. Wonder what they're doing??

    Why is wynnpleasure or whomever he is here. He continually tries to get reactions by interjecting sexual connotations into nearly every topic, yet his foolishness is rejected and ignored every single time. AKA: Bozo.

  17. #717
    Some body sent me this and I have no idea if it's true. Interesting enough to post it. I tried to google it but goggle won't let the web-site open.

    It's called Operation Death Blossom (taken from some mission during the Iraqi war)

    Apparently Trump knew the dems planned to steal the election so he had select ballots printed with a secret, state-specific water mark in RED PMS195 that is on both the ballot and the stub to verify true authenticity. The dems were unaware and printed millions of fake ballots they would use at the last second to bail out Biden.

    Now, the national guard has been deployed to the 12 seed states carrying the marked docs to count only the official ballots.

    Trump already knew when the voting began the flies sailed right into the trap and just let them hang themselves with even further fraud after voting booths closed.

    OPERATION DEATH BLOSSOM: Countering the Coup

    November 4, 2020

    As rumors of Operation Death Blossom swirl around the internet, could it be the military operation that catches the rats in the trap after they’ve eaten the cheese? Or is another military op in play to counter the rising coup?
    Democrats are brazenly violating voters’ rights and oversight by ejecting poll watchers from their premises. They are brazenly altering and destroying Trump ballots with impunity. They are pushing the envelope for Joe Biden by opening ballots and throwing Trump ballots in the trash.
    But, what if patriots are in control?
    Operation Death Blossom is American military slang from the war in Iraq: the tendency of Iraqi security forces, in response to receiving a little fire from the enemy, to either run away or do the “death blossom,” spraying fire indiscriminately in all directions.

    So what is this amazing trap from which the Dems have taken the bait? When the Department of Homeland Security took over ballot production from the Voter Fraud Commission, the ballots were produced on heavy paper embedded with markers that differentiate official ballots from fake ballots. But state election officials were unaware. Voter fraud was first and foremost on their agendas.

    The markers are indiscernible to the human eye, however the military knows what the markers are and how to see them. Democrats unknowingly printed up lots and lots of extras, filled them out, passed them out, brought them in, counted them, and took the bait. So many Democrats will fall, you’ll think the country’s watching a D-Con commercial.
    In anticipation of foreign and domestic election interference, on September 12, 2018, President Donald J. Trump signed Executive Order 13848 on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.
    Don’t know hoe trues this could be

    More details on the DHS's watermarked election ballot fraud sting operation that is now coming to light and was carried out with great success, allowing the treasonous political tyrants and foreign agents to expose themselves walking right into the trap. THIS is what we've been patiently waiting for the last 4 years folks. Q is legit and the fun is about to begin. Grab some popcorn and and enjoy the show! Trump 2020

  18. #718
    Doing research on above post I made about water marks.

    I think it's just wishful thinking and all bullshit. Yet, you don't know till you know.

  19. #719
    Just got this from someone else. Hey, you never know.

    If you have been following for a long time and you know the term "watch the waters"!! The "watch the water" intel refers to .....THE WATERMARK on the official election ballots!!!! The original ballots are also registered on a QFS blockchain to prevent fraud. 12 states were targeted. The National Guard has been deployed to 12 states: Alabama, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Texas, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Washington, Virginia, Delaware, Illinois and Kentucky and they are now counting the official ballots!!!!

    But you also need to understand a few things!!!
    1st..... Who exactly is Amy Coney Barrett? She just so happens to be one of the lawyers sent down to Florida in the 2000 election to RECOUNT votes for George W Bush’s win..
    2nd.... Who exactly is Brett Kavanaugh? Well... He TOO was one of the lawyers sent to Florida in the 2000 election to RECOUNT votes for George W Bush’s win....
    And 3rd... You must fully understand that the point of letting this play out and CATCH them red handed is the ONLY way to finally bring these crooks down... it has to play out and we have to stay calm and “Trust the Plan”.....

    The DEMS fell right into the trap of this sting operation and TRUMP has it all!!! Fraud will be exposed for the world to see.
    And isn't it fancy how the amazing Justice Amy was confirmed right before the election so that she can rightfully take care of the business of election fraud.... Oh and this is only the beginning of the EPIC times that lie ahead!!!

    So, did Trump win by a landslide? Soon... You will see!!!! And finally realize that your President has been fighting for EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US... to drain the swamp of the crooked politicians (and they are on both sides)... so that we can REMAIN a free country and have an honest republic to live in! Even the rest of the WORLD is counting on Trump to bring these people down!!!

  20. #720
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Many speculations why it collapsed but unable to confirm what actually caused the downfall.
    Lead cups ? Just kidding, I have no idea.
    Last edited by tableplay; 11-05-2020 at 04:34 PM.

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