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Thread: For Politards Only Thread

  1. #741
    accountinguestion, is your front, no back door like this link?

  2. #742
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    What does that mean? Well, no matter what fake conservative Kjocchio thinks, the republicans will hold the senate. And they will pick up 10 to 15 house seats. Pelosi is getting her assed kicked.
    Mickey why don't you grow up and stop being such a dick. I am a conservative and a real republican. I voted for a republican in my congressional district, but unfortunately because I live in a democratic city, the old bitch that represents my district won easily.

    I just am not a "Trumper". Trump is not a republican, he is a narcistic crazy man who is all about Donald Trump who hijacked the republican party. Trump isn't a republican. He isn't conservative. He was a democrat and supported democrats his whole life. He isn't pro life which is so important to most republicans. People that know him will tell you he has been pro-abortion his whole life. With his very promiscuous life that he lead, he probably has personally funded several abortions.

    This was truly an amazing election, in part because it occurred during a health pandemic like we have not seen in 100 years and still the American people turned out in record numbers. It was a complete repudiation of a sitting president and yet at the very same time a complete repudiation of Nancy Pelosi who lost seats (but will still hold the house). The Democrats should take this opportunity to replace her and her leadership.

    This election really wasn't that close. Not as close as it appeared because of the drawn out counting due to the pandemic. When all votes are counted Biden will have won by 5 million votes. About the same as Obama beat Romney and no one would consider that a close election.

  3. #743
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    What does that mean? Well, no matter what fake conservative Kjocchio thinks, the republicans will hold the senate. And they will pick up 10 to 15 house seats. Pelosi is getting her assed kicked.
    Mickey why don't you grow up and stop being such a dick. I am a conservative and a real republican. I voted for a republican in my congressional district, but unfortunately because I live in a democratic city, the old bitch that represents my district won easily.

    I just am not a "Trumper". Trump is not a republican, he is a narcistic crazy man who is all about Donald Trump who hijacked the republican party. Trump isn't a republican. He isn't conservative. He was a democrat and supported democrats his whole life. He isn't pro life which is so important to most republicans. People that know him will tell you he has been pro-abortion his whole life. With his very promiscuous life that he lead, he probably has personally funded several abortions.

    This was truly an amazing election, in part because it occurred during a health pandemic like we have not seen in 100 years and still the American people turned out in record numbers. It was a complete repudiation of a sitting president and yet at the very same time a complete repudiation of Nancy Pelosi who lost seats (but will still hold the house). The Democrats should take this opportunity to replace her and her leadership.

    This election really wasn't that close. Not as close as it appeared because of the drawn out counting due to the pandemic. When all votes are counted Biden will have won by 5 million votes. About the same as Obama beat Romney and no one would consider that a close election.

    It was close because of how our system works. 4-6 states will end up very close and they are ones that mattered, not the overall popular vote. The GOP will never win the popular vote again unless the Democratic Party self implodes.

    I don’t see it as a complete repudiation either way like you say. But it was definitely an election where people either loved or hated one candidate and really didn’t care who he was running against.

  4. #744
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post

    It was close because of how our system works. 4-6 states will end up very close and they are ones that mattered, not the overall popular vote. The GOP will never win the popular vote again unless the Democratic Party self implodes.
    True Boz. I am of the belief that the electoral college system has outlived its usefulness. I just don't like the idea of the winner not being the person that gets the most votes (minority rules). I am sure few republicans will have any appetited to change it because we have benefited, but what goes around comes around and there will come a time when it works out the other way.

    And that day is not as far off as you might think. Texas ended up being 6 points this cycle which wasn't as close as some, myself included thought, but there is no doubt Texas demographics are changing pretty quickly along with people moving from the west coast. In the very near future Texas will flip and then there is strong potential for democrats winning an electoral college victory in elections they do not win popular vote.

  5. #745
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Since election night not one mention of Chinese Virus deaths from CNN.

    Guess they don't matter any longer.
    The main purpose of hyping up the virus, to make mail-in ballots the primary 2020 presidential election voting vehicle (due to the ease of voting fraud), is now removed.

  6. #746
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    With his very promiscuous life that he lead...
    Trump is promiscuous!
    kewlJ is not?
    I guess homosexuals like kewlJ live a restrained, selective, careful, monogamous and dare I say chaste, lifestyle?
    Gay (Real and True) Republican who counts cards for a living and never lies, cheats or steals.
    Tough to imagine or believe.
    However, I did just see a bunch of outrage over some new witch show/movie.
    Turns out, being a witch has nothing to do with evil, according to modern day witches.
    Last edited by monet; 11-06-2020 at 11:58 AM.

  7. #747
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    What does that mean? Well, no matter what fake conservative Kjocchio thinks, the republicans will hold the senate. And they will pick up 10 to 15 house seats. Pelosi is getting her assed kicked.
    Mickey why don't you grow up and stop being such a dick. I am a conservative and a real republican. I voted for a republican in my congressional district, but unfortunately because I live in a democratic city, the old bitch that represents my district won easily.

    I just am not a "Trumper". Trump is not a republican, he is a narcistic crazy man who is all about Donald Trump who hijacked the republican party. Trump isn't a republican. He isn't conservative. He was a democrat and supported democrats his whole life. He isn't pro life which is so important to most republicans. People that know him will tell you he has been pro-abortion his whole life. With his very promiscuous life that he lead, he probably has personally funded several abortions.

    This was truly an amazing election, in part because it occurred during a health pandemic like we have not seen in 100 years and still the American people turned out in record numbers. It was a complete repudiation of a sitting president and yet at the very same time a complete repudiation of Nancy Pelosi who lost seats (but will still hold the house). The Democrats should take this opportunity to replace her and her leadership.

    This election really wasn't that close. Not as close as it appeared because of the drawn out counting due to the pandemic. When all votes are counted Biden will have won by 5 million votes. About the same as Obama beat Romney and no one would consider that a close election.
    KJocchio, why don't you grow up and quit being a dick. You are a died in the wool libtard. You voted for Biden like the little bitch libtard you are. You have not and will never be conservative. To a REAL CONSERVATIVE Trump is far more acceptable than crazy lefty uncle Joe Biden.

    Trump did exactly what a true conservative would do, cut taxes, cut regulations, appoint conservative judges, greenlight oil drilling, renegotiate bad trade deals, make NATO countries pay their fair share and quit using us, build wall.


    KJocchio, you phony motherfucker. You ain't conservative, bitch. If you were you would be acknowledging Trumps accomplisheshments under the conservative cause.

    Do us all a favor and quit trying to sell us on you being conservative. You and redietz are two peas in a pod. Both flaming lefties.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  8. #748
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    What does that mean? Well, no matter what fake conservative Kjocchio thinks, the republicans will hold the senate. And they will pick up 10 to 15 house seats. Pelosi is getting her assed kicked.
    Mickey why don't you grow up and stop being such a dick. I am a conservative and a real republican. I voted for a republican in my congressional district, but unfortunately because I live in a democratic city, the old bitch that represents my district won easily.

    I just am not a "Trumper". Trump is not a republican, he is a narcistic crazy man who is all about Donald Trump who hijacked the republican party. Trump isn't a republican. He isn't conservative. He was a democrat and supported democrats his whole life. He isn't pro life which is so important to most republicans. People that know him will tell you he has been pro-abortion his whole life. With his very promiscuous life that he lead, he probably has personally funded several abortions.

    This was truly an amazing election, in part because it occurred during a health pandemic like we have not seen in 100 years and still the American people turned out in record numbers. It was a complete repudiation of a sitting president and yet at the very same time a complete repudiation of Nancy Pelosi who lost seats (but will still hold the house). The Democrats should take this opportunity to replace her and her leadership.

    This election really wasn't that close. Not as close as it appeared because of the drawn out counting due to the pandemic. When all votes are counted Biden will have won by 5 million votes. About the same as Obama beat Romney and no one would consider that a close election.
    F parties. Biden is a piece of sh1t. Sure, Trump says a lot of crazy crap. I don't like the guy. At least he lowered my taxes a bit and eliminated the healthcare penalty. Believe me. I know he's full of bs too. He banned bumpstocks. Pro-gun my @ss. Still no one listened to me in the 2016 primary, so I have voted for him twice in my own best interest.

  9. #749
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    The main purpose of hyping up the virus, to make mail-in ballots the primary 2020 presidential election voting vehicle (due to the ease of voting fraud), is now removed.
    I think Trump made an error in his strategy.
    He should of embraced mail in voting and pushed for his side to flood it as well.
    Not sure if he would of won but he could of "cheated the cheaters" a bit easier or better.
    Hard to believe that only Democrats cheat, in my mind at least.
    It seems difficult to beat the Democrats when they start off with NY and California for 84 Electoral Votes.
    It was hard to explain how voting works to my slant eyed wife.
    She can't grasp the system of winning states instead of total votes.
    It doesn't matter anyway.
    China took over Hong Kong and now Biden is going to sell them the rest of America.
    Last edited by monet; 11-06-2020 at 12:06 PM.

  10. #750
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post

    It was close because of how our system works. 4-6 states will end up very close and they are ones that mattered, not the overall popular vote. The GOP will never win the popular vote again unless the Democratic Party self implodes.
    True Boz. I am of the belief that the electoral college system has outlived its usefulness. I just don't like the idea of the winner not being the person that gets the most votes (minority rules). I am sure few republicans will have any appetited to change it because we have benefited, but what goes around comes around and there will come a time when it works out the other way.

    And that day is not as far off as you might think. Texas ended up being 6 points this cycle which wasn't as close as some, myself included thought, but there is no doubt Texas demographics are changing pretty quickly along with people moving from the west coast. In the very near future Texas will flip and then there is strong potential for democrats winning an electoral college victory in elections they do not win popular vote.
    The electoral college is reality staring you in the face. Talk, talk, talk, all you want about changing it to popular vote but it will never happen. Three-quarters of the states would have to ratify it. There is no way in hell most states will turn over that much power to California and New York.

    We are not a democracy and never have been. We're a republic. The founding fathers were pretty sharp. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on whats for dinner.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  11. #751
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    The main purpose of hyping up the virus, to make mail-in ballots the primary 2020 presidential election voting vehicle (due to the ease of voting fraud), is now removed.
    I think Trump made an error in his strategy.
    He should of embraced mail in voting and pushed for his side to flood it as well.
    Not sure if he would of won but he could of "cheated the cheaters" a bit easier or better.
    Hard to believe that only Democrats cheat, in my mind at least.
    I agree on all points Monet. The difference maker IMHO is that we now will have a senile, pedophilic, China-Owned servant as the president, rather than one that is not any of these things. I'll say this for the Trumpster - he is one tough son of a bitch. A lot of guys would have resigned as president with the non-stop shit they threw at him. Another big benefit of the Trumpster's presidency is the full exposure of how totally owned everything is by the Deep State - big tech, MSM etc.

  12. #752
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post

    It was close because of how our system works. 4-6 states will end up very close and they are ones that mattered, not the overall popular vote. The GOP will never win the popular vote again unless the Democratic Party self implodes.
    True Boz. I am of the belief that the electoral college system has outlived its usefulness. I just don't like the idea of the winner not being the person that gets the most votes (minority rules). I am sure few republicans will have any appetited to change it because we have benefited, but what goes around comes around and there will come a time when it works out the other way.

    And that day is not as far off as you might think. Texas ended up being 6 points this cycle which wasn't as close as some, myself included thought, but there is no doubt Texas demographics are changing pretty quickly along with people moving from the west coast. In the very near future Texas will flip and then there is strong potential for democrats winning an electoral college victory in elections they do not win popular vote.
    Another thing you won't acknowledge is Trump bring minorities into the party. He set the record for most black and hispanic votes for a republican.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  13. #753
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    If there's any "conspiracy theories" they aren't anything the democrats haven't asked for over the past four years.

    As usual, kew's "analysis" is skewed towards fairies and morons, with a heavy dose of uneducated/ignorant bullshit. The entire situation boils down to one simple concept: these swing states (Az. is not considered one) went around Constitutional requirements when teams of Democrat lawyers went to activist judges in their state courts to change state election laws, using Covid as a prop. Article II of the Constitution states that only the Legislatures are allowed to do that.

    Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin, N. Carolina, and Pennsylvania all changed election law without Legislative approval by choosing to count mail-ins votes AFTER their state polls closed, thereby allowing for all these mysterious hundreds of thousands of votes to appear out of nowhere in the middle of the night--heavily and sometimes unanimously favoring Biden. The votes kept and will keep on coming until the desired result is achieved. Like making several passes on your tax returns until you get to a number you like.

    And, like all Democrat illegal and dirty tricks, this was planned out over 6 months ago as a last ditch effort to get rid of Donald Trump. He had the savvy to see it coming, as he warned us all long before the election. Democrats ran into the same surprises four years ago, but they were unprepared for it as the election results took them by surprise. Not so this time.

    You can tell by the way Pa. is reacting to republican observers that corruption is rampant. Repubs simply want to watch the process, but Dems don't want them to. Only if you have something serious to hide do you keep going to court for appeals.

    There's a few differences on this corrupt process from state to state, and it's best to just let this all play out and be litigated instead of getting all shook up about the Fox or other networks' "calls". The reason, kew, that Fox wrongfully called Az. early is because Stirewalt is a never-Trumper and Mishkin is a liberal. If you had researched this instead of your usual shooting-from-the-hip you'd have better represented your case.

    I suspect this will all end up in the Supreme Court, where there won't be any 4-4 punting this time. Remember in 2000 in Florida the US SC slapped down the Florida SC decision which gave the presidency to GWB. Similar circumstances today, only with more states involved. Everyone with an ounce of brain knows this is the Democrat's last stand vs. Trump, and they were emboldened to break laws to do it since none of them ever get indicted for any of their crap.

    Maybe they'll finally get a win this time--who knows. Either way, Trump already won the war by helping keep the Senate sane and by making Pelosi rue the day she went up against Trump.
    Rob, I will have to disagree with you on a couple of points. Regarding the seven states you listed above, only three are allowing late arrival mail in ballots. Those are; PA (3 days), NV (7 days), and NC (9 days). All states must have the postmark of Election Day. These states were concerned with the mail service. We can take NC out of the equation as the state should go Republican. Hence, Republicans are concerned with PA and NV. It is important to note that PA has not touched any ballot that did not arrive by Election Day. The PA numbers reflect "true" ballots that are "official" like any other state. It would make sense that NV is following the same procedure. Thus, if Biden wins both states with "legal" ballots, I do not expect any lawsuit will be heard.

    I know someone who counts ballots in upstate NY. She is 88 years old and a lifelong Republican. The one thing I have learned is that all mail in ballot counters take their jobs seriously. Generally, five or more individual sit around a table and first check the postmark and signature. The open the ballot without checking for party affiliation. If the ballot is torn, they will reproduce the ballot. More than one person approves the ballot. Anyone can look at it. It is a bipartisan procedure. I read one comment regarding these individuals, "The integrity of the procedure is more important to us than the results of any one contest.". If the Democratic or Republican party was not represented for ballot review in a local election, it will be known. Most of these individuals have been doing this together for years. If nothing else, they probably do not want outsiders telling them how to do their jobs.

    Lastly, I do not foresee the Supreme Court getting involved. If one state was the factor in the election (like Florida in 2000) I could concede that point. Any argument would go to the state government first. While I am not an expert, I do not know how things can be reversed. Maybe a handful of votes in each state, but not the whole state election.

  14. #754
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    The main purpose of hyping up the virus, to make mail-in ballots the primary 2020 presidential election voting vehicle (due to the ease of voting fraud), is now removed.
    I think Trump made an error in his strategy.
    He should of embraced mail in voting and pushed for his side to flood it as well.
    Not sure if he would of won but he could of "cheated the cheaters" a bit easier or better.
    Hard to believe that only Democrats cheat, in my mind at least.
    I agree on all points Monet. The difference maker IMHO is that we now will have a senile, pedophilic, China-Owned servant as the president, rather than one that is not any of these things. I'll say this for the Trumpster - he is one tough son of a bitch. A lot of guys would have resigned as president with the non-stop shit they threw at him. Another big benefit of the Trumpster's presidency is the full exposure of how totally owned everything is by the Deep State - big tech, MSM etc.
    And Trump's not??

  15. #755
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    The big story not being covered is Nancy Pelosi is also taking a drubbing. The dems are losing 10 to 15 house seats this time. They will lose more in 2022....and lose control of the house.

    This is not the BIG BLUE WAVE that dems have been telling us about for 4 years.

    Covid did Trump in. It crashed the economy and the buck stops at the president's desk when it comes to taking the blame for the deaths. There was absolutely no way for the sitting president to avoid taking the matter what their name was or what party they belonged to. If a dem was in it would have happened to them to.

    I am looking forward to watching Trump's moves in the last few months of his presidency. It should be fun to watch.
    One move he could make is pardon all murderers, rapists, and child molesters in the California federal prison system. Newsome releases these creeps--why shouldn't Trump? It would be a nice "lessons learned" and one of those infamous "Obama teachable moments" for all the liberal idiots throughout California. I'd LOVE to see this happen to that failed, moronic state.

  16. #756
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    What does that mean? Well, no matter what fake conservative Kjocchio thinks, the republicans will hold the senate. And they will pick up 10 to 15 house seats. Pelosi is getting her assed kicked.
    Mickey why don't you grow up and stop being such a dick. I am a conservative and a real republican. I voted for a republican in my congressional district, but unfortunately because I live in a democratic city, the old bitch that represents my district won easily.

    I just am not a "Trumper". Trump is not a republican, he is a narcistic crazy man who is all about Donald Trump who hijacked the republican party. Trump isn't a republican. He isn't conservative. He was a democrat and supported democrats his whole life. He isn't pro life which is so important to most republicans. People that know him will tell you he has been pro-abortion his whole life. With his very promiscuous life that he lead, he probably has personally funded several abortions.

    This was truly an amazing election, in part because it occurred during a health pandemic like we have not seen in 100 years and still the American people turned out in record numbers. It was a complete repudiation of a sitting president and yet at the very same time a complete repudiation of Nancy Pelosi who lost seats (but will still hold the house). The Democrats should take this opportunity to replace her and her leadership.

    This election really wasn't that close. Not as close as it appeared because of the drawn out counting due to the pandemic. When all votes are counted Biden will have won by 5 million votes. About the same as Obama beat Romney and no one would consider that a close election.
    First off the frontdoor joke was funny.. if only it didn't hit so close. I went on a vacation and my parents had to move out of the house for a week after I came back.... not so funny.

    New high point here. So we have Mickey the guy on socialized government programs that wants to shoot leftists and such but vehemently claims he is a moderate ARGUING with KJ that he is not a real Republican. Then KJ arguing passionately he is.

    Just 2 much.

  17. #757
    Originally Posted by Deech View Post
    Lastly, I do not foresee the Supreme Court getting involved. If one state was the factor in the election (like Florida in 2000) I could concede that point. Any argument would go to the state government first. While I am not an expert, I do not know how things can be reversed. Maybe a handful of votes in each state, but not the whole state election.
    Thank you for the story of the lady poll worker you know in upstate New York. It really appears that almost all these poll workers put their partisan feelings aside and attempt to oversee a fair election. Kudos to those people.

    So I was in High school during the 2000 election and we watched and studied it pretty closely as a live lesson in civics. Here is the way that went down. The fight was over the recount. I believe there was a automatic recount which is required by law in such a close race. At that time, of mechanical voting machines, that kind of recount mainly consisted of pushing a button and double checking the numbers for each voting machine. Those kind of recounts almost never change the numbers very much. And that was the case with Florida. The number changed just a few votes, down to 537.

    At that point, The Dems wanted a partial hand recount of ballots, which is much more time consuming and likely result in a few more changes, but still almost never enough to really change anything. But here's the thing. The Dems wanted this hand recount in only a couple large democratic counties that were more likely to result in favorable changes for them, NOT for the whole state. That hand recount of select counties is what the Florida supreme court agreed to and the U.S. supreme count rightfully said, no you can't do it that way.

    So it was a procedural thing and this is far different than asking the supreme court or any court to throw out votes which is what Trump is doing or hoping to do. That simply goes against the basis of our democracy. Even a Supreme court with a 6-3 majority, with 3 justices appointed by Trump himself will not do this. We saw this in Texas where the Texas supreme court which was 7-0 republican refused a republican challenge that would have thrown out 127,000 votes which were done at a drive-up voting location that probably wasn't legal. You can not punish the people that voted and begin throwing out votes.

  18. #758
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    The big story not being covered is Nancy Pelosi is also taking a drubbing. The dems are losing 10 to 15 house seats this time. They will lose more in 2022....and lose control of the house.

    This is not the BIG BLUE WAVE that dems have been telling us about for 4 years.

    Covid did Trump in. It crashed the economy and the buck stops at the president's desk when it comes to taking the blame for the deaths. There was absolutely no way for the sitting president to avoid taking the matter what their name was or what party they belonged to. If a dem was in it would have happened to them to.

    I am looking forward to watching Trump's moves in the last few months of his presidency. It should be fun to watch.
    One move he could make is pardon all murderers, rapists, and child molesters in the California federal prison system. Newsome releases these creeps--why shouldn't Trump? It would be a nice "lessons learned" and one of those infamous "Obama teachable moments" for all the liberal idiots throughout California. I'd LOVE to see this happen to that failed, moronic state.
    Rob, you are total fucking idiot for wanting to Pardon those people in the prison system. I can only imagine the crimes that you committed and the people that you pray on especially in a sexual way. Let those murderers and rapists and child molesters live next door to you and that way y'all can have parties every fucktard night together and suck each other's cock and swallow each other's sperm loads. Because that's what you really desire to do you just by what you wrote one can tell.!!!!

  19. #759
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    What does that mean? Well, no matter what fake conservative Kjocchio thinks, the republicans will hold the senate. And they will pick up 10 to 15 house seats. Pelosi is getting her assed kicked.
    Mickey why don't you grow up and stop being such a dick. I am a conservative and a real republican. I voted for a republican in my congressional district, but unfortunately because I live in a democratic city, the old bitch that represents my district won easily.

    I just am not a "Trumper". Trump is not a republican, he is a narcistic crazy man who is all about Donald Trump who hijacked the republican party. Trump isn't a republican. He isn't conservative. He was a democrat and supported democrats his whole life. He isn't pro life which is so important to most republicans. People that know him will tell you he has been pro-abortion his whole life. With his very promiscuous life that he lead, he probably has personally funded several abortions.

    This was truly an amazing election, in part because it occurred during a health pandemic like we have not seen in 100 years and still the American people turned out in record numbers. It was a complete repudiation of a sitting president and yet at the very same time a complete repudiation of Nancy Pelosi who lost seats (but will still hold the house). The Democrats should take this opportunity to replace her and her leadership.

    This election really wasn't that close. Not as close as it appeared because of the drawn out counting due to the pandemic. When all votes are counted Biden will have won by 5 million votes. About the same as Obama beat Romney and no one would consider that a close election.
    First off the frontdoor joke was funny.. if only it didn't hit so close. I went on a vacation and my parents had to move out of the house for a week after I came back.... not so funny.

    New high point here. So we have Mickey the guy on socialized government programs that wants to shoot leftists and such but vehemently claims he is a moderate ARGUING with KJ that he is not a real Republican. Then KJ arguing passionately he is.

    Just 2 much.
    LOL at idiots that call retirement and healthcare programs funded by the individuals that participate as socialism. KJocchio has been stuck on that "SS is welfare" nonsense forever. You idiots call it welfare while people like prozema contend it's a horrible investment mandated by the government. A horrible investment meaning you don't get anything out of it close to what you put in it.

    So, Cunt, why don't you tell us which one it is? Is it a retirement plan that helps people or is it a bad investment where people are getting shafted? you and Kjocchio intend to draw SS when you reach the appropriate age. Saying it won't be there when you get that age is not an answer. If you intend to draw it when you get that age, if it is available, then you support SS/medicare. If you support it then quit bashing others that utilize it.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  20. #760

    No Freudian slip. Just another gaffe right?

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