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Thread: An Open Message To Everyone

  1. #61
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Why don't you make a few calls? I'd love for you to dig up someone who would characterize me as a sports gambling addict. That would really be something. I'd pay to see that. In fact, I will. Find a real person who knows me, and I'll shell out a Circus Circus steakhouse dinner if they will go on record as sincerely thinking I am a sports gambling addict.
    Do you even realize how much of a fraudulent fool you appear on this forum?

    After reviewing every search engine available including private ones, the closest anyone would be able to get to confirming just your alleged real name will only lead to Korean recipes.

    Now you want someone to try and find a person that knows you personally and could confirm your past gambling behavior.

    Why does anything involving you and gambling always boil down to finding Waldo?

    Hitting the board on a couple gambling tournaments with minimal or no personal financial gain is no different then winning front row concert seats to a show in a sweepstake.

    You’ve been doing this alleged shit for what is it, 50 years now? This is all you have for us is a couple of tournaments you placed well in? A couple of alleged future hits your typed words claim. Like they say even a blind squirrel finds a nut. The odds are good considering over a period of 50 years.

    How about some real gambling tickets like Monet shows? Of course, he’s not showing all his losers but at least we know he’s a real gambler.

    I think it’s time for you to back off and finally realize how ridiculous your claims on a ridiculous gambling forum appear to everyone but you. Your nonsense about gambling with no proof except some meaningless gambling games where most of the entries are common folk like Monet, and Dan Druff, is pathetic. It’s like all the other alleged AP’s on here for some reason who have a need to find acceptance for their sad life choices.

    What benefit could explain any AP being here bragging about un-proven riches?

    I love you too, anonymous dude.

    I direct people to the "Tipsters or Gypsters?" thread, where standings from the McCusker Report are posted. Just type Typsters or Gypsters? into search and look for the thread title. For those who are not familiar with the McCusker Report, formally titled "Tipsters or Gypsters?" -- it was an annual report out of Las Vegas by former Seattle Times reporter Mike McCusker during the 1980's and 1990's. it recorded every play of more than a hundred services and published their records annually, plus the top two, three, and five year records on the back pages. A San Francisco Chronicle piece about Mike McCusker is posted in Post #7 of the thread. Posts #8 and #9 provide an example of standings from a year. Note that I did not include my best finish as an example. I'm modest that way.

    For more recent material, I suggest calling Playbook and requesting the results of the Wise Guys Contest for the last 30 years, which featured two games per week for every week of every football season. Tally up the 30-year results and see if I'm first or second or third. Fun project.

    Now the anonymous blackhole might argue, "Well, none of that matters. You need to show winnings." Obviously, any tickets posted for real money could represent sampling bias -- namely post winners and not losers. I do, however, recommend checking out some of my "late cousin's" more interesting scores from the Retro Road Trip thread. You may want to take a look at Posts 63, 64, and 66 of that thread.

    If anyone wants a more recent, modest score (say 10K) ask nicely and maybe I'll post it.

    Blackhole thinks that finishing sixth in multiple handicapping contests in a single year (2020), each with thousands of people, is like winning lotteries. Well, if that's his conclusion, it goes a long way towards explaining why he's done so well gambling. He doesn't grasp the simple realities of logic and math. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    Frankly, public handicapping records are about the only way to hazard a guess as to whether handicappers win. If there were college football equivalents of the Superbook Contest, I'd be in them, but currently there are not. When Bally's sponsored these types of ATS contests in the late 90's, I entered. I had a winning record but did not cash one year, and finished tied for second or third the other year.

    As to "sad life choices," I've done many things wrong in life, but I've taken something resembling the correct path. I'm not so Disney as to declare that I wouldn't change many things, but as far as gambling goes, I wouldn't change a smidgeon. Very few people can win lifetime at sports gambling and gambling overall, and hit the grave having publicly told the truth about all of it.
    Last edited by redietz; 06-25-2021 at 01:31 AM.

  2. #62
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    What I enjoy about you Rob, is that every once in a while, in your desperation to attempt to discredit me or some other AP that you are jealous and bitter about, you post something as stupid as above, complete with the "I showed this post to my imaginary expert". You know your opinion is nothing so enter the imaginary expert. All that is missing is the imaginary expert posting here like "girlfriday" your imaginary real estate expert.

    I don't even have to post anything debunking your ridiculous post because every AP, whether playing professionally or recreationally, whether blackjack player or not, knows what you just wrote is as silly and as real as your 1.5 million dollar Newell.

    Don't have to expose someone who exposes themselves. You have done all the work for me.
    You can pick up books like "Spy the Lie" and "Understanding Police Interrogation" on Amazon. One of the basic tenets of pinning down whether someone is telling the truth is the detail. If an interrogator is interested in where you've been a particular 12 hours during a crime, and you say you were driving 500 miles, the interrogator will try to pin down where you stopped for gas, what you ate, who you saw. How much you paid for the gas, how you paid for the gas, any toll roads, and so on. Then, if you answer, those details can be tracked down and verified.

    "Singer" does a great job of, unfortunately in an obvious way, never actually providing details that are credible. Everything foggy and vanilla. Remember his account, posted on Mendelson's blog pages, explaining how he discovered the double up? The "Singer account" of the origin? When I read that, I rolled my eyes. No law enforcement professional would buy that account for a second

    The point is, it's always an unnamed person. Whether it's his guarantees of getting a column again at Gaming Today, or anonymous management explaining card counting at the Peppermill, or the Hard Rock, or Suncoast, it's always some unnamed source telling him everything is exactly as he has declared in his posts. Only there's never a name or specific title attached.

    Think back on his allegedly being accosted about the Newell as he ate dinner. Great story, but he couldn't quite actually describe the guy. He gives height -- LOL. But no description. No age, no hair color, no weight. Nothing. As usual, Rob's a fine witness. Good storyteller, but devoid of details. Details are what get you debunked.

    And on it goes.

  3. #63
    Hey Redietz,

    It’s time to put that violin back in its case, and see what you could get for it on the Antiques Road Show. When that show comes into your town enter it using your real name so we would know it’s you.

    The older things like violins get, the more their worth.

  4. #64
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Hey Redietz,

    It’s time to put that violin back in its case, and see what you could get for it on the Antiques Road Show. When that show comes into your town enter it using your real name so we would know it’s you.

    The older things like violins get, the more their worth.
    Reality is a bitch, blackhole. That's the way it goes. I give specifics; I list actual means of tracking records for decades. You give anonymous prattle. Opinions based on what? Your life? Your expertise?

    Now explain to me again how finishing sixth in multiple handicapping contests versus thousands of people in each contest in 2020 is like winning tickets at call-in radio shows. Take your time. Spell it out. Think it through. Let me know how exactly you arrived at that conclusion. It's arguably the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

    Now do you have the self awareness and honesty to admit it's an absolutely idiotic comparison? Or are you committed to your stupidity?

    You don't like the fact that there are rare people who win at gambling via skill, work, experience, and having the discipline to stay in their gambling lane. Well, there are. That's reality.

    Handicapping isn't like telling tall tales of your last LV trip. There are won/loss records. There are decades of results recorded by third parties. You want to argue that "Tipsters or Gypsters?" somehow fixed its records for me? Or that those 2020 contests were all luck? Or that the tickets posted in the Retro Road Trip thread were either fabrications or evidence of occasional anomalous wins? That 30 years of Wise Guys Contest results were rigged even though the public had access to all the plays? Then go ahead and argue those points.

    I understand your vitriol towards me winning. If I didn't exist, you could claim all winners -- Axelwolf, kewlJ, whomever -- were just lying blowhards running scams because nobody can publicly verify their abilities. You don't have that option with me. My stuff is tracked by third parties.

    Final point: I offered to post modest recent tickets, in the 10K range, if anyone wanted proof. Blackhole read that and passed. Why do you think he passed?

  5. #65
    Camping in a Storm Drain!
    Breaking the Law!!

  6. #66
    Omg, shut the fuck up about the tipsters, gypsters and wise guys one of these decades.

  7. #67
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Now explain to me again how finishing sixth in multiple handicapping contests versus thousands of people in each contest in 2020 is like winning tickets at call-in radio shows. Take your time. Spell it out. Think it through. Let me know how exactly you arrived at that conclusion. It's arguably the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
    Positive covariance.

  8. #68
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    What I enjoy about you Rob, is that every once in a while, in your desperation to attempt to discredit me or some other AP that you are jealous and bitter about, you post something as stupid as above, complete with the "I showed this post to my imaginary expert". You know your opinion is nothing so enter the imaginary expert. All that is missing is the imaginary expert posting here like "girlfriday" your imaginary real estate expert.

    I don't even have to post anything debunking your ridiculous post because every AP, whether playing professionally or recreationally, whether blackjack player or not, knows what you just wrote is as silly and as real as your 1.5 million dollar Newell.

    Don't have to expose someone who exposes themselves. You have done all the work for me.

    I found a brief video that spells out the problem with "Singer's" various stories from the standpoint of how law enforcement detects lying. If you go to the 2:40 mark of this video, the discussion turns to something called "cognitive complexity." Basically, all of Rob's stories -- the double up story published in Alan's blog, the "Gaming Today will publish my articles again story, the story about selling the Newell, the stories about talking to this expert or that, the story about being confronted while having dinner regarding the Newell -- every single one of them has the same level of "cognitive complexity."

    The video lays it all out:

  9. #69
    lol Singer should have never went down the Newell route because at least then people would have a nagging belief that MAYBE his double-up story is true.

  10. #70
    It's just absolutely hilarious the time spent by goofballs meticulously going thru every word Singer has ever written in order to find something, anything, god please give us something, to refute him. The bullshit about cognitive complexity can be pulled on anything anyone ever said. The irony here is the inquisitors expect that someone, in their writing, is supposed to cover every single detail no matter how small.

    If someone writes "It was a sunny day" hey, that's not enough detail so its got to be bullshit.

    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  11. #71
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Hey Redietz,

    It’s time to put that violin back in its case, and see what you could get for it on the Antiques Road Show. When that show comes into your town enter it using your real name so we would know it’s you.

    The older things like violins get, the more their worth.
    Reality is a bitch, blackhole. That's the way it goes. I give specifics; I list actual means of tracking records for decades. You give anonymous prattle. Opinions based on what? Your life? Your expertise?

    Now explain to me again how finishing sixth in multiple handicapping contests versus thousands of people in each contest in 2020 is like winning tickets at call-in radio shows. Take your time. Spell it out. Think it through. Let me know how exactly you arrived at that conclusion. It's arguably the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

    Now do you have the self awareness and honesty to admit it's an absolutely idiotic comparison? Or are you committed to your stupidity?

    You don't like the fact that there are rare people who win at gambling via skill, work, experience, and having the discipline to stay in their gambling lane. Well, there are. That's reality.

    Handicapping isn't like telling tall tales of your last LV trip. There are won/loss records. There are decades of results recorded by third parties. You want to argue that "Tipsters or Gypsters?" somehow fixed its records for me? Or that those 2020 contests were all luck? Or that the tickets posted in the Retro Road Trip thread were either fabrications or evidence of occasional anomalous wins? That 30 years of Wise Guys Contest results were rigged even though the public had access to all the plays? Then go ahead and argue those points.

    I understand your vitriol towards me winning. If I didn't exist, you could claim all winners -- Axelwolf, kewlJ, whomever -- were just lying blowhards running scams because nobody can publicly verify their abilities. You don't have that option with me. My stuff is tracked by third parties.

    Final point: I offered to post modest recent tickets, in the 10K range, if anyone wanted proof. Blackhole read that and passed. Why do you think he passed?
    You're making even a greater fool of yourself with this continuing array of unsupported claims along with your ongoing refusal to post picks here BEFORE the games are played instead of after them.

    I guess it's what failures in life do. It's like you jerk off whenever you come up with stories about yourself.

    Wake up and smell the urine.

  12. #72
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    What I enjoy about you Rob, is that every once in a while, in your desperation to attempt to discredit me or some other AP that you are jealous and bitter about, you post something as stupid as above, complete with the "I showed this post to my imaginary expert". You know your opinion is nothing so enter the imaginary expert. All that is missing is the imaginary expert posting here like "girlfriday" your imaginary real estate expert.

    I don't even have to post anything debunking your ridiculous post because every AP, whether playing professionally or recreationally, whether blackjack player or not, knows what you just wrote is as silly and as real as your 1.5 million dollar Newell.

    Don't have to expose someone who exposes themselves. You have done all the work for me.
    You're not that tough to discredit kew. While your ongoing stories of fantasy may pass a fairy's smell test, most people here and on the other forums you're addicted to live in the real world and can spot a phony a mile away.

    Your worst nightmare would have been to ASK me my friend's name at the Peppermill/Western Village/etc. Well here's his first name--Dave. Do the work instead of concocting more BS. Or, you could just keep getting fueled by redietz and his weirdo posts, which helps in your cover-up as a BJ "pro"....belly laugh time again It's why you invest SO much time online trying to convince everybody that your make believe story is real, under the guise of "hey gang, I'm just trying to share expert knowledge in the hope that I can help others "win big like me!". You just can't stand it when anyone anywhere comes on and picks your nonsense apart. And you're stupid enuf to believe a 5-figure income means something these days. You were too dumb to realize that, so now you're making excuses to blackhole in order to try and save face.

    What an idiot.

  13. #73
    Talk about your idiots, Rob just did the troll 2-step. "You don't make xxx and if you did that is not very much anyway". This means despite his bitter rants, Robbie know the truth. Can't admit the truth...but he knows it.

    So now we have a name "Dave" to go with Rob's made up expert. There could be a "Dave" that works peppermill. I wouldn't know since I don't play Reno often. But if there is a Dave there it is just someone that Rob read his name tag and is trying to parlay into credibility that isn't there. "Oh Dave from peppermill said that could never happen". Idiotically LAME. And not fooling anyone.

    And the reason I and everyone else KNOWS this "Dave" bullshit IS bullshit is because what this so called expert said is WRONG. My game and plan of attack isn't designed for is designed for the specific circumstances (many games in close proximity) of Las Vegas. And anyone that knows Vegas blackjack knows what I designed will achieve longevity which is my primary goal. It is the 'milk vs slaughter' strategy.

    But then I wouldn't expect a senile, old broken down degenerate, losing video poker player to understand what it takes to beat blackjack on a continuing basis. Hell, you don't even know how to to beat video poker, coming up with voodoo nonsense like progressive wagering and special plays.

    Stay in your lane Robbie. You pretending to know anything about what I do is only embarrassing you further....if that is even possible at this point.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  14. #74
    Considering 1 out of 28 people are named David in the US. Is there only one Dave at the joint?

  15. #75
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Considering 1 out of 28 people are named David in the US. Is there only one Dave at the joint?
    He does make me laugh with his buffoonery. I'll give him that.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  16. #76
    I couldn’t help but notice that where ever Kewlj posts on gambling forums, if he’s not banned, he’s restricted, and where he’s free it’s meaningless shitholes like this place where every click is a click and all that matters.

    What I found most obvious is the amount of people who just hate or dislike him. Every place he posts he has a way of bringing out the worst in everyone that would even bother to read his BJ fantasies. Even AP’s turn on him all the time. Of course every now and then he’ll pick-up a coward like MaxPad as a friend. But that’s expected coming from another con-artist coward.

    You have to wonder why a person like Kewlj never catches on and just keeps posting. Maybe it has something to do with that homo DNA.

    I’m sorry but it became so obvious that something between his ears is not right. Not sure if I should laugh at him, or feel bad for him.

  17. #77
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Considering 1 out of 28 people are named David in the US. Is there only one Dave at the joint?
    Leave it to a cowardly LV slug to ignore that I said he was in charge of the Peppermill casinos. Just your style max--blindly follow the "save face" nervous ramblings of a phony LV "bj pro" to craft yet another one of your "no sense required" failed gotcha posts. But like's what you go nowhere/do nothing people do.

  18. #78
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    I couldn’t help but notice that where ever Kewlj posts on gambling forums, if he’s not banned, he’s restricted, and where he’s free it’s meaningless shitholes like this place where every click is a click and all that matters.

    What I found most obvious is the amount of people who just hate or dislike him. Every place he posts he has a way of bringing out the worst in everyone that would even bother to read his BJ fantasies. Even AP’s turn on him all the time. Of course every now and then he’ll pick-up a coward like MaxPad as a friend. But that’s expected coming from another con-artist coward.

    You have to wonder why a person like Kewlj never catches on and just keeps posting. Maybe it has something to do with that homo DNA.

    I’m sorry but it became so obvious that something between his ears is not right. Not sure if I should laugh at him, or feel bad for him.
    And you can tell when he's bothered by certain posts, ie, any that fail to acknowledge his be claims or that ask him to back the nonsense up with some kind of proof. Isn't that what forced the loser to fake his death--one of if not THE most cowardly acts that any human could ever go for? Now he thinks vct is his fantasy island, where everybody is a redietz clone and loves his saying he's "a faggot in LV!"

  19. #79

  20. #80
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Considering 1 out of 28 people are named David in the US. Is there only one Dave at the joint?
    Leave it to a cowardly LV slug to ignore that I said he was in charge of the Peppermill casinos. Just your style max--blindly follow the "save face" nervous ramblings of a phony LV "bj pro" to craft yet another one of your "no sense required" failed gotcha posts. But like's what you go nowhere/do nothing people do.
    Originally Posted by Grandpappy Newell
    "You're not that tough to discredit kew. While your ongoing stories of fantasy may pass a fairy's smell test, most people here and on the other forums you're addicted to live in the real world and can spot a phony a mile away.

    Your worst nightmare would have been to ASK me my friend's name at the Peppermill/Western Village/etc. Well here's his first name--Dave. Do the work instead of concocting more BS. "

    Must have missed that part where you said he was in charge of anything. Care to point that out without more back pedaling?

    You are the easiest to discredit. Wise Up
    Last edited by MaxPen; 06-26-2021 at 01:29 PM.

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