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Thread: Video Game Reco and or Review

  1. #21
    I'm currently a fan of speed runs and randomizer tournaments. TAS (Tool Assisted Speedruns) are also pretty cool. Its amazing what these guys can do and how easily some games are broken.

  2. #22
    Railroad Tycoon 3 (2003)...

    has not been outdone for 18 years and counting.
    Recently broke it out of storage and started to mess with it again.
    It's more of a game centered around Economics and Industry First while Railroads play second fiddle.
    The resources change every time you reload a map which gives you replay value.
    Not a difficult game to master but it has a lot going on with supply, demand and the stock market.
    Hard to go wrong for 10 bucks if you like these sort of games.
    You probably could download it for free somewhere if your into torrents and cracks.
    Plenty of youtube videos showing you optimal play if you can't figure it out.
    One game where the soundtrack seems to sync perfectly while playing.
    Go West!

  3. #23
    Railroad Tycoon 2 Platinum Edition (1998-2003)

    I never played this as I was late to the party starting with the 3rd edition.
    Supposed to be better in almost every way compared to RRT3.
    That is if you like more micromanagement.
    For 5 dollars on Steam I figure I can't go wrong.
    Kids Game?
    Sure but still fun for a few days or so till that Fun wears off.
    Funny how the graphics look a lot like Civ IV.

  4. #24
    Last edited by MisterV; 04-27-2021 at 10:55 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  5. #25
    lol... I'm on a Railroad Kick.
    I'm currently downloading the Complete Collection of Railway Empire on Steam for 20 dollars.
    Supposedly an 81% savings.
    No I do not endorse Steam as they eat the souls of little children.
    I was thinking of buying the Planet Coaster and or Planet Zoo Collections but they want 135 dollars for the Coaster Collection and 80 bucks for the Zoo Collection.
    I watched some Let's Plays of both and it looked far too complex without enough substance in strategic competition.
    The games are more for builders and it is impressive what they can do with the 3D models.
    Some of those guys are making bank on Youtube with a 250k+ subscribers.
    You could also get the whole Frontier Games Collection for 250 dollars but I learned from my mistake spending 250 dollars on the whole collection of EU4.
    A game I played for about 2 whole hours before putting it on the shelf.
    These Evil Game Companies constantly charge you 10 to 20 dollars for each little DLC which is the Devil IMO.
    All that being said how am I going to pass up on Railway Empire for 20 dollars for all the content.
    If I ever see the Zoo or Coaster collections go down 80% I'll pick them up.

    Railway Empire (2018 - 2020)

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