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Thread: We Are Doomed

  1. #21
    No reason to comment much more about it.
    It's another obvious signal of society collapsing.
    Baby Boom to Baby Bust I suppose.
    Last I checked, two Men cannot reproduce.
    I'm sure all you Evolutionists and Scientists will refute that as well.

  2. #22
    as an evolution believer, homosexuality should be regarded as a mental illness purely because it reduces likelihood of passing on your genes.
    although for that matter believing in evolution is also a mental illness despite the fact it is true (accurate beliefs are not necessarily adaptive)

  3. #23
    Originally Posted by pepe View Post
    as an evolution believer, homosexuality should be regarded as a mental illness purely because it reduces likelihood of passing on your genes.
    although for that matter believing in evolution is also a mental illness despite the fact it is true (accurate beliefs are not necessarily adaptive)

    This is pop genetics 101.

    That's not necessarily the case, pepe. For example, you have genes in common with all relatives, percentages of which depend on your genetic distance. It could easily be the case, as has been adopted by many cultures across the world, that a "homosexual" or "barren" member of a family, with caretaking or supportive duties for relatives, could actually ensure more of "his or her genes" passing into the future than a strictly heterosexual version of themselves.

    And obviously just because one is gay does not preclude one from having children. Doesn't preclude from having many, many children.

  4. #24
    It’s got to be a total psychological nightmare requiring therapy for a child to know they are a test tube baby.

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by mcap View Post
    It’s got to be a total psychological nightmare requiring therapy for a child to know they are a test tube baby.
    Not nearly as bad as having to come home to two fathers everyday and having to hear them having gay sex at night in the nearby bedroom.

  6. #26
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Danny and monet,

    I love when people agree with me without knowing they agree with me.

    From a socialistic perspective, hard to not like the 1950's. Unions going strong, and the top tax bracket, for those making 200K, was a scintillating 91%. Think about that for a second.

    That pays for a lot of infrastructure, and keeps everybody in the middle class.

    Those were the days.

    "Didn't need no welfare state,
    All the wealthy pulled their weight.
    The local roads were great.
    Those were the days.

    And you knew what you were then
    Gays were fags
    And hims were men.
    Mister, we could use more movies starring Rock Hudson again."
    A couple things Red.

    Yes, the top tax bracket was 91%, for income on every dollar over 200K. But these high income earners only had an effective tax rate of 40-50% and that included income, payroll, corporate, excise, property, and estate taxes. They only paid an average effective rate of 16.9 percent in income taxes.

    And of course the existence of a 91 percent bracket led to significant tax avoidance and lower reported income.

  7. #27
    Globalized/flattened economy has had the effect on US middle class that franchises/corporations have had on smaller businesses and communities, pulling a non trivial amount of wealth out of where it was created. Nothing wrong with it necessarily and inevitable, it just is what it is zero sum game. Several of the more wealthy European nations have benefited greatly from post WW2 structure while contributing nothing themselves to help maintain it.

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by dannyj View Post
    Originally Posted by Keystone View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    Fear is a powerful thing monet and you appear to be scared shitless. The fact is that your lily white "Father knows best" world, of a white mommy and daddy, is not how things are today. Today we have families of all different ethnicities and color. Broken families, mended by marraige (step parent and half siblings), single parent families, families where a grandparent or aunt or uncle are raising the kids and yes, same sex couple families. The world and U.S. has changed from the "Leave it to Beaver" family. If you want to live in that lilly white world that excludes everyone different from you, I don't know what to tell out a time machine and head to 1940 Germany.

    Here is another fact for you that you won't want to hear. Pedophilia is an illness. The overmelming majority of pedos are men going after little girls. They identify as straight, although I think gay/straight is irrelevent at that point. It is a sickness either way.

    Now I don't know anything about the "trans world"....I just don't get it. And I know little about Lesbians....they scare me. But most gay men are bottoms. Some don't admit to that but they are. And most bottoms want (to receive) anal sex. And they want a dude with a big dick. And that isn't a young boy. Again, anyone going after a young boy, isn't gay IMO, he is severely mentally ill.

    So just stop with all the gay crap and making shit up. I don't know what they fuck you are so afraid of. No one is forcing anything on you. Live your life and let others life theirs.
    Although my philosophy in life is pretty much "live and let live" as long as its nowhere near me and mine, I have to say reading crap like this on a supposed gambling forum makes me sick....and although I wasn`t around then, I have no doubt the 40's and 50's were a better world as opposed to today with all the weirdos, blacks and homos running amok and eveywhere you look on TV
    I had a bunch of shit typed out Key, then somehow it all went away. Lol

    Real quick. I'm kinda a "live and let live as long as its nowhere near me and mine" guy too but inevitably it does get near you, me and ours. We know how the book ends and it's not good.

    It was before my time as well, but from what I have read, late 1950's was probably the height of our American "better world". Of course BLM and many others would disagree.
    Unfortunately, You`re right Danny. This world is getting weirder and weirder by the week lol.....Hope all is well in your neck of the woods, good to hear from you man

  9. #29
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Bugs Bunny Bad but this is Good??
    Notice how comments are turned off on these two videos!
    They know this shit is wrong.
    Remember when the Fags said this shit:
    "We just want to get married, we're not coming after your kids"
    Fear is a powerful thing monet and you appear to be scared shitless. The fact is that your lily white "Father knows best" world, of a white mommy and daddy, is not how things are today. Today we have families of all different ethnicities and color. Broken families, mended by marraige (step parent and half siblings), single parent families, families where a grandparent or aunt or uncle are raising the kids and yes, same sex couple families. The world and U.S. has changed from the "Leave it to Beaver" family. If you want to live in that lilly white world that excludes everyone different from you, I don't know what to tell out a time machine and head to 1940 Germany.

    Here is another fact for you that you won't want to hear. Pedophilia is an illness. The overmelming majority of pedos are men going after little girls. They identify as straight, although I think gay/straight is irrelevent at that point. It is a sickness either way.

    Now I don't know anything about the "trans world"....I just don't get it. And I know little about Lesbians....they scare me. But most gay men are bottoms. Some don't admit to that but they are. And most bottoms want (to receive) anal sex. And they want a dude with a big dick. And that isn't a young boy. Again, anyone going after a young boy, isn't gay IMO, he is severely mentally ill.

    So just stop with all the gay crap and making shit up. I don't know what they fuck you are so afraid of. No one is forcing anything on you. Live your life and let others life theirs.
    Have you made your misguided thoughts known to NAMBLA?
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Danny and monet,

    I love when people agree with me without knowing they agree with me.

    From a socialistic perspective, hard to not like the 1950's. Unions going strong, and the top tax bracket, for those making 200K, was a scintillating 91%. Think about that for a second.

    That pays for a lot of infrastructure, and keeps everybody in the middle class.

    Those were the days.

    "Didn't need no welfare state,
    All the wealthy pulled their weight.
    The local roads were great.
    Those were the days.

    And you knew what you were then
    Gays were fags
    And hims were men.
    Mister, we could use more movies starring Rock Hudson again."
    Very misleading about the 91% tax rate back then. Yeah, sure. That was the tax rate....before the numerous and very generous write-offs the IRS allowed. In reality, they paid less than 20% tax.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  11. #31
    Taxing the rich has never meant taxing the ACTUAL rich. It's always meant taxing the people trying to BECOME rich, because the rich don't want competition, and they don't want new members.

  12. #32
    Good Job Mexico!
    I hope when fans are allowed back they chant PUTO even louder lol lol lol
    You can push the Gay Rainbow onto society but you can't chant PUTO??
    Seems hypocritical.
    Not sure why everyone is so upset.
    I looked up the word PUTO...
    (in Filipino cuisine) a steamed cake made with rice flour.

    Last edited by monet; 06-18-2021 at 01:27 PM.

  13. #33
    lol... wait for it... wait for it...

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