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Thread: movie reco

  1. #241

  2. #242
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Al's influence was quite pervasive, here is a pinball machine backglass reflecting such:

  3. #243
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Al's influence was quite pervasive, here is a pinball machine backglass reflecting such:
    No matter what anyone thinks about Al Jolson they can't deny a few facts.
    - He brought Jazz Music to the mainstream and made it acceptable.
    - Supposedly, he fought constantly for minorities and their rights.
    - Over 20,000 people showed up to his funeral, Bob Hope paid tribute over short-wave radio.

    He died while playing cards, probably poker lol.
    Even on Deaths Door he played it up Big.
    He was quoted as saying: "Oh... oh, I'm going."
    What a Ham!

  4. #244
    I mentioned the movie Thief (1981) so watch it and watch it again and again.
    I uploaded this scene because nobody else has it but I find it funny.
    You got an 8 year old Black, Chink Kid... we'll take him.
    It's a crummy upload from my phone.

  5. #245
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I mentioned the movie Thief (1981) so watch it and watch it again and again.
    I uploaded this scene because nobody else has it but I find it funny.
    You got an 8 year old Black, Chink Kid... we'll take him.
    It's a crummy upload from my phone.

    Tuesday and Axel were great in this clip. Long gone are the days, that you would here this kind of talk in any movie.

  6. #246
    Thief was a great movie. I lucked out - there wasn't anything PG or G playing at (roughly) the same time so my mom allowed me to see with her even though it was rated R.

  7. #247
    Originally Posted by monet;120490
    The Ninth Configuration[/B] (1980)
    A former marine arrives at a mental asylum housed in a remote castle to run it.
    There he attempts to rehabilitate the patients by letting them act out their craziest fantasies and desires.
    Hi Monet, I have completed my viewing of the Ninth Configuration. My favorite scene was the bar scene (revenge is sweet). I noticed cult actor Richard Lynch played the biker of the same first name. The leader of the gang (Stanley) was played by Steve Sandor according to IMDB, and I didn't realize he was the legendary Darkwolf in the animated movie Fire and Ice which I saw and really enjoyed when it came out in 1983. Of course neither of these guys is still alive since this movie you recommended was made in 1980. All these movies we watch from the 70's and 80's (and before) are just reminders of how short life is. The sergeant who protested wearing the Nazi uniform was terrific and I mistakenly thought he was a patient during the opening minutes of the film (obviously the artifact of keeping the audience guessing who is a patient and who isn't and who is in commend and who isn't was well done and probably helped this film achieve its cult status).

  8. #248
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Hi Monet, I have completed my viewing of the Ninth Configuration. My favorite scene was the bar scene (revenge is sweet). I noticed cult actor Richard Lynch played the biker of the same first name. The leader of the gang (Stanley) was played by Steve Sandor according to IMDB, and I didn't realize he was the legendary Darkwolf in the animated movie Fire and Ice which I saw and really enjoyed when it came out in 1983. Of course neither of these guys is still alive since this movie you recommended was made in 1980. All these movies we watch from the 70's and 80's (and before) are just reminders of how short life is. The sergeant who protested wearing the Nazi uniform was terrific and I mistakenly thought he was a patient during the opening minutes of the film (obviously the artifact of keeping the audience guessing who is a patient and who isn't and who is in commend and who isn't was well done and probably helped this film achieve its cult status).
    Thanks for your breakdown.
    It deals with a very serious topic that I often ponder on.
    Many people ask why God allows all the Evil in the world to exist and continue?
    Killer Kane offers the rebuttal that makes the most sense.
    God has a plan and the end result or finished product can only be achieved the way it is playing out.
    I'm guessing every other possibility can not get to the optimal end result unless it is done this specific way.
    Personally, I like the ending with the Freeze Frame and the Sign that God does exist and there is an afterlife.
    It certainly is a very difficult subject and most of us are very confused about it, myself included.
    This is the sort of movie that you have to watch a few times to appreciate.
    It's another allegory in the way that Shoot (1976) is.
    You can watch the movie and just enjoy the surface or you can try to peel all the layers that are hidden inside.
    Tough Movie for most people with the pacing and screwball comedy but it certainly made me think and that is usually what I want in a story.
    I liked the movie version of Speed Racer too so my advice or analysis isn't very reliable.

  9. #249
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Hi Monet, I have completed my viewing of the Ninth Configuration. My favorite scene was the bar scene (revenge is sweet). I noticed cult actor Richard Lynch played the biker of the same first name. The leader of the gang (Stanley) was played by Steve Sandor according to IMDB, and I didn't realize he was the legendary Darkwolf in the animated movie Fire and Ice which I saw and really enjoyed when it came out in 1983. Of course neither of these guys is still alive since this movie you recommended was made in 1980. All these movies we watch from the 70's and 80's (and before) are just reminders of how short life is. The sergeant who protested wearing the Nazi uniform was terrific and I mistakenly thought he was a patient during the opening minutes of the film (obviously the artifact of keeping the audience guessing who is a patient and who isn't and who is in commend and who isn't was well done and probably helped this film achieve its cult status).
    Thanks for your breakdown.
    It deals with a very serious topic that I often ponder on.
    Many people ask why God allows all the Evil in the world to exist and continue?
    Killer Kane offers the rebuttal that makes the most sense.
    God has a plan and the end result or finished product can only be achieved the way it is playing out.
    I'm guessing every other possibility can not get to the optimal end result unless it is done this specific way.
    Personally, I like the ending with the Freeze Frame and the Sign that God does exist and there is an afterlife.
    It certainly is a very difficult subject and most of us are very confused about it, myself included.
    This is the sort of movie that you have to watch a few times to appreciate.
    It's another allegory in the way that Shoot (1976) is.
    You can watch the movie and just enjoy the surface or you can try to peel all the layers that are hidden inside.
    Tough Movie for most people with the pacing and screwball comedy but it certainly made me think and that is usually what I want in a story.
    I liked the movie version of Speed Racer too so my advice or analysis isn't very reliable.
    It seems like Cutshaw was cured prior to Killer Kane's suicide making the act unnecessary from that perspective. The suicide should have been written to be caused by Kane not being able to handle the guilt of killing even more people (at the bar). I guess that's why I am not a movie script writer.

  10. #250
    Fuck It.
    I'm on this Train Again!!

    My name's Louden, Louden Swain.
    Last week I turned 18.
    I wasn't ready for it.
    I haven't done anything yet.
    So I made this deal with myself.
    This is the year I make my mark!

  11. #251
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Thief was a great movie. I lucked out - there wasn't anything PG or G playing at (roughly) the same time so my mom allowed me to see with her even though it was rated R.
    That's pretty cool that you got to see it in the theaters and your mom let you.
    Those were the days when parents just let you be a kid.
    You could have a sip of beer, play outside all day and many other things kids can't or don't do today.

    That movie is Epic with the Tangerine Dream Soundtrack and Cinematography.
    Not to mention that Caan actually learned how to crack safes from the real life robbers and cops on the set.
    Some of the cops and robbers didn't get along as they had long time grudges.
    He talks about it on the dvd commentary which is really fun to listen to him watch the movie along with you and talk about every scene.
    He did that for Rollerball too.
    DvDs were cool when the actors/directors commented through the whole movie for you.

    Another great movie where Oliver Stone runs you through it is Salvador.
    IMO it is a better movie compared to Platoon.
    James Woods is amazing in that movie and we see Jim Belushi in it right after his first role in Thief.
    Platoon gets all the accolades because we as Americans are more attached to Vietnam compared to San Salvador.
    We can't really relate to that country because we weren't as directly involved sending our sons to war.

    People will be eating you ground up in their wimpy burgers and not know it.
    Back to work Frank...
    Last edited by monet; 02-23-2021 at 02:12 AM.

  12. #252
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    That's pretty cool that you got to see it in the theaters and your mom let you.
    Those were the days when parents just let you be a kid.
    You could have a sip of beer, play outside all day and many other things kids can't or don't do today.
    Yes, I think the only rule was to be back by 6PM for dinner on the weekends. No bicycle helmets or any of that shit.

  13. #253
    Not that it matters but I found this interesting.
    I went back to watch some of the commentary on the Thief DvD.
    Turns out it was Michael Mann and James Caan sitting down in a relaxed setting watching the movie and talking you through it.
    Really good feel to it as they were genuine in their stories and discussion.
    At the end of the movie when the credits were rolling they actually were watching the names and giving people props.
    James Caan joked to Mann to never call him again because Michael invited him to breakfast and once he trapped James he sat him down to do this commentary lol.
    Caan even joked that he should of asked DeNiro or Pacino to do it because he was making the movie Heat at the time.
    James probably felt a bit slighted that he wasn't asked to be in that movie.
    He said he hoped that him and Mann could team up in the future to do another movie and Mann quickly quipped "Absolutely" without missing a beat in the conversation!
    It seems that he shined him on lol.

    I thought that was funny but the commentary cut off in mid-sentence after the credits rolled by which kinda left you a bit empty because you just didn't want the discussion to end.
    Some of these DvD commentaries really give you a good experience like you're in the room with them.
    Its a good but odd feeling.
    Maybe its just me but its enjoyable for movie fanatics or buffs.

    On a related note I went on a rampage over at Ebay and bought 8 Michael Keaton Movies.
    I'm excited!
    It doesn't take much to excite me.
    Last edited by monet; 02-23-2021 at 07:07 PM.

  14. #254
    What, Me Worry?

  15. #255
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Not that it matters but I found this interesting.
    I went back to watch some of the commentary on the Thief DvD.
    Turns out it was Michael Mann and James Caan sitting down in a relaxed setting watching the movie and talking you through it.
    Really good feel to it as they were genuine in their stories and discussion.
    At the end of the movie when the credits were rolling they actually were watching the names and giving people props.
    James Caan joked to Mann to never call him again because Michael invited him to breakfast and once he trapped James he sat him down to do this commentary lol.
    Caan even joked that he should of asked DeNiro or Pacino to do it because he was making the movie Heat at the time.
    James probably felt a bit slighted that he wasn't asked to be in that movie.
    He said he hoped that him and Mann could team up in the future to do another movie and Mann quickly quipped "Absolutely" without missing a beat in the conversation!
    It seems that he shined him on lol.

    I thought that was funny but the commentary cut off in mid-sentence after the credits rolled by which kinda left you a bit empty because you just didn't want the discussion to end.
    Some of these DvD commentaries really give you a good experience like you're in the room with them.
    Its a good but odd feeling.
    Maybe its just me but its enjoyable for movie fanatics or buffs.

    On a related note I went on a rampage over at Ebay and bought 8 Michael Keaton Movies.
    I'm excited!
    It doesn't take much to excite me.
    Pretty cool Monet. Caan was never one to pull punches. He was great in Eraser and, heck, I even liked him in Elf. Congrats on your Ebay purchase - money well spent IMHO.

  16. #256
    I was just reading that they are thinking about rebooting Superman and making Clark Kent black or if you prefer: African American. Anyways, how does that work? I mean don't you have to make all of Krypton black people and wouldn't you make Lois Lane black and the rest of the daily planet? What about the Asians or American Indians? Why do they get snuffed? Why can't we have a Chinese Superman?? They might as well just make Superman a Transgender so Redietz and his progressives can be happy. While we are at it we can't forget about the midgets... I mean the small people. Make Superman an 8 year old Black Chink kid. IF I didn't have to take care of two people in this world I would head for the mountains and do a Jeremiah Johnson or Liver Eating Johnson if you prefer. I'm sure you all have seen that movie but if not check it out. Robert Redford is pretty good in Jeremiah Johnson (1972). I get emotional when things start going really good for him and his Betty Crocker Family only to be raped, killed and pillaged. *spoiler alert*
    Last edited by monet; 02-26-2021 at 10:30 PM.

  17. #257
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I was just reading that they are thinking about rebooting Superman and making Clark Kent black or if you prefer: African American. Anyways, how does that work? I mean don't you have to make all of Krypton black people and wouldn't you make Lois Lane black and the rest of the daily planet? What about the Asians or American Indians? Why do they get snuffed? Why can't we have a Chinese Superman?? They might as well just make Superman a Transgender so Redietz and his progressives can be happy. While we are at it we can't forget about the midgets... I mean the small people. Make Superman an 8 year old Black Chink kid. IF I didn't have to take care of two people in this world I would head for the mountains and do a Jeremiah Johnson or Liver Eating Johnson if you prefer. I'm sure you all have seen that movie but if not check it out. Robert Redford is pretty good in Jeremiah Johnson (1972). I get emotional when things start going really good for him and his Betty Crocker Family only to be raped, killed and pillaged. *spoiler alert*
    Yes I enjoyed Jeremiah Johnson, however it was so many years ago I forgot most of it (when I saw your post about this movie I was reminded of Davy Crockett, but I'm sure a rewatch would give me deeper insight).

  18. #258
    I didn't watch Black Panther but I might be interested in Black Vulcan!
    Maybe they won't make Black Superman, Clark Kent.
    Maybe he will be another person from the same planet but Black.
    I can live with that moreso.
    Not that I watch any recent Super Hero Movies.
    Last one I think I watched was Iron Man 2 and maybe some of the Wolverine ones but shit they got boring for me lol.
    Completely Forgettable.

    I watch JJ kind of religiously.
    Story is based on a real guy who ate the raw liver of his enemies.
    If you like that sort of movie you might enjoy Charlton Heston in The Mountain Men (1980).
    I love that Fucking Movie lol... its EPIC.
    Especially if you are in the right frame of mind for it.
    Just bought it for 7 dollars on Ebay since I have been meaning to do that.
    I can't find a free version and not sure how youtube got this crystal clear HD version but damn I'm hyped to watch it again lol.
    Video unplayable on this site as you have to be directed to youtube.
    Original Trailer in the second clip but that trailer doesn't do it justice.
    Not a bad thing though... nice to see older trailers when they never gave any of the movie away.

    Last edited by monet; 02-27-2021 at 03:15 AM.

  19. #259
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I didn't watch Black Panther but I might be interested in Black Vulcan!
    Maybe they won't make Black Superman, Clark Kent.
    Maybe he will be another person from the same planet but Black.
    I can live with that moreso.
    Not that I watch any recent Super Hero Movies.
    Last one I think I watched was Iron Man 2 and maybe some of the Wolverine ones but shit they got boring for me lol.
    Completely Forgettable.

    I watch JJ kind of religiously.
    If you like that sort of movie you might enjoy Charlton Heston in The Mountain Men (1980).
    I love that Fucking Movie lol... its EPIC.
    Especially if you are in the right frame of mind for it.
    Just bought it for 7 dollars on Ebay since I have been meaning to do that.
    I can't find a free version and not sure how youtube got this crystal clear HD version but damn I'm hyped to watch it again lol.
    Video unplayable on this site as you have to be directed to youtube.
    Original Trailer in the second clip but that trailer doesn't do it justice.
    Not a bad thing though... nice to see older trailers when they never gave any of the movie away.

    Thanks for the reco Monet. I don't recall The Mountain Men and putlocker or 123movies might have it.

  20. #260
    lol... I forgot about this skit.
    Back to BlackFace.
    Howard Stern is WOKE these days but years ago...
    Movin on up with George Jefferson!
    "I love all people except the Chinks." - Howard Stern -

    I'm surprised youtube hasn't taken this stuff down yet lol.
    Video Two is over the top but its funny to see how different Stern was.

    Last edited by monet; 03-04-2021 at 05:26 AM.

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