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Thread: Kewlj's Fantasy Facts or Bullshit

  1. #21
    Now the problem with this whole thing isn't about what is said here or some of the trolls here think. It is that some of the misinformation is carried over to ther forums.

    You currently have a guy at WoV, quoting things said in this thread, (which is supposed to be against the rules) talking to no one but himself, in a thread that he started whith my name in it. And almost everything he is quoting is wrong or cherry picked and taken out of context. For example, he is going on about a $20,000 losing shoe and what it would take for that to happen. News flash: I have never has a 20,000 losing shoe! Blackhole cherry-picked a story about a $20,000 winning shoe of which I have had exactly 1! Never a $20,000 losing shoe. I have had a $20,000 losing DAY, which consisted of play at I beleive 4 casinos (maybe 3).

    So that is what is wrong with this whole thing. The trolls say whatever they like and I don't care as far as's a troll forum, but then someone on a more legit forum starts repeating it, or worse, such as this case, mixing up things said, whether intentionally or not. But this is the world we live in now. The truth doesn't matter all that much, and trying to set the record straight requires full time devotion to internet forums.

  2. #22
    You're way to dumb to recognize this. You absolutely OBSESS over the fact that, blackhole for instance, sees your stories as fake and explains exactly why. It bothers you no end--as it would anyone who's trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. And why else would you be incredibly nervous and completely unwilling to identify yourself in order that you may be witnessed at what you claim to do, under the protection of anonymity?

    You spend an unusual amount of time trying to convince everybody that your online concoction is true, and we all see how unglued and obsessed you become every time someone shows you how obvious it is that you are lying. That alone proves you are making things up. Spend your time proving the critics wrong WITH ACTUAL FACTS instead of phony claims like "I'm an ADVANTAGE PLAYER....I MUST be believed!!!" That BS will garner the support of people who don't like me or blackhole or of weirdos like redietz, but it's as empty as a bucket of water with no bottom.

    Wise up.

  3. #23
    The above post (not worthy of a quote) says nothing! It is just garbley-gook nonsense.

  4. #24
    First of all, Kewlj no one is arguing that BJ card counting being done correctly in most cases will be a winner.

    Everything in my first post I quoted you is no doubt happening and no doubt happening in even bigger ways with BJ card counters. That’s not the point at all about that quote. The point is not being noticed by pit and surveillance.

    You point out a bunch of different scenarios of about 33% of the time you were in casinos over a one year period where for 7 days you had swings from -8K to -10K to profit days. In another combined different 19-day period you won over 62K with over a 100K swing. Winning 123K before deducting your losses.

    That’s moving a bit too much money around not to be noticed regardless what that weirdo jdaewoo says that betting $450.00 per hand goes unnoticed on the strip. (bullshit)

    This action you explain happened over the period of only one year for your alleged profit of only 80K average over all the years you live in Vegas. What action took place over the other 10 or 15 years you were making 80K a year going unnoticed. By this time there should be a poster with your picture on the front door and sign reading stay out.

    You even mention yourself in one of your posts in January 2018 quote: “You do not need to present a players card to be known and/or have your play tracked. Casinos will actually assign an nickname to a regular player. Sometimes rather unflattering things of a descriptive nature. One of my entries in one of the databases is a description. (not all that accurate IMO)”

    Yet, you still don’t ever show ID or comp cards, and just disappear like Casper the Ghost.

    Please explain???? This one explanation of your play don't fly. I didn't even dig in yet.
    Last edited by blackhole; 07-17-2021 at 01:24 PM.

  5. #25
    He will never explain anything like that because there is no much the same way as he will never divulge a name of these mysterious "experts" who he claims say he is credible in his claims. He's just making that nonsense up like he does everything else about his online concoction.

    Every now and then you come across some loser who tries to convince others he "knows how to beat the system" that's put in place by career individuals who are much smarter than the claimant....and who are able to utilize technology that he or his blind supporters have zero clue about.

    And yeah right....$450 avg bj table bets being ignored by the eyes and simulation computers upstairs is total BS. Daewoo is more than full of it. But this asshole is the exact replica of whom kew depends on to come to his rescue when he's being assaulted by the truth.

  6. #26
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    You currently have a guy at WoV, quoting things said in this thread, (which is supposed to be against the rules) talking to no one but himself, in a thread that he started whith my name in it.

    Since you brought this up I went over there and read Mosses posts. Please explain these 2 I'm quoting below. I'm not sure if his math is correct. Where's that fucking idiot jdaewoo when you need him.


    Let's DO the math as they say.

    KJ has had one $20k shoe in 10 years. He plays 225 days annually average. So this happened once in 2,225 days of playing in a casino.

    Wait. He rotates 6 casinos per day. So this shoe was once in 13,350 casinos.

    Wait. He plays 2 shoes on average per casino. That is one shoe in 26,700. ��

    Forum rhetoric or irrelevant chatter? Take your pick.

    So for the Sally Struthers "save our newbie" foundation. Wont you please play and pay the KJ way?. Here is what it's going to take.

    You will need to average $400 to $500 in profits per day to reach 100k annually. For every $2k lost day, you will need no make $2800 to $3,000. Between 200 and 250 days with a spread of $25 to $300.

    ...before I list my house. It would have to be double these figures each year, for the next 10 straight years, to make it worth my while.

    However, legions of AP's are already doing this and more.��
    In Vegas. No?

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    You point out a bunch of different scenarios of about 33% of the time you were in casinos over a one year period where for 7 days you had swings from -8K to -10K to profit days. In another combined different 19-day period you won over 62K with over a 100K swing. Winning 123K before deducting your losses.
    Blackhole, you need to read and re-read and re-read until you understand what is being said before you speak. Please show where I ever said I had swings from -8k or -10k to profitable days? I may have had one of these over the years, but I don't recall it. One of the reasons this is unlikely is because I only come out with a fixed amount of funds for a days play. If I were to lose 8k to 10k, my playing BR will have been depleted to the point that for me to continue, I would have to replenish funds from the bank or go back home. I rarely do that. One of the few times I did was the 20k losing day I mentioned. If I recall correctly, I started the daay with a big loss, $7500 or 8k. Since i had only made one stop and played 45 minutes, I decided to replenish that day. After replenishing I recorded anoth losing session in the 3k, 4k range. 3rd session was either break even or a very small win. After a lunch break I played my 4th session and lost another 10k at which point I quit for the day. Very, very rare that I replenish like that, so almost impossible for me to lose 8k-10k and then win for the day.

    For me to lose this kind of money I will have HAD to replenish at some point, and think I have only done so 3 or 4 times in my career. Sometimes I will replenish a few thousand from an ATM just to be sure I have proper BR to start another session, but to lose all or most of my funds for that day and then go to the bank or home and replenish with another substanitial amount, very, very rare.

    These kind of swings 8k, 10k are not common for me at my level. They happen but only a handful of times a year. So for me to be down 8k, 10k and then win for the day, not only would I have had to replenish as just stated, but I would have had to have had two of these rare swings (one in each direction) in the same day. I don't recall that may have but I don't recall, so again, please link to where I said I was down 8k, 10k and won for the day. And if it did occur and I don't recall, it was ONCE. This is not a common occurance. None of these things you are focusing on are common occurances. You are cherry-picking the most extreme things and trying to portary them as routine.

    As for my playing unrated, I have shared some of the things I do to do so. It all starts with short sessions and betting levels that are well tolerated. That way you aren't going to score as many really big wins that draw attention and pit wants to know who you are and/or has to answer for you.

    Some of you guys that apparently don't play much blackjack are under the impression that players are required to give a players card and play rated. THAT just is not the case. Casinos and pit may want that, they may ask, even ask several times, but the only place I know that really demands a players card is Borgata in Atlantic City. Vegas it is not a requirement. Some places ask, some don't. But if you know what you are doing there are tricks and body language that you can use to discourage them from even asking. I have shared some of this, but am not going to keep doing so. It really isn't beneficial for me to spell out everything I do. And in the end, guys like you have already made up your mind not to beleive this or that anyway.

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    And yeah right....$450 avg bj table bets being ignored by the eyes and simulation computers upstairs is total BS.
    Bloodhound is a bitch to use, so the casino doesn't fucking wheel it out on a whim. And yes, places with nice carpets and Chihuly hanging from the ceiling don't blink at $450 max bets.

    You'd know this if you weren't such an ignorant cunt.

  9. #29
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    And yeah right....$450 avg bj table bets being ignored by the eyes and simulation computers upstairs is total BS. Daewoo is more than full of it. But this asshole is the exact replica of whom kew depends on to come to his rescue when he's being assaulted by the truth.
    More not knowing what you are talking about or intentionally or the other.

    On shoe games I start with a $25 or $50 wager and max bet just below $500 most of the time. With double deck, I start I start a little higher and spread both ways. A player can afford this kind of cover play (speading both ways at DD). So how the fuck do you come up with average bet of $450. My max bet is in that range (not that amount though) and Max bet is placed less than 10% of the time. You people are talking shit about things you have no clue about. Nothing new though.

  10. #30
    Cracking up at Blackhole quoting Moses. Moses plays single deck blackjack in Reno. I don't even know what stakes he plays, but I don't think his max bet is $400 range (maybe it is). But the point is Moses has no idea how I play or really little understanding about my game, just the same as his method of play on his oh so rare single deck is mostly foreign to me.

    In the post quoted, Moses said I make 100k a year. I don't know how many times I have to say, I do NOT make 100k a year from blackjack. I have had 100k years from blackjack but I average roughly 80k and after last year, I beleive that average is just below 80k. I do average 100k from total AP play (that incudes non blackjack play). I don't know if some of you guys are confusing that or again intentionally stating the wrong numbers in an attempt to make a point, but it is happening so frequently I can only assume it is intentional (lying).

  11. #31
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    Please show where I ever said I had swings from -8k or -10k to profitable days? I may have had one of these over the years, but I don't recall it.
    You seem to say this a lot.

    When you won the raffle and the casino paid the mortgage on your house in your name for one year, were you forced to give that location your real name? How about when you won the car. How does that win take place? Do you pay the taxes on it? Do you pick the color or add-ons? Or do you get whats on the floor?

    Mosses has been talking back and forth with you for years. He probably knows more about what style you claim to play than most. For the record the difference between 80k and 100K is peanuts when considering the overall facts. You also admit making 100k several times.

    Your bullshit is going down Kewlj.
    Last edited by blackhole; 07-17-2021 at 02:27 PM.

  12. #32
    Something else very comical in this thread and that is the Singer-Blackhole alliance.

    Not sure if Robbie is aware, but last spring when Singer was still peddling his double up claim bullshit and newell RV (before the interview with Wizard where everything completely came apart), Blackhole Pmed me and others on this very forum, asking for personal information on Rob so he could do a government investigation on Rob, to prove his claims made up. I chose to ignore blackhole. (don't know if others did as well), but the point is Blackhole and Singer were anything BUT aligned then, so this alliance now is kind of funny. Kind of the enemy of my enemy is my friend thing I guess. But they can have each other.

  13. #33
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    When you won the raffle and the casino paid the mortgage on your house in your name for one year, were you forced to give that location your real name? How about when you won the car. How does that win take place? Do you pay the taxes on it? Do you pick the color or add-ons? Or do you get whats on the floor?
    After many year of choosing not to drive, It was probably my second or 3rd year in Vegas. Unlike Phila where I moved from, vegas sort of requires a car, especially for an AP hitting some of the local casinos. So I had started driving earlier that year. And I had just leased a vehicle. So I didn't want the car really. There was an alternative cash prize but it was less than half the retail value of the car. So I contacted the dealership in Henderson that supplied the vehicle and made a deal with them to take the brand new vehiche back for a little more than the cash alternative that was being offered. Not a lot more, but a little more.

    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Your bullshit is going down Kewlj.
    Yeah, good luck with that.

  14. #34
    I gotta say, I thought this would be more fun. I knew there would be distorting of the record and things said that I would need to correct and of course there has been. But in addition to that blackhole is posting these things that he thinks are "gottch ya" moments, when it turns outhe doesn't even understand what the fuck he was reading and quoted. So now I have to stop and explain to him what the fuck he just read and quoted because he is so clueless. I am debating a guy who doesn't even understand his own debate points, so I have to explain it to him.

    I guess my own fault for thinking it might be something a little more substaintial than just a rehash of these bitter dudes and their bitterness.

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    I gotta say, I thought this would be more fun. I knew there would be distorting of the record and things said that I would need to correct and of course there has been. But in addition to that blackhole is posting these things that he thinks are "gottch ya" moments, when it turns outhe doesn't even understand what the fuck he was reading and quoted. So now I have to stop and explain to him what the fuck he just read and quoted because he is so clueless. I am debating a guy who doesn't even understand his own debate points, so I have to explain it to him.

    I guess my own fault for thinking it might be something a little more substaintial than just a rehash of these bitter dudes and their bitterness.

    You think you have it bad? The most damning things "Singer" can say about me are that I'm a "weirdo" and that I work. LOL.

    I mean, I can see why Rob thinks retirement is such a big deal. That 00-life must have been tough. Everybody shooting at you and shit. Bond headed for an island to get away. "Singer" headed for the interstate in a camper. I totally get it. If I had been a secret agent, I'd want to retire and get off the grid as quickly as possible, too.

    I was thinking, after the 2021 football season, I might have to buy up some wayward "Singer" footage and do the voiceover for a documentary. Put it up on Youtube and enjoy the permanence of it all.

    Anybody know where I might pick up some footage of Rob for cheap? I just cannot think of where I might find some.

    P.S. You gotta be a real maroon to insult and piss off somebody who owns footage of you being clueless.
    Last edited by redietz; 07-17-2021 at 03:27 PM.

  16. #36
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Something else very comical in this thread and that is the Singer-Blackhole alliance.

    Not sure if Robbie is aware, but last spring when Singer was still peddling his double up claim bullshit and newell RV (before the interview with Wizard where everything completely came apart), Blackhole Pmed me and others on this very forum, asking for personal information on Rob so he could do a government investigation on Rob, to prove his claims made up. I chose to ignore blackhole. (don't know if others did as well), but the point is Blackhole and Singer were anything BUT aligned then, so this alliance now is kind of funny. Kind of the enemy of my enemy is my friend thing I guess. But they can have each other.
    I offered to confirm your claims against Rob. You couldn’t come up with any personal information or actual data about anything involving Rob. I offered you a professional search at no charge to you and was willing to forward any results to you to do what you pleased.

    Instead, you ran to Dan like the cock-sucker you really are. This confirmed to me everything you were saying about Rob was bullshit. Also you were the only idiot I offered this to simply because of all the phony accusations you were making, which is nothing new for you.

  17. #37
    Don't think for one second everyone reading this don't notice your detour posts. You just never answer any of the questions being asked.

    How about the mortgage payments for a year?

    You're nothing more then the author of the fiction movie about "The Las Vegas BJ Walt Disney Fantasies."

  18. #38
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Don't think for one second everyone reading this don't notice your detour posts. You just never answer any of the questions being asked.

    How about the mortgage payments for a year?

    You're nothing more then the author of the fiction movie about "The Las Vegas BJ Walt Disney Fantasies."
    Not a single fucking person other than Rob "always throw away 2 pair that's the way to win at video poker lol math" Singer has agreed with a single thing you've said in this thread. Not a single one.


  19. #39
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    How about the mortgage payments for a year?
    What about it? That was a drawing at one of the local casino chains that they did for several years. Not going to mention it, everyone in Vegas knows what chain. So you earned entried in the drawing by playing machines. In my case video poker. Had nothing to do with blackjack. Of course I had to give personal info. How would they make the payments without it?

    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post

    You're nothing more then the author of the fiction movie about "The Las Vegas BJ Walt Disney Fantasies."
    Could be!

  20. #40
    Originally Posted by jdaewoo View Post
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    And yeah right....$450 avg bj table bets being ignored by the eyes and simulation computers upstairs is total BS.
    Bloodhound is a bitch to use, so the casino doesn't fucking wheel it out on a whim. And yes, places with nice carpets and Chihuly hanging from the ceiling don't blink at $450 max bets.

    You'd know this if you weren't such an ignorant cunt.

    LOL. Hey, jdaewoo, if I ever want a sockpuppet, can I hire you?

    As far as the wager sizing, what's the issue? People think $450 blackjack bets are large? In Las Vegas? In places with carpets? I know nothing about blackjack, but the dude I'm sitting with in the Retro Road trip thread bets two to four times that on multiple hands and gets zero scrutiny. Next time he plays, I will check for Chihuly (Note: I stayed in a Nashville Gaylord with some Chihuly, so the Chihuly does get around).

    I can hear Dan Akroyd every time I read jdaewoo's closing comments. Always gives me a chuckle.

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