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Thread: Finding Grandpa's Newell

  1. #641
    A sheep is a dumb animal easily led as a group. Sheep also wear masks. Carry on. The government tells me to head north I'm going south. I don't want to be sheared or even worse slaughtered. If you like we can use lemmings running off a cliff. Count me out. Lemming.
    Take off that stupid mask you big baby.

  2. #642
    Fucking teachers!

    Dragging their feet, using their union to delay having to return to the classroom to teach our kids.

    They'd rather stay home sitting on their collective asses, munching Bon Bons and collecting unemployment and stimulus checks while watching cat videos.
    What, Me Worry?

  3. #643
    Originally Posted by quahaug View Post
    A sheep is a dumb animal easily led as a group. Sheep also wear masks. Carry on. The government tells me to head north I'm going south. I don't want to be sheared or even worse slaughtered. If you like we can use lemmings running off a cliff. Count me out. Lemming.
    Nobody uses the term Guinea Pig anymore.
    I suppose all the Italians had something to do with clarifying that the word "Guinea" is Hate Speech?
    In the movie Thief, James Caan tells the Italian Detective that he will never let a Greasy Wop pinch him lol.
    Sheep, Lemming, Guinea... Wop... whatever
    It's just refreshing to be able to type almost anything you want on this forum.

  4. #644
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    You editted your msg like 3 times. I responded to v1.

    Please please just stop it Monet. Trying to give you credit here.

    I heard virus would go away as soon as Trump was elected. Now that didn't happen at all and the 2nd spike is subsiding like was expected and it is some media conspiracy. LMAO. whatevers brah.

    EDIT - and just last night I went out to play poker. Dont' play much anymore but will play in shorthanded bigger games. Someone brought up a mutual acquaintance who had died from this. They were middle-aged and healthy as far as anyone else knew. I've now known of several other people who have died but none of them firsthand. I also don't know that many old people, but hey...

    China doesn't even have a functioning media. You guys complain about fake news then you bring up China's numbers like they're in any way believable. #GTFO
    It is a known fact that I edit my posts at least 5 times before the final product.
    Get with the program.
    The numbers have gone down since Biden took office.
    That's fact.
    I'm not saying people aren't dying but those numbers are inflated.
    Just ask Governor Cuomo.

    It is also true that the odds of being infected are grossly inflated.
    As I have said before the reason this thing keeps spreading is because young and middle age people got to get their grove on.
    I see them partying at the Casino all the time hugging, kissing and groping each other.
    They catch it and bring it home and it spreads like wildfire in the home.
    Pretty simple.
    Don't Have Casual Sex right now... gessh

    But don't give me this Bullshit that Double Masks work because Single Masks don't work good enough.
    And stop with the Bullshit that we all must have to have a vaccine shot or we can't buy and sell.
    That's Bullshit.

    Obviously something is wrong because Health Care Workers and Military Personal have refused to take the vaccine in droves.
    But do what is good for you.
    Wear a mask or two.
    Get a shot or two every year.
    If someone wants to wear double-masks IDGAF.

    I don't think I'll be doing that unless my mask is that shitty to begin with.

    It seems kinda obvious that the thicker/more layers of a filter means it'll be more efficient at filtering until filter media to thick for whatever flows through it. Why is that even an issue at all? Utter common fucking sense !!

    People not having mask police checking thickness as it is. Thats not going to happen.

    I read tons of news and if not for right-wingers complaining about this double-layer comment, I wouldn't even be aware that Faucci suggested it. (Assuming he did?)

    Health Care Works and military are not the sharpest people. Only a small percentage of people in this world able to think themselves out of a pile of shit. When MDs start refusing the vaccine to a high degree - then you should worry. Health-care worker !! Could be a candy-striper could be a MD.


  5. #645
    Originally Posted by quahaug View Post
    A sheep is a dumb animal easily led as a group. Sheep also wear masks. Carry on. The government tells me to head north I'm going south. I don't want to be sheared or even worse slaughtered. If you like we can use lemmings running off a cliff. Count me out. Lemming.
    At least lemmning doesn't strike me as overused. Stick with it ! Good look.

  6. #646
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I'm stealing this.

  7. #647
    Because the COVID-19 vaccines have only been administered in the United States since December 2020, the long-term effects are unknown at this time.

    Even though people have begun to receive these vaccines, studies will continue to evaluate their safety and effectiveness long into the future. These studies will also focus on how long the immunity lasts from the vaccines.
    Is the coronav1rus vaccine safe in the long run. --->

    Chain Reaction (Hurricane No. 1 song).
    Rationing of health care services.

    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  8. #648
    I was able to edit my post from grove to groove.
    Thank The Lord!!

  9. #649
    They pulled a bunch of the skits.
    Here are two.

    Goat Boy singing Silent Night lol.

    Goat Boy on Charlie Rose.

  10. #650
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Right-o, mickey. Here's a thought experiment for the VCT faithful.

    Picture mickey crimm married for 20 years (a stretch, maybe, but let's not judge). Mickey's wife dies. "Rob Singer" publicly states on multiple occasions that mickey's wife of 20 years committed suicide.

    Now what are the odds that mickey crimm sings Kumbaya with "Rob Singer?"

    Mickey's a machine expert, but perhaps he could apply his mathematical analytics to this equation and help us estimate the likelihood.
    Rob said some down right awful things about my mother. So what do you think, Mr. Experiment? That I thought it was alright to denigrate my mother but I would have drawn the line at denigrating my wife? Get a clue, dude. Your not willing to forgive and forget is not my problem. It's yours.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  11. #651
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Singer was hurling vicious insults at those who disagree with the viability of his system going back to the very early 2000's. He was the original hurler of the stones, not us. He has been banned off of every gambling forum he has ever participated on because of his rude, arrogant, and insufferable behavior. Gambling Forums will be good for him as they are uncensored and do not ban people. The problem for us in the moderated forums is that Singer will not pay attention to the rules while the rest of us try to abide by them.

    Sling, would you do us all a favor and find a Singer post that has an equation in it and put it up here. I've yet to ever see one out of the hundreds of thousand of posts he's made in the past 15 years but maybe I somehow missed it. I don't think so. For those of you pushing this "Singer plays by the math 95%" BS, he has trashed every gambling mathematician we know of. For gambling math expertise he is the equivalent of a flat earther.

    If Singer is allowed back we are all going to get the exact same bullshit he was doing before he was banned. He can't help himself. He has narcissistic personality disorder. He has to trash people. It's his lifeblood.

    One of the big sticking points for me is his always demanding proof on any claim we make but never, never, never proving his claims. He came on like Attila taking Rome with Arci about proof of their claims visa vie the income tax returns. He pushed that bet with Arci in front of everyone. He thought he had Arci by the balls because he knew for sure Arci would never put up his tax returns. But Arci called his bluff. So what happened? Singer welshed the bet. I'll say again. SINGER WELSHED THE BET.

    There has always been a code of honor in gambling. You lose you pay off. You don't welsh bets. Of all of Singer's sins this was the worst of all. He brought total dishonor upon himself. It's what he SHOULD have been banned for.

    I don't think any of us have a real vote in this. It's really up to Dan. But I'll say this. If Singer delivers his tax returns to Alan...fulfills his end of the bet with Arci...then I will support Singer's return to this site.
    One of these mickey crimm's is a liar, either the one that posted above or the one that now enables, supports and attacks for Rob Singer. I leave it to everyone to decide for themselves.
    I don't see anything wrong with the post. I don't see anything wrong with the truce we made afterwards. You keep saying I attack for Rob. No I don't. I stand for the truth. You have a huge problem with the truth. You don't respect it at all. You never stick to the facts. You make up bullshit to suit your narrative.

    When I point out these inconsistencies in your arguments you immedately attack me as being an attack dog for Singer. Why are you so afraid of the truth? All you have to do is stick with the facts, don't make shit up. But you can't do that. Not today, not tomorrow, not forever. You can't help yourself.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  12. #652
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    two issues with this mickey.

    1.) You say Rob came to you "wanting to end your feud and asked for a truce". Well, Rob didn't do that with me, nor have I heard he did so with Redietz. So how could you compare your resolution with Rob to our non-resolution?

    2.) second thing I am going to say is about the timing. Rob requesting your truce and end to your feud, coincided exactly with his new double up bug claim. I mean exactly! It was a time, much like now that Rob had no credibility. He had been pushing his progression system 10 year, several million dollar claim that had been thoroughly debunked at the time and was about to launch this brand new double up claim, and amend the timeline. He had lost his enabler, Alan, and Rob needed someone to help him, to lend some kind of credibility. Funny how at that exact moment Rob comes to you wanted in end your feud and have a truce.

    If you don't think those two things (asking for a truce and launching his new claim of the double up bug) are related, you are either stupid or playing stupid, and I think you are far from stupid. But you do what you need to do.
    You're a broken record player. Fuck off.
    No YOU fuck off Mickey Crimm. You are a great AP, who I have tremendous respect for as an AP. I also admire your personal journey of overcoming your 'demons'. But on this issue you are wrong and everyone knows it, because people here all witnessed what occurred. Not the private conversation between you and Rob, but your immediate turn, playing the role of enabler and attack dog for which you were recruited.

    I have always been respectful to you and you now just lie and attack me on behalf of Rob. You have become Rob Singer or at least his playbook. I don't know if you were played or accepted this role willingly. But as time goes on, it becomes harder and harder to give you the benefit of doubt.
    Sorry, bozo, but you are the one that is wrong. I'm not Singer's bitch either. YOU, are Singer's bitch. He's got you buy the short hairs. When he says squat. You're obsessed with him. It pisses you off that he is ignoring you for now. I have no doubt that Singer has had many laughs at your dumb ass obsessing over him. He owns you.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  13. #653
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    two issues with this mickey.

    1.) You say Rob came to you "wanting to end your feud and asked for a truce". Well, Rob didn't do that with me, nor have I heard he did so with Redietz. So how could you compare your resolution with Rob to our non-resolution?

    2.) second thing I am going to say is about the timing. Rob requesting your truce and end to your feud, coincided exactly with his new double up bug claim. I mean exactly! It was a time, much like now that Rob had no credibility. He had been pushing his progression system 10 year, several million dollar claim that had been thoroughly debunked at the time and was about to launch this brand new double up claim, and amend the timeline. He had lost his enabler, Alan, and Rob needed someone to help him, to lend some kind of credibility. Funny how at that exact moment Rob comes to you wanted in end your feud and have a truce.

    If you don't think those two things (asking for a truce and launching his new claim of the double up bug) are related, you are either stupid or playing stupid, and I think you are far from stupid. But you do what you need to do.
    Mickeycrimm does not play stupid on message boards, what you see is what you get. He does not favor someone's content over another because of alliances this is complete bullshit and insulting to a person who does not deserve that. KewlJ and Redietz for that matter I have never seen either of you ever come close to be on the winning side of a debate with him, and from the looks of things it is never going to happen.

    LOL, BoSox. I'm not sure saying mickey's arguing that Covid was overblown for nine months counts as "losing a debate" with me, but one of us was correct, and one of us was incorrect. You figure out which one. It was only the most important thing happening on the planet.

    In fact, I bumped the "Coronavirus is a Scam" thread by mickey, so BoSox can catch up on mickey's debating skills.
    Einstein said gravitational waves didn't exist. He's been proven wrong. Looks like we have to throw out everything he's ever said because he was wrong on this one issue. Right, redietz?

    Now, since Einstein was wrong on that issue....if he were living today you would curtail his right to freedom of speech, right redietz? Ban him off twitter and facebook, right? Because, you know, we just can't tolerate anyone being wrong about anything, right comrade.

    Now, on the coronavirus issue, you wanted the country entirely shutdown for a year or more. You kept saying fuck the working stiffs, let them eat cake. Now, with Trump out of office, more and more scientists, including far lefty scientists, are saying the shutdowns were not necessary. If you look at areas that were not shut down they didn't fare worse to any extent than areas that were shut down. SO YOU WERE WRONG, COMRADE DIETZ.

    And the statistics. They were inflated when Trump was in, now Biden is in the numbers are being deflated.
    Last edited by mickeycrimm; 02-23-2021 at 11:22 PM.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  14. #654
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Mickeycrimm does not play stupid on message boards, what you see is what you get. He does not favor someone's content over another because of alliances this is complete bullshit and insulting to a person who does not deserve that. KewlJ and Redietz for that matter I have never seen either of you ever come close to be on the winning side of a debate with him, and from the looks of things it is never going to happen.
    Fuck you too BoSox. I know you have great respect for mickey, as we all do when it comes to APing. But there is no debate on this. There is fact and there is fiction. You weren't here at the time. Read the statement above from mickey concerning Rob Singer. That was based on dealing with the guy for 20 years! All of the sudden Singer contacts mickey offering a truce and mickey does an about face. Bullshit!

    As someone who was here for at least a few of those years, I will tell you exactly what occurred. Phony AP, winning gambler Rob Singer trolled Mickey for decades, just as he has trolled me, and everyone else that dare say his fantasy claims are bullshit. Singer trolled mickey worse than anyone. Lack of education, his alcoholism, homelessness, etc. Mickey trolled back, and tough guy mickey will tell you that he always gave it back 10 fold from what he got. He is the only one that sees it that way. Most who witnessed, know mickey had his ass handed to him, time and time again, because that is what Singer does. He is a relentless internet troll.

    So when this "truce" was offered to mickey, he jumped, tired of getting his ass handed to him. I personally don't blame him for that. I do blame him for now completely flipping what the truth is and joining the alternative reality club and I am not talking about politics, I am talking about Rob Singer, a degenerate, losing gambling addict, who has posed as a winning player, first winning by progression wagering, stop limits, "special plays" and rabbits feet and later amended to include stealing the double up bug claim. Mickey is now nothing more than Singer's most recent enabler and attack dog. It pains me to see mickey stoop to that. I mean this is a role that Alan played for years and when Singer can't find some lackey to play it, he uses sock puppets to play the role. It's ridiculous.
    Do you see the KJ flip-flops? In other posts he puts up quotes of me where I hand Singer his ass. Now in this post KJochio says that I was the only one getting his ass handed to him. KJochio is one fucked up dude. He only hurts himself with this bullshit.

    If KJochio really believes that Singer got the better of me....then he has to believe that Singer got the better of him to. Because Singer hit us both equally hard. BUT WHO IS THE ONE THAT IS SO UPSET BY IT? It's KJochio. Singer handed him his ass so hard he's gone completely bonkers. He's a raving lunatic over it. This is some funny shit.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  15. #655
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    If KJochio really believes that Singer got the better of me....then he has to believe that Singer got the better of him to. Because Singer hit us both equally hard.
    Honestly mickey, this might be the nicest thing you have said to me ever. Certainly the nicest in 3 years.

    You see, this Rob Singer person is a absolute world class troll. That is what he is. That is all he is. I know you and a few others think that is something to be proud of. I don't. I am thrilled that I can't keep up with him in the troll department and you should be too. That is nothing to admire.

    Let me remind you of what one Mickey Crimm said of this troll. "He can't help himself. He has narcissistic personality disorder. He has to trash people. It's his lifeblood."

    Let me also remind you the guy (Singer) went to an RV dealership, posing as a perspective customer, so he could take pictures of himself inside an RV....right there on the dealership post on an internet forum, claiming that it was his. Do you know how fucked up a person you have to be to do something like that?

    And you want to compete with this severely demented person? To measure yourself against him? Claiming you got the best of him. You want me to compete with this demented person? I am overjoyed I can't compete with this very, very sick, narcistic, insecure person, so thank you yet again.

  16. #656
    It's harder to find the Coward in this thread with his alleged shit-storm on Rob, then the CIA had finding Osama Bin Laden.

  17. #657
    Mr Mickeycrimm, why do you believe Mr Singer's claim that he discovered the double up bug?

  18. #658
    Singer, said on a number of occasions that there was a necessary motive behind the worse days of his trolling. All the trolling was an act, more a diversion for himself for dealing with the hidden knowledge of the double up bug. I do not know what was behind Singer's thought process in all of this but to suffice it all, according to him everything that was said wasn't personal. Rob S, accomplished what he wanted by keeping a secret fully understanding that when the statute of limitations ran its course everything would be revealed, and people would understand and forgive and forget. He was wrong on this, which he really did not care if two people did not accept the story or not and forgive him as his bundle of money made up for any hard feelings. THAT IS HIS STORY and no one proved that he did not do the double up bug.
    Last edited by BoSox; 02-24-2021 at 05:28 AM.

  19. #659
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    no one proved that he did not do the double up bug.
    Didn't Mr Singer claim that he bought a Newell only because of his success with the double up bug? Wasn't the Newell his proof?

    Where is that proof?

    Mr Singer has made many claims and hasn't proved them including his claims of being a consistent winner at video poker. Why should we believe the double up claim?

    Mr Singer has intimidated everyone who has doubted his claims.

    Mr Singer is like a man who says he has traveled a thousand years into the future; you can't prove he didn't but he can't prove he did.

    Unless you have some proof and if so, what is it?

    Please don't tell us that the proof is some description of a missing piece of the double up bug process, because that's the same as someone claiming they have the missing piece for time travel.

  20. #660
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Singer, said on a number of occasions that there was a necessary motive behind the worse days of his trolling. All the trolling was an act, more a diversion for himself for dealing with the hidden knowledge of the double up bug. I do not know what was behind Singer's thought process in all of this but to suffice it all, according to him everything that was said wasn't personal. Rob S, accomplished what he wanted by keeping a secret fully understanding that when the statute of limitations ran its course everything would be revealed, and people would understand and forgive and forget. He was wrong on this, which he really did not care if two people did not accept the story or not and forgive him as his bundle of money made up for any hard feelings. THAT IS HIS STORY and no one proved that he did not do the double up bug.
    Regardless if he played it or not, there was absolutely no reason for all the
    relentless years of bullshit. I mean, here's a thought, just keep your mouth shut and be somewhat normal. I really don't understand how trolling people on forums regarding legitimate Advantage Play and other personal things could possibly help in any way shape or form. If Rob played the double up bug, I have to give him a big fat F with regards to how much money he made and how he handled the situation during and after playing it.

    From my understanding, you didn't have to get a handplay in order to take advantage of the glitch. I have no way of actually knowing this, because, no one I know and trust 100% has actually played and tested it.

    It boggles my mind that anyone who had this knowledge wanting to take advantage of it and was reasonably smart would purposely take handpays when they could simply run around taking a few thousand out of multiple casinos a day without ever bringing any attention to the machines or themselves.

    I have to assume, if you include Rob, that there were only three people that actually knew about this. It's so very unfortunate it seems like this knowledge found its way to the 3 worst people possible. Sorry Rob but you should have contacted me and I would have showed you how to make some real money.

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