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Thread: For Politards Only Thread

  1. #721
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Just got this from someone else. Hey, you never know.

    If you have been following for a long time and you know the term "watch the waters"!! The "watch the water" intel refers to .....THE WATERMARK on the official election ballots!!!! The original ballots are also registered on a QFS blockchain to prevent fraud. 12 states were targeted. The National Guard has been deployed to 12 states: Alabama, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Texas, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Washington, Virginia, Delaware, Illinois and Kentucky and they are now counting the official ballots!!!!

    But you also need to understand a few things!!!
    1st..... Who exactly is Amy Coney Barrett? She just so happens to be one of the lawyers sent down to Florida in the 2000 election to RECOUNT votes for George W Bush’s win..
    2nd.... Who exactly is Brett Kavanaugh? Well... He TOO was one of the lawyers sent to Florida in the 2000 election to RECOUNT votes for George W Bush’s win....
    And 3rd... You must fully understand that the point of letting this play out and CATCH them red handed is the ONLY way to finally bring these crooks down... it has to play out and we have to stay calm and “Trust the Plan”.....

    The DEMS fell right into the trap of this sting operation and TRUMP has it all!!! Fraud will be exposed for the world to see.
    And isn't it fancy how the amazing Justice Amy was confirmed right before the election so that she can rightfully take care of the business of election fraud.... Oh and this is only the beginning of the EPIC times that lie ahead!!!

    So, did Trump win by a landslide? Soon... You will see!!!! And finally realize that your President has been fighting for EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US... to drain the swamp of the crooked politicians (and they are on both sides)... so that we can REMAIN a free country and have an honest republic to live in! Even the rest of the WORLD is counting on Trump to bring these people down!!!

    [x] imbecile

  2. #722
    It comes down to what many of us said all along.

    Too many people want handouts. They want the shit Lenin and Lennon talked about for years.

    And now there are enough of them because of breeding that they think was required. .

    I only hope those of us over 40 have a plan. I know I do, enjoy the days we have.

    Live like we are dying. Smart people do the math, enjoy every day and realize we don’t get do overs.

    Good people sadly die young, or old with regrets. Will you? I know I won’t. And other than an accident, I know I’ll pick the time.

    And I know I’ll have done so much more than most. How many can say that? I hope most of us can.

  3. #723
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Just got this from someone else. Hey, you never know.

    If you have been following for a long time and you know the term "watch the waters"!! The "watch the water" intel refers to .....THE WATERMARK on the official election ballots!!!! The original ballots are also registered on a QFS blockchain to prevent fraud. 12 states were targeted. The National Guard has been deployed to 12 states: Alabama, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Texas, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Washington, Virginia, Delaware, Illinois and Kentucky and they are now counting the official ballots!!!!

    But you also need to understand a few things!!!
    1st..... Who exactly is Amy Coney Barrett? She just so happens to be one of the lawyers sent down to Florida in the 2000 election to RECOUNT votes for George W Bush’s win..
    2nd.... Who exactly is Brett Kavanaugh? Well... He TOO was one of the lawyers sent to Florida in the 2000 election to RECOUNT votes for George W Bush’s win....
    And 3rd... You must fully understand that the point of letting this play out and CATCH them red handed is the ONLY way to finally bring these crooks down... it has to play out and we have to stay calm and “Trust the Plan”.....

    The DEMS fell right into the trap of this sting operation and TRUMP has it all!!! Fraud will be exposed for the world to see.
    And isn't it fancy how the amazing Justice Amy was confirmed right before the election so that she can rightfully take care of the business of election fraud.... Oh and this is only the beginning of the EPIC times that lie ahead!!!

    So, did Trump win by a landslide? Soon... You will see!!!! And finally realize that your President has been fighting for EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US... to drain the swamp of the crooked politicians (and they are on both sides)... so that we can REMAIN a free country and have an honest republic to live in! Even the rest of the WORLD is counting on Trump to bring these people down!!!

    [x] imbecile

    Problem with this theory is individual states print ballots, the federal government does not touch them.
    Keep your friends close, keep your drinks closer...

  4. #724
    Funny as hell watching some of you guys who are completely detatched from reality, crying like babies.

    Funny you are crying fraud in states with democratic governors. What about Georgia which is about to flip democratic? Republican Governor and secretary of state, with the governor being one of Trumps biggest supporters. Is Governor Kemp involved in the conspiracy.

    What about Arizona. Likely to flip blue although it is closing? If it hangs on blue was governor Ducey, another huge Trump supporter involved in the conspiracy?

    You guys are just ridiculous. Anyone who has paid even a little attention knew that because of the huge mail votes and democrats voting more by mail and republicans at Trumps order voting more in person, there would be false reading or "mirages" in both directions depending on how and when each state counted the mail ins and then things could swing the other way. And it has happened both ways. In Pa the republican legislator made the rules that mail ins couldn't start being counted until election day. The democrats begged to allow mail ins to be counted early, but the republican legislate refused. Results, a huge election day republican vote and early lead. They always said it would take Pa days to count the mail ins. That is exactly what happened.

    And it happened exactly opposite in Ohio. Unlike Pa, Ohio was allowed to count mail in early, so on election night all the mail in vote was counted first and Democrats looked strong. But as the election day vote was counted the numbers swung big towards republicans. A swing like we haven't seen before (but yet very predictable). But you guys aren't complaining about that? lol

    So what about calling Arizona on election night? as it tightens it looks like that was a mistake, even if dems hang on, it has tightened considerably. So who called Arizona? exactly ONE network....FOX. lol Is Fox part of your conspiracy theory?

    Look, with the huge mail in and more importantly some states counting one way, while others counted another, this was assured to be a strange election. You should have been prepared for that. Election night when the betting markets swung hard for Trump because of some false readings that were predicted, the thing to do would have been to bet on Biden. I didn't read any of you guys doing that. All I read was you celebrating a false reading. Hey I didn't bet either because I don't bet online. I have never trusted it. But you guys that do bet online and call yourselves AP's well....??

    One more thing. With Georgia tightening and probably going democrat, the Senate race, with Senator Purdue has dropped below 50%. Osloff isn't going to win, but with no one getting 50%, by Georgia law that is a run off on Jan 5. BOTH Georgia senate seats have a Jan 5 run off. So the Senate is 48 dems, 50 repubs, with 2 run offs. It is still possible for dems to get to 50 with a democratic vice president breaking ties. You should be concerned about that. I personally think the dems, especially the blacks in and around Atlanta won't turn out as strong a second time (Jan 5), but we will see. The Senate will depend on those 2 run offs.

    So, feel free to call me names and enjoy your conspiracy theories and alternative realities.

  5. #725
    Raise your hand if you actually believed Kewlj would quit posting here like he claimed several times.

  6. #726

  7. #727
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Interference in regards to social media plants echoing partisan rhetoric is nowhere near the same thing as voter fraud.

    It is called a "false equivalency".

    One thing that won't change after the election, are the mindless memes pimped out by the middling to lowend IQ types.

  8. #728
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Interference in regards to social media plants echoing partisan rhetoric is nowhere near the same thing as voter fraud.

    It is called a "false equivalency".

    One thing that won't change after the election, are the mindless memes pimped out by the middling to lowend IQ types.
    Both sides are equally guilty with the memes. I just thought this one was funny.

    Again, I personally don't care who wins. I don't vote. ALL POLITICIANS ARE CROOKS AND CRIMINALS!!

  9. #729
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    [x] imbecile
    That marked ballot bullshit I posted was wishful thinking. I even stated that. Leave it to the Stinky Cunt to state I made an impeccable conspiracy post to fit his point.

    My Exact Quote “Doing research on above post I made about water marks. I think it's just wishful thinking and all bullshit. Yet, you don't know till you know."

    I was 100% for Trump win or lose. But it really doesn’t affect me one way or the other. My children should also remain in good and safe shape. I’ll get to stay in my gated and guarded community regardless which side of the country I decide to spend time at until I die.

    It’s assholes like Cunt who will be stuck in his mother’s basement waiting to inherit the upstairs.

    No need to respond to the queer. Everyone here already know where he's coming from.

  10. #730
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    I’m ready to concede that Biden will be our next president.

    Trump had to win by a landslide to avoid what everyone (at least 50%) suspects is taking place. It’s peculiar when you have a good election in congress and senate overcoming the mass infusion of cash invested by the billionaires and only the white house loses.

    It’s also odd how the last 5 battleground states remaining uncounted with Trump having the lead in all of them, are all Democratically controlled states where all the leadership endlessly trashed and exposed their hatred for Trump over the years. We’re all watching what’s happening since the ballot counting pause which adds even more concern to the legitimacy of the voting in those states.

    Unless Trump miraculously finds outright fraud which I doubt, I’m certain this election is over. I’m also certain if the deep state and mainstream media were clearly able to endlessly and fraudulently harass Trump for 4 years and completely get away with it, even after committing felonies for everyone to openly see while doing it; voting fraud is a walk in the park for them. Maybe Cunt will see the billionaire controlled deep state now.

    When the governor and AG (or whoever that was) in Pennsylvania called Biden the winner while there were over a million ballots left uncounted, that should give you an idea how confident they were of the final results already. When people went to sleep election night most had to be pretty certain Trump had it in the bag. Including CNN given praise to Trump for his efforts and ground game. Plus, they were obviously starting the blame game bitching about how wrong the polls were again. They knew all about the fake polls but were already working on protecting their phony image.

    Something stinks in Denmark and did for the last four years. Thanks to Trump he was able to pull in on the reins a bit and slow up the fascist’s goals. Hopefully now he shined the light on deep state and media. It’s all about the trillions and billions of dollars now available and how the people in good positions want to get a piece of it. No longer about the people.

    Only hope is we still have the senate (actually still un-confirmed) who should be able to slow down the radical far left money hungry movement. Maybe in two years (mid-term elections) after the people realize how much of a bad mistake they made today, will completely overtake the house and senate. Then two years later hope for another person with Trump ideas for the people (Dem. or Rep.) to get elected and hope they could right the ship again if it didn’t take on too much water like the Titanic did before it sunk.

    AOC plus 3 are in for some big bucks soon. All of them will be the next multi-millionaires living next door to Maxine Waters, and Pelosi’s multimillion-dollar gated and guarded homes.

    Imagine the windfall Biden’s family is in for with him as president?
    This is exactly where I'm coming from CUNT.

  11. #731
    If there's any "conspiracy theories" they aren't anything the democrats haven't asked for over the past four years.

    As usual, kew's "analysis" is skewed towards fairies and morons, with a heavy dose of uneducated/ignorant bullshit. The entire situation boils down to one simple concept: these swing states (Az. is not considered one) went around Constitutional requirements when teams of Democrat lawyers went to activist judges in their state courts to change state election laws, using Covid as a prop. Article II of the Constitution states that only the Legislatures are allowed to do that.

    Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin, N. Carolina, and Pennsylvania all changed election law without Legislative approval by choosing to count mail-ins votes AFTER their state polls closed, thereby allowing for all these mysterious hundreds of thousands of votes to appear out of nowhere in the middle of the night--heavily and sometimes unanimously favoring Biden. The votes kept and will keep on coming until the desired result is achieved. Like making several passes on your tax returns until you get to a number you like.

    And, like all Democrat illegal and dirty tricks, this was planned out over 6 months ago as a last ditch effort to get rid of Donald Trump. He had the savvy to see it coming, as he warned us all long before the election. Democrats ran into the same surprises four years ago, but they were unprepared for it as the election results took them by surprise. Not so this time.

    You can tell by the way Pa. is reacting to republican observers that corruption is rampant. Repubs simply want to watch the process, but Dems don't want them to. Only if you have something serious to hide do you keep going to court for appeals.

    There's a few differences on this corrupt process from state to state, and it's best to just let this all play out and be litigated instead of getting all shook up about the Fox or other networks' "calls". The reason, kew, that Fox wrongfully called Az. early is because Stirewalt is a never-Trumper and Mishkin is a liberal. If you had researched this instead of your usual shooting-from-the-hip you'd have better represented your case.

    I suspect this will all end up in the Supreme Court, where there won't be any 4-4 punting this time. Remember in 2000 in Florida the US SC slapped down the Florida SC decision which gave the presidency to GWB. Similar circumstances today, only with more states involved. Everyone with an ounce of brain knows this is the Democrat's last stand vs. Trump, and they were emboldened to break laws to do it since none of them ever get indicted for any of their crap.

    Maybe they'll finally get a win this time--who knows. Either way, Trump already won the war by helping keep the Senate sane and by making Pelosi rue the day she went up against Trump.

  12. #732
    Note in post 729 I made I wrote impeccable instead of imbecile while quoting CUNT.

    Just wanted to make that correction so we don't have to read another he's smarter then everyone Cunt post.

  13. #733
    It looks like the Dems have pulled off enough election fraud to get Trump out. But there's a silver lining behind every cloud. Trump has expanded the Republican base. He has brought minorities into the party. Two counties down on the Mexican Border Wall of Texas, Zapata and Starr are running about 50-50 for Biden and Trump. The thing about these two counties is combined they are 90% hispanic....and also low income. Household is about 20K per year.

    What does that mean? Well, no matter what fake conservative Kjocchio thinks, the republicans will hold the senate. And they will pick up 10 to 15 house seats. Pelosi is getting her assed kicked.

    But the best is yet to come. In 2022 the republicans will regain control of the house and hold the senate. That will effectively negate President Harris' bullshit.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  14. #734
    Since election night not one mention of Chinese Virus deaths from CNN.

    Guess they don't matter any longer.

  15. #735
    This country should face up to the truth and stop pretending that a legitimate election mattered at all to the Democratic Party. The bottom line was outing Trump, and everything else is of small relevance, as the name of the game was a revenge period. All the very real accusations of crookedness that occurred in big city voting counting centers can easily be brushed off by Democrats and explained as nothing more than far-right racism.

    In an earlier post The Bos wrote:

    "Too many people want handouts. They want the shit Lenin and Lennon talked about for years.

    And now there are enough of them because of breeding that they think was required. .

    That above quote is the 100% truth and the very real reality. Trump's mistake was that he wanted to create jobs as well as bring back jobs that were previously lost to other countries overseas, and the result would be the country would prosper. Not realizing that objective was not of the same dreams and realities of the people living in the large inner cities of our country. Liberals go ahead call it racism all you want but the percentages of votes for Biden "47 years of broken promises" in those inner cities put the very real reality into perspective, and that reality is after receiving free things for a generation's on end, a real possibility of having a working job scares the shit out of a lot of people.
    Last edited by BoSox; 11-06-2020 at 07:20 AM.

  16. #736
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Note in post 729 I made I wrote impeccable instead of imbecile while quoting CUNT.

    Just wanted to make that correction so we don't have to read another he's smarter then everyone Cunt post.
    Do not worry. I barely read your posts.

  17. #737
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Since election night not one mention of Chinese Virus deaths from CNN.

    Guess they don't matter any longer.
    Let me help you.

    There is a limited number of front page articles. There is a limited number of staffing.

    My guess is you can take anything that was covered previously and it is not being covered to the same degree. In case you haven't noticed there is a ton of crazy stuff going in. In some states Trump supporters chanting to stop the count. In other's they're chanting to count every vote. It is nonsensical and shows to the extent these people have been mentally controlled.

    Notice how this notes specifics and not heavily edited video and other "evidence" being passed around by the Right.

    As Singer and Cousin Crimm like to say.

    Wise up.

  18. #738
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Do not worry. I barely read your posts.
    This is actually Cunt code that he reads every single post I type over and over. In fact, he reads it so many times he’s capable of pointing out the slightest spelling or vocabulary error like he’s done in the past over and over again.

    Since I corrected my error before he could, he made sure to shove his foot up his cunt.

  19. #739
    The big story not being covered is Nancy Pelosi is also taking a drubbing. The dems are losing 10 to 15 house seats this time. They will lose more in 2022....and lose control of the house.

    This is not the BIG BLUE WAVE that dems have been telling us about for 4 years.

    Covid did Trump in. It crashed the economy and the buck stops at the president's desk when it comes to taking the blame for the deaths. There was absolutely no way for the sitting president to avoid taking the matter what their name was or what party they belonged to. If a dem was in it would have happened to them to.

    I am looking forward to watching Trump's moves in the last few months of his presidency. It should be fun to watch.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  20. #740
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    Do not worry. I barely read your posts.
    This is actually Cunt code that he reads every single post I type over and over. In fact, he reads it so many times he’s capable of pointing out the slightest spelling or vocabulary error like he’s done in the past over and over again.

    Since I corrected my error before he could, he made sure to shove his foot up his cunt.
    Of course he reads every word. What else would you expect him to be doing, working?? lololololololololololololololol

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