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Thread: Double Up limits in Video Poker

  1. #1
    I found an interesting bit of information in an archived article in Gaming Today. It said that each casino could limit how much money could be doubled up with the double up feature.

    You can read the article here:

    The key sentence is this:

    "This continues until you lose, until you take the money and stop, or until you hit the maximum double-up limit set by the casino."

    So I checked around. Several casinos no longer allow the double up feature, so they had no information about limits.

    But on the Vegas Strip I was told that the Caesars casinos prior to the recent merger had a maximum double up limit of $4000.

    This meant that if you hit, for example a $4,000 royal on a $1 game the double up feature would not work.

    Let's say you hit quad 4s on a $5 Bonus game. The original pay is $1,000. You would be allowed to try to double up to $2,000 and again you could try to double up again to $4,000. But once you won $4,000 the double up feature would not kick in.

    Therefore any claims of hitting payouts of more than $4,000 using the double up are bogus.

    I also was told that no other casino company would risk double ups greater than $4,000.

    Edited to add:

    Anyone claiming to have won $1.5-million using the double up feature would have to use it a minimum of 375 times because of the double up limit. It would be many more than 375 times at casinos with limits less that 4-thousand dollars.

    I'm sure so many $4,000 wins would be suspicious when the original bet denomination still shows on the machines.
    Last edited by AndrewG; 06-12-2021 at 07:16 AM.

  2. #2
    Thanks for reporting this. It puts various and sundry claims in context.

    It'll be interesting to see how the resident spy, 00-bug, responds to this information. I hope he doesn't lose his license to grill.

  3. #3
    I'm not at all surprised what Andrew is reporting. I know nothing about protocols for machine play risk limits for the casinos, but the principles from casinos' perspectives in sports betting are to stringently limit potential losses. So when you go to a window to bet a long shot future, the casino isn't concerned with the amount of your wager but the amount of potential loss. Any potential loss above a certain amount triggers a key request for a manager, and while the manager-on-duty can override to a degree, anything above another amount would have to be approved by an overall manager. It's all about capping the exposure.

    I have to think almost all casinos would limit double up bug exposures the same way. Nobody wants to be the manager on duty who lets some dude take a small jackpot up into the stratosphere. And if some player did that, they'd be in the crosshairs on any future visit for sure.

    That's why much of the double up narrative stuff seems wonky. Since the double up could be fixed at any time or could be capped more and more tightly, I would think you'd be best served by hitting hard and fast with a number of trustworthy people, and most certainly involve your spouse. All this talk of I-Spy and being solo and all that -- I mean, c'mon, if you can't trust your spouse with keeping a lid on things, that's pretty strange. Plus it's not like you're protecting your spouse if you get caught -- unless you buried your winnings in the backyard, your spouse will be on the hook if there are shared financials.

    I don't think, for example, that this would fly: "Oh Geez, my husband reported he stumbled upon a 500K account he'd forgotten about and I knew nothing about. So we decided to buy a Newell -- even put my name on it."

  4. #4
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    I don't think, for example, that this would fly: "Oh Geez, my husband reported he stumbled upon a 500K account he'd forgotten about and I knew nothing about. So we decided to buy a Newell -- even put my name on it."
    Redietz, is this an unrelated 'example'? I don't remember it being part of Rob's "story", but I sort of stopped paying attention.

    As far as the double up, anyone with half a brain would have avoided handpays and tax forms. That would be the thing that gets you caught. If someone had really stumbled onto the double up, you could have made really good money, keeping jackpots below handpay amounts.

    In a conversation on television concerning our former President, a high ranking tax tax attorney stated that the statute of limitations for criminal tax fraud is 3 years, doubled to 6 years in certain instances. BUT that there is no statute of limitation for the IRS to bring a civil case to recover unpaid taxes (and penalties I assume). Which means if Rob's claim were true, it isn't, but if it was, The IRS cound STILL go after him for back taxes, including assets hidden in other people's names, as Rob has admitted to here.

    And isn't there a reward, a percentage for tipping off the situation? All the evidence is right here on this forum of Rob stating what he did, and what he did with the money, $1.6 million RV and houses in childrens names. Sounds like an AP move, a free roll, IF Rob's story were true, which of course it isn't. Still, free roll for anyone that wants it.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  5. #5
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    BUT that there is no statute of limitation for the IRS to bring a civil case to recover unpaid taxes (and penalties I assume). Which means if Rob's claim were true, it isn't, but if it was, The IRS cound STILL go after him for back taxes, including assets hidden in other people's names, as Rob has admitted to here.

    And isn't there a reward, a percentage for tipping off the situation? All the evidence is right here on this forum of Rob stating what he did, and what he did with the money, $1.6 million RV and houses in childrens names. Sounds like an AP move, a free roll, IF Rob's story were true, which of course it isn't. Still, free roll for anyone that wants it.
    This post by CumBreath is exactly what 98% of the membership here is about. Low life white trash and in this particular case a true cock-sucker.

    Regardless of what Rob claimed either true or false, is the perfect reason why any member should fear offering any type of advice here. For that matter it’s a wonder why anyone would even want to participate here in the first place. Just because Rob (along with the other 99% of the members here) don’t buy into the CumBreath fantasy BJ claims of 2 decades; this real-life cock-sucking member will threaten and try to bring something bad upon any member that don’t go along with his bullshit. Exactly like MaxPad another COWARD member here.

    I will continue to point this friendly forum setting out.


  6. #6
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    BUT that there is no statute of limitation for the IRS to bring a civil case to recover unpaid taxes (and penalties I assume). Which means if Rob's claim were true, it isn't, but if it was, The IRS cound STILL go after him for back taxes, including assets hidden in other people's names, as Rob has admitted to here.

    And isn't there a reward, a percentage for tipping off the situation? All the evidence is right here on this forum of Rob stating what he did, and what he did with the money, $1.6 million RV and houses in childrens names. Sounds like an AP move, a free roll, IF Rob's story were true, which of course it isn't. Still, free roll for anyone that wants it.
    This post by CumBreath is exactly what 98% of the membership here is about. Low life white trash and in this particular case a true cock-sucker.

    Regardless of what Rob claimed either true or false, is the perfect reason why any member should fear offering any type of advice here. For that matter it’s a wonder why anyone would even want to participate here in the first place. Just because Rob (along with the other 99% of the members here) don’t buy into the CumBreath fantasy BJ claims of 2 decades; this real-life cock-sucking member will threaten and try to bring something bad upon any member that don’t go along with his bullshit. Exactly like MaxPad another COWARD member here.

    I will continue to point this friendly forum setting out.


    To be honest, Blackhole and I discussed the IRS in the past and seem to be in agreement -- if 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW were nuked tomorrow, no tears would be shed.

  7. #7
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post

    This post by CumBreath is exactly what 98% of the membership here is about. Low life white trash and in this particular case a true cock-sucker.

    Regardless of what Rob claimed either true or false, is the perfect reason why any member should fear offering any type of advice here. For that matter it’s a wonder why anyone would even want to participate here in the first place. Just because Rob (along with the other 99% of the members here) don’t buy into the CumBreath fantasy BJ claims of 2 decades; this real-life cock-sucking member will threaten and try to bring something bad upon any member that don’t go along with his bullshit. Exactly like MaxPad another COWARD member here.

    I will continue to point this friendly forum setting out.
    Your such an idiot. 2 decades ago, I was a couple weeks removed from high school graduation, and had just moved to Philadelpia, and about a week into a new job. I was several years away from legal age to play blackjack and frankly had no interest or had heard of card counting. But never let the truth get in the way of your agenda.

    So where are you getting these numbers, 98%, 99%? Make them up to serve your agenda did we?

    I will challenge your 99% number of people who don't beleive me. Do a poll! Admittedly on THIS forum, with only a few legimate AP's and even fewer blackjack AP's and players, but a large anti-AP fraction, along with people that don't care for me, my posting style, or stupid things like who I choose love, I probably wouldn't fair all that well. I suspect about 50%. And yes, Rob would join you among the non belivers. And I am fine with that.

    But among my peers, AP's in general, blackjack AP's and players I think you would find few who don't beleive me. Oh there are some, even players I consider friends, that hate my posting here and getting down in the mud, and they frequently tell me that. And there are a very samll number like our Zenking here that when things aren't going well for him, he inexplicably decides to call me a fraud, but even that weird thing....he doesn't beleive that.

    For the truth is despite my some times unplesant internet posting, I have pretty much proven that I know what I am talking about and know what I am doing in the small area of card counting in Las vegas in the current era. And that is because that is what I do.

    So I will await your poll or other proof that 99% don't beleive me.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  8. #8
    And by the way among my peers, AP's in Las Vegas in particular, many if not most know who I am, know my name, could pick me out of a line up. And some of them have looked into me, because that is what happens when you post online. And while I try to keep a low profile and stay off the grind as far as information out there, in this day and age you just can't, so some have been able to find info on me, including where I live, because they have told me.

    So again, the one's that don't believe are like you....they don't want to believe for all sorts of different reasons. But not wanting to believe something doesn't make it not true.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  9. #9
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
    Anyone claiming to have won $1.5-million using the double up feature would have to use it a minimum of 375 times because of the double up limit.
    Has anyone made such a claim that you've heard or read about?

  10. #10
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    So again, the one's that don't believe are like you....they don't want to believe for all sorts of different reasons. But not wanting to believe something doesn't make it not true.
    My post was directed at why you would want to turn any forum member into the IRS. Instead, you ignored that entire posts point and took the opportunity to write another essay or two about you, you, you, and some more fantasy BJ smoke up everyone’s ass.

    You want me to take a poll? Take a fucking walk asshole? I could already list all the members that would vote in your favor even when they know the truth. Why waste time with a poll.

    Yes, I guessed at 98% non-believers of your bullshit, but they won’t ever admit it here. That percentage was based on common sense, something you lack of. What do you think the percentage of forum members were that believed it when you faked your death on a different forum?

    What is it 16, 17 years of these Walt Disney BJ stories coming from you, beating the same dumb ass casinos never marking, asking for ID, or 86ing you? That’s close enough to two decades for me. Today's technology as no affect on you.

    It’s a shame you didn’t leave this place when you were trashing it for what it really is and threatened to leave. (at least 10 times) Now that you have no place to post unless being monitored, I guess members here are stuck with you and another good reason to:


  11. #11
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
    Anyone claiming to have won $1.5-million using the double up feature would have to use it a minimum of 375 times because of the double up limit.
    Has anyone made such a claim that you've heard or read about?
    Of course not. He's just another phony fraud trying to create back door nonsense.

    It's obvious who bit the bait. Just another opportunity for these fucking idiots.

    Last edited by blackhole; 06-12-2021 at 12:38 PM.

  12. #12
    This blackhole douchbag is a real asshole. Where did I say I wanted to or intended to turn anyone into the IRS?
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  13. #13
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    And isn't there a reward, a percentage for tipping off the situation? All the evidence is right here on this forum of Rob stating what he did, and what he did with the money, $1.6 million RV and houses in childrens names. Sounds like an AP move, a free roll, IF Rob's story were true, which of course it isn't. Still, free roll for anyone that wants it.
    It's obvious you don't give much thought before posting.

  14. #14
    Again, where did I say I wanted or intended to turn anyone into the IRS?
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  15. #15
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Again, where did I say I wanted or intended to turn anyone into the IRS?
    It’s obvious what you were doing CumBreath. You’re not fooling anyone here. Just like when you were going to post up bullshit on Rob you never had. Instead, you egged on MaxPad, along with egging on that other idiot who was going to Dox MDawg. Just like now egging on others to call the IRS on Rob. YOU’RE A FUCKING COWARD NO DIFFERENT THEN THE REST.

    You’re what we call a Yellow Queer Bitch. Why not fake your death here. I bet not one member would even be concerned.

  16. #16
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Again, where did I say I wanted or intended to turn anyone into the IRS?
    It’s obvious what you were doing CumBreath. You’re not fooling anyone here. Just like when you were going to post up bullshit on Rob you never had. Instead, you egged on MaxPad, along with egging on that other idiot who was going to Dox MDawg. Just like now egging on others to call the IRS on Rob. YOU’RE A FUCKING COWARD NO DIFFERENT THEN THE REST.

    You’re what we call a Yellow Queer Bitch. Why not fake your death here. I bet not one member would even be concerned.

    Jesus, you know, if you lay off the gay slurs, the posts would make more sense. The slurs are a distraction.

    Like I've spent the last half hour trying to figure out what Cum Breath is supposed to smell like. I have no friggin' idea. So when that phrase pops up in a post, I have to pause and figure out what it's supposed to mean. Are we talking garlic (I hate garlic)? Are we talking jalapeno dip? What are we talking about here?

    Seriously, the anti-gay stuff is over the top and serves no useful purpose. And before I catch any flack for being pro this or anti that, no, that's not it. I catch flack from all sides regarding my LGBTQ-however-many-letters-get-added views. I just don't see the utility in being horrified by somebody being gay.

    I mean, blackhole, you were a Trump guy. Do you really think Donald didn't have some multi-gender rolls in the hay back in his youth?

  17. #17
    Leave it to addict Alan--the lifelong loser in gambling, wives, and children--to stupidly confuse what I was successful in doing, to his misunderstanding about what the DU history is all about. And giving BS artist kew another opportunity to push his jealous "Singer didn't do it" conspiracy theory, fits right in with the "queers and fears" narrative.

    First of all, yes, casinos can and do limit the payoff amount on the DU feature. It's widely known to be set at $8000, however, low-rolling loser Alan chose to set it at $4k. And NO casino would ever let any player to "claim error" after pulling an initial high card on a large double up.

    Almost every vp post on this forum is a display of ignorance. One might wonder what kind of inexperienced fools and idiots inhabit such a place, and come up with such sloppy, uninformed posts. In Alan's case it's easy. He's a long term fool and gambling loser with a string of humiliating family issues following him to his dumpy flat in LV that's paid for by monthly SS checks. And don't rule out food stamps.

    Wise up people. You come across as dumb and dumber already.

  18. #18
    I just have to laugh about the journalistic aspects of the post above. It employs one of my favorite phrases, "It's widely known."

    I cannot tell you how absolutely lazy and lame that phrase is. You would get, at best, a D on any Journalism 101 assignment containing that phrase. It is godawful terrible.

    Everyone needs to start using that phrase more. It's widely known, for example, that anyone using the phrase "It's widely known" is yanking your chain.

    If AndrewG is a journalist, then AndrewG should be pointing this out, so I will step aside. It's widely known that I was a journalism major for the first half of my college days, so I just had to say something. But it's widely known that I'll be more than happy to step aside and allow an experience journalist who's widely known to further comment on Mr. Singer's stab at appeal to authority, which "widely known" is widely known to be.

  19. #19
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Jesus, you know, if you lay off the gay slurs, the posts would make more sense. The slurs are a distraction.

    Like I've spent the last half hour trying to figure out what Cum Breath is supposed to smell like. I have no friggin' idea. So when that phrase pops up in a post, I have to pause and figure out what it's supposed to mean. Are we talking garlic (I hate garlic)? Are we talking jalapeno dip? What are we talking about here?

    Seriously, the anti-gay stuff is over the top and serves no useful purpose. And before I catch any flack for being pro this or anti that, no, that's not it. I catch flack from all sides regarding my LGBTQ-however-many-letters-get-added views. I just don't see the utility in being horrified by somebody being gay.

    I mean, blackhole, you were a Trump guy. Do you really think Donald didn't have some multi-gender rolls in the hay back in his youth?
    Shut Up Faggot!

  20. #20
    Originally Posted by AndrewG View Post
    But on the Vegas Strip I was told that the Caesars casinos prior to the recent merger had a maximum double up limit of $4000.

    This meant that if you hit, for example a $4,000 royal on a $1 game the double up feature would not work.
    If the maximum double up limit is $4000 and you hit a $4000 royal....the double up feature will work.

    $4000 is not higher than $4000, Alan, er, Andrew.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

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