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Thread: Singer the ventriloquist

  1. #1
    I have called this thread: Singer the ventriloquist. There's a very interesting pattern in Rob's contribution to this forum. He is the number 3 poster on this forum so you would think retirement has given him more than enough time to contribute to this forum. Looking at his 1800+ posts you would expect a large portion of these posts would contain detailed explanation about his system.

    About a week ago he has posted a number of down right crazy comments about luck vs skill in VP and suddenly became very busy with all kinds of retirement stuff (I think he was washing his RV with a tooth brush ). He went silent and here's where Singer's ventriloquism comes into play. All of a sudden, Alan has to do all his talking for him, acting like Singer's puppet and main character in the Singer ventriloquism show. Alan receives the punches (and is frustrated with no more than 6 close minded folks constantly insulting him and his intelligence) while Singer probably checks this forum 10 times a day and has a big laugh because he's got his arm so far up a big shot reporter's ***.

    After about 3 or 4 days Singer returns to post a single comment about how he doesn't have the time (retirement is a commitment you know) to respond to all of this and how he's been making up (uh I mean guessing) numbers for years. Than he returns to silence and the second act of his ventriloquism show starts with Alan being the puppet again. During one of the following days Alan makes a remark about 6 posters here, calling them close minded people giving Singer no chance to really explain his strategy. Shame on us!

    Than after another couple of days Singer returns with his latest, insightful, intelligent and detailed explanation of parts of his strategy (you know, the parts we have been discussing for the last week). Here it is:

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I understand why Vic says he's "offended" when he and everyone well knows using the word "rape" outside the nasty "box" is and has been accepted for an eternity. When people with limited vision try to come to grips with what I've accomplished in vp, frustration abounds. This is part of Vic's reaction. Eddie tosses in comments from all over the map, as he tries SO hard to dance with the devil. there's a closet masochist. And arci? Where else could one possibly get to experience end-of-life hopelessness along with such alluring neurosis in the same wonderful package?

    But it all ends at the same dead end for the lot. They are all extremely jealous of my unorthodox video poker success, with the added bonus of course, of arci being hurt by my personal life's enjoyment while he is left like a bruised apple at the end of another long & cruel season. The lies, more lies about his lies, the constant insults to the host--it all spells one thing: aggrevation with someone else's accomplishments. And what better venue to live out that aggrevation than in the virtual reality in the declining years of a punished life.
    There's great similarity between Singer's last contribution and his previous 1800+ contributions. As you can see, all spot on reactions to the questions which have been asked about his strategy.

    Funny how retirement is such a busy time when Singer doesn't feel like answering all these pesky questions about his strategy. Even more funny how Alan has to invest a lot of his time to do his talking for him at those moments. Hilarious how Singer has all the time of the world during the rest of the year, contributing 1800+ posts to this forum giving no real explanation about his system.

    Yes Alan, you are right. We're all very close minded and have given Singer no chance to explain anything.

    Enjoy the show people
    Last edited by Vegas_lover; 04-03-2013 at 01:14 AM.

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