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Thread: Finding Grandpa's Newell

  1. #141
    Max offered: "I would provide my Drivers License for a pic that could be posted here if I showed up in Gilbert and Rob had that Newell he posed in."

    Singer responded: "So now, since you offered to provide a pic of your DL, that's what you're gonna do. I agree--its only fair that we BOTH know the true identity etc. of the other person. Since you for some reason refuse to follow instructions, send it to my email at How hard is that, right? I'm not going down there for any more pictures. I expect your DL asap and then we meet at 10am Thursday at Denny's, 3971 S. Gilbert Rd. in Gilbert."

    Sorry Rob, it is clear: you see the license only AFTER he sees the much-rumored RV.

    I haven't seen this much tap dancing since Gene Kelly made movies.
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #142
    I hope Dan Druff visits the forum today and weighs in because it was him that requested/demanded proof of Rob's claim that lead us here.

    Unable to provide documents, Rob tied his claims to ownership of a phantom RV, of which he has yet again been exposed.

    What are your thoughts Dan Druff?
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  3. #143
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Singer responded: "So now, since you offered to provide a pic of your DL, that's what you're gonna do. I agree--its only fair that we BOTH know the true identity etc. of the other person.
    Since Max introduced his DL into the conversation, this is a reasonable request on Singer's part.

    Max paid for a background check on Singer, Singer has no information on MaxPen.

  4. #144
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    From what I see here Rob, your trying to do EVERYTHING in your power, to prevent Max from showing up.
    From what I see, Max is chickening out.

    All he needed to do was to follow Singer's clear and simple contact instructions, but he wouldn't cooperate.

    He still hasn't explained why.
    Because this site works fine like it always has. Right now Rob posted a time and location at the Denny's. All he has to do is give his word that he will be there and I will be there. I sent him a PM request to settle this once and for all. I have no problems with that time or place. Provided there is a response by at least 10 pm today. When I get there his nephew or whatever will see my car and he can do all the inspecting he wants on my plates. After Rob confirms the appointment I will PM him and let him know what I will be driving and describe myself so he can recognize me when I get there. Then Rob can take me to view the Newell. Then they can take a pic of my ID and Rob can even post it here if he wishes to do so. This is real simple.
    Last edited by MaxPen; 01-20-2021 at 11:16 AM.

  5. #145
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    This is real simple.
    It was simple until you mucked it all up.

    Did you contact him according to his original instructions yet?

    The instructions that you now insist on deviating from?

  6. #146
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Singer responded: "So now, since you offered to provide a pic of your DL, that's what you're gonna do. I agree--its only fair that we BOTH know the true identity etc. of the other person.
    Since Max introduced his DL into the conversation, this is a reasonable request on Singer's part.

    Max paid for a background check on Singer, Singer has no information on MaxPen.
    It is Rob who made himself a public figure. I am a very private person. I am willing to fully expose myself if Rob has the Newell. Not an imaginary Newell. People meet people all the time they don't have any info on in public places. I am willing to go to the Denny's. The nephew cop or whatever can run my plates when I get there. I will produce DL after viewing the Newell as initially proposed. Then Rob can do whatever he wishes to with that info. Even make it public here.
    I didn't pay for a background check on Singer. I used a subscription service I have access to. I do not pay for the subscription.

  7. #147
    The condition Rob laid out:

    "Contact me thru the link on RV Trader for details and be prepared to eat your feckless, cowardly words--or likely, more. And be filmed in the process.

    There'll be no discussion here by me; it will all be done via RV Trader."

    Max: settle this now and do what he says: confirm it via phone call, not email.

    Your failure to call him to confirm seems inexplicable; I mean, where is the downside?

    I suppose if privacy is your concern you could call him from a phone booth ... they still have those in Las Vegas I presume.
    What, Me Worry?

  8. #148
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    This is real simple.
    It was simple until you mucked it all up.

    Did you contact him according to his original instructions yet?

    The instructions that you now insist on deviating from?
    The RV Trader proposal by him was just another poorly thought out shuck and jive. One of many including pics inside a Newell for sale at a dealer 7 miles from his daughter's house, phony paperwork regarding ownership, and now 2 exterior pics of a Newell that was in a campground that Rob stayed at in his camper van.
    This site has always been the communication channel. It works as good as it always has. Rob has even got a location and time in mind. He just hasn't confirmed that he will actually be there.

  9. #149
    Max, just pick up the phone and fucking call him.

    His proposal was reasonable, and your refusal to call him, and your insisting that confirmation via this forum is sufficient is, quite frankly, bone-headedly stupid.

    Sounds like you're guilty of what you accuse him of: twisting terms due to fear.
    What, Me Worry?

  10. #150
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    The condition Rob laid out:

    "Contact me thru the link on RV Trader for details and be prepared to eat your feckless, cowardly words--or likely, more. And be filmed in the process.

    There'll be no discussion here by me; it will all be done via RV Trader."

    Max: settle this now and do what he says: confirm it via phone call, not email.

    Your failure to call him to confirm seems inexplicable; I mean, where is the downside?

    I suppose if privacy is your concern you could call him from a phone booth ... they still have those in Las Vegas I presume.
    I am pretty sure I will get no answer. But I will try calling this afternoon the number in the ad. If he doesn't respond back on this site I will also send an email tonight. Not sure what the benefit is of that futile exercise is, but whatever.

  11. #151
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    The RV Trader proposal by him was just another poorly thought out shuck and jive. One of many including pics inside a Newell for sale at a dealer 7 miles from his daughter's house, phony paperwork regarding ownership, and now 2 exterior pics of a Newell that was in a campground that Rob stayed at in his camper van.
    This site has always been the communication channel. It works as good as it always has. Rob has even got a location and time in mind. He just hasn't confirmed that he will actually be there.
    This is nothing but a song and dance.

    Listen to Mister V...easy peasy.

  12. #152
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    But I will try calling this afternoon the number in the ad. If he doesn't respond back on this site I will also send an email tonight. Not sure what the benefit is of that futile exercise is, but whatever.
    This is more song and dance work.

    You have time to immediately answer multiple posts here, but you need to wait hours before calling or emailing?

    I call bullshit.

    You should have followed his instructions from the start...why not do it right now?

  13. #153
    Nothing but ducking from max, who's LOADED with any and every excuse in order not to have to face me. Now it's getting like kew--rehashing old lies enuf times and you'll eventually begin to believe yourself.

    Imagine that--a 71 yr. old man facing down what's probably a middle-aged anonymous coward, only this time you tried to bully the wrong guy. I understand kew being too scared to do what he said. With that sickness in his head, one could almost guarantee a solid yellow streak infecting the rest of him.

    Max, last call. You have until 3pm my time (2pm yours) to forward your DL. My nephew needs to know by then so he can arrange his field schedule tomorrow. After that and if my email remains empty, you fools can continue making up your own desperate scenarios and I'll be gone. But that's what you've wanted all along, isn't it.....

    After reading mickey's post, I agree. These fools have their entire emotional life invested in everything about me, when at the same time since I'm the only one of them with a REAL life, it irks them no end that I can instantly and happily move on.

    Tough love.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 01-20-2021 at 11:56 AM.

  14. #154
    Max, KJ, redietz, their all chickenshit. They want to bitch me out too. I don't give a fuck one way or the other whether Rob owns a Newell. I could care less. But you can bet the farm that Max, KJ and redietz give a fuck. They have so much mentally invested in Rob being a fraud they can't let it go. All three of them are OBSESSED with it. They are chickenshitting out because they just don't want to take the chance that Rob just might own a Newell. Their whole world will fall apart if that is true. KJ will probably commit suicide over it.

    Neither KJ nor redietz would make peace with Rob when they had the CHANCE. It's because they are LOWLIFE BAGS OF SHIT INCAPABLE OF ANY KIND OF MAGNANIMITY. THEY ARE NOTHING BUT FUCKING TROLLS INCAPABLE OF GIVING IT UP.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  15. #155
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Max offered: "I would provide my Drivers License for a pic that could be posted here if I showed up in Gilbert and Rob had that Newell he posed in."

    Singer responded: "So now, since you offered to provide a pic of your DL, that's what you're gonna do. I agree--its only fair that we BOTH know the true identity etc. of the other person. Since you for some reason refuse to follow instructions, send it to my email at How hard is that, right? I'm not going down there for any more pictures. I expect your DL asap and then we meet at 10am Thursday at Denny's, 3971 S. Gilbert Rd. in Gilbert."

    Sorry Rob, it is clear: you see the license only AFTER he sees the much-rumored RV.

    I haven't seen this much tap dancing since Gene Kelly made movies.
    Yes, Max is quite the tap dancer.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  16. #156
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    But I will try calling this afternoon the number in the ad. If he doesn't respond back on this site I will also send an email tonight. Not sure what the benefit is of that futile exercise is, but whatever.
    This is more song and dance work.

    You have time to immediately answer multiple posts here, but you need to wait hours before calling or emailing?

    I call bullshit.

    You should have followed his instructions from the start...why not do it right now?
    I have waited months you can wait a few hours. I am getting ready to hit the road. I will be unavailable for awhile. Also remember that Rob stated the RV could be viewed between. The 19th of Jan and 3rd if Feb so plan on that. His words not me making them up. I can be at Dennys tomorrow if he confirms that he will be there though.

  17. #157
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Nothing but ducking from max, who's LOADED with any and every excuse in order not to have to face me. Now it's getting like kew--rehashing old lies enuf times and you'll eventually begin to believe yourself.

    Imagine that--a 71 yr. old man facing down what's probably a middle-aged anonymous coward, only this time you tried to bully the wrong guy. I understand kew being too scared to do what he said. With that sickness in his head, one could almost guarantee a solid yellow streak infecting the rest of him.

    Max, last call. You have until 3pm my time (2pm yours) to forward your DL. My nephew needs to know by then so he can arrange his field schedule tomorrow. After that and if my email remains empty, you fools can continue making up your own desperate scenarios and I'll be gone. But that's what you've wanted all along, isn't it.....
    This is my last post for a bit. Have to catch a flight. You are not getting the DL in advance. Never was proposed or part of any discussion. Later when I arrive home I will respond to the ad on RV trader thru email and will call the number too.

  18. #158
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    I forgot to include redietz in the dope fiend category with max and KJ where it comes to Rob. These guys just can't wait to get their Singer fix. Rob has their cages rattled bigtime. Its funny as shit. All three need to go to the mental hospital. MDawg is getting pretty close to that category too.
    Crimm, you are a liar and are proving yourself to be a huge hypocrite.

    You spend a decade calling out Singer's bullshit. AND RIGHTFULLY SO, because it was ALL bullshit. Unfortunately with this troll Singer that means he will respond with personal attacks, because that is all he has. So he attacked you, your education and your drinking mercifully. I guess tired of the humiliation, you threw in with him when offered and became his side kick. His chief enabler, which he always needs. And now you are part of this Singer troll. Shame on you mickey Crimm.

    Something for you to consider. Only in your eyes did Singer get the best of you for a decade. He bested you as a troll and that is all. The big humiliation you have chosen to do to yourself by being the Singer side kick. The new "Alan and coach belly". A Singer troll enabler.
    LOLOLOLOL!!!!! KJocchio, you are triggered bigtime today. Making all kinds of fake shit up. Rob hasn't trolled me anything like you have. You are the king of the lowlife shit-trolls on VCT. You are incapable of making any kind of peace with anyone. You faked peace with Shack then you stabbed him right in the back. That's because you are a BACKSTABBING BITCH!!!

    Your mental fits are really getting out of hand. Sad. Very Sad. You've gotten way worse since your blackjack career ended. Hey, Walmart is hiring greeters. You could probably fake it like you are a nice guy for awhile there. Give it a shot.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  19. #159
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I have waited months you can wait a few hours. I am getting ready to hit the road. I will be unavailable for awhile. Also remember that Rob stated the RV could be viewed between. The 19th of Jan and 3rd if Feb so plan on that. His words not me making them up. I can be at Dennys tomorrow if he confirms that he will be there though. had time to post here, but couldn't call or email Singer?

    Whatever, everybody is waiting on you.

    But as it stands now, if Singer doesn't know your identity, then you are disqualified.

    You should have just followed his contact instructions from the start.

  20. #160
    Stfu coach belly. This doesn't involve you and you don't get to set the rules or make demands.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

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