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Thread: The case against Mdawg

  1. #121
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    So long as KJ affirms under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Nevada that for at least the past ten years he has always properly filed his income tax returns identifying himself as a "professional gambler" then I see no problem with him identifying himself as such on this board.

    His Schedule C's for the past decade would tell the tale.

    No, I am not asking that he post them; for me it would be enough for him to affirm that the proper returns have been filed; it might be interesting, at least to me, to have KJ discuss some of the gambling-related expenses / deductions he claimed, but I digress.

    Sure, he likes attention and has a narcissistic streak of sorts but I think any shade due from that is offset by the content of his posts.

    What is wrong with a man on a gambling board cliaiming to be a professional gambler?

    Isn't this THE EXACT PLACE where such a claim is warranted?

    I assume viewers would rather read his posts about how he approaches blackjack from a professional point of view than my posts from amateurland about slots and craps.

    Besides, in making that claim he knowingly sets himself up for a higher level of scrutiny, which a poseur would wish to avoid.
    I am sorry MisterV, but No I am not getting into my tax filings on a message board. I will say that I have a tax guy, a guy that mostly handles and specializes in gamblers, so he knows what he is doing. And for tax purposes I have filed a couple different ways over the years, depending on what benefits me most, all legal.

    That is all I am going to say. If you think players claiming to make a living from gambling should be required to prove it by showing tax documents, then there will be no professioal players on these forums, that simple. Recreational players can talk amonst themselves.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  2. #122
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    What else should he call himself?

    You have to be one of the most dense people to ever walk these forums.
    Learn how to use the proper pronouns when you reference kewlJ.
    She/Her/They/Them/It/Fag/Queer/Homo/Retard/Mommas Girl

  3. #123
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Learn how to use the proper pronouns when you reference kewlJ.
    She/Her/They/Them/It/Fag/Queer/Homo/Retard/Mommas Girl
    Why are you filled with such hate, porkchop? I am a man, a gay man. I don't dress or have any desires to be a woman. I like sports. Play, attend and watch A LOT of sporting events. I don't like shopping or musicals. Why do you have to show your bigotry and hatred. You are a very typical bigot...hate everyone and anyone that is a little different than you, sexually, culturally, anything.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  4. #124
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    What else should he call himself?

    You have to be one of the most dense people to ever walk these forums.
    Learn how to use the proper pronouns when you reference kewlJ.
    She/Her/They/Them/It/Fag/Queer/Homo/Retard/Mommas Girl
    Are you defending his honor??

  5. #125
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    So long as KJ affirms under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Nevada that for at least the past ten years he has always properly filed his income tax returns identifying himself as a "professional gambler" then I see no problem with him identifying himself as such on this board.

    His Schedule C's for the past decade would tell the tale.

    No, I am not asking that he post them; for me it would be enough for him to affirm that the proper returns have been filed; it might be interesting, at least to me, to have KJ discuss some of the gambling-related expenses / deductions he claimed, but I digress.

    Sure, he likes attention and has a narcissistic streak of sorts but I think any shade due from that is offset by the content of his posts.

    What is wrong with a man on a gambling board cliaiming to be a professional gambler?

    Isn't this THE EXACT PLACE where such a claim is warranted?

    I assume viewers would rather read his posts about how he approaches blackjack from a professional point of view than my posts from amateurland about slots and craps.

    Besides, in making that claim he knowingly sets himself up for a higher level of scrutiny, which a poseur would wish to avoid.
    I am sorry MisterV, but No I am not getting into my tax filings on a message board. I will say that I have a tax guy, a guy that mostly handles and specializes in gamblers, so he knows what he is doing. And for tax purposes I have filed a couple different ways over the years, depending on what benefits me most, all legal.

    That is all I am going to say. If you think players claiming to make a living from gambling should be required to prove it by showing tax documents, then there will be no professioal players on these forums, that simple. Recreational players can talk amonst themselves.
    Here he is again---making claims, and then coming out with a display of fear if it came to him having to prove any of his concocted BS.

    You are no more a "professional gambler" than AndrewG is a good father.

    And here's a flash: most professional gamblers file their own returns in order to be able to skirt the rules very effectively in their favor. Only incompetent, weak people who want others to believe they're "pro g's" when they're not, claim to have a "tax guy". What a true idiot.

  6. #126
    KJ, did you misunderstand?

    Nowhere did I ask that you provide or post your tax returns, that would be asinine.

    I asked only that you verify that you claimed your winnings offset by losses in the required legal manner.

    I assumed that you'd file an individual return and that you'd file a schedule C to reflect your grambling income and expenses.

    You say your tax guy has done it different ways: what ways are you referring to?

    I could care less about the specifics of your filings, but their nature is what I'd like to know about.

    Hell, prior to Trump's overhaul of the tax code even I, a lowly recreational gambler, reported gambling income on my 1040 and reported losses on my Schedule A.

    What do you pros do, generally speaking, or do you feel uncomfortable / out of your element discussing tax-related matters?

    No, I'm not looking for a "gotcha" moment, other than had you never filed it would be "case closed."
    What, Me Worry?

  7. #127
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    What do you pros do, generally speaking, or do you feel uncomfortable / out of your element discussing tax-related matters?

    No, I'm not looking for a "gotcha" moment, other than had you never filed it would be "case closed."
    Uncomfortable? I don't know if that is the right term, but it is not my feild of expertise. That is why I pay someone else to handle it. It is one of those things that I know I should eductae myself more on, along with finacial planning for the future but I just don't. I have little interest and am not motivated to do so.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  8. #128
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    Do you take umbrage with the term professional blackjack player / proffesional gambler or just my using it?

    Honestly BoSox, the things you choose to nitpik with me, it is hard to come up with any other reason than you just sometimes have this desire to be a dick.
    Jesus KewlJ even MDawg does not call himself a professional player. Matter of fact very few people use the term on gaming boards, as they do not need to prove themselves to anyone. The term itself is very subjective, to say the least. Regarding you saying it that is your business. However, the hours that you have put in from 2004 to 2015 you likely averaged out the same income as a blue-collar service employee who works plenty of overtime. Only over recent years have you started living a somewhat normal life by slowing down on your time spent in your occupation. The main question should be why do you always have the need to impress internet boards?
    What else should he call himself?

    You have to be one of the most dense people to ever walk these forums.

    Listen asshole, it is not about KJ calling himself professional that irks me. If that was his only intent in explaining how he makes a living. He is, on the other hand, using the term "Professional" as a leverage point of knowledge experience. So most anyone who questions his reasoning is out of their mind, at least it is how I perceive him from his perspective. This board almost never discusses blackjack so his methods of knowledge are, for the most part, a non-priority here so he is mostly bullshitting the forum that he is anyone meaningful. Unfortunately, I am also a blackjack player and been posting here hoping to pick up some of the vast wealth of insightful knowledge in other areas that the membership displays.
    Last edited by BoSox; 05-28-2021 at 02:08 PM.

  9. #129
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post

    Here he is again---making claims, and then coming out with a display of fear if it came to him having to prove any of his concocted BS.

    You are no more a "professional gambler" than AndrewG is a good father.

    And here's a flash: most professional gamblers file their own returns in order to be able to skirt the rules very effectively in their favor. Only incompetent, weak people who want others to believe they're "pro g's" when they're not, claim to have a "tax guy". What a true idiot.
    Hey look, the village idot woke up. Rob, you are truely the John Cleese character from the Monty Python Village idiot skits.

    I have been consistant that no one is on trial and need prove anything, as long as the math works and that includes you, you Larry Fine looking goofball. However when YOU tied your math defying claims to purchasing a million and a half dollar Newell, then the burden of proof did shift. YOU did that!

    But regardless, even though I am against anyone being required to show tax documents supporting their claims, I will break and do so and figure out how to do so, right after you do so, something you have renegged on once already with arci, if I am not mistaken. It was before my time so I may be mistaken on who it was but to refresh you both were supposed to show proof via tax returns, the other person did, and Rob Singer as usual, renegged and lied.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  10. #130
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    I suppose it takes one to know one "narcissistic thing". Although, your above post is a great improvement compared to your usual descriptions of yourself. Everyone should have recognized that for the very first time ever you've left out of your hundreds of posts that you are a professional gambler. That is one huge improvement on your part and should not be easily dismissed by others. I am proud of you for this accomplishment and contrary to what you say I do not hate you as you insinuate. Why should I, as I have no reason to hate you?
    Do you take umbrage with the term professional blackjack player / proffesional gambler or just my using it?

    Honestly BoSox, the things you choose to nitpik with me, it is hard to come up with any other reason than you just sometimes have this desire to be a dick.
    Jesus KewlJ even MDawg does not call himself a professional player. Matter of fact very few people use the term on gaming boards, as they do not need to prove themselves to anyone. The term itself is very subjective, to say the least. Regarding you saying it that is your business. However, the hours that you have put in from 2004 to 2015 you likely averaged out the same income as a blue-collar service employee who works plenty of overtime. Only over recent years have you started living a somewhat normal life by slowing down on your time spent in your occupation. The main question should be why do you always have the need to impress internet boards?

    I was not going to get into this, but since BoSox brought it up -- of course MDawg would be under obligation, given his massive winnings, to file as a professional gambler. Even if he's very wealthy, the amount of his winnings, and the hours he puts in according to his posts, would define him as a professional. I'm not sure there's a way to evade this if he's won as he's posted. He wins session after session, year after year. It would be hard to say it's all just recreational winning time after time after time after time.

    He would be in an interesting situation at odds with itself. Because he claims to have massive comps, and because he wins so much, if he did file as a pro, then he would probably be better off paying for rooms, which he could deduct as expenses, while switching his comps over to free play or some additional (preferably untrackable) rebate.

    The problem would then arise that would be the same for anyone trying to define themselves as "professional gamblers" after lottery winnings. You would have to explain some actual means by which you win to satisfy the definition of "professional gambler" and to be able to write off expenses.

    MDawg is actually in a very complicated situation. His posts might be more interesting if he discussed how or why he is or is not a professional. Oh what a tangled web....
    Last edited by redietz; 05-28-2021 at 02:00 PM.

  11. #131
    There is no obligation to file as a professional gambler. But to do so would allow Mr Mdawg to claim deductions that he could not deduct as a non professional.

    That he wins so much money or spends so much time gambling doesn't obligate him to claim a tax sheltered classification.

  12. #132
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
    There is no obligation to file as a professional gambler. But to do so would allow Mr Mdawg to claim deductions that he could not deduct as a non professional.

    That he wins so much money or spends so much time gambling doesn't obligate him to claim a tax sheltered classification.

    That's not what I meant, Alan. Sorry I was not completely clear. I meant logical obligation, not legal obligation.

    He's not legally obligated, but trying to define his winnings as recreational in nature given his logs and history would result in scrutiny similar to when those idiots put water in ping pong balls in Pittsburgh for the lottery. You can't just win and win and win under the explanation of "recreational" and not expect to draw all kinds of attention that is worse in nature than if you called yourself a professional.

  13. #133
    Memo to whomever may have discovered douchedawg's actual identity: the IRS might be interested in links / screen shots of his gambling brags.

    Hello, audit ...
    What, Me Worry?

  14. #134
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
    There is no obligation to file as a professional gambler. But to do so would allow Mr Mdawg to claim deductions that he could not deduct as a non professional.

    That he wins so much money or spends so much time gambling doesn't obligate him to claim a tax sheltered classification.

    That's not what I meant, Alan. Sorry I was not completely clear. I meant logical obligation, not legal obligation.

    He's not legally obligated, but trying to define his winnings as recreational in nature given his logs and history would result in scrutiny similar to when those idiots put water in ping pong balls in Pittsburgh for the lottery. You can't just win and win and win under the explanation of "recreational" and not expect to draw all kinds of attention that is worse in nature than if you called yourself a professional.
    If the recreational filer pays a higher percentage of taxes than a professional using extra write-off deductions why would the IRS care?

  15. #135
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    KJ, did you misunderstand?

    Nowhere did I ask that you provide or post your tax returns, that would be asinine.

    I asked only that you verify that you claimed your winnings offset by losses in the required legal manner.

    I assumed that you'd file an individual return and that you'd file a schedule C to reflect your grambling income and expenses.

    You say your tax guy has done it different ways: what ways are you referring to?

    I could care less about the specifics of your filings, but their nature is what I'd like to know about.

    Hell, prior to Trump's overhaul of the tax code even I, a lowly recreational gambler, reported gambling income on my 1040 and reported losses on my Schedule A.

    What do you pros do, generally speaking, or do you feel uncomfortable / out of your element discussing tax-related matters?

    No, I'm not looking for a "gotcha" moment, other than had you never filed it would be "case closed."
    It is pretty simple. Once you classify as a gambler according to the IRS you simply fill out a Schedule C. That is where you show winnings and losses along with any other deductible expenses.

    No.different than any other business. You can even incorporate and use your EIN when claiming jackpots. Although that takes some finesse if you already existed in some casino systems.

  16. #136
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    Do you take umbrage with the term professional blackjack player / proffesional gambler or just my using it?

    Honestly BoSox, the things you choose to nitpik with me, it is hard to come up with any other reason than you just sometimes have this desire to be a dick.
    Jesus KewlJ even MDawg does not call himself a professional player. Matter of fact very few people use the term on gaming boards, as they do not need to prove themselves to anyone. The term itself is very subjective, to say the least. Regarding you saying it that is your business. However, the hours that you have put in from 2004 to 2015 you likely averaged out the same income as a blue-collar service employee who works plenty of overtime. Only over recent years have you started living a somewhat normal life by slowing down on your time spent in your occupation. The main question should be why do you always have the need to impress internet boards?

    I was not going to get into this, but since BoSox brought it up -- of course MDawg would be under obligation, given his massive winnings, to file as a professional gambler. Even if he's very wealthy, the amount of his winnings, and the hours he puts in according to his posts, would define him as a professional. I'm not sure there's a way to evade this if he's won as he's posted. He wins session after session, year after year. It would be hard to say it's all just recreational winning time after time after time after time.

    He would be in an interesting situation at odds with itself. Because he claims to have massive comps, and because he wins so much, if he did file as a pro, then he would probably be better off paying for rooms, which he could deduct as expenses, while switching his comps over to free play or some additional (preferably untrackable) rebate.

    The problem would then arise that would be the same for anyone trying to define themselves as "professional gamblers" after lottery winnings. You would have to explain some actual means by which you win to satisfy the definition of "professional gambler" and to be able to write off expenses.

    MDawg is actually in a very complicated situation. His posts might be more interesting if he discussed how or why he is or is not a professional. Oh what a tangled web....
    You clearly have NO CLUE how gamblers, both hobbyists and professional, are taxed. As in NO CLUE.

  17. #137
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Memo to whomever may have discovered douchedawg's actual identity: the IRS might be interested in links / screen shots of his gambling brags.

    Hello, audit ...
    Why? You are clueless about how the IRS views gambling.

  18. #138
    Bumping a discussion about Marydawg.....I know, giving him the attention he craves.

    Watching the Golden Knights demolish the Aves and tie up the series, doing a ton of surfing, I got around to checking on our friend MaryDawg over at that forum where he is the only poster (at least in his threads) and felt I had to give this update for those who might be worried. Mighty Marydawg claims winning days of 51k and 49k this week (among his 7 winning days, of course).

    Hold on while I do the math....that is a zero, carry the 1... hey, 100k added to fairytale THIS WEEK (just in those 2 days). What a surprise that the fairytale claims are escalating. Who could have predicted THAT? That mighty, might, hero.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  19. #139
    By the way, by my calculations, I beleive this puts him up well over 300 grand in a little less than 3 months. And the casinos don't seem to mind one bit and continue to comp him, high end suites, meals, tickets to high priced sporting events, ect.

    That Las Vegas.....boy that is one hell of a nice place!
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  20. #140
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    Do you take umbrage with the term professional blackjack player / proffesional gambler or just my using it?

    Honestly BoSox, the things you choose to nitpik with me, it is hard to come up with any other reason than you just sometimes have this desire to be a dick.
    Jesus KewlJ even MDawg does not call himself a professional player. Matter of fact very few people use the term on gaming boards, as they do not need to prove themselves to anyone. The term itself is very subjective, to say the least. Regarding you saying it that is your business. However, the hours that you have put in from 2004 to 2015 you likely averaged out the same income as a blue-collar service employee who works plenty of overtime. Only over recent years have you started living a somewhat normal life by slowing down on your time spent in your occupation. The main question should be why do you always have the need to impress internet boards?

    I was not going to get into this, but since BoSox brought it up -- of course MDawg would be under obligation, given his massive winnings, to file as a professional gambler. Even if he's very wealthy, the amount of his winnings, and the hours he puts in according to his posts, would define him as a professional. I'm not sure there's a way to evade this if he's won as he's posted. He wins session after session, year after year. It would be hard to say it's all just recreational winning time after time after time after time.

    He would be in an interesting situation at odds with itself. Because he claims to have massive comps, and because he wins so much, if he did file as a pro, then he would probably be better off paying for rooms, which he could deduct as expenses, while switching his comps over to free play or some additional (preferably untrackable) rebate.

    The problem would then arise that would be the same for anyone trying to define themselves as "professional gamblers" after lottery winnings. You would have to explain some actual means by which you win to satisfy the definition of "professional gambler" and to be able to write off expenses.

    MDawg is actually in a very complicated situation. His posts might be more interesting if he discussed how or why he is or is not a professional. Oh what a tangled web....
    The IRS will not force you to file as a professional. They get more money if you don't. If you don't have other work you can pencil in unemployed. They have more of a problem with those claiming to be professionals when they are not.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

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