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Thread: Slot Videos On Youtube-Slotlady

  1. #41
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    True asshole.
    You admitted spying on jbjb.

    Walk us through it, how did you spy on him? us how you weren't an asshole.

  2. #42
    Go bend over for your master Chihuahua, your due for a good fudge packing.

  3. #43
    Who is this Chihuahua that Couch Belly worships? I never read WOV regularly so am not familiar with full range of cast over there.

  4. #44
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Who is this Chihuahua that Couch Belly worships?
    Ozzy is a homo, he worships men, and that's how he imagines everything works.

    He justifies the AP lifestyle just like a homo would ...

    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    It's not ideal for most family men

  5. #45
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Who is this Chihuahua that Couch Belly worships?
    Ozzy is a homo, he worships men, and that's how he imagines everything works.

    He justifies the AP lifestyle just like a homo would ...

    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    It's not ideal for most family men
    Kinda weird how in modern America is it mostly old men who go off with all the homo talk.

  6. #46
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    Who is this Chihuahua that Couch Belly worships?
    Ozzy is a homo, he worships men, and that's how he imagines everything works.

    He justifies the AP lifestyle just like a homo would ...

    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    It's not ideal for most family men
    Keep thinking that Yellow Belly, we all need to believe in somebody lowlife.

  7. #47
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    we all need to believe in somebody
    Don't forget to check in from behind the trash can.

    Since you're watching...what's jb winning tonight?

    Enough to keep sponsoring those 3 kids in Africa?

  8. #48
    Slot lady is in the top handful of YT slot players, so between Ad revenue, Patreon money and merch -the monthly take is probably enough to cover the gambling losses and live quite well. She is a full-time YouTuber.

    Lady Luck HQ has made a few videos about how much a popular video can make. FWIW, I believe what she says (about the YT potential).

  9. #49
    Originally Posted by ddb1 View Post
    Slot lady is in the top handful of YT slot players, so between Ad revenue, Patreon money and merch -the monthly take is probably enough to cover the gambling losses and live quite well. She is a full-time YouTuber.

    Lady Luck HQ has made a few videos about how much a popular video can make. FWIW, I believe what she says (about the YT potential).
    Depending on when that video was made, the cut YouTube content creators get got cut considerably maybe 1-2 years ago. Heard a few tubers whining about it on videos.

  10. #50
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post

    I thought you worshipped, the world famous Singer ARTT strategy
    Horseshoe has shut down the vp section. The only vp are the nickel machines with 1:1 for two pair on bonus poker and 3 regular machines at the front-end - they are usually full. I DO play my free play on the nickels artt style using jacks or better which usually gives me a good start on some of the penny slots without initially using my cash. Have no idea why they closed the machines and it's been that way for two months.
    So wait a second... You first use your free play on VP so you can fund your slot play? Why not just use your free play on slots in the first place?
    Using the artt strategy, I almost always get all my free play back. Saturday I was fortunate enough to find TWO nickel machines open and hit two quads on JOB for $45 from my $15 free play. Played penny slotst-about 5 machines and got up to $91. Left to Margarritaville and to my surprise I had $30 free play which I HAD to play on slots-no nickel vp. Ended up with $22. Nowadays that's a good take home for us penny ante player's, so I went home. Don't want to stay long anyway with the virus mess around.

  11. #51
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I suspect if Blackhole wasn't hiding behind the very anonymity that he rails against, we would find similar about him....that he is no where close to what he claims.

    These gambling forums are full of assorted people looking for any opening to an easy buck. Just take Axelass’s word for it who proclaimed he made over a million dollars after joining WOV. Throughout my life I’ve dealt with people from all types, shapes, and colors. The worst of all these people are when you run into the gambler who’s really into it. They are usually the type of people you’ll eventually regret putting your trust in. I’m not talking about the people who could afford to gamble and just do it as if it’s no different than a two-week vacation in Africa. In fact, I’ve made friends, traveled, and gambled with several of these types.

    I’m talking about the full-time gamblers you’ll find on these exact forums. Every real gambler I ever meet was always on the brink of disaster, or eventually collapsed financially down the road. The tin cup always eventually seemed to come out just like your forum idol Mike Shank’s did. The ultimate king of casino math. (imagine that?) This fool now preys on taking advantage of dumb American citizens more than likley with a gambling problem already, convincing them how safe it is to gamble on illegal off-shore casinos with his personal self-imposed regulation.

    The only reason I hide behind the anonymous option is the fear of the abuse my wife and children could be subject to. I don’t think anyone here would do something absurd, but based on what I’ve read over the years one could never be certain.

    The same bunch of alleged self-proclaimed AP’s can’t stand me endlessly pointing out their stupidity.

    So, their only responses will always be the same responses you could read above.

  12. #52
    I love the morons that keep compare Shack's "tin cup" to keep the site open to him being broke and destitute.

    I suppose you assholes think Norm and Wong are broke for charging money to read and post on a portion of their sites too?

  13. #53
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    I suppose you assholes think Norm and Wong are broke for charging money to read and post on a portion of their sites too?
    No, just a lot smarter than you.

  14. #54
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    I love the morons that keep compare Shack's "tin cup" to keep the site open to him being broke and destitute.
    For the record he was complaining about the cost putting his daughter through college also. But, putting all of that personal shit aside, the king himself of casino math Mike Shank, and what every AP on these sites repeat to nausea how the math is the Golden Goose to AP success (just ask the Queer) couldn't even keep the expenses of a two bit forum alive with all he knew. That says an awful lot about the math.

  15. #55
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    I love the morons that keep compare Shack's "tin cup" to keep the site open to him being broke and destitute.

    I suppose you assholes think Norm and Wong are broke for charging money to read and post on a portion of their sites too?
    This ass-hole is fairly sure of it. The only money those guys ever made, from gambling, was from trying to sell their stories, etc, about it. Thorp didn't play blackjack because he realized that even if he could theoretically make much money at it, then the casinos wouldn't allow it. Did Shackleford sell his sites for millions? Is this the reason that he hangs around there, miserable day after miserable day? I think not, but, gamblers are inherently gullible, or, so non-gullible as to still be trapped in their bootstrap silliness. They need to believe that he sold it for millions. But, no professional mathematician/physicist gambles and the like. Did Eliot Jacobson? In the end, what became of him? Some video about spotting baccarat scams. The professionals don't talk about it, let alone endorse it in any way. Stories without substance.

    The basic reason that most posts on gambling forums are trivial repeats. A few of the posters apply common sense, and, reason, but, hence, most of these have moved on to more fruitful and stimulating ground. Red left, accountinquestion is still here. Whom did I miss?

    Anyway, to waste some more time, and, as pleasant diversion for the WoV purists, see yet another anagram profile. Amazing how closely some of these come to their targets.

    Shut it down, Micheal Shackleford --->

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    Last edited by Garnabby; 01-11-2021 at 10:50 AM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  16. #56
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    I suppose you assholes think Norm and Wong are broke for charging money to read and post on a portion of their sites too?
    No, just a lot smarter than you.
    You wish asshole.

  17. #57
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post

    Making fun of Kewlj for being Gay is NOT cool. It's 2021, not 1921. We live in far more tolerable times than 100 years ago.
    Tasha, I thought we agreed you wouldn't defend me any more. I don't need it, nor want it.

    Blackhole's fixation only makes him look more like the idiot that he is, knowing nothing about winning casino play and what it takes to be a consistent winning player. Just let these idiots continue to prove that.
    I was actually saying that making fun of Gay people isn't cool. Not really defending you perse, but defending Gay People in general. I would have said the same for ANY Gay Poster on here being made fun of for it. And you did say something like,"Tasha, if you're going to defend me, make sure it's because you actually think I am being wronged /am actually in the right/am right, and not as a "I defended you, you need to defend me too because you owe me," way."

    I really do think it was wrong of him to attack anyone based on their sexual orientation..
    Last edited by Tasha; 01-11-2021 at 01:04 PM.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  18. #58
    "Gay people" are irrelevant, just like they've always been. It's only the libtard media and the entertainment world who try to push that degenerate lifestyle choice down normal peoples' throats. Watch any new tv show or movie--its like they try to make us believe everywhere is like Provincetown. But most folks know the homos make up such a small part of our population that those of us who are not equally sick understand we'll never have to live thru a queer revolution.

    Yes it's mostly older people here who have no qualms going after "gays". Why? Because this country has scared the shit out of anybody who has to work for a boss anywhere. Say faggot, nigger or retard--even if you're just using the terms casually and not trying to insult anyone in particular--you lose your job, community standing, etc. So glad my generation and the ones that came before is better than that nonsense.

  19. #59
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Blackhole and Singer. Two guys who are anti-AP, always attacking and putting down any form of AP play. Odd that they are on a gambling related forum doing that. Now both tell you how great they have done in their non-gambling related careers, making all sorts of money. Blackhole has made so much money that he says he has lost more in casinos than most people will ever see. Singer...well, we all know his claims. He talks about great wealth and multiple homes, none of which is true.

    Both like to rail on AP's for maintaining their anonymity, which anyone with half a brain understands why. But Blackhole, uses that same anonymity. We don't know his real name. So what makes his claims of success and wealth any different. Singer we do know his real name and because of that, many of us know his claims are all baloney. No real estate in his name, no RV's. His wealth is estimated to be less than 50 grand last time I looked. Even the places he claims to have gone to college have no record of him attending. But what you do find is public records of bankruptcies and evictions. And there was a welfare fraud record for food stamp abuse that has been removed in recent years.

    I suspect if Blackhole wasn't hiding behind the very anonymity that he rails against, we would find similar about him....that he is no where close to what he claims.

    AP's hide behind anonymity because we are forced to. We couldn't play and make a living if we didn't. But these guys not claiming to be AP's, as a matter of fact they are anti-AP....why are they hiding behind anonymity?

    I don't know exactly what other AP's especially players doing very different things than I do, make. I suspect I am near the bottom of the ladder. Others probably make more than me, or make what I make putting in much less time and effort and that is ok. But I have never heard any AP's make claims that seem unlikely to me. Most are in the upper 5 figure to 6 figure range (of those that talk about such things). That is very reasonable and possible. And that makes almost every AP much more credible than these two clowns and their claims of riches.

    And the argument that 100k, or even upper 5 figures, 80-90k is not a decent living is nonsense. I believe the average income in this country is half that.

    Now, I have never seen an AP, angry and bitter, attacking people that have chosen another path in life. But you see these anti-AP guys, bitter and angry attacking AP's all the time. What is up with that? That really tells you everything you need to know. Did I mention bitter and angry?
    We'll I see blackhole is really getting to you with his depiction of your sorry butt. Just count the lies!

  20. #60
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I suspect if Blackhole wasn't hiding behind the very anonymity that he rails against, we would find similar about him....that he is no where close to what he claims.

    These gambling forums are full of assorted people looking for any opening to an easy buck. Just take Axelass’s word for it who proclaimed he made over a million dollars after joining WOV. Throughout my life I’ve dealt with people from all types, shapes, and colors. The worst of all these people are when you run into the gambler who’s really into it. They are usually the type of people you’ll eventually regret putting your trust in. I’m not talking about the people who could afford to gamble and just do it as if it’s no different than a two-week vacation in Africa. In fact, I’ve made friends, traveled, and gambled with several of these types.

    I’m talking about the full-time gamblers you’ll find on these exact forums. Every real gambler I ever meet was always on the brink of disaster, or eventually collapsed financially down the road. The tin cup always eventually seemed to come out just like your forum idol Mike Shank’s did. The ultimate king of casino math. (imagine that?) This fool now preys on taking advantage of dumb American citizens more than likley with a gambling problem already, convincing them how safe it is to gamble on illegal off-shore casinos with his personal self-imposed regulation.

    The only reason I hide behind the anonymous option is the fear of the abuse my wife and children could be subject to. I don’t think anyone here would do something absurd, but based on what I’ve read over the years one could never be certain.

    The same bunch of alleged self-proclaimed AP’s can’t stand me endlessly pointing out their stupidity.

    So, their only responses will always be the same responses you could read above.
    Doyle Brunson said he trusts gamblers far more than the businessmen wearing suits and ties because the gamblers word was good but the suit and tie guys always ripped him off.

    Did you wear a suit and tie, blackhole?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

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