Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
I still stay your buddy Grampa Newell was the GOAT. He was a hell of a lot funnier, his narcissm was more bearable and at least some of what he said was not completely far fetched at least initially. Sure it was a load of BS but he had a way of pulling it off. No contest Robbie over Dog hands down. I would actually meet a guy like Rob, were as Dog not a chance in hell.
You have an entirely different agenda. You aren't measuring what is true and what isn't. You care about the entertainments value and as such you appreciate all the name calling and drama and personal attacks.

But the truth is that very thing the person getting so nasty, so angry that they respond to people challenging the math of their claims with personal attacks, faggot this, cocksucker that, lifelong drunk, uneducated this, broke that, is the big tell, just as sure as a poker tell. They can't explain their alternative math, or answer the challenges so they just get real nasty.

And it is funny the two people being discussed as the GOAT in terms of trolling and fictional, fantasy claims, are two of the nastiest. It goes hand in hand. As soon as these guys respond to legitimate challenges of claims that don't add up by the math, with nasty attacks and name-calling, you know they are lying.
I understand your stance on Rob, he was by far the nastiest to you, followed by Comrade, Max and Mickey( remember those days ) I don't think he ever said anything nasty to me that I can recall,, if I would have been in the line of fire like the rest of you, I'm sure he would have been less comical. I can't think of anybody funnier on all the gambling forums going as far back as the Aceshii/ Logan / Banjo Jerry and many others days ! I don't blame any of you for resenting him for all his nasty attacks over the last several years.