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Thread: Here you go AxelWolf

  1. #321
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    How is this even a "vaccine"? It doesn't prevent the disease. It just supposedly lessens the effects Should you contract the virus.

    If I already had the virus why would I want to get the shot when my body already built immunity against it naturally.
    The flu shot every year also doesn't prevent one from getting the flu. Supposedly, if you do, you will get a less severe case, because you body is ready to start fighting sooner.

    As for natural immunity, meaning immunity after you had and recovered from covid, supposedly that immunity only lasts 6 months or so. (I have seen claims of 8 months). I emphasized supposedly, because I feel like there may be some protection longer than that. Protection isn't just measured by antibody levels. There are cells and even nymph nodes that retain the information and can aid in ramping up protection more quickly. Despite that I feel that way, based on what I read, I went with the 6 month rule. In my position, I am not willing to take on too much risk with this F-ing virus.

    Now how long protection from a vaccine lasts, I think is anybody's guess still. I know the UK is already planning a booster shot for those over 65 beginning in September, so they seem to be thinking the 6 month rule as well.

  2. #322
    Covid Vaccine Shots = Good
    Wearing Condoms = Bad
    Good and Bad are interchangeable...
    Same Difference.

    The point is... MY BODY... MY CHOICE!!

    Liberals love to kill Babies with Abortion but hate killing people with Covid.

    Killing Fetuses = Good
    Killing Old People = Bad
    Good and Bad are interchangeable...
    Same Difference.

    Now that I think about it, how are all these people getting pregnant wearing Condoms?
    Seems Odd!?
    You got to say people these days instead of women because now men can actually give birth.
    Sick World.
    Last edited by monet; 03-29-2021 at 10:09 PM.

  3. #323
    Originally Posted by Dan Druff View Post
    The media has been intentionally silent about the differences in age group risks for COVID, but in reality the risk to a 50-year-old is FAR higher than the risk to a 25-year-old (which is very unusual for communicable diseases).
    This appears to be true for the original strain of virus, unfortunately some of these newer strains are effecting younger people, even children at higher rates than the original strain. One of the few good things about this virus has been that children were at minimal risk. It will really suck if that is changing with these new strains, as they are suggesting.

  4. #324
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    If you're not up on the latest, the problem with not taking the vaccine is that if you've had the original strain of Covid-19, you do not have much in the way of natural immunity to the variants, which are more easily transmitted and have somewhat more deadly effects. Having had Covid more than six months ago provides some protection, but not complete, against similar strains. Vaccines provide more protection against the variants than having had the virus already. The main thing the vaccines all do is really cut into the likelihood of serious illness from Covid. You may still get it, but death rates are much lower if you do get it.

    If you're hesitant about new tech, you might want to opt for the Johnson and Johnson, which uses established methods and old tech. That's what I'll be doing in a week or so.
    I had it the last week of December 2020. Probably picked it up in a casino or something. I had it for 8 days. 3 of which resulted in low grade fever. Mostly just slept and didn't eat for a few days. Then I was fine. Like a bad flu. At least what I remember about the flu since I got it before but years ago.
    With the Covid fever never went past 102 and oxygen never went below 94%. I just don't see the point in my getting some experimental shot that the administers have immunity from any responsibility if something goes wrong.
    If Covid was so deadly you would have people lined up fighting to get the shots. But it's not much worse than the flu for people in non risk groups.
    I personally think the whole thing is overblown. If I were to get the shot it would be the J&J one though. I have seen videos of the Moderna scientists talking about hacking the software of life. No thanks on that bullshit. At least for me.
    Last edited by MaxPen; 03-29-2021 at 10:29 PM.

  5. #325
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I had it the last week of December 2020. Probably picked it up in a casino or something. I had it for 8 days. 3 of which resulted in low grade fever. Mostly just slept and didn't eat for a few days. Then I was fine. Like a bad flu. At least what I remember about the flu since I got it before but years ago.
    With the Covid fever never went past 102 and oxygen never went below 94%. I just don't see the point in my getting some experimental shot that the administers have immunity from any responsibility if something goes wrong.
    If Covid was so deadly you would have people lined up fighting to get the shots. But it's not much worse than the flu for people in non risk groups.
    I personally think the whole thing is overblown.
    You got covid for Christmas, Maxpen? Nice gift. lol

    My first reaction was that everyone should get the vaccine. If that were to happen, we could eradicate covid from the planet. Without that, it will likely settle down some and turn into an annual thing were people at higher risk get vaccinated each year, or 6 months and people that don't want to get vaccinated, just hope they get a mild case if they get it. And that is fine.

    It is unrealistic to think everyone is going to do something in this country, especially in this climate, and even if if they did, there are poor countries in the world that aren't going to be able to vaccinate everyone, so there would still be outbreaks. And in todays global world, outbreaks one place means outbreaks everywhere. So I have softened my vaccine proponent position and people should just do what they are comfortable with. For me, I will be getting my second shot in a couple weeks and if I need a booster or new vaccine for the new variants, every 6 months or every year, I will get that. There are worse things in life.

  6. #326
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I had it the last week of December 2020. Probably picked it up in a casino or something. I had it for 8 days. 3 of which resulted in low grade fever. Mostly just slept and didn't eat for a few days. Then I was fine. Like a bad flu. At least what I remember about the flu since I got it before but years ago.
    With the Covid fever never went past 102 and oxygen never went below 94%. I just don't see the point in my getting some experimental shot that the administers have immunity from any responsibility if something goes wrong.
    If Covid was so deadly you would have people lined up fighting to get the shots. But it's not much worse than the flu for people in non risk groups.
    I personally think the whole thing is overblown. If I were to get the shot it would be the J&J one though. I have seen videos of the Moderna scientists talking about hacking the software of life. No thanks on that bullshit. At least for me.
    No way you caught it while wearing a mask because masks work!
    I guess you may have caught it while eating out in a restaurant because everyone can take their mask off while eating.
    Of course you have to put the mask back on to go to the bathroom which seems odd.
    Did you get tested when you were sick?
    Maybe you just had the regular old flu but you were asymptomatic with Covid?
    Kind of a bad joke... sorry.
    Did your family get it as well or did you isolate yourself in some free rooms?

    On a similar note I'm pretty sure the whole thing is over.
    Restaurants are crowded now and nobody is staying 6 feet away from each other.
    Black Jack Tables are Mobbed.
    Now Boyd and Stations have taken the doorman/security guards away taking your temp or picture while entering the building.
    Vegas has a low daily average at around 175.
    It's Over.
    I drink Coke and Pepsi.
    That shit kills anything in the body.
    Good or Bad.
    I'm also starting to smoke Cigars more often and I take Zinc along with a multitude of vitamins.
    That's protection.
    Of course reading the bible and begging Jesus doesn't hurt either.
    Got to cover all your bases.
    Course sometimes I just say what the Fuck are we waiting for?
    Kill me when your are ready... I can't stop ya.

    For the record I am not taking any shot at this time.
    I never took a Flu Shot in my life.
    I never understood why I should inject myself with a dead virus!?
    That's Crazy Talk.
    My Uncle refuses as well.
    My Wife can't wait to take two of them lol.
    I told her that the Pfizer one was probably better.
    Everyone knows that Johnson and Johnson causes Cancer.
    Not sure what she is worried about?
    Made it this far without getting infected and even if she gets the shot she still has me running around unmasked without the vaccine.
    She's Fucked.

    I believe the best thing anyone can do for this is to improve their immune system.
    Eat Better.
    Exercise Regularly.
    Get out in the Sunshine.
    Take Supplements ... etc etc...

    Big Pharma is the Devil.
    Why would I trust them now??
    Last edited by monet; 03-29-2021 at 10:59 PM.

  7. #327
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post

    If you're not up on the latest, the problem with not taking the vaccine is that if you've had the original strain of Covid-19, you do not have much in the way of natural immunity to the variants, which are more easily transmitted and have somewhat more deadly effects. Having had Covid more than six months ago provides some protection, but not complete, against similar strains. Vaccines provide more protection against the variants than having had the virus already. The main thing the vaccines all do is really cut into the likelihood of serious illness from Covid. You may still get it, but death rates are much lower if you do get it.

    If you're hesitant about new tech, you might want to opt for the Johnson and Johnson, which uses established methods and old tech. That's what I'll be doing in a week or so.
    I had it the last week of December 2020. Probably picked it up in a casino or something. I had it for 8 days. 3 of which resulted in low grade fever. Mostly just slept and didn't eat for a few days. Then I was fine. Like a bad flu. At least what I remember about the flu since I got it before but years ago.
    With the Covid fever never went past 102 and oxygen never went below 94%. I just don't see the point in my getting some experimental shot that the administers have immunity from any responsibility if something goes wrong.
    If Covid was so deadly you would have people lined up fighting to get the shots. But it's not much worse than the flu for people in non risk groups.
    I personally think the whole thing is overblown. If I were to get the shot it would be the J&J one though. I have seen videos of the Moderna scientists talking about hacking the software of life. No thanks on that bullshit. At least for me.

    I get your concerns. I have idiosyncratic reactions to a number of things medical, including an antibiotic that gave me what was first diagnosed as a heart attack a couple of years ago. It was the antibiotic -- turns out it has "heart effects" in 2-3% of the population, like that's not a big deal. How do they get away with prescribing this stuff?

    But the Johnson and Johnson is old school in terms of vaccines, so that's not about hacking the software of life. I view it as the most reasonable option.

  8. #328
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I had it the last week of December 2020. Probably picked it up in a casino or something. I had it for 8 days. 3 of which resulted in low grade fever. Mostly just slept and didn't eat for a few days. Then I was fine. Like a bad flu. At least what I remember about the flu since I got it before but years ago.
    With the Covid fever never went past 102 and oxygen never went below 94%. I just don't see the point in my getting some experimental shot that the administers have immunity from any responsibility if something goes wrong.
    If Covid was so deadly you would have people lined up fighting to get the shots. But it's not much worse than the flu for people in non risk groups.
    I personally think the whole thing is overblown. If I were to get the shot it would be the J&J one though. I have seen videos of the Moderna scientists talking about hacking the software of life. No thanks on that bullshit. At least for me.
    No way you caught it while wearing a mask because masks work!
    I guess you may have caught it while eating out in a restaurant because everyone can take their mask off while eating.
    Of course you have to put the mask back on to go to the bathroom which seems odd.
    Did you get tested when you were sick?
    Maybe you just had the regular old flu but you were asymptomatic with Covid?
    Kind of a bad joke... sorry.
    Did your family get it as well or did you isolate yourself in some free rooms?

    On a similar note I'm pretty sure the whole thing is over.
    Restaurants are crowded now and nobody is staying 6 feet away from each other.
    Black Jack Tables are Mobbed.
    Now Boyd and Stations have taken the doorman away taking your temp or picture while entering the building.
    Vegas has a low daily average at around 175.
    It's Over.
    I drink Coke and Pepsi.
    That shit kills anything in the body.
    Good or Bad.
    I'm also starting to smoke Cigars more often and I take Zinc along with a multitude of vitamins.
    That's protection.
    Of course reading the bible and begging Jesus doesn't hurt either.
    Got to cover all your bases.
    Course sometimes I just say what the Fuck are we waiting for?
    Kill me when your are ready... I can't stop ya.
    I stayed in the guest room so my wife never got it. Pretty sure I got it out of town. Possibly in a sketchy elevator with half of Mexico in it.
    Last edited by MaxPen; 03-29-2021 at 11:01 PM.

  9. #329
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I stayed in the guest room so my wife never got it. I got it out of town I'm pretty sure. Possibly in a sketchy elevator with half of Mexico in it.
    Funny you mention that.
    I'm not scared but I avoid things like that.
    I refuse to eat out.
    I refuse anything from the cocktail girls
    I only get in elevators by myself.
    I use a wipe for the buttons.
    I wipe down the machines, chairs and buttons.
    Not scared but I figure this helps to cut down the odds a bit.
    Probably wrong.
    I do feel a bit like Felix Unger doing this.
    Sorry that you caught it.
    Glad you were able to isolate and not give it to anyone else.

  10. #330
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I stayed in the guest room so my wife never got it. I got it out of town I'm pretty sure. Possibly in a sketchy elevator with half of Mexico in it.
    Funny you mention that.
    I'm not scared but I avoid things like that.
    I refuse to eat out.
    I refuse anything from the cocktail girls
    I only get in elevators by myself.
    I use a wipe for the buttons.
    I wipe down the machines, chairs and buttons.
    Not scared but I figure this helps to cut down the odds a bit.
    Probably wrong.
    I do feel a bit like Felix Unger doing this.
    Sorry that you caught it.
    Glad you were able to isolate and not give it to anyone else.
    I have been eating out since day 1 of the casinos reopening. I really don't have a problem with that and kind of figured most anyone sick would be trying to take advantage of calling in and not working. I don't worry about surfaces because that has been debunked sort of. I think you are doomed though if someone with it comes in direct contact with you.

    I was on an elevator and then before you knew it something like 2 full families of Mexicans piled into an elevator I was on. You would have thought it was some kind of clown car when it stopped and everyone piled out. I somehow knew I was screwed after that. 4 days later was when I got the first symptoms.

  11. #331
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    I was on an elevator and then before you knew it something like 2 full families of Mexicans piled into an elevator I was on. You would have thought it was some kind of clown car when it stopped and everyone piled out. I somehow knew I was screwed after that. 4 days later was when I got the first symptoms.
    Maybe you didn't have covid, but had the Mexican Flu, a version of the Spanish Flu.

  12. #332
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    I was on an elevator and then before you knew it something like 2 full families of Mexicans piled into an elevator I was on. You would have thought it was some kind of clown car when it stopped and everyone piled out. I somehow knew I was screwed after that. 4 days later was when I got the first symptoms.
    Maybe you didn't have covid, but had the Mexican Flu, a version of the Spanish Flu.
    I had a positive Covid test so pretty sure it was the 'rona. Although false positives are certainly possible.

  13. #333
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I had a positive Covid test so pretty sure it was the 'rona. Although false positives are certainly possible.
    I'm not saying that you had a false positive.
    What is interesting is that every day in the NHL the players get tested with false positives constantly.
    Sometimes 2 or 3 false positives in a row.
    Kind of difficult to trust the Man and His Tests.

  14. #334
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    I had a positive Covid test so pretty sure it was the 'rona. Although false positives are certainly possible.
    I'm not saying that you had a false positive.
    What is interesting is that every day in the NHL the players get tested with false positives constantly.
    Sometimes 2 or 3 false positives in a row.
    Kind of difficult to trust the Man and His Tests.
    It's pretty difficult to trust anything today. Incompetence everywhere you look. We used to be able to build aircraft. Look at us now.

  15. #335
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post

    I had it the last week of December 2020. .
    Wait, that? * Goes back and reads a floods of texts in December from MaxPen.... "Hey Axel Come over, I have something I want to give to you!

  16. #336

    Yup, you all cats are more than welcome to my dosage, hey hey.

  17. #337
    MDawg had the Vid, and it made his sense of taste and other senses stronger. Instead of spreading it, he gained the ability to cure others that had it.

    Trust me, there will be 10 other new members shortly claiming they did the same thing. And one long time member saying you can’t prove he didn’t cure others.

  18. #338
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    MDawg had the Vid, and it made his sense of taste and other senses stronger. Instead of spreading it, he gained the ability to cure others that had it.

    Trust me, there will be 10 other new members shortly claiming they did the same thing. And one long time member saying you can’t prove he didn’t cure others.
    Can't wait, let's go...TEAM on 3...

  19. #339
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Axel alone said he would pay 10k for it today, which anyone who knows him doesn’t question.
    AxelAss has a habit of tossing offers out there and then backpedaling on them. If DanDruff were to accept the 10K offer AxelAss would figure out some way to get out of it, such as by saying that he made the offer "only if it's a good deal" the way he backed out of his unconditional sight unseen offer on Wizard's watch.

    I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.

    MDawg Adventures carry on at:

  20. #340
    Originally Posted by MDawg View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Axel alone said he would pay 10k for it today, which anyone who knows him doesn’t question.
    AxelAss has a habit of tossing offers out there and then backpedaling on them. If DanDruff were to accept the 10K offer AxelAss would figure out some way to get out of it, such as by saying that he made the offer "only if it's a good deal" the way he backed out of his unconditional sight unseen offer on Wizard's watch.

    Had the propper numbers been mentioned in the first place(you had the opportunity to correct it ) then I would have jumped on it. Had Mike said it was binding then certainly I would have done so. Of course, had he done that, I would have had him recall a post where I told him I was in for a WizCoin.

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