Originally Posted by arcimede$ View Post
Alan, what you just posted is nonsense. If you can change your results by some mechanism (in this case win goals) then you have changed the odds. What the odds tell us is the likelihood of winning. Hence, if you win more using some technique you have changed the odds. No ifs, ands or buts about it.

You are trying to wordsmith your away around the fact I have presented a proof that no betting system can change the ER (odds). Sorry, no intelligent person will fall for your silly narrative. The fact is win goals do not increase your results over time. That has been proven. Hence, as I said, your comment is nothing but BS.

As for your ladies ... they probably moved to another bank of machines and kept playing. I see this all the time. As soon as a person hits a winner they believe the machine will go cold. Hence, they cash out. They just move to another machine as I see the same folks come back later on.

Win goals do nothing to change a person's results over any fixed number of hands. Sorry. (And yes, I have simulated this as well)
Arc, what you write is nonsense. You can jump up and down all day about the odds and I am telling you, and Singer will tell you, that his system does not change the odds. The expected return will always be the expected return. Does it really twist out your kishkas (Yiddish for insides, guts) that someone can actually walk away from a negative expectation game with a profit, and repeat this?

Simulations are good for the long term but we all have had short term spurts of winning and the "art" (it is not a science that can be proven by simulations) of being able to say "I am going to walk away now" is how you become a winner.

Even at a positive expectation game, if you don't know when to quit you risk losing it all back.