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Thread: Bob Dancer's latest

  1. #41
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    I guess I'm feeling bad for what the arci's are going thru for good reason
    Arci isn't going through anything although he did get a good belly laugh out of your nonsense. Robbie however is looking like a fool yet again. You must be sweating bullets to see your silly, ignorant claims go up in smoke. Tell us please, how does it feel to be intellectually stripped naked in front of everyone?

  2. #42
    Arci, everyone who reads any forum already knows that anytime you feel the need to do a wordy line-item-veto of my post and call me "Robbie", you've been stung.

    That being said....we're headed up to the Lake today for some hiking, R&R, then another fine dinner at the Hyatt's Lone Eagle Grille. Now I know the meal can't compare with any of your 5-Star KFC "holiday specials" that would brighten up any day at any nursing home. But it's the thought that counts, right!?

  3. #43
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Arci, everyone who reads any forum already knows that anytime you feel the need to do a wordy line-item-veto of my post and call me "Robbie", you've been stung.
    In your dreams. You hate it when I destroy your illogical rants. You only wish you could respond logically to my factual comments. But, you can't, so you try to assert it means something other than reality.

    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    That being said....we're headed up to the Lake today for some hiking, R&R, then another fine dinner at the Hyatt's Lone Eagle Grille. Now I know the meal can't compare with any of your 5-Star KFC "holiday specials" that would brighten up any day at any nursing home. But it's the thought that counts, right!?
    Don't look around too much. You know you have been totally exposed by my comments. You'll probably be wondering if anyone recognizes you and if they can see you for what you are .... and intellectual nude.

  4. #44
    More namecalling for me arci?....that's what I like about geeks. They just can't help themselves at times. Chip away at them enough, then sit back, smile devilishly, and watch them come apart at the seams!

    Please--and I've asked this of you before. PLEASE take good care of least for as long as I'm around. It would be a crying shame to not have you around for entertainment any longer!

  5. #45
    You two guys would make a great sitcom.

  6. #46
    Rob, help us out here. We don't care if Arci got the short end of life's stick. Those rants about eating at such-and-such a grill at such-and-such a hotel belong on The Food Channel. They're not very exciting. If your purpose is to make us envy your life, I suggest you step out on the wife every once in a while and use The Big Johnson -- then tell us who got the shaft, so to speak, and why. Try to avoid the Perkins Pancakes' waitresses --- did not turn out well for Mr. Woods.

    Norman Rockwell isn't our thing here on a Las Vegas forum. We want action. Think of it as your contribution to Alan's BestBroadsForum. Then we'll be envious.

  7. #47
    I think we need a thread for casino sex.

  8. #48
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    More namecalling for me arci?....that's what I like about geeks. They just can't help themselves at times. Chip away at them enough, then sit back, smile devilishly, and watch them come apart at the seams!

    Please--and I've asked this of you before. PLEASE take good care of least for as long as I'm around. It would be a crying shame to not have you around for entertainment any longer!
    Trying to pretend I didn't skewer you yet again? Too late little boy. You are running around without a stitch. All I can do is chuckle at your predicament and watch you scramble.

  9. #49
    How about a thread for casino pick-up lines?

    1. How about a double up?
    2. Can we turn this parlay into a partay?
    3. Can you help me stack some chips later?
    4. I can help you hit a jackpot.
    5. Can I buy you a drink?

  10. #50
    Oh arci, you're so funny when you're squirming.

    BTW, we know you saw my pic on the US Bowling something or other. I did that as a favor to you, knowing how you'll never get anywhere ever again. You ought to be thanking me instead of getting so rattled with the lies and namecalling! You're really making redietz go thru a struggle crisis when you can't hold back.

    Oh no....WAIT, I was wrong! You DO get to do a few things. Those getaways to Geriatric Park Lanes and the local Indian casino are absolute LIFE-SAVERS! Please, do tell us your secret behind that kind of unequalled happiness!! Oh goodness gracious....where did we all go wrong?

  11. #51
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Rob, help us out here. We don't care if Arci got the short end of life's stick. Those rants about eating at such-and-such a grill at such-and-such a hotel belong on The Food Channel. They're not very exciting. If your purpose is to make us envy your life, I suggest you step out on the wife every once in a while and use The Big Johnson -- then tell us who got the shaft, so to speak, and why. Try to avoid the Perkins Pancakes' waitresses --- did not turn out well for Mr. Woods.

    Norman Rockwell isn't our thing here on a Las Vegas forum. We want action. Think of it as your contribution to Alan's BestBroadsForum. Then we'll be envious.
    Ok, back on track. Aside from all your post's humor, there a part of it that does has something to do with the vp side of things. Now and then, I discuss what I'm doing in retirement, because for some it may help identify some of the good things that can happen after a very successful career as a vp professional. It also offers extraordinary insight into why players should keep away from the multi-layered destructive tendencies of being roped into playing the game as an AP--such as addiction, illness & a variety of other health issues caused by long and boring stints at machines, and, as Dancer continues to unwittingly display amongst his valueless horn-tooting, the need to continue working for an income and the ability to keep working far past retirement age when he simultaneously blabs about how much money he supposedly has but obviously does not.

    Overall, my particular message is that the game of video poker can and should be done right, and that a rewarding life can be experienced if one can do that. Of course, people also need to listen to my entire message on how to approach vp if they want any chance of doing anything close to what I have experienced and am experiencing--such as saving for retirement beforehand, saving the proper bankroll for playing only, and to NEVER get greedy or overconfident when playing.

    Like I said earlier, Dancer, in his declining years of finding more and more wisdom, is starting to see some things my way, and it's not too far of a stretch that he'll someday endorse just about everything I've been teaching the past 13+ years.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 04-21-2013 at 12:07 PM.

  12. #52
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Thread reopened and maybe we can get back to business.
    Probably not a good idea. What is the first lie out of Singer's mouth ... "playing the game as an AP--such as addiction, illness & a variety of other health issues caused by long and boring stints at machines"

    This is pure nonsense from a proven liar and can only lead to more conflict. Singer cannot write anything without attacking those he envies to the extreme. Yes, it obvious to anyone familiar with his silly rants, but it will continue to drag on and on.

  13. #53
    I guess someone who takes things "personally" has good reason to. Um....I and my wonderful wife are both blessed thus far to be healthy, and devoid of illness and other health problems. I attribute that positive point, in part, to my learning not to sit for crazy amounts of hours at vp machines, which AP's do, and my not requiring my wife to sit right beside me just to create a "positive play" out of thin air points. There are plenty of examples of this type of tragedy--one being how Bob Dancer used to drag his wife along with, just to see how much they could pile up the points. Now, of course, poor Shirley suffers from various breathing and other illnesses, enough so that she is no longer allowed to play the game and is now the true definition of a housewife..

    This is part of what I learned as a failed AP, and it makes perfect sense to teach as much as I can to anyone wanting to learn.
    Last edited by Rob.Singer; 04-21-2013 at 06:29 PM.

  14. #54
    Point Number One: Not everyone thinks life should consist of sitting at video poker machines eight hours a day.
    Point Number Two: Not everyone thinks tooling around the western US in an RV is the stuff of retirement nirvana.

    I think these are pretty obvious points. Rob evidently thinks there is a solid cause-and-effect link between playing video poker as an AP and health concerns. For some reason, he thinks playing as a non-AP somehow avoids these same health issues. The implication, supported by zero evidence (as usual), is that AP's play many more hours of video poker than non-AP's. It must be nice to say things that may or not be true, and expect people to believe that they are true because one says so. Must be one of the benefits of being the Da Vinci of video poker.

  15. #55
    Indeed, there is no evidence that playing video poker or even being in casinos will cause diabetes or create complications or add to problems that a diabetic might have. Rob has been told this before but continues his drama.

  16. #56
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    As I've said before, there are ways to discuss things without insulting and attacking, and this thread has been full of insults and attacks. When I closed the forum and then re-opened a few days ago, I said I had hoped that the personal attacks would now be put aside. Just a few days later and the attacks and the insults are back. Sorry, this is no way for grownups to have discussions -- even when someone is wrong, or doesn't know, or doesn't understand.

    And I am going to block anyone else who makes a personal attack here. I don't need this.
    Hey Alan, I'm back again. Please have a look at your statement above. Good to see you're NOT sticking to what you said again. Or have you changed your mind again or have you given up again? Conclusion: when people get on your case you might actually ban them, but when people continue to insult everybody that's active on your forum daily that's ok. If this is the way you are going to run this forum I am now publicly asking you to ban me PERMANENTLY.

    Haven't been active here in a week. Came back and I wasn't surprised to see nothing changed.

  17. #57
    Vegas_lover, I gave up trying to stop the kids from throwing sandbox sand into each other's faces. Yes, go ahead and run amok here.

  18. #58
    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Indeed, there is no evidence that playing video poker or even being in casinos will cause diabetes or create complications or add to problems that a diabetic might have. Rob has been told this before but continues his drama.
    Singer knows this as well. The reason he lies is he can't think of anything else to attack those he envies so much. If anyone compares a person playing VP to most office jobs there really is much difference. In an office job you are sitting in front of a computer screen most of the day. You are concentrating in some work item rather than VP strategy but that is about it.

    Well, there are a few differences. Most jobs you work 8-10 hours a day whereas VP is completely up to the person. You can take as many breaks as you like and not play if you don't feel like it. Even when I was in Vegas I played only 20 hours a week vs. working 50-70 hours when I was employed. So, any health concerns are complete nonsense.

    Originally Posted by Alan Mendelson View Post
    Vegas_lover, I gave up trying to stop the kids from throwing sandbox sand into each other's faces.
    When did you start trying? You've made zero effort as far as I can tell other than baseless threats. All you need to do is delete any of Singer's comments that even hints of attacks. Of course, that would be almost all of them, but that would do your readers a big favor.

  19. #59
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Point Number One: Not everyone thinks life should consist of sitting at video poker machines eight hours a day.
    Point Number Two: Not everyone thinks tooling around the western US in an RV is the stuff of retirement nirvana.
    But it sure beats being stuck at home in a wheelchair redietz....or being told by a doctor to not play alongside your "AP hubby" any more if you want to breathe. Get the point?

  20. #60
    Originally Posted by arcimede$ View Post
    When did you start trying? You've made zero effort as far as I can tell other than baseless threats. All you need to do is delete any of Singer's comments that even hints of attacks. Of course, that would be almost all of them, but that would do your readers a big favor.
    And there are comments of yours that also could have been deleted, but I gave you benefit of the doubt.

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