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Thread: movie reco

  1. #321
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Thanks Monet. I don't remember seeing this one.
    The movie is epic and how they filmed it is a pretty interesting read.
    Acting from Voight is superb.
    This guy went from Deliverance to this Manny character.
    Manny reminds me of my father and looks like him a bit as my father had a long period with the handlebar mustache.
    They both had the same crazy mentality.
    They really didn't need Rebecca De Mornay in it but probably some studio head insisted on some woman element in the storyline.
    I dunno... when you have time give it a watch and let us know what you think.

  2. #322
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    when you have time give it a watch and let us know what you think.
    I really enjoyed the movie and appreciate the recommendation. Nice early-career appearance from Tiny Lister (career high was The 5th element IIRC) who played the guard duped into sneaking out Manny in the laundry cart. Rest in Peace Tiny, I enjoyed your films. Revenge at all costs was refreshing, since in today's world people get the pussified narrative of it's not worth your life to get even when really, it's situational in regards to this - one size does not fit all. As you say Voight did a great job. I would say my favorite role he did was in the classic movie Heat (Nate). Loved the absolute intensity of purpose the characters in Runaway Train had. The bravado of Warden Ranken was denied. Obviously, Eric Roberts did a fantastic job as he has in so many movies.

    This is the era of movies from which to draw much entertainment from - although good movies do still get made, it's just much rarer.

  3. #323
    Not bad: "The Shooting Gallery"
    full movie:

  4. #324
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Not bad: "The Shooting Gallery"
    full movie:
    One of those movies that I will take a look at eventually.
    Free Movie Helps Here.

    I watched MallRats (1995) again late last night.
    I haven't seen it for at least 21 years.
    It seemed so much more clever back in 1995.
    I'm certainly turning into a grumpy old man.
    The story and acting seemed forced and somewhat horrible.
    I kept thinking about Stage 4 Cancer and 100% blockage in arteries as I was watching.
    If you didn't know Shannen Doherty has the Cancer and Kevin Smith had the Heart Attack.

    Interesting Note is that Joe Rogan recently interviewed Sebastian Junger who had an NDE.
    This guy claims he went all through life never thinking that he could die at any moment lol.
    After that he says as he was dying he felt as if he was being sucked into a deep dark pit and that he didn't want to go into it as he could feel the fear.
    He also said he seen or felt the presence of his dead father as he was dying.
    Of course, he still says he is an Atheist after all of that!!
    Dude escaped the clutches of Hell and now thinks he is going to write a book about the experience after he finds out more information lol lol lol.

    Sorry for the derailed post here.
    I veered into the MallRats thing and that made me think of Kevin Smith who almost died of a Heart Attack somewhat recently.
    He wrote Dogma and talked about his experience on Joe Rogan which made me think about the recent Sebastian Junger Interview.
    Joe Rogan has had some horrible guests recently.
    Andy Norman probably the worst of a long list.
    Even Dave Chappelle was so dry and boring to me.
    He either needs a script or a bunch of weed, IMO that is... most people love listening to him talk.
    I enjoyed Adam Duritz for the most part.
    Would of liked to understand why he used to wear Dreads all the time though lol.
    I guess the PC Police wouldn't stand for that these days.
    Last edited by monet; 05-23-2021 at 11:27 AM.

  5. #325
    lul... I just read that Kevin Spacey is going to return to acting in an Italian Film.
    I admit I like a good number of his movies.
    I liked that asshole he always portrayed in many of his films.
    Swimming with Sharks (1994) comes to mind.
    I could never understand the acclaim that he and the film American Beauty (1999) received?
    Hollywood Pushing Pedophilia once again and the American Masses eating it up!?

    This is a direct synopsis quote about the film...
    "A sexually frustrated suburban father has a mid-life crisis after becoming infatuated with his daughter's best friend."

    How are you going to read that headline and justify waiting in line for tickets??
    That movie won 5 Academy Awards!
    Mindboggling to me.
    Ok... not mindboggling to me but I don't care for the subject material.
    Last edited by monet; 05-23-2021 at 06:17 PM.

  6. #326
    Yes it's been a long time since I saw Mall Rats. Jason Lee's career seems to have fizzled into oblivion. I guess they eventually tired of how sardonic the guy is. Anyway when I saw the movie many years ago I liked it quite a bit. I haven't seen it recently like you have Monet, so I am not clear if I would enjoy it now. Those Kevin Smith movies like Clerks and the spinoff movies (Jay and Silent Bob) with his side kick were damn funny. I didn't know he had a heart attack so thanks for the heads up.

    And now I leave you with this:

  7. #327
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Yes it's been a long time since I saw Mall Rats. Jason Lee's career seems to have fizzled into oblivion. I guess they eventually tired of how sardonic the guy is. Anyway when I saw the movie many years ago I liked it quite a bit. I haven't seen it recently like you have Monet, so I am not clear if I would enjoy it now. Those Kevin Smith movies like Clerks and the spinoff movies (Jay and Silent Bob) with his side kick were damn funny. I didn't know he had a heart attack so thanks for the heads up.

    And now I leave you with this:
    Don't get me wrong.
    I enjoyed these movies back in the 90s as well.
    Not sure why MallRats didn't withstand the test of time for me.
    Funny how 25 years of Life has warped me.
    I thought Kevin Smith talking about how he had a heart attack and what they did to him was a good listen.
    The guy claims to have drank about 2 gallons of whole milk per day for years along with ho ho's and what not lol lol lol.
    Maybe Milk doesn't do the body good!?

    He went on the Presto Diet from Penn Jillette for 2 weeks.
    2 weeks of all the baked or steam potatoes you want to eat with nothing on them.
    Not even salt.
    I would think that pepper would be ok??
    But that's it lol... hungry??
    Eat a potato or as many as you like.
    Claims he lost 17 pounds in 2 weeks.
    Maybe I need a new nickname.
    From Pork Chop to Potato!

    If you haven't found it yet I have provided the youtube link.
    I listen to Joe Rogan for Entertainment.
    The more I have listened to him in the last 12 to 18 months, the more I realize he is Full of Shit but I still find him entertaining enough and we have some common interests.
    As I have said before... I really like Talk Radio and this is about the closest thing we have, these days, to that format.

    Last edited by monet; 05-23-2021 at 10:55 PM.

  8. #328
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Yes it's been a long time since I saw Mall Rats. Jason Lee's career seems to have fizzled into oblivion. I guess they eventually tired of how sardonic the guy is. Anyway when I saw the movie many years ago I liked it quite a bit. I haven't seen it recently like you have Monet, so I am not clear if I would enjoy it now. Those Kevin Smith movies like Clerks and the spinoff movies (Jay and Silent Bob) with his side kick were damn funny. I didn't know he had a heart attack so thanks for the heads up.

    And now I leave you with this:
    Don't get me wrong.
    I enjoyed these movies back in the 90s as well.
    Not sure why MallRats didn't withstand the test of time for me.
    Funny how 25 years of Life has warped me.
    I thought Kevin Smith talking about how he had a heart attack and what they did to him was a good listen.
    The guy claims to have drank about 2 gallons of whole milk per day for years along with ho ho's and what not lol lol lol.
    Maybe Milk doesn't do the body good!?

    He went on the Presto Diet from Penn Jillette for 2 weeks.
    2 weeks of all the baked or steam potatoes you want to eat with nothing on them.
    Not even salt.
    I would think that pepper would be ok??
    But that's it lol... hungry??
    Eat a potato or as many as you like.
    Claims he lost 17 pounds in 2 weeks.
    Maybe I need a new nickname.
    From Pork Chop to Potato!

    If you haven't found it yet I have provided the youtube link.
    I listen to Joe Rogan for Entertainment.
    The more I have listened to him in the last 12 to 18 months, the more I realize he is Full of Shit but I still find him entertaining enough and we have some common interests.
    As I have said before... I really like Talk Radio and this is about the closest thing we have, these days, to that format.
    Thanks Monet, I'll give it a listen. The last one I listened to was the full Dave Chappelle podcast a few days back.

  9. #329
    Bill Murray, hustler

    What, Me Worry?

  10. #330
    I enjoy Kevin Costner, Sports Movies and Love Stories.
    If you want to torture yourself watch For Love of the Game (1999).
    Interesting Note is how many good actors are in this movie not including Kelly Preston.
    She either Fucked everyone really good or she had massive dirt on someone to land the lead love interest in this film you will never watch again.
    Bull Durham, Check!
    Field of Dreams, a bit strange/odd but Check!
    Obviously, they went for the 3 peat and struck out.
    IMO that is.
    The movie does have some people giving it strong reviews but I'm pretty sure those people are either women, gay or fake.

    I read someone review the movie saying that the movie had some strong scenes but as a whole fell flat.
    I'd have to agree with that but you have to go through a bunch of slow pain to enjoy a few decent scenes.

    On one positive note it is nice to hear Vin Scully calling the action.
    Even as melodramatic or cheesy as he was he has the perfect voice for calling sports.
    Those days are fading as announcing Men's Sports has turned into a total PC Fest with unknowledgeable 22 year old women leading the charge.
    Last edited by monet; 06-06-2021 at 02:22 PM.

  11. #331
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    I enjoy Kevin Costner, Sports Movies and Love Stories.
    If you want to torture yourself watch For Love of the Game (1999).
    Interesting Note is how many good actors are in this movie not including Kelly Preston.
    She either Fucked everyone really good or she had massive dirt on someone to land the lead love interest in this film you will never watch again.
    Bull Durham, Check!
    Field of Dreams, a bit strange/odd but Check!
    Obviously, they went for the 3 peat and struck out.
    IMO that is.
    The movie does have some people giving it strong reviews but I'm pretty sure those people are either women, gay or fake.

    I read someone review the movie saying that the movie had some strong scenes but as a whole fell flat.
    I'd have to agree with that but you have to go through a bunch of slow pain to enjoy a few decent scenes.

    On one positive note it is nice to hear Vin Scully calling the action.
    Even as melodramatic or cheesy as he was he has the perfect voice for calling sports.
    Those days are fading as announcing Men's Sports has turned into a total PC Fest with unknowledgeable 22 year old women leading the charge.
    Thanks Monet. I think I remember seeing some or perhaps all of Bull Durham, but not the other two. I enjoyed Waterworld even though it flopped (relative to its cost to make).

  12. #332
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Thanks Monet. I think I remember seeing some or perhaps all of Bull Durham, but not the other two. I enjoyed Waterworld even though it flopped (relative to its cost to make).
    I could watch Waterworld and the Postman 100 times in a row, back to back, before I would watch For Love of the Game again lol.
    Although, if I am flipping through the channels and I land on, For Love of the Game, I will keep it on to see how long I can take it before I change the channel.

    Waterworld made a little money depending on how you look at the numbers.
    235 Million to make it and it grossed 264 Million worldwide.
    My father liked it because of Dennis Hopper.

    The Postman cost 80 to 85 Million to make.
    The Postman was a major critical failure and a box-office bomb, grossing a total of $20 million worldwide.
    It was nominated for three Saturn Awards but won all five of its Golden Raspberry Award nominations including Worst Picture.

    Win Some.
    Lose Some.
    I'm pretty sure that Kevin Costner cleaned up with Dances with Wolves.
    Honestly, who doesn't like Kevin Costner?
    He has the same charisma as Paul Newman.
    Paul Newman is superior though just for the fact that he actually raced cars later in his life and won races.
    He was able to actually force the movie industry to accept the risk of him racing while filming movies.
    That might be more pull than what Kirk Douglas had with his star power.
    Kirk Douglas did make it to 103 years old which is impressive.
    He tells a story of how he had a gun in his mouth, in his bedroom, when he did his documentary show: Before I Forget (2009).

    Obviously, we can name many other similar types of men in the movie industry like:
    Clint Eastwood
    Steve McQueen
    Robert Redford
    etc. etc.
    Last edited by monet; 06-06-2021 at 11:40 PM.

  13. #333
    Nick Cage as Superman!?
    You can see the frustration from this video and how making a movie changed in the late 90s and obviously has gotten worse over the last 22 years.

  14. #334
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Thanks Monet. I think I remember seeing some or perhaps all of Bull Durham, but not the other two. I enjoyed Waterworld even though it flopped (relative to its cost to make).
    I could watch Waterworld and the Postman 100 times in a row, back to back, before I would watch For Love of the Game again lol.
    Although, if I am flipping through the channels and I land on, For Love of the Game, I will keep it on to see how long I can take it before I change the channel.

    Waterworld made a little money depending on how you look at the numbers.
    235 Million to make it and it grossed 264 Million worldwide.
    My father liked it because of Dennis Hopper.

    The Postman cost 80 to 85 Million to make.
    The Postman was a major critical failure and a box-office bomb, grossing a total of $20 million worldwide.
    It was nominated for three Saturn Awards but won all five of its Golden Raspberry Award nominations including Worst Picture.

    Win Some.
    Lose Some.
    I'm pretty sure that Kevin Costner cleaned up with Dances with Wolves.
    Honestly, who doesn't like Kevin Costner?
    He has the same charisma as Paul Newman.
    Paul Newman is superior though just for the fact that he actually raced cars later in his life and won races.
    He was able to actually force the movie industry to accept the risk of him racing while filming movies.
    That might be more pull than what Kirk Douglas had with his star power.
    Kirk Douglas did make it to 103 years old which is impressive.
    He tells a story of how he had a gun in his mouth, in his bedroom, when he did his documentary show: Before I Forget (2009).

    Obviously, we can name many other similar types of men in the movie industry like:
    Clint Eastwood
    Steve McQueen
    Robert Redford
    etc. etc.
    Thanks for the great insights Monet regarding the above and Cage as Superman.

  15. #335
    Watched a couple of movies I haven't seen before or at least didn't remember.
    Some of the members on here probably will enjoy the old school race track scenes from the first movie.
    It's actually a Stanley Kubric Movie.
    The ending sort of pisses me off because as smart as this guy and plan were it all unravels into some moronic maneuvers.
    I suppose this should be suspected as he showed his stupidity in the beginning, letting the two timing wife go.
    Good enough for a viewing despite its many flaws.

    The Killing (1956)

    Next up, in this Double Feature, we have an aging Robert Mitchum with Raymond's father playing the hit man who will do anything to survive.
    This movie is more raw and realistic to me.
    It also features both actors bashing Niggers and lol.
    Different Era I suppose.
    IMO this movie is worth multiple viewings compared to the first.
    Two Great Reasons:
    1. Robert Mitchum
    2. The 1971 Plymouth Road Runner (383) (beep beep)

    The Friends of Eddie Coyle (1973)

    It is worth mentioning that a few modern day movies like "The Town" and "Batman The Dark Knight" have borrowed from these earlier films.
    Last edited by monet; 06-11-2021 at 07:19 AM.

  16. #336
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    The Friends of Eddie Coyle (1973)
    It looks like this movie can be viewed for free on Kanopy (just need a library card at a library that participates in Kanopy). Thanks for the reco Monet.

  17. #337
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    It looks like this movie can be viewed for free on Kanopy (just need a library card at a library that participates in Kanopy). Thanks for the reco Monet.
    Good looking out.
    I forgot to mention that the movie has a great old time hockey scene at the Boston Garden back when players didn't wear helmets and the goalies hardly wore equipment/masks.
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  18. #338
    A couple of movies currently free on YouTube.
    Nothing spectacular or must see but good enough if nothing better to do.
    I wouldn't mind watching the PBS Documentary, Walter Winchell: The Power of Gossip if I can get it for free.
    The Bruce Willis movie is probably about a 5 out of 10.
    Like I say... nothing else to do and seen just about every movie ever made.

  19. #339
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    A couple of movies currently free on YouTube.
    Nothing spectacular or must see but good enough if nothing better to do.
    I wouldn't mind watching the PBS Documentary, Walter Winchell: The Power of Gossip if I can get it for free.
    The Bruce Willis movie is probably about a 5 out of 10.
    Like I say... nothing else to do and seen just about every movie ever made.
    Thanks Monet - it looks like Bruce Willis has gone the straight to video route for the most part. Good move for him probably.

  20. #340
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Thanks Monet - it looks like Bruce Willis has gone the straight to video route for the most part. Good move for him probably.
    The story seems to be that he is difficult to work with.
    He seems to be using the same playbook that Nick Cage uses.
    Although, I don't think Willis has the same problem with the irs.
    As far as all his straight to dvd movies go, this one about Venice Beach, wasn't that bad.
    Very similar to the Whole Nine Yards.

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