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Thread: Slot Videos On Youtube-Slotlady

  1. #61
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Doyle Brunson said he trusts gamblers far more than the businessmen wearing suits and ties because the gamblers word was good but the suit and tie guys always ripped him off.

    Did you wear a suit and tie, blackhole?
    Look at one of the wealthiest gambling superstars Billy Walters. The wall street suits took him to the cleaner’s big time. He may have known when to hold them, and knew when to fold them. But when he thought he was able to mix it up with the big boys he got hammered and put back in his place. His huge losses on Wall Street got others out of terrible stocks with his money and huge profits. He was just an Advantage Play for the suits.

    Yes Mickey, I lived most of my life in suits and ties.

  2. #62
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Doyle Brunson said he trusts gamblers far more than the businessmen wearing suits and ties because the gamblers word was good but the suit and tie guys always ripped him off.

    Did you wear a suit and tie, blackhole?
    Look at one of the wealthiest gambling superstars Billy Walters. The wall street suits took him to the cleaner’s big time. He may have known when to hold them, and knew when to fold them. But when he thought he was able to mix it up with the big boys he got hammered and put back in his place. His huge losses on Wall Street got others out of terrible stocks with his money and huge profits. He was just an Advantage Play for the suits.

    Yes Mickey, I lived most of my life in suits and ties.
    I'm going to flip some of blackhole's comments around since I briefly worked with Mr. Walters and have some information 99.9% of other people do not have.

    Mr. Walters is not my favorite person in all the world, but I have a great deal of respect for him. The fact of the matter is that Mr. Walters came from nowhere, basically. His ascent in the Las Vegas and gambling milieu was partly due to his ability to assess people and then control them, in a sense. For example, Mr. Walters did not do what mickey does or what kewlJ does or what I do. What he did was scout experts, partner with them, eventually assemble them, and (when possible) keep them separate from each other. So what he was doing was putting together roundtables of experts, pitting them against each other and comparing them, and having the logistical structure in place to act on their expertise. He was more of a combination GM and coach as opposed to a player.

    Now I can't speak to his Wall Street dabblings, but the fact is that his gambling juggernaut had already faltered because his experts faltered. He did not turn to Wall Street because he had superbly conquered gambling. Rather, he turned to other pursuits due to easier scale and friction in the gambling milieu.

    I assume that he tried to assemble the same kind of talent regarding Wall Street as he did in gambling, and the talent failed him.

  3. #63

    Famed Sports Gambler Billy Walters Sentenced to Five Years for Insider Trading

    Judge also imposes $10 million fine against 71 year old for long-running scheme involving stocks tips about Dean Foods

    By Nicole Hong
    July 27, 2017 3:14 pm ET

    William “Billy” Walters, who rose from an impoverished childhood in Kentucky to become one of the most famous sports bettors in America, was sentenced Thursday to five years in prison for masterminding a long-running insider trading scheme.

    U.S. District Judge P. Kevin Castel handed down the punishment in a packed Manhattan courtroom, almost four months after a federal jury found Mr. Walters, 71 years old, guilty of trading on inside tips from the former chairman of Dean Foods Co.

    Prosecutors say the insider-trading scheme, which lasted for at least six years, benefited Mr. Walters by more than $43 million in trading profits and avoided losses.

    “When it comes to the stock market, Billy Walters is a cheater and a criminal and not a very clever one,” the judge said.
    This doesn't sound anything like what ole Hole went on about.

    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Yes Mickey, I lived most of my life in suits and ties.
    What does this even mean?
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  4. #64
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    "Gay people" are irrelevant, just like they've always been. It's only the libtard media and the entertainment world who try to push that degenerate lifestyle choice down normal peoples' throats. Watch any new tv show or movie--its like they try to make us believe everywhere is like Provincetown. .
    What world do you live in that everyone is "pushing" gay lifestyle down your throat? What you see a gay character on TV or a gay person or couple on the street and you feel threatened? Are you THAT insecure?

    And I am sure it is not just gay. If you see a mixed race couple, say a black man with a white girl, I'll bet you nearly have a stroke.

    It is you and those like you that are the problem Singer. The U.S. is constantly changing. If you can't accept that, perhaps you should head back to Africa, where your "people" are from.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  5. #65
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    By Nicole Hong
    July 27, 2017 3:14 pm ET

    William “Billy” Walters, who rose from an impoverished childhood in Kentucky to become one of the most famous sports bettors in America, was sentenced Thursday to five years in prison for masterminding a long-running insider trading scheme.

    U.S. District Judge P. Kevin Castel handed down the punishment in a packed Manhattan courtroom, almost four months after a federal jury found Mr. Walters, 71 years old, guilty of trading on inside tips from the former chairman of Dean Foods Co.

    Prosecutors say the insider-trading scheme, which lasted for at least six years, benefited Mr. Walters by more than $43 million in trading profits and avoided losses.

    “When it comes to the stock market, Billy Walters is a cheater and a criminal and not a very clever one,” the judge said.
    This doesn't sound anything like what ole Hole went on about.
    Here is a perfect case of a member in this case Garnassy, who attempts to alter the facts to fit his well-known mental disorder narrative in an effort to try and make a member look foolish. No different than what the alleged AP’s do here altering posts to fit their own narrative when they start looking like fools.

    Billy Walters made close to 40 million dollars on insider trading trades with tips from Dean Foods CEO over a four or five year period. He avoided any losses during that period until the SEC caught up with them. If anyone remembers it also was the same stock Phil Mickelson traded in with info from Walters and who also was disgorged (forced to return all profits) for almost two million dollars in profit he made. Both the CEO and Phil M. were in debt to Walters with gambling loses.

    The SEC’s complaint charges Walters and Davis with violating Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5. The SEC seeks a final judgment ordering the disgorgement of all trading profits plus interest and penalties as well as permanent injunctions from future violations of Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5 and an officer-and-director bar against Davis.

    The penalty was 10 million dollars alone. Not a could move after you throw in all the profits he made with interest.

    So not only did Walters have to return all profits he made with interest and penalties, he also was invested heavy in what is known as sucker stocks to a select few. Below is a video of the interview he did with 60 minutes. Just jump to 12:12 where he talks about stocks and tries to play the victim. All those stocks he bought and complained about getting screwed on were a result of people in the know getting out of them while he was making multi-million-dollar purchases of the same stocks. He only got to watch his money burst into flames. Ironically he was fucking share holders in the ass with insider information Dean trades. Notice how he doesn’t mention the victims he fucked, but only complains of his losses when he got fucked by the big boys. Typical AP mentality.

    Did I mention not only after losing all his profits with interest, then getting his clock cleaned from the big boys, he also got sentenced to five years in jail.

    So Garnassy, before you try to make a phony point you should at least do some research before stepping out of your lane. This stuff is way over your disturbed hollow head.

    P.S. For the record if you come here not signed in your forced to see all posts including blocked ones. So Garnassy don't fire up your crack pipe.
    Last edited by blackhole; 01-12-2021 at 04:29 AM.

  6. #66
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    "Gay people" are irrelevant, just like they've always been. It's only the libtard media and the entertainment world who try to push that degenerate lifestyle choice down normal peoples' throats. Watch any new tv show or movie--its like they try to make us believe everywhere is like Provincetown. .
    What world do you live in that everyone is "pushing" gay lifestyle down your throat? What you see a gay character on TV or a gay person or couple on the street and you feel threatened? Are you THAT insecure?

    And I am sure it is not just gay. If you see a mixed race couple, say a black man with a white girl, I'll bet you nearly have a stroke.

    It is you and those like you that are the problem Singer. The U.S. is constantly changing. If you can't accept that, perhaps you should head back to Africa, where your "people" are from.
    Here's a task for the perpetually confused you: watch a 15-yr. old movie or TV show, then watch one from this recent messed-up era. Which is the better, more refreshing show? Obviously the older one. Why? Because shows used to represent our population the way it really is--not the way the activists and America-haters want it to be like. Everywhere is not as foreigner & minority & weirdo-infested as NYC or LA. Most of this country is normal.

    We socialize with several black couples here and in S.Dakota, and we have these discussions all the time and they agree. The entertainment industry wants people to falsely believe all white girls go for black guys, and all white guys can't live without black pussy. Check out most commercials. It's overkill at it's finest. Activists shoving their agendas in viewers faces. If they just stuck with representing the true breakdown of the population--where there's a very infrequent interracial couple and there's hardly any of the disgusting lithpy-voiced homos--we wouldn't be subjected to their distorted view of the world.

    You people will never accept that life used to be far better for everyone when minorities were occasionally heard complaining about this and that but to no great consequence. Now all this explosion of whining, nonsensical inclusion bs, defund the cops crap and equal rights for every sick weirdo they can think of. And if you don't comply they do everything they can to ruin your life. Not the best way to approach the problem.

    Get real kew. You've got a ton of hate for people like me who are older and smarter and far more experienced than yourself in virtually every aspect of life. Why else do you think you lie about me so much? But your life isn't going to ever get noticeably better with attitudes such as that. Have you projected exactly where it is that you're headed, with no life skills and no structural way forward other than being this story-concocting casino rat who lives a fantasy life on as many forums as you can find? You rail against people like blackhole, myself and others because we talk about the successes and ensuing retirement security of working normal, productive jobs, and if we criticize what you say you do you get all unnerved because you can't stand that we really understand how you're going nowhere.

    Please wise up.

  7. #67
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    "Gay people" are irrelevant, just like they've always been. It's only the libtard media and the entertainment world who try to push that degenerate lifestyle choice down normal peoples' throats. Watch any new tv show or movie--its like they try to make us believe everywhere is like Provincetown. .
    What world do you live in that everyone is "pushing" gay lifestyle down your throat? What you see a gay character on TV or a gay person or couple on the street and you feel threatened? Are you THAT insecure?

    And I am sure it is not just gay. If you see a mixed race couple, say a black man with a white girl, I'll bet you nearly have a stroke.

    It is you and those like you that are the problem Singer. The U.S. is constantly changing. If you can't accept that, perhaps you should head back to Africa, where your "people" are from.
    Here's a task for the perpetually confused you: watch a 15-yr. old movie or TV show, then watch one from this recent messed-up era. Which is the better, more refreshing show? Obviously the older one. Why? Because shows used to represent our population the way it really is--not the way the activists and America-haters want it to be like. Everywhere is not as foreigner & minority & weirdo-infested as NYC or LA. Most of this country is normal.

    We socialize with several black couples here and in S.Dakota, and we have these discussions all the time and they agree. The entertainment industry wants people to falsely believe all white girls go for black guys, and all white guys can't live without black pussy. Check out most commercials. It's overkill at it's finest. Activists shoving their agendas in viewers faces. If they just stuck with representing the true breakdown of the population--where there's a very infrequent interracial couple and there's hardly any of the disgusting lithpy-voiced homos--we wouldn't be subjected to their distorted view of the world.

    You people will never accept that life used to be far better for everyone when minorities were occasionally heard complaining about this and that but to no great consequence. Now all this explosion of whining, nonsensical inclusion bs, defund the cops crap and equal rights for every sick weirdo they can think of. And if you don't comply they do everything they can to ruin your life. Not the best way to approach the problem.

    Get real kew. You've got a ton of hate for people like me who are older and smarter and far more experienced than yourself in virtually every aspect of life. Why else do you think you lie about me so much? But your life isn't going to ever get noticeably better with attitudes such as that. Have you projected exactly where it is that you're headed, with no life skills and no structural way forward other than being this story-concocting casino rat who lives a fantasy life on as many forums as you can find? You rail against people like blackhole, myself and others because we talk about the successes and ensuing retirement security of working normal, productive jobs, and if we criticize what you say you do you get all unnerved because you can't stand that we really understand how you're going nowhere.

    Please wise up.
    Socialize with SEVERAL black couples do you? Completely believable. You definitely come across as a guy cultivating a diverse social circle. Can you get one of your black friends to pose in the Newell with you?

  8. #68
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    Yeah, even my favorite Neely 777 gets support from his followers. I formulated a few strategies from his short term ones. But my main reason for watching is I mentally place my strategy ($ amounts, progressions, etc) in place of his and get a free ride determining results. Usually he sticks to a rigid plan and whereas I would be happy with moderate wins, he sometimes continues trying to make the bigger hit. Sometimes he gets it, but he has the larger bankroll. AND, I like it because he shows the times he loses. But, I only watch because I get to see the new games and a free ride to exploring strategies without spending too much time at casinos.
    I thought you worshipped, the world famous Singer ARTT strategy
    Horseshoe has shut down the vp section. The only vp are the nickel machines with 1:1 for two pair on bonus poker and 3 regular machines at the front-end - they are usually full. I DO play my free play on the nickels artt style using jacks or better which usually gives me a good start on some of the penny slots without initially using my cash. Have no idea why they closed the machines and it's been that way for two months.
    Horseshoe BC is our home property. We were last there for the 5x tc multiplier on Thanksgiving. I did not notice anything different with vp then. I usually only play one of the 3 remaining triple play machines with halfway decent paytables left, on the wall as you enter on the 2nd level. Or I play the machines that have about 10-15 games on them such as deal draw, ult x, stp, 10 play and others, several 2nd floor, two on bottom floor. The only penny vp machines I can remember playing are the two 50 play and the two 100 play down the hallway on the bottom floor. What on earth did they do to the vp there?

  9. #69
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    "Gay people" are irrelevant, just like they've always been. It's only the libtard media and the entertainment world who try to push that degenerate lifestyle choice down normal peoples' throats. Watch any new tv show or movie--its like they try to make us believe everywhere is like Provincetown. .
    What world do you live in that everyone is "pushing" gay lifestyle down your throat? What you see a gay character on TV or a gay person or couple on the street and you feel threatened? Are you THAT insecure?

    And I am sure it is not just gay. If you see a mixed race couple, say a black man with a white girl, I'll bet you nearly have a stroke.

    It is you and those like you that are the problem Singer. The U.S. is constantly changing. If you can't accept that, perhaps you should head back to Africa, where your "people" are from.
    Here's a task for the perpetually confused you: watch a 15-yr. old movie or TV show, then watch one from this recent messed-up era. Which is the better, more refreshing show? Obviously the older one. Why? Because shows used to represent our population the way it really is--not the way the activists and America-haters want it to be like. Everywhere is not as foreigner & minority & weirdo-infested as NYC or LA. Most of this country is normal.

    We socialize with several black couples here and in S.Dakota, and we have these discussions all the time and they agree. The entertainment industry wants people to falsely believe all white girls go for black guys, and all white guys can't live without black pussy. Check out most commercials. It's overkill at it's finest. Activists shoving their agendas in viewers faces. If they just stuck with representing the true breakdown of the population--where there's a very infrequent interracial couple and there's hardly any of the disgusting lithpy-voiced homos--we wouldn't be subjected to their distorted view of the world.

    You people will never accept that life used to be far better for everyone when minorities were occasionally heard complaining about this and that but to no great consequence. Now all this explosion of whining, nonsensical inclusion bs, defund the cops crap and equal rights for every sick weirdo they can think of. And if you don't comply they do everything they can to ruin your life. Not the best way to approach the problem.

    Get real kew. You've got a ton of hate for people like me who are older and smarter and far more experienced than yourself in virtually every aspect of life. Why else do you think you lie about me so much? But your life isn't going to ever get noticeably better with attitudes such as that. Have you projected exactly where it is that you're headed, with no life skills and no structural way forward other than being this story-concocting casino rat who lives a fantasy life on as many forums as you can find? You rail against people like blackhole, myself and others because we talk about the successes and ensuing retirement security of working normal, productive jobs, and if we criticize what you say you do you get all unnerved because you can't stand that we really understand how you're going nowhere.

    Please wise up.
    The problem, and I think Rob would agree, is that many people believe what they prefer to believe in 2020, and then act on it, regardless of how fictional their beliefs may have become.

    To this end, I present somewhat dated statistics, which of course anyone can look up, that profile American marriages. For example:

    1) Roughly 15% of all U.S. marriages today are interracial.
    2) One in 10 people are married to someone of a different race.
    3) More than 10% of whites marry someone from a different race.
    4) Almost 30% of Asians marry outside their race. This is interesting, as U.S. Asians earn more than whites. So whites, in this case, are "marrying up" socioeconomically.
    5) More than 25% of Hispanics marry outside their race.
    6) Men in general marry outside their race more often than women. Almost 25% of men marry outside their race.

    The above stats are five to 10 years out of date and underestimates for 2020.

    The above were marriage stats. Since marriage is a serious, culturally-sanctioned endeavor and would encounter more pushback from conservative Americans than girlfriend/boyfriend situations, one can estimate that non-married couples would have a significantly higher percent of interracial couples than married couples.

    The primary reason for mixed race couples in commercials is simply appealing to a wider audience. A mixed race commercial says "this product or service is used by people like you" in a more broad way than a non-mixed race commercial. There's no down side to using mixed-race couples in commercials except alienating racists.

  10. #70
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    We socialize with several black couples here and in S.Dakota, and we have these discussions all the time and they agree.
    No surprise you would say this. The number one response when it is suggested that someone is a racist is "I have black friends".

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    You've got a ton of hate for people like me who are older and smarter and far more experienced than yourself in virtually every aspect of life.
    Really?!? I spent 15+ years of my adult life and married someone 22 years older than myself. So this statement yet again, proves what an idiot you are.

    Despite your African heritage, you have been afforded all the benefits and advantages of a white male, in a time when white males ruled America. Males are no longer the majority and whites also soon will no longer be the majority in this country. That is just the way it is. But older people like you, resistant to change, just can't accept that, so you will spend your final days, completely irrelevant, bitching and moaning about how things used to be in the good old days. Well, have at it old fool.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  11. #71
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    The problem, and I think Rob would agree, is that many people believe what they prefer to believe in 2020, and then act on it, regardless of how fictional their beliefs may have become.

    To this end, I present somewhat dated statistics, which of course anyone can look up, that profile American marriages. For example:

    1) Roughly 15% of all U.S. marriages today are interracial.
    2) One in 10 people are married to someone of a different race.
    3) More than 10% of whites marry someone from a different race.
    4) Almost 30% of Asians marry outside their race. This is interesting, as U.S. Asians earn more than whites. So whites, in this case, are "marrying up" socioeconomically.
    5) More than 25% of Hispanics marry outside their race.
    6) Men in general marry outside their race more often than women. Almost 25% of men marry outside their race.

    Redietz, these stats mean nothing to Rob, Because Singer doesn't live in the real world. He lives in some alternative reality, reminiscent of days long gone, where everyone he sees and deals with is white and privileged, just the same as he pretends to be (he is really African). Oh, he occasionally sees someone that doesn't look like him, or worship like him, or love a person that he dictates, but as he just stated he believes their place is to be silent and not make waves.

    Another thing about Rob's alternative world and reality is apparently math and science don't matter as evident by progressive winning betting systems. A place where a pull behind Winnebago magically becomes a million dollar Newell RV. Must be a nice little make believe place, full of fluffy bunnies and snowmen that come to life.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  12. #72
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    The problem, and I think Rob would agree, is that many people believe what they prefer to believe in 2020, and then act on it, regardless of how fictional their beliefs may have become.

    To this end, I present somewhat dated statistics, which of course anyone can look up, that profile American marriages. For example:

    1) Roughly 15% of all U.S. marriages today are interracial.
    2) One in 10 people are married to someone of a different race.
    3) More than 10% of whites marry someone from a different race.
    4) Almost 30% of Asians marry outside their race. This is interesting, as U.S. Asians earn more than whites. So whites, in this case, are "marrying up" socioeconomically.
    5) More than 25% of Hispanics marry outside their race.
    6) Men in general marry outside their race more often than women. Almost 25% of men marry outside their race.

    Redietz, these stats mean nothing to Rob, Because Singer doesn't live in the real world. He lives in some alternative reality, reminiscent of days long gone, where everyone he sees and deals with is white and privileged, just the same as he pretends to be (he is really African). Oh, he occasionally sees someone that doesn't look like him, or worship like him, or love a person that he dictates, but as he just stated he believes their place is to be silent and not make waves.

    Another thing about Rob's alternative world and reality is apparently math and science don't matter as evident by progressive winning betting systems. A place where a pull behind Winnebago magically becomes a million dollar Newell RV. Must be a nice little make believe place, full of fluffy bunnies and snowmen that come to life.
    Wrong. These stats mean nothing because Singer is too stupid to interpret them.

    Singer, please stop claiming you're white. I've had one of those genetic tests and I'm 100% northern European. You are clearly far from that so stop trying to jump on the success of white men. Seriously. Not a good look. Desperate.

  13. #73
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer
    Here's a task for the perpetually confused you: watch a 15-yr. old movie or TV show, then watch one from this recent messed-up era. Which is the better, more refreshing show? Obviously the older one. Why? Because shows used to represent our population the way it really is--not the way the activists and America-haters want it to be like. Everywhere is not as foreigner & minority & weirdo-infested as NYC or LA. Most of this country is normal.
    "The way it really is?"

    A lot of those actors were in fact gay, but due to social mores of the time they were reluctant to make that fact known, so they pretended they were straight, especially if the script called for it.

    That's why they call it "acting."

    There have always been homosexuals, just as there have always been left-handed individuals, and I can posit no good reason to condemn or shun them because of their homosexuality; really, WGAS?

    The old argument was "gays don't reproduce, so homsexuality is biologically a dead end;" now however it is common for gays to adopt and raise a family, so that dog won't hunt.

    The antediluvian intolerance which you espouse may be widespread, and it may be the underlying cause of Trumpism, but the youngsters of today do not accept it as a verity as do you.

    It's a new world: wake up and smell the K-Y Jelly.
    What, Me Worry?

  14. #74
    KewlJ wrote:

    Despite your African heritage, you have been afforded all the benefits and advantages of a white male, in a time when white males ruled America.

    Redietz, these stats mean nothing to Rob, Because Singer doesn't live in the real world. He lives in some alternative reality, reminiscent of days long gone, where everyone he sees and deals with is white and privileged, just the same as he pretends to be (he is really African).

    KewlJ, I resent your fucken implications that you have carried on for a long time now that all Italians come from African descent. My late wife's parents were born in Brescia Italy which is way up in the northern part of the country. You have previously complained about my getting on your case for being gay. Well, you are no better than anyone else. No wonder Tasha is the only member that will fully support you.

    Males are no longer the majority and whites also soon will no longer be the majority in this country. That is just the way it is. But older people like you, resistant to change, just can't accept that, so you will spend your final days, completely irrelevant, bitching and moaning about how things used to be in the good old days. Well, have at it old fool.

    KJ, sounds like you are the one resistant to change as it begs the question: What is wrong with someone who may have some Northern African blood in them? You think that you have more morals than Singer? Please!

  15. #75
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    KewlJ wrote:

    Despite your African heritage, you have been afforded all the benefits and advantages of a white male, in a time when white males ruled America.

    Redietz, these stats mean nothing to Rob, Because Singer doesn't live in the real world. He lives in some alternative reality, reminiscent of days long gone, where everyone he sees and deals with is white and privileged, just the same as he pretends to be (he is really African).

    KewlJ, I resent your fucken implications that you have carried on for a long time now that all Italians come from African descent. My late wife's parents were born in Brescia Italy which is way up in the northern part of the country. You have previously complained about my getting on your case for being gay. Well, you are no better than anyone else. No wonder Tasha is the only member that will fully support you.

    Males are no longer the majority and whites also soon will no longer be the majority in this country. That is just the way it is. But older people like you, resistant to change, just can't accept that, so you will spend your final days, completely irrelevant, bitching and moaning about how things used to be in the good old days. Well, have at it old fool.

    KJ, sounds like you are the one resistant to change as it begs the question: What is wrong with someone who may have some Northern African blood in them? You think that you have more morals than Singer? Please!
    waaah waaah waaaaaah.

    Snowflake - Around here we wouldn't make you ride in the back of the bus with your wife.

  16. #76
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    KewlJ wrote:

    Despite your African heritage, you have been afforded all the benefits and advantages of a white male, in a time when white males ruled America.

    Redietz, these stats mean nothing to Rob, Because Singer doesn't live in the real world. He lives in some alternative reality, reminiscent of days long gone, where everyone he sees and deals with is white and privileged, just the same as he pretends to be (he is really African).

    KewlJ, I resent your fucken implications that you have carried on for a long time now that all Italians come from African descent. My late wife's parents were born in Brescia Italy which is way up in the northern part of the country. You have previously complained about my getting on your case for being gay. Well, you are no better than anyone else. No wonder Tasha is the only member that will fully support you.

    Males are no longer the majority and whites also soon will no longer be the majority in this country. That is just the way it is. But older people like you, resistant to change, just can't accept that, so you will spend your final days, completely irrelevant, bitching and moaning about how things used to be in the good old days. Well, have at it old fool.

    KJ, sounds like you are the one resistant to change as it begs the question: What is wrong with someone who may have some Northern African blood in them? You think that you have more morals than Singer? Please!
    Who knew I may resemble that remark?

    Being one half Italian, my mom's people came from Calabria. The "toe of the boot" down south.

    Honestly though I could care less. I've never been insulted by any "slurs" against Italians such as wop or dago and I'd laugh my ass off if you called me an "African" -- or worse. LOL

    So, we've all heard, ad nauseum, the hyphenated "African-American", even from those who were born here and couldn't find Africa on a globe. But isn't it curious that immigrants from European countries don't typically hyphenate?

    I have no interest in taking a DNA ancestry test. It's safe to say I have more negro in me than Elizabeth Warren has Native American in her.

  17. #77
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    By Nicole Hong
    July 27, 2017 3:14 pm ET

    William “Billy” Walters, who rose from an impoverished childhood in Kentucky to become one of the most famous sports bettors in America, was sentenced Thursday to five years in prison for masterminding a long-running insider trading scheme.

    U.S. District Judge P. Kevin Castel handed down the punishment in a packed Manhattan courtroom, almost four months after a federal jury found Mr. Walters, 71 years old, guilty of trading on inside tips from the former chairman of Dean Foods Co.

    Prosecutors say the insider-trading scheme, which lasted for at least six years, benefited Mr. Walters by more than $43 million in trading profits and avoided losses.

    “When it comes to the stock market, Billy Walters is a cheater and a criminal and not a very clever one,” the judge said.
    This doesn't sound anything like what ole Hole went on about.
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Here is a perfect case of a member in this case Garnassy, who attempts to alter the facts to fit his well-known mental disorder narrative in an effort to try and make a member look foolish. No different than what the alleged AP’s do here altering posts to fit their own narrative when they start looking like fools.
    You altered my post, when you left out this bit.

    Famed Sports Gambler Billy Walters Sentenced to Five Years for Insider Trading

    And, then, you went on to try to add the same thing, yourself,

    Did I mention not only after losing all his profits with interest, then getting his clock cleaned from the big boys, he also got sentenced to five years in jail.
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Billy Walters made close to 40 million dollars on insider trading trades with tips from Dean Foods CEO over a four or five year period. He avoided any losses during that period until the SEC caught up with them. If anyone remembers it also was the same stock Phil Mickelson traded in with info from Walters and who also was disgorged (forced to return all profits) for almost two million dollars in profit he made. Both the CEO and Phil M. were in debt to Walters with gambling loses.

    The penalty was 10 million dollars alone. Not a could move after you throw in all the profits he made with interest.

    So not only did Walters have to return all profits he made with interest and penalties, he also was invested heavy in what is known as sucker stocks to a select few. All those stocks he bought and complained about getting screwed on were a result of people in the know getting out of them while he was making multi-million-dollar purchases of the same stocks. He only got to watch his money burst into flames. Ironically he was fucking share holders in the ass with insider information Dean trades. Notice how he doesn’t mention the victims he fucked, but only complains of his losses when he got fucked by the big boys. Typical AP mentality.
    Well, your initial post about this seemed, to me, to imply that the big boys on Wall Street led Walters to do what he did. Your above detailed take on things, I guess, what happened, seems more mundane.

    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    So Garnassy, before you try to make a phony point you should at least do some research before stepping out of your lane. This stuff is way over your disturbed hollow head.
    I don't recall, ever, having mentioned how much money, etc, I have, let alone that I won/lost copious amounts. I don't think that I'm here for the exactly same reason that you, and many of the others are. That seems important to you.

    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    P.S. For the record if you come here not signed in your forced to see all posts including blocked ones. So Garnassy don't fire up your crack pipe.
    My "crack pipe" is always fired-up around here. Not playing peek-a-boo with anyone.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  18. #78
    Originally Posted by seemoreroyals View Post
    Originally Posted by slingshot View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post

    I thought you worshipped, the world famous Singer ARTT strategy
    Horseshoe has shut down the vp section. The only vp are the nickel machines with 1:1 for two pair on bonus poker and 3 regular machines at the front-end - they are usually full. I DO play my free play on the nickels artt style using jacks or better which usually gives me a good start on some of the penny slots without initially using my cash. Have no idea why they closed the machines and it's been that way for two months.
    Horseshoe BC is our home property. We were last there for the 5x tc multiplier on Thanksgiving. I did not notice anything different with vp then. I usually only play one of the 3 remaining triple play machines with halfway decent paytables left, on the wall as you enter on the 2nd level. Or I play the machines that have about 10-15 games on them such as deal draw, ult x, stp, 10 play and others, several 2nd floor, two on bottom floor. The only penny vp machines I can remember playing are the two 50 play and the two 100 play down the hallway on the bottom floor. What on earth did they do to the vp there?
    I just play the 1st (bottom) floor. As you enter from the escalator, only 3 front vp machines are open. The WHOLE back wall section is CLOSED. As you turn left from the escalators, only 3 nickel machines are open on the right. The multiplayer machines on the left are separated by 2 machines. The back wall was my favorite area.

  19. #79
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    KewlJ wrote:

    Despite your African heritage, you have been afforded all the benefits and advantages of a white male, in a time when white males ruled America.

    Redietz, these stats mean nothing to Rob, Because Singer doesn't live in the real world. He lives in some alternative reality, reminiscent of days long gone, where everyone he sees and deals with is white and privileged, just the same as he pretends to be (he is really African).

    KewlJ, I resent your fucken implications that you have carried on for a long time now that all Italians come from African descent. My late wife's parents were born in Brescia Italy which is way up in the northern part of the country. You have previously complained about my getting on your case for being gay. Well, you are no better than anyone else. No wonder Tasha is the only member that will fully support you.

    Males are no longer the majority and whites also soon will no longer be the majority in this country. That is just the way it is. But older people like you, resistant to change, just can't accept that, so you will spend your final days, completely irrelevant, bitching and moaning about how things used to be in the good old days. Well, have at it old fool.

    KJ, sounds like you are the one resistant to change as it begs the question: What is wrong with someone who may have some Northern African blood in them? You think that you have more morals than Singer? Please!
    Who knew I may resemble that remark?

    Being one half Italian, my mom's people came from Calabria. The "toe of the boot" down south.

    Honestly though I could care less. I've never been insulted by any "slurs" against Italians such as wop or dago and I'd laugh my ass off if you called me an "African" -- or worse. LOL

    So, we've all heard, ad nauseum, the hyphenated "African-American", even from those who were born here and couldn't find Africa on a globe. But isn't it curious that immigrants from European countries don't typically hyphenate?

    I have no interest in taking a DNA ancestry test. It's safe to say I have more negro in me than Elizabeth Warren has Native American in her.
    dannyJ, of course, you are correct, "you are just smarter than I am" and you also have the right kind of attitude for being a member on a real open free forum. My post was just a misunderstanding and would have been deleted if I had enough time. Maybe I should post less and keep myself out of trouble. I like your Elizabeth Warren joke.

  20. #80
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    KewlJ wrote:

    Despite your African heritage, you have been afforded all the benefits and advantages of a white male, in a time when white males ruled America.

    Redietz, these stats mean nothing to Rob, Because Singer doesn't live in the real world. He lives in some alternative reality, reminiscent of days long gone, where everyone he sees and deals with is white and privileged, just the same as he pretends to be (he is really African).

    KewlJ, I resent your fucken implications that you have carried on for a long time now that all Italians come from African descent. My late wife's parents were born in Brescia Italy which is way up in the northern part of the country. You have previously complained about my getting on your case for being gay. Well, you are no better than anyone else. No wonder Tasha is the only member that will fully support you.

    Males are no longer the majority and whites also soon will no longer be the majority in this country. That is just the way it is. But older people like you, resistant to change, just can't accept that, so you will spend your final days, completely irrelevant, bitching and moaning about how things used to be in the good old days. Well, have at it old fool.

    KJ, sounds like you are the one resistant to change as it begs the question: What is wrong with someone who may have some Northern African blood in them? You think that you have more morals than Singer? Please!
    Who knew I may resemble that remark?

    Being one half Italian, my mom's people came from Calabria. The "toe of the boot" down south.

    Honestly though I could care less. I've never been insulted by any "slurs" against Italians such as wop or dago and I'd laugh my ass off if you called me an "African" -- or worse. LOL

    So, we've all heard, ad nauseum, the hyphenated "African-American", even from those who were born here and couldn't find Africa on a globe. But isn't it curious that immigrants from European countries don't typically hyphenate?

    I have no interest in taking a DNA ancestry test. It's safe to say I have more negro in me than Elizabeth Warren has Native American in her.
    dannyJ, of course, you are correct, "you are just smarter than I am" and you also have the right kind of attitude for being a member on a real open free forum. My post was just a misunderstanding and would have been deleted if I had enough time. Maybe I should post less and keep myself out of trouble. I like your Elizabeth Warren joke.
    Bosox, I didn't have a problem with your post at all. No problem, no trouble.

    I just piggybacked on it because KJ got me thinking about the African influence on southern Italy. And none of my seven uncles ever referred to themselves as Italian-Americans.

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