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Thread: Tipping in Las Vegas casinos

  1. #21
    I tip cocktail waitress $1 per drink because I requested the service.

    If a bar machine spits out a voucher saying the casino owes me a drink. I do not tip for that drink as the establishment told me that I am owed it.

    I tip $5 for for a single server delivered meal. Whether that meal costs $5 or $50.

    I tip $10 per person in a multi server environment. I don't care how much the meal costs.

    I only tip on machine pays if I feel I am getting something out of it. Used to do $20 but I was scorned too many times. I am now scorned but save the $20.

    I tip for things like haircuts with my regular barber 100%, furniture movers, things where people are really doing something for me some would say excessively.

  2. #22
    Very generous of you.

    Perhaps you should change your handle to "MaxTip?"
    What, Me Worry?

  3. #23
    I do not know just how many times I have left a blackjack table after a good session only to hear as I am getting out of my chair and turning around in the harshest voice possible:

    Thank you very much sir

    All of this is just part of the experience that should be enjoyed.

  4. #24
    Ask the dealer "For what?"

    That puts him/her on the spot; if they say "for nothing" that's abusing a player and grounds for termination.
    What, Me Worry?

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Ask the dealer "For what?"

    That puts him/her on the spot; if they say "for nothing" that's abusing a player and grounds for termination.
    I better wait for MDawg or coach belly to confirm what you said is true.

  6. #26
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Ask the dealer "For what?"

    That puts him/her on the spot; if they say "for nothing" that's abusing a player and grounds for termination.
    I better wait for MDawg or coach belly to confirm what you said is true.
    It's not true, it doesn't put them on the spot.

    The dealer is being polite, thanking you for your patronage.

    I'm sure they'll answer your jerky "what for" question to that effect,
    if you're too dumb to understand why they thanked you in the first place.

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Ask the dealer "For what?"

    That puts him/her on the spot; if they say "for nothing" that's abusing a player and grounds for termination.
    I better wait for MDawg or coach belly to confirm what you said is true.
    It's not true, it doesn't put them on the spot.

    The dealer is being polite, thanking you for your patronage.

    I'm sure they'll answer your jerky "what for" question to that effect,
    if you're too dumb to understand why they thanked you in the first place.
    No, MisterV was correct. I just knew that you would chime in after I baited you.

  8. #28
    I don't play craps, but it seems to me, it has sort of a team feel to it. A group of people are all rooting for the same things and the shooter plays a big part in that. I wouldn't tip the shooter, but I can see where others might.

    Now in blackjack all the players ARE NOT a team, although some players will try to tell you differently. You know some players try to tell you that what the guy at 3rd base does effects everybody.

    So there have been occasions when I am at 3rd base and some bigger bettor asks me how I am going to play one of the hands like 16 vs 10 or 12 vs 2 or 3, which are basically 50-50 hands. (basic strategy says hit but you should stand both stand in positive counts). If the higher betting player doesn't like my answer, I will offer to sell him my hand for 150% of my wager. As a card counter there is no time, except after receiving a first card ace (before second card is dealt) that I am playing to a 50% advantage, so I am happy to make that transaction on almost any other hand.

    Even better, I have had people just pay me my original bet to play my hand their way. This is usually at my lower end bets, $25 or $50, they pay me whatever I bet AND I keep my hand. That one is a free roll. Can't beat that!

    These kind of transactions are getting into scavenger plays though and generally, I don't like scavenger plays ( I know some AP's do), as I feel they draw attention, which I try to avoid.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  9. #29
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post

    I better wait for MDawg or coach belly to confirm what you said is true.
    It's not true, it doesn't put them on the spot.

    The dealer is being polite, thanking you for your patronage.

    I'm sure they'll answer your jerky "what for" question to that effect,
    if you're too dumb to understand why they thanked you in the first place.
    No, MisterV was correct. I just knew that you would chime in after I baited you.
    Mister V is mentally ill.

    But now you don't have to wait,
    there's no good reason to bait or harass the employees for being polite.

    At your age, you should know better.

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post

    Do you toke when you play craps Mr Andrew ? What's your stance on tipping etiquette ?
    I tip on hand pays. I follow Mr Kewlj... $20 on $2000, $40 on $4000, but it's been a long time since I tipped as I usually play 25-cent VP and a royal is $1,000 with no hand pay. At table games I make occasional $1 bets for the dealers. Being a $10 player I'm sure they dont expect me to tip much.

    Back to my first comment. I watched a guy buyin for $100,000 and he colored up $138,000 after a $10 player had a ten minute roll. I think the high roller could have thrown the shooter a hundred bucks.
    This angers me that you think the guy should tip the shooter. What happens when "he loses" the guy 50k?
    It angers you? Really? It angers you when some guy comes to a craps table with $60 and at the end of his roll he wins maybe $40 but the whale at the table makes ten or twenty thousand? That angers you that it would be a nice gesture to give the shooter a Benjamin?

    Sorry you're angry...

    And if the whale loses $50,000 he must have made a couple of huge bets. I dont think you even play craps Mr Axelwolf. If you did you would understand that to lose $50k you'd have to have $50k on the table for a single roll. That's not likely given betting limits for a table that would allow a $10 passline bettor.

  11. #31
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post

    It's not true, it doesn't put them on the spot.

    The dealer is being polite, thanking you for your patronage.

    I'm sure they'll answer your jerky "what for" question to that effect,
    if you're too dumb to understand why they thanked you in the first place.
    No, MisterV was correct. I just knew that you would chime in after I baited you.
    Mister V is mentally ill.

    But now you don't have to wait,
    there's no good reason to bait or harass the employees for being polite.

    At your age, you should know better.
    Sometimes dealers will show their anger by being rude while I am still playing and I have a surprise for them when I do leave I refuse to color up. Then they do lose control and some pit guy will explain they need the chips and I say I am sorry but no your employee was being extremely rude during my play.
    Last edited by BoSox; 01-28-2021 at 07:36 PM.

  12. #32
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Sometimes dealers will show their anger by being rude while I am still playing
    You obviously have self-esteem issues. Lack of self-confidence, lack of love, low success story,
    no real talent, nothing special, nothing genuinely interesting in your personality.

    You’re likely going through hardships and you can’t see yourself as a victim.

    You see no other options than convincing yourself that you’re awful and vile,
    and that you deserve to be treated badly.

    That's why you're imagining that the dealers are angry or rude,
    and then feel the need to apologize the dealer's supervisor for your behavior.

    Get over yourself, you're running out of time.

  13. #33
    Coach, you are very opinionated about people and you don't know shit, about them.

  14. #34
    The guy is a disputatious troll, nothing more.

    Just be glad you're not a member of his family: hello, hell on earth ...

    But he's ultimately a lightweight in the game of internet forum wars.
    What, Me Worry?

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Coach, you are very opinionated about people and you don't know shit, about them.
    Lots of that going on around here.

    But nobody was bothering you in the MDawg wars before you interjected,
    and I wasn't part of this thread until you brought my name up.

    You baited careful what you wish for.

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    he's ultimately a lightweight in the game of internet forum wars.
    No weight classes
    No judges
    No time limits or rounds
    No more homos.

  17. #37
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post

    I tip on hand pays. I follow Mr Kewlj... $20 on $2000, $40 on $4000, but it's been a long time since I tipped as I usually play 25-cent VP and a royal is $1,000 with no hand pay. At table games I make occasional $1 bets for the dealers. Being a $10 player I'm sure they dont expect me to tip much.

    Back to my first comment. I watched a guy buyin for $100,000 and he colored up $138,000 after a $10 player had a ten minute roll. I think the high roller could have thrown the shooter a hundred bucks.
    This angers me that you think the guy should tip the shooter. What happens when "he loses" the guy 50k?
    It angers you? Really? It angers you when some guy comes to a craps table with $60 and at the end of his roll he wins maybe $40 but the whale at the table makes ten or twenty thousand? That angers you that it would be a nice gesture to give the shooter a Benjamin?

    Sorry you're angry...

    And if the whale loses $50,000 he must have made a couple of huge bets. I dont think you even play craps Mr Axelwolf. If you did you would understand that to lose $50k you'd have to have $50k on the table for a single roll. That's not likely given betting limits for a table that would allow a $10 passline bettor.
    It angers me that you think, hope, expect, wish for(or whatever you want to call it) that they should tip the shooter if they win. You have no clue how many times the shooters rolls lost him money in the past or how much. One roll or 1000 rolls, it doesn't matter. Think about it, its basically the low rollers expecting charity from the high rollers. Even if most people tipped the roller a percentage of what they win the high roller would always be tipping out much more that he ever receives at certain places.

    I have played some craps in the past and I will play if theres something juicy. I have been a side railer watching friends play. I don't know why that even matters, it could be any game. Lets say you are playing blackjack with some guy who always hits when he should stand or stands when he should hit and because of that you make a bunch of money. Should you also tip him?

    If some guy comes and rubs your machine or talks to you and as a result you pause and the very next hand you hit a RF, should you also tip him? If not for him, you probably would not have hit that RF.

    What if you are playing bubble craps and win a bunch of money off that shooters roll, should you walk over and hand that person money?

    Just because a human is starting the RNG prosses by using his hand that doesn't mean they should get tipped. They did nothing tip worthy.

  18. #38
    Before TITO the video poker pro's standard tip for a 1K royal was $10 and $20 on a 4K royal.

    The Las Vegas culinary workers union once published a stat that 20% of hotel guests leave a tip.

    Tipping was always controversial in poker tournaments. When they first started the players agreed those that cashed would tip the dealers. Some people overtipped, some people undertipped, some people didn't tip at all. So they started holding 3% of the prize pool at the WSOP for dealers and floor personnel. Even then dealers still pumped winners to tip.

    One story I heard years ago was some california card club payed Johnny Moss to come and play at their card room. They held a big tournament named after him, The Johnny Moss Open. Johnny Moss won the tournament....and stiffed the dealers.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  19. #39
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf
    I have played some craps in the past and I will play if theres something juicy.
    *lifts head off table, opens eyes*

    Axel, you've got my undivided attention: what to you would be a "juicy" craps situation that would induce you to play?
    What, Me Worry?

  20. #40
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf
    I have played some craps in the past and I will play if theres something juicy.
    *lifts head off table, opens eyes*

    Axel, you've got my undivided attention: what to you would be a "juicy" craps situation that would induce you to play?
    How about a 100% rebate on losses? Or 20%?

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