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Thread: An Open Message To Everyone

  1. #101
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    What's with this "run, members run" warning?
    Has someone here got gonorrhea?
    That'll cause the afflicted's member to run ...
    What would a thread on this forum be without a meaningless post from tag along or better known as (after birth)? This is exactly the type of meaningless moron member this place is full off.


  2. #102
    Ah, now I see who here has gonorrhea.

    Ewww, it's dripping off of blackhole's fingers onto his keyboard!

    Last edited by MisterV; 06-27-2021 at 12:34 PM.
    What, Me Worry?

  3. #103
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Singer, Blackhole and coach belly....the 3 stooges. Bitter dudes full of hate.

    Oh yeah one other thing they have in common: the owner of this forum has labeled each of them a troll. How pathetic is that?
    Are you fucking serious with this statement cum-breath? This might explain why you live in fantasies.

    First off, who the fuck is Dan Druff and who the fuck cares? Big fucking deal he won some money playing poker tournaments. I wish him well like I would anyone else. (Except maybe you) Sorry, I’m from the old school and have serious problems with men who suck cocks. I find your type repulsive. For the record I could speak the truth today because it's to late for anyone to try and cancel me. Anyhow, most poker players luck usually dries up. Hopefully Dan will realize when it’s time to move on. Look up all the famous pros from the poker boom. A couple still survive with cash, but most are sadly back to degenerate gambling swearing to themselves “if I could only catch one more lightning bolt, I swear I’ll reform this time and keep it for the future”.

    Maybe Dan is smarter than that but I somehow doubt it. After all he keeps this shithole forum up and running with members like you who respect what he says because he won some money gambling. He is a no one just like everyone else including me on this forum. So, whatever he says about anyone means as much as you or MaxPad saying the same thing. That equals a total of ZERO.

    At least most of us here aren’t dumb enough to believe what anyone decides to write, just because they decided to write it without any proof or confirmed facts. You always say people could tell who knows what their talking about. The problem you have is understanding that people could tell who’s full of shit or cum in your case.

    Dan calling me or any other member’s here a troll is no different then any of us calling him an asshole. Meaningless…..

    That famous adage “here today gone tomorrow” never fit so well as it does with gamblers. Show me the money when the gambler hits retirement age and I’ll believe that person. Everyone else just keep spilling your dreams and fantasies of easy money on meaningless forums like this.

    Snap out of it Kewlj. You still have time for a chance.
    Interesting how Kewlj’s big fucking mouth seems to clamp up when he’s dealt actual confirmed facts

  4. #104
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Singer, Blackhole and coach belly....the 3 stooges. Bitter dudes full of hate.

    Oh yeah one other thing they have in common: the owner of this forum has labeled each of them a troll. How pathetic is that?
    Are you fucking serious with this statement cum-breath? This might explain why you live in fantasies.

    First off, who the fuck is Dan Druff and who the fuck cares? Big fucking deal he won some money playing poker tournaments. I wish him well like I would anyone else. (Except maybe you) Sorry, I’m from the old school and have serious problems with men who suck cocks. I find your type repulsive. For the record I could speak the truth today because it's to late for anyone to try and cancel me. Anyhow, most poker players luck usually dries up. Hopefully Dan will realize when it’s time to move on. Look up all the famous pros from the poker boom. A couple still survive with cash, but most are sadly back to degenerate gambling swearing to themselves “if I could only catch one more lightning bolt, I swear I’ll reform this time and keep it for the future”.

    Maybe Dan is smarter than that but I somehow doubt it. After all he keeps this shithole forum up and running with members like you who respect what he says because he won some money gambling. He is a no one just like everyone else including me on this forum. So, whatever he says about anyone means as much as you or MaxPad saying the same thing. That equals a total of ZERO.

    At least most of us here aren’t dumb enough to believe what anyone decides to write, just because they decided to write it without any proof or confirmed facts. You always say people could tell who knows what their talking about. The problem you have is understanding that people could tell who’s full of shit or cum in your case.

    Dan calling me or any other member’s here a troll is no different then any of us calling him an asshole. Meaningless…..

    That famous adage “here today gone tomorrow” never fit so well as it does with gamblers. Show me the money when the gambler hits retirement age and I’ll believe that person. Everyone else just keep spilling your dreams and fantasies of easy money on meaningless forums like this.

    Snap out of it Kewlj. You still have time for a chance.
    Interesting how Kewlj’s big fucking mouth seems to clamp up when he’s dealt actual confirmed facts
    There is no confirmed facts, you freaking moron. This is troll dribble, because that is who you are and all you have. Most of this particular dribble nonsense about Dan Druff.

    If Druff wants to allow you 3 stooges, and your trolling anti-AP, homophobic hate to dominate his forum that is his call. That is why we are down to very few real players on this forum. Again, his call.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  5. #105
    KJ, I see the Wiz exiled you, again, from the Magic Kingdom, this time for a month.

    Hopefully MD and the two pieces of shit he has clinging to his asshole will come over here and debate you mano el mano, no rules, no time limit.
    What, Me Worry?

  6. #106
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    KJ, I see the Wiz exiled you, again, from the Magic Kingdom, this time for a month.

    Hopefully MD and the two pieces of shit he has clinging to his asshole will come over here and debate you mano el mano, no rules, no time limit.
    Doesn't matter to me MisterV. I think I made that clear. I don't care if I post there or not. But anytime I am allowed to post there (between suspensions) I will say what is on my mind. I will say what Wizard should be saying that this Mdawg nonsense while sometimes entertaining is nonsense and misleading to players, which is in direct contrast to what Mike claimed the forum was about when he started.

    I am not looking for a debate. there is no debate. What Mdawg claims can't be. It defies the math and all the comps and stuff to a longterm winning player (as claimed) just isn't how casinos operate.

    Marydawg was caught in a lie today, concerning the Montreal Canadian players gambling at the Wynn, when the players were under strict protocal agreement negotiated between the Canadian government and NHL, that players remain in a "bubble" consisting of the floor of their hotel rooms and a private meeting space when not playing or practicing. Meals are even served in the rooms. Violating this strict protacol would make players ineligle for the Stanley cup finals which begins tonight. So management wouldn't allow it.

    Apparently Marydawg didn't know this when he made up his story. But it just goes to the fact that he makes everything up. Why would anyone believe him and frankly I am not sure there is anyone left that does. I think his whole thing is about making a mockery of Wov, and to that I guess he has succeeded.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  7. #107
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Singer, Blackhole and coach belly....the 3 stooges. Bitter dudes full of hate.

    Oh yeah one other thing they have in common: the owner of this forum has labeled each of them a troll. How pathetic is that?
    Are you fucking serious with this statement cum-breath? This might explain why you live in fantasies.

    First off, who the fuck is Dan Druff and who the fuck cares? Big fucking deal he won some money playing poker tournaments. I wish him well like I would anyone else. (Except maybe you) Sorry, I’m from the old school and have serious problems with men who suck cocks. I find your type repulsive. For the record I could speak the truth today because it's to late for anyone to try and cancel me. Anyhow, most poker players luck usually dries up. Hopefully Dan will realize when it’s time to move on. Look up all the famous pros from the poker boom. A couple still survive with cash, but most are sadly back to degenerate gambling swearing to themselves “if I could only catch one more lightning bolt, I swear I’ll reform this time and keep it for the future”.

    Maybe Dan is smarter than that but I somehow doubt it. After all he keeps this shithole forum up and running with members like you who respect what he says because he won some money gambling. He is a no one just like everyone else including me on this forum. So, whatever he says about anyone means as much as you or MaxPad saying the same thing. That equals a total of ZERO.

    At least most of us here aren’t dumb enough to believe what anyone decides to write, just because they decided to write it without any proof or confirmed facts. You always say people could tell who knows what their talking about. The problem you have is understanding that people could tell who’s full of shit or cum in your case.

    Dan calling me or any other member’s here a troll is no different then any of us calling him an asshole. Meaningless…..

    That famous adage “here today gone tomorrow” never fit so well as it does with gamblers. Show me the money when the gambler hits retirement age and I’ll believe that person. Everyone else just keep spilling your dreams and fantasies of easy money on meaningless forums like this.

    Snap out of it Kewlj. You still have time for a chance.
    Interesting how Kewlj’s big fucking mouth seems to clamp up when he’s dealt actual confirmed facts

    If I read blackhole correctly here, he's saying that a lifetime of gambling leads to debt and ruin. Well, for 99% of the population, yes. Now correct me if I'm wrong, blackhole, but you're also saying that the easy way to avoid this road to ruin is to give up the gambling. Well, maybe that was true in 1950, but it's certainly not true today.

    Here's what blackhole IS NOT saying: in the United States, it's basically ALL a road to ruin, gambling or not. This is not 1950 or 1960. This is 2021. You can't blame this on non-white folks or some loss of relationship with Jesus or whatever. The system, for most Americans, is going to result in ruin. Here are THE FACTS:

    According to the credit reporting agency Experian, which tracks 220 million Americans, more than 70% of Americans (I think it was 73%, but don't quote me on that) die in debt. The average debt for those who die in debt is more than 60K. These were the numbers in 2016, and they are undoubtedly worse now.

    So the bottom line, in the U.S., for a lifetime of working (or not) is being in the red by more than 60K per person (not household). Now while gambling may not be a terribly reliable or long-term way of making a living, it's not likely to put you in a worse place than the U.S. average when all is said and done. You're in debt, in the ground, and either you did what you loved or you didn't.

    Blackhole points to various examples of expert gamblers gone bad, and while I can't speak for anyone else, for me the obvious trick has always been to stay firmly in my lane. No Stu Ungar blowing his WSOP winning on sports. No trying to conquer baseball or poker or jai alai. No thinking because you're expert in one thing that you can be expert in others. No Michael Jordan donating millions to casinos because his "will to win" ran into the laws of probability. Gambling is hard. When people asked me how they could win betting football, I'd say:

    "Well, if you start off in the top 1% of the population in intelligence, and you're in the top 1% of the population in fitness, and you're streetwise, and you grew up in an area with a rich history and context of football, then maybe you have a chance." Nothing easy about it. People talking about winning while gambling doesn't mean they're telling others to do the same. That's a complete misreading of the actual winners on this forum.

  8. #108
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    KJ, I see the Wiz exiled you, again, from the Magic Kingdom, this time for a month.

    Hopefully MD and the two pieces of shit he has clinging to his asshole will come over here and debate you mano el mano, no rules, no time limit.
    Your response was exactly what you had to say to try and save face. You’re a fucking loser and obviously way too stupid to realize that everyone else here can see right through you and your bullshit fantasies.

    It seems no one else anywhere is interested in your bullshit made up stories or useless opinions. You know you’re really a fucked-up loser when even M. Shank can’t take you anymore.

    Is this the only shit hole gambling forum you have left to share your Las Vegas Walt Disney Fantasies?

  9. #109
    Hey Redietz,

    I don't want to fall a sleep reading your just posted gibberish.

    Do me a favor and stick it up your stupid fucking ass.

  10. #110
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    KJ, I see the Wiz exiled you, again, from the Magic Kingdom, this time for a month.

    Hopefully MD and the two pieces of shit he has clinging to his asshole will come over here and debate you mano el mano, no rules, no time limit.
    Your response was exactly what you had to say to try and save face. You’re a fucking loser and obviously way too stupid to realize that everyone else here can see right through you and your bullshit fantasies.

    It seems no one else anywhere is interested in your bullshit made up stories or useless opinions. You know you’re really a fucked-up loser when even M. Shank can’t take you anymore.

    Is this the only shit hole gambling forum you have left to share your Las Vegas Walt Disney Fantasies?

    Hey blackhole, I think you got your targets confused.

    But hey, I understand: you posted before filtering it through your brain.

    It's like trying to piss in the toilet, only to find out it's the sink.

    How embarrassing, eh?

    Must really make you feel like a fool, like a first class jerk off.

    Try again tough guy, and this time aim true, OK?
    What, Me Worry?

  11. #111
    Of course here's tag along with some after-birth.

  12. #112
    Hey moron, eat the blame, don't try to deflect.

    Fucking idiot.
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #113
    Just look at the levels of hate and bitterness in this Blackhole person. This is a really angry dude. Have you ever seen a guy happy and content with his decisions, his life, his place spew this kind of hate and bitterness? Doesn't take much to figure out what this is all about.
    Dan Druff: "there's no question that MDawg has been an obnoxious braggart, and has rubbed a ton of people the wrong way. There's something missing from his stories. Either they're fabricated, grossly exaggerated, or largely incomplete".

  14. #114
    It's sort of fun to poke the clown with a sharp stick and then watch him react.

    He thinks he's an arbiter of truth, but in fact he's just another denizen of the Clown Motel.

    Name:  clown motel.jpg
Views: 427
Size:  31.0 KB
    What, Me Worry?

  15. #115
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    There is no confirmed facts, you freaking moron. This is troll dribble, because that is who you are and all you have. Most of this particular dribble nonsense about Dan Druff.

    If Druff wants to allow you 3 stooges, and your trolling anti-AP, homophobic hate to dominate his forum that is his call. That is why we are down to very few real players on this forum. Again, his call.

    This reply was directed at cum-breath’s desperate post just quoted, but I obviously quoted meaningless tag-along above by mistake.

    This response was exactly what you had to say to try and save face. You’re a fucking loser and obviously way too stupid to realize that everyone else here can see right through you and your bullshit fantasies.

    It seems no one else anywhere is interested in your bullshit made up stories or useless opinions. You know you’re really a fucked-up loser when even M. Shank can’t take you anymore.

    Is this the only shit hole gambling forum you have left to share your Las Vegas Walt Disney Fantasies?

  16. #116
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post

    Are you fucking serious with this statement cum-breath? This might explain why you live in fantasies.

    First off, who the fuck is Dan Druff and who the fuck cares? Big fucking deal he won some money playing poker tournaments. I wish him well like I would anyone else. (Except maybe you) Sorry, I’m from the old school and have serious problems with men who suck cocks. I find your type repulsive. For the record I could speak the truth today because it's to late for anyone to try and cancel me. Anyhow, most poker players luck usually dries up. Hopefully Dan will realize when it’s time to move on. Look up all the famous pros from the poker boom. A couple still survive with cash, but most are sadly back to degenerate gambling swearing to themselves “if I could only catch one more lightning bolt, I swear I’ll reform this time and keep it for the future”.

    Maybe Dan is smarter than that but I somehow doubt it. After all he keeps this shithole forum up and running with members like you who respect what he says because he won some money gambling. He is a no one just like everyone else including me on this forum. So, whatever he says about anyone means as much as you or MaxPad saying the same thing. That equals a total of ZERO.

    At least most of us here aren’t dumb enough to believe what anyone decides to write, just because they decided to write it without any proof or confirmed facts. You always say people could tell who knows what their talking about. The problem you have is understanding that people could tell who’s full of shit or cum in your case.

    Dan calling me or any other member’s here a troll is no different then any of us calling him an asshole. Meaningless…..

    That famous adage “here today gone tomorrow” never fit so well as it does with gamblers. Show me the money when the gambler hits retirement age and I’ll believe that person. Everyone else just keep spilling your dreams and fantasies of easy money on meaningless forums like this.

    Snap out of it Kewlj. You still have time for a chance.
    Interesting how Kewlj’s big fucking mouth seems to clamp up when he’s dealt actual confirmed facts

    If I read blackhole correctly here, he's saying that a lifetime of gambling leads to debt and ruin. Well, for 99% of the population, yes. Now correct me if I'm wrong, blackhole, but you're also saying that the easy way to avoid this road to ruin is to give up the gambling. Well, maybe that was true in 1950, but it's certainly not true today.

    Here's what blackhole IS NOT saying: in the United States, it's basically ALL a road to ruin, gambling or not. This is not 1950 or 1960. This is 2021. You can't blame this on non-white folks or some loss of relationship with Jesus or whatever. The system, for most Americans, is going to result in ruin. Here are THE FACTS:

    According to the credit reporting agency Experian, which tracks 220 million Americans, more than 70% of Americans (I think it was 73%, but don't quote me on that) die in debt. The average debt for those who die in debt is more than 60K. These were the numbers in 2016, and they are undoubtedly worse now.

    So the bottom line, in the U.S., for a lifetime of working (or not) is being in the red by more than 60K per person (not household). Now while gambling may not be a terribly reliable or long-term way of making a living, it's not likely to put you in a worse place than the U.S. average when all is said and done. You're in debt, in the ground, and either you did what you loved or you didn't.

    Blackhole points to various examples of expert gamblers gone bad, and while I can't speak for anyone else, for me the obvious trick has always been to stay firmly in my lane. No Stu Ungar blowing his WSOP winning on sports. No trying to conquer baseball or poker or jai alai. No thinking because you're expert in one thing that you can be expert in others. No Michael Jordan donating millions to casinos because his "will to win" ran into the laws of probability. Gambling is hard. When people asked me how they could win betting football, I'd say:

    "Well, if you start off in the top 1% of the population in intelligence, and you're in the top 1% of the population in fitness, and you're streetwise, and you grew up in an area with a rich history and context of football, then maybe you have a chance." Nothing easy about it. People talking about winning while gambling doesn't mean they're telling others to do the same. That's a complete misreading of the actual winners on this forum.
    Misleading, redietz. The average american might die with 60K in debts but that doesn't mean their net worth is minus 60K. Perhaps if you read a Will or two you might understand. The first stipulations in wills are the paying of any outstanding debts. Once that is done the rest of the estate is then doled out. A person can die being 60K in debt but have assets in the millions of dollars.
    "More importantly, mickey thought 8-4 was two games over .500. Argued about it. C'mon, man. Nothing can top that for math expertise. If GWAE ever has you on again, you can be sure I'll be calling in with that gem.'Nuff said." REDIETZ

  17. #117
    I mean this is probably obvious to any AP on this board but if Blackhole is right about how everyone here is such a big loser, why does he sit around here interacting daily? What does that make him?

  18. #118
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I mean this is probably obvious to any AP on this board but if Blackhole is right about how everyone here is such a big loser, why does he sit around here interacting daily? What does that make him?
    I give him a pass. He is so far down in the sewer of life there is no hope. He can aspire to be a loser but there is no way he will reach that aspiration. Let him have his fun

  19. #119
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I mean this is probably obvious to any AP on this board but if Blackhole is right about how everyone here is such a big loser, why does he sit around here interacting daily? What does that make him?
    I give him a pass. He is so far down in the sewer of life there is no hope. He can aspire to be a loser but there is no way he will reach that aspiration. Let him have his fun
    Aspiring to be a gambling bum/AP ... TBH your answer seems like a joke at first consideration.

  20. #120
    Originally Posted by accountinquestion View Post
    I mean this is probably obvious to any AP on this board but if Blackhole is right about how everyone here is such a big loser, why does he sit around here interacting daily? What does that make him?
    That makes me retired with more wisdom than you and the sites king of the cowards MaxPad, two of the biggest phony frauds on this site.

    ACuntinquestion claims to be having 100K gambling swings on a daily bases with no concerns one way or the other. MaxPad never posted a fucking thing here except empty threats and nasty one liners. And you two fucking fools have the nerve to question why I’m here?

    Cunt makes Kewlj’s claims sound reasonable. I guess me pointing this obvious fraud out along with all the other unreasonable claims out make me the bad guy here.

    There are always hundreds of users visiting this site with very few members ever actually signed in. That should tell you how many people are reading this nonsense and have enough sense to realize how much bullshit is being posted and stay away.

    It’s always the same exact group of maybe 10 members here trying to convince everyone how their gambling choices in life are worthy with only typed words. The other hundreds of viewers visit here for the laughs.

    Trust me; most of the self-proclaimed alleged AP’s here are not fooling anyone but their foolish selves. Their just full of so much bullshit and wishful hopes they think what they print here is like throwing a coin into a wishing fountain. It’s obvious most are unstable if they think readers are going to buy all this nonsense. They must be trying to impress adolescent children.

    (of a young person) in the process of developing from a child into an adult:

    Now that’s sad shit right there.


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