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Thread: Thanksgiving Jail Time

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Wow, very impressive Monet. Everything that I ate was already stored prepared but it was good none the less. I do admire your cooking skills, as well as your AP skills. Tough break for you with the farm dream now gone, but hopefully, your new adventures when you purchase the trailer will be outstanding.
    My main problem is I have a wife who isn't onboard with the idea of a Farm or RV/Camping.
    It would be much easier if she wanted it and was more agreeable.
    That is probably the main roadblock in my path.
    Better to keep her happy and not put too much stress on her forcing her into situations she doesn't want.
    My goodness, this board is supposed to be the most lenient site around to say it as you feel and you just used around 17 excuses "beating around the bush" all of which that I did not quote, instead of just saying upfront that you do not wear the pants in the house. I never did either and I bet there are plenty more. Now you just told the truth, and from here on out going forward regardless if you continue to purchase a new riffle every three months or so, will not change that fact at all. In a different thread in a reply to a post of mine you wrote:

    "Well Played.
    I resign."

    Was that a clue for me to think that you did in fact watch the series "The Queen's Gambit"?

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    My goodness, this board is supposed to be the most lenient site around to say it as you feel and you just used around 17 excuses "beating around the bush" all of which that I did not quote, instead of just saying upfront that you do not wear the pants in the house. I never did either and I bet there are plenty more. Now you just told the truth, and from here on out going forward regardless if you continue to purchase a new riffle every three months or so, will not change that fact at all. In a different thread in a reply to a post of mine you wrote:

    "Well Played.
    I resign."

    Was that a clue for me to think that you did in fact watch the series "The Queen's Gambit"?
    Like anything in life, it is complicated.
    It's not so cut and dry as: "I wear the pants."
    I certainly make most or all of the decisions.
    It's a combination of her not wanting to move to a Farm or go Camping and me just being a Lazy American.
    I'm sure you are not interested or you just want to use my words against me which is fine.

    Let's say she was all gung ho about it and helped or pushed me.
    We would already be moved.
    The truth is that I have acquired too many things and its a nightmare to pack it all up or sell it.
    I have things set up right now where I can just lay around daily.
    If I was going to move to a Farm I'd have to do serious work for months on end just setting it all up.
    My wife's fear of Coronavirus doesn't particularly help matters.
    Recently my Uncle has been moving around with a hitch or limp so it makes me think its too late for such a large move for him.
    He is suffering from Osteoarthritis and I can see that it is getting worse.
    I'm not sure if moving him to colder weather would be a problem for his health.
    I'm thinking the rain and snow would hurt his joints far more than the Vegas climate.
    He has smoked 2 to 4 packs a day for over 50 years.
    His breathing hasn't been very good in the last year or so.
    When I took him up to 9500 ft last year, for a snowmobile trip, he had a very hard time breathing.
    It took him 2 days to adjust to the climate and he quit smoking for 2 weeks.
    I have to consider that in my assessment as well.

    I could just impose my will but I'd hate to put her and my Uncle in a difficult position if I should happen to die first.
    I'd be moving her and him 1700 miles away from any family member.
    She wouldn't understand how to move the money around or do all the paperwork that is required.
    Of course she could figure it out eventually or hire someone but we are talking about putting her in a very difficult position.
    I'm not a complete dictator in life, although, I certainly have many dictatorship moments on a daily basis.
    I'm sure I come off, on this site, like some hatemongering know it all but even I have consideration of my family members.
    Like I say, it has to be a combination of my laziness, procrastination and best situation for all involved.
    So, yeah, its not so cut and dry as: "What I say goes!"

    No, I didn't watch the Queen's Gambit nor did I watch the previews.
    I did read that GM Magnus Carlsen praised it and said it is the single most driving force for drawing new players to the chess world currently.
    However, he has to say that sort of thing publicly.
    Bobby Fischer said similar pro statements about women in chess.

    I'm sorry about saying "Well Played" and "I resign" to you.
    I was actually giving you a compliment.
    Forgive my temporary insanity.
    Last edited by monet; 11-27-2020 at 12:23 PM.

  3. #23
    Originally Posted by monet :

    "I'm sure you are not interested or you just want to use my words against me which is fine."

    No, I do not want to start any trouble here. I was just trying to be funny, and I realize my sense of humor sometimes does go beyond where it should. I went beyond acceptable humor sorry, it was not my intent. Besides your personal business should be private anyway, and you do not owe anyone a response on that.

  4. #24
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    No, I do not want to start any trouble here. I was just trying to be funny, and I realize my sense of humor sometimes does go beyond where it should. I went beyond acceptable humor sorry, it was not my intent. Besides your personal business should be private anyway, and you do not owe anyone a response on that.
    I do not know how to separate public and private information when talking or posting.
    I'm not very good at those games.
    That's why I have no problem sharing mailer information or plays in general on public forums.

    I try to stay the same person at all times.
    Of course life changes and we are constantly evolving in our thoughts and actions.
    I have no problem discussing serious matters from my private life in a public manner when questioned.
    If I had a problem, I probably wouldn't respond.

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    And still 99.8% of people that get it under 75 are fine.

    This country is filled with pussies and tools. No wonder most are barely making it in life, yet willingly shell out $10-$13 a month for every new streaming service, thinking it’s only $10-$13 a month.

    Fucking morons deserve everything they get.
    "are fine". Do you mean are fine because they don't die? Does being admitted to the hospital mean you're "fine" ? Do you know of our President? He put on a good show but ultimately he was concerned enough at some point to agree to be hospitalized.

    How is it not only 10-13 a month? What cost am I missing?

    Reading the rest of you guys - Same shit different year. I am a little hesitant to criticize people fighting for right to practice their religion. While I think religion is for losers - I 100% respect why it needs to be protected from the state. The right thing would be to have people opt-out of this shit and then they will also have just opted-out of healthcare when the hospitals basically collapse.

    I did read a real study and there is no suicide increase. This was something we heard a lot early on. The fact is - it isn't that hard. The real people who have a sincere right to complain are those affected to the extent they've lost their job and are not blessed (eyeroll) to be able to ride it out.

  6. #26
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Wow, very impressive Monet. Everything that I ate was already stored prepared but it was good none the less. I do admire your cooking skills, as well as your AP skills. Tough break for you with the farm dream now gone, but hopefully, your new adventures when you purchase the trailer will be outstanding.
    It's tough to pull the trigger on things like that.
    Wall Tents vs RVs vs Farms.
    Much easier at 20 years old but I didn't have the money.
    At 45 I have the money but not enough ambition.
    I'm sure you understand all this, I was just typing out my thoughts.
    It's all about the mind is willing but the spirit is weak.
    I'm probably just dreaming on most of this stuff and make the mistake of posting about it like it is fact.
    Too many factors, these days, with other people to consider.
    When I was 20 I would just do it.
    It's like wanting to buy the RV and reading all the negative reviews and problems with upkeep and depreciation.
    I still want to do the Farm but when I get into all the paperwork and logistics of it I just turn the TV on and bathe in its never-ending glow.
    My main problem is I have a wife who isn't onboard with the idea of a Farm or RV/Camping.
    It would be much easier if she wanted it and was more agreeable.
    That is probably the main roadblock in my path.
    Better to keep her happy and not put too much stress on her forcing her into situations she doesn't want.
    In the end, in my mind, everything is hers anyways.
    That is the best approach for marriage, IMO.
    If she wanted out of the marriage I wouldn't fight her.
    Just take everything and I'll wander into the woods or mountains alone.
    I'm not a complete idiot.
    I have some hidden assets in case of emergency.
    If your wife doesn't like the idea of a farm then there is 0 chance it'd grow on her. Isolation is definitely not for everyone. The RV thing you can always take on part time or back out when it doesn't work. Buying a farm is a whole new level though and it is guaranteed what sort of lifestyle you'll have. (unlike mobile RV) I knew a guy who moved to the sticks .. I thought he'd be tired of it and come back .. but a few years later and AFAIK as happy as ever. His gf/wife was into the idea though and I guess they have what it takes to get along. lol.

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    If your wife doesn't like the idea of a farm then there is 0 chance it'd grow on her. Isolation is definitely not for everyone. The RV thing you can always take on part time or back out when it doesn't work. Buying a farm is a whole new level though and it is guaranteed what sort of lifestyle you'll have. (unlike mobile RV) I knew a guy who moved to the sticks .. I thought he'd be tired of it and come back .. but a few years later and AFAIK as happy as ever. His gf/wife was into the idea though and I guess they have what it takes to get along. lol.
    Change is Hard.

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    And still 99.8% of people that get it under 75 are fine.

    This country is filled with pussies and tools. No wonder most are barely making it in life, yet willingly shell out $10-$13 a month for every new streaming service, thinking it’s only $10-$13 a month.

    Fucking morons deserve everything they get.
    "are fine". Do you mean are fine because they don't die? Does being admitted to the hospital mean you're "fine" ? Do you know of our President? He put on a good show but ultimately he was concerned enough at some point to agree to be hospitalized.

    How is it not only 10-13 a month? What cost am I missing?

    Reading the rest of you guys - Same shit different year. I am a little hesitant to criticize people fighting for right to practice their religion. While I think religion is for losers - I 100% respect why it needs to be protected from the state. The right thing would be to have people opt-out of this shit and then they will also have just opted-out of healthcare when the hospitals basically collapse.

    I did read a real study and there is no suicide increase. This was something we heard a lot early on. The fact is - it isn't that hard. The real people who have a sincere right to complain are those affected to the extent they've lost their job and are not blessed (eyeroll) to be able to ride it out.
    Haven’t read this page at all yet but just curious, did mom let you have an extra pudding cup for thanksgiving?

  9. #29
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    And still 99.8% of people that get it under 75 are fine.

    This country is filled with pussies and tools. No wonder most are barely making it in life, yet willingly shell out $10-$13 a month for every new streaming service, thinking it’s only $10-$13 a month.

    Fucking morons deserve everything they get.
    "are fine". Do you mean are fine because they don't die? Does being admitted to the hospital mean you're "fine" ? Do you know of our President? He put on a good show but ultimately he was concerned enough at some point to agree to be hospitalized.

    How is it not only 10-13 a month? What cost am I missing?

    Reading the rest of you guys - Same shit different year. I am a little hesitant to criticize people fighting for right to practice their religion. While I think religion is for losers - I 100% respect why it needs to be protected from the state. The right thing would be to have people opt-out of this shit and then they will also have just opted-out of healthcare when the hospitals basically collapse.

    I did read a real study and there is no suicide increase. This was something we heard a lot early on. The fact is - it isn't that hard. The real people who have a sincere right to complain are those affected to the extent they've lost their job and are not blessed (eyeroll) to be able to ride it out.
    Haven’t read this page at all yet but just curious, did mom let you have an extra pudding cup for thanksgiving?
    I'm going to hold back the answer for a month to give your life even more meaning.

  10. #30

  11. #31
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Los Angeles is about to become a jail.
    When Escape from LA came out, I had a feeling it was a prophetic movie.

  12. #32
    Monet, thanks for posting the picture of your Thanksgiving meal - it looks like you did an excellent job.

  13. #33
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    And still 99.8% of people that get it under 75 are fine.

    This country is filled with pussies and tools. No wonder most are barely making it in life, yet willingly shell out $10-$13 a month for every new streaming service, thinking it’s only $10-$13 a month.

    Fucking morons deserve everything they get.
    "are fine". Do you mean are fine because they don't die? Does being admitted to the hospital mean you're "fine" ? Do you know of our President? He put on a good show but ultimately he was concerned enough at some point to agree to be hospitalized.

    How is it not only 10-13 a month? What cost am I missing?

    Reading the rest of you guys - Same shit different year. I am a little hesitant to criticize people fighting for right to practice their religion. While I think religion is for losers - I 100% respect why it needs to be protected from the state. The right thing would be to have people opt-out of this shit and then they will also have just opted-out of healthcare when the hospitals basically collapse.

    I did read a real study and there is no suicide increase. This was something we heard a lot early on. The fact is - it isn't that hard. The real people who have a sincere right to complain are those affected to the extent they've lost their job and are not blessed (eyeroll) to be able to ride it out.
    Haven’t read this page at all yet but just curious, did mom let you have an extra pudding cup for thanksgiving?
    I bet she did, provided he first finish everything in his "Hungry Man" tv dinner entree tray.

  14. #34
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    And still 99.8% of people that get it under 75 are fine.

    This country is filled with pussies and tools. No wonder most are barely making it in life, yet willingly shell out $10-$13 a month for every new streaming service, thinking it’s only $10-$13 a month.

    Fucking morons deserve everything they get.
    "are fine". Do you mean are fine because they don't die? Does being admitted to the hospital mean you're "fine" ? Do you know of our President? He put on a good show but ultimately he was concerned enough at some point to agree to be hospitalized.

    How is it not only 10-13 a month? What cost am I missing?

    Reading the rest of you guys - Same shit different year. I am a little hesitant to criticize people fighting for right to practice their religion. While I think religion is for losers - I 100% respect why it needs to be protected from the state. The right thing would be to have people opt-out of this shit and then they will also have just opted-out of healthcare when the hospitals basically collapse.

    I did read a real study and there is no suicide increase. This was something we heard a lot early on. The fact is - it isn't that hard. The real people who have a sincere right to complain are those affected to the extent they've lost their job and are not blessed (eyeroll) to be able to ride it out.
    How is it not only 10-13 a month? What cost am I missing?

    Apparently, you have the capacity and ability to figure out the meaning of what someone writes, comparable to a two-year-old. Funny as hell.
    Last edited by BoSox; 11-28-2020 at 06:41 AM.

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Los Angeles is about to become a jail.
    Originally Posted by Darkoz View Post
    I despise hypocrisy!

    A few people have pointed out any suggestions of dinner during a pandemic (while I have been vehemently stating my strong position of masks and shutdowns) is being a hypocrite.

    And they were right. I can't stand hypocrisy even when it comes from me (we all are guilty occasionally. Takes a good amount of strength to admit imo)

    It's very quiet in NY virus-wise so out of sight, out of mind (or out of my mind, little joke there)

    So, change in challenge to accommodate.

    Gambling part remains the same. Inside the casino we will be wearing masks. I'm going to be surrounded by other masked wearers anyway.

    And in AC there is no smoking at this time not eating in the gaming floor. You can take your mask down to drink and then have to replace your mask, security is being stringent on this. And some places are doing temperature checks.

    After gambling we will go to a quieter spot, the boardwalk or some casinos have lounge areas and we can chat for fifteen or twenty minutes masks on just to recap the play.

    Then whoever lost pays for dinner as takeout and we go our merry ways to eat alone. Most of the restaurants, even the fancy ones have it now due to Covid-19.

    After covid is settled down we can go back to dinner and speaking without masks
    I follow the example of DarkOz.
    Los Angeles should do the same.
    I guess after all those people dying from Covid an AP needs to replenish the player card stockpile.

    "Hey, Covid is real and its killing everybody... let's meet up in a Casino and wear masks!
    What could go wrong?
    Please do not call me a Kite as I find it highly offensive.
    The ending of Marry Poppins really screwed me up.
    Chim Chiminey My Ass!
    Take-Out Only if we meet up.
    Thank you for your consideration of the DarkOz Challenge 2020."

    Last edited by monet; 11-28-2020 at 10:11 AM.

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    And still 99.8% of people that get it under 75 are fine.

    This country is filled with pussies and tools. No wonder most are barely making it in life, yet willingly shell out $10-$13 a month for every new streaming service, thinking it’s only $10-$13 a month.

    Fucking morons deserve everything they get.
    "are fine". Do you mean are fine because they don't die? Does being admitted to the hospital mean you're "fine" ? Do you know of our President? He put on a good show but ultimately he was concerned enough at some point to agree to be hospitalized.

    How is it not only 10-13 a month? What cost am I missing?

    Reading the rest of you guys - Same shit different year. I am a little hesitant to criticize people fighting for right to practice their religion. While I think religion is for losers - I 100% respect why it needs to be protected from the state. The right thing would be to have people opt-out of this shit and then they will also have just opted-out of healthcare when the hospitals basically collapse.

    I did read a real study and there is no suicide increase. This was something we heard a lot early on. The fact is - it isn't that hard. The real people who have a sincere right to complain are those affected to the extent they've lost their job and are not blessed (eyeroll) to be able to ride it out.
    How is it not only 10-13 a month? What cost am I missing?

    Apparently, you have the capacity and ability to figure out the meaning of what someone writes, comparable to a two-year-old. Funny as hell.
    It literally is 10-13 a month. Is there some security concern? Privacy concern? 10-13 a month isn't that much. I mean.. $150 a year. Was this some "smart money" observation where 10 isn't that much, but the sum of everything is? lmao. I've been lazy about things costing far more than that. Too man fucking geniuses on this board if that was his point and he found it worth making.

    People have been financing stupid shit for far more going back many decades. Same concept. Oh I see, it was prefaced with "barely making it in life". $10-$13 is far less than the rip-off cable subscriptions of the previous 40 years where no one had a choice, but just about all old men want to think somehow the new generation is worse.

    Mirrors don't cost much. Maybe you guys should consider a $10-$13 investment in one.

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post

    "are fine". Do you mean are fine because they don't die? Does being admitted to the hospital mean you're "fine" ? Do you know of our President? He put on a good show but ultimately he was concerned enough at some point to agree to be hospitalized.

    How is it not only 10-13 a month? What cost am I missing?

    Reading the rest of you guys - Same shit different year. I am a little hesitant to criticize people fighting for right to practice their religion. While I think religion is for losers - I 100% respect why it needs to be protected from the state. The right thing would be to have people opt-out of this shit and then they will also have just opted-out of healthcare when the hospitals basically collapse.

    I did read a real study and there is no suicide increase. This was something we heard a lot early on. The fact is - it isn't that hard. The real people who have a sincere right to complain are those affected to the extent they've lost their job and are not blessed (eyeroll) to be able to ride it out.
    Haven’t read this page at all yet but just curious, did mom let you have an extra pudding cup for thanksgiving?
    I bet she did, provided he first finish everything in his "Hungry Man" tv dinner entree tray.
    Just like a typical Trumpster. A bitch when it comes to responding. You guys don't want to hear anything that challenges your beliefs. For the most part, yalls too fragile.

    Loved the coach belly thread. lols.

    Some exceptions. Monet doesn't agree with my politics but he at least thinks for himself. Or maybe he just listens to his wife...

  18. #38
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Monet doesn't agree with my politics but he at least thinks for himself. Or maybe he just listens to his wife...

    You Can't Win 'Em All

    There is no place for me in this world Chonchito.
    I don't belong out there and I don't belong in here.
    So I'm going out into the Wilderness.
    Probably, to die.

    - Nacho -

    Last edited by monet; 11-28-2020 at 12:34 PM.

  19. #39
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Monet doesn't agree with my politics but he at least thinks for himself. Or maybe he just listens to his wife...

    You Can't Win 'Em All

    There is no place for me in this world Chonchito.
    I don't belong out there and I don't belong in here.
    So I'm going out into the Wilderness.
    Probably, to die.

    - Nacho -

    I am getting Bosox and TheBoz confused. I'll cop to it. I thought I was responding to Boz. lololol.

    Funny clip. I've thought about just wandering off .. I don't have the balls in that regard. I admire that aspect of people who do these things. I've known a few and we even have DiDi.

  20. #40
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Monet doesn't agree with my politics but he at least thinks for himself. Or maybe he just listens to his wife...

    You Can't Win 'Em All

    There is no place for me in this world Chonchito.
    I don't belong out there and I don't belong in here.
    So I'm going out into the Wilderness.
    Probably, to die.

    - Nacho -

    I am getting Bosox and TheBoz confused. I'll cop to it. I thought I was responding to Boz. lololol.

    Funny clip. I've thought about just wandering off .. I don't have the balls in that regard. I admire that aspect of people who do these things. I've known a few and we even have DiDi.
    Just for you accountinquestion

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