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Thread: The WoV Thread

  1. #7401
    Yes, it's a world of mystery at WoV.
    What, Me Worry?

  2. #7402
    About WOV, I brought up very valid points about Money Laundering in Casinos when I was still an Active Member on WOV and I was dragged, ragged, and mocked, and in the Current Casino Money Laundering on WOV, they said similar things that I said years ago on WOV and are being taken seriously. What the fuck? :/

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  3. #7403
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post

    It was coach. At the time I was averaging close to $600 a day vulturing Montana machines. For a sizable bet I was willing to start at 8 AM and produce a $500 win by midnight. I could have done it legitimately. But the easy thing to do would be to frontload some games to where they are close to giving up a bonus or progressive.

    I could then stand there and laugh at the idiot that bet me while I make the $500 in about ten minutes. LOL!! However, I did let belly off the hook by explaining to him how easy it would be to set him up. To which, he harangued me for being an asshole that would set people up. He didn't get that I don't set people up, I just know how easy it would be to do. That's all. Axel, Mission, Pen, they all know how easy it would be to set someone up with that kind of bet too.
    Exactly. Knowing how easy it would be and actually doing it are two totally different things.

    All's fair in love and war when it comes to hustlers making bets with each other, but if there's one thing that I will defend myself on, it's that I would never angle shoot on a ploppie. In fact, even in my casino (vulturing) affairs I deliberately go WAY out of my way not to have any influence on their actions whatsoever. If they're on a machine I want, I'm not going to hover over them, sit behind them, walk behind them every three seconds or anything along those lines. That's not even a nod to me; it's just basic politeness and decency.

    In fact, one thing some hustlers/vultures can't stand about me is I don't try to set up the, "Accidental bet creates a play," angle. Basically, what some will do is set variable state machines upon which plays can be generated relatively quickly to the maximum possible bet before leaving the machine. I always set it to the lowest bet (if bet amount only) or the lowest bet with the most lines (for something where you can change bet amount and number of lines).

    If I'm in the casino and someone else has been there (obvious by all of them being set to max), then I change them all to the lowest bet possible just to be a prick.

    All that said, Coach Belly is a great many things and not all of them bad, but he's definitely a ploppie...which itself isn't bad. It comes as no surprise to me that MickeyCrimm would not angle shoot a ploppie...MickeyCrimm has controversial opinions that he doesn't shy from stating in very harsh terms, but he has integrity in his dealings with people. (I mainly mean real world dealings, for the record.)
    Last edited by Mission146; 07-17-2021 at 07:19 AM.

  4. #7404
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    About WOV, I brought up very valid points about Money Laundering in Casinos when I was still an Active Member on WOV and I was dragged, ragged, and mocked, and in the Current Casino Money Laundering on WOV, they said similar things that I said years ago on WOV and are being taken seriously. What the fuck? :/
    Imagine that you have a doctor and an eighth-grader and both are discussing medical facts independently of one another. Both individuals might state the same fact, and both might be correct, but the eighth-grader will generally not be taken seriously as he is not a doctor. Your posts prior to those ones expose your gambling knowledge.

    Anyway, you mean well...or at least have no ill-will...and you have your harmless fun. I don't have a problem with you, personally, never did.

  5. #7405
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    One of these days you guys might learn to change the station or turn it off if you don't like hearing it.

    I'd Rather Shout at a Returning Echo than Kid That Someone's Listening.

    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    All's fair in love and war when it comes to hustlers making bets with each other, but if there's one thing that I will defend myself on, it's that I would never angle shoot on a ploppie.

    Believe What You Like: What happened between the Scientologists and the National Association for Mental Health.

    The best understanding of casino gambling is the knowledge not to even start.

    Conclusions such as yours above are the reason that people talk forever like batty robots about only themselves in terms of their casino "plays", bathroom "repairs", corrosive "politics", and so on. Look, if Monet hit all of those $40,000 jackpots so often, why does he pathetically fart around with professional home repairs that are under $20,000, his dangerous bouts of dieting, his shopping lists for so many pounds of this and that, and, so on?

    In general, the internet isn't the place to find any tried and true healthy tips to living well. And, you won't find any gambler with any worthwhile degree in anything that was much pursued. Stop harming more people with your own such endless babble. The stupid Wizard listens only to himself.

    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    If I'm in the casino and someone else has been there (obvious by all of them being set to max), then I change them all to the lowest bet possible just to be a prick.

    List of results of the United States men's national basketball team at the Olympic Games.

    It's like everything the so-called AP's do are just numerals to go along with the really meaningful events. You live in some fucking fantasy world. Try doing something that impacts on the real world. Put your head on the real chopping block, for a change. Ha, but, I'm the one to be parodied?

    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Anyway, you mean well...or at least have no ill-will...and you have your harmless fun. I don't have a problem with you, personally, never did.

    On Paradise Drive: How We Live Now (And Always Have) in the Future Tense.

    While You're Over There in No Man's Land, I'm Over Here in Lonesome Land.,%2....?partial=true

    Simplistically speaking, last is first in the land of casino gambling. Everyone caught up in the now. Fools for both leaders and followers. Exact same observation for the guys and gals at the numerolgy, gematria, etc, forums.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  6. #7406
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post

    I'd Rather Shout at a Returning Echo than Kid That Someone's Listening.


    Believe What You Like: What happened between the Scientologists and the National Association for Mental Health.

    The best understanding of casino gambling is the knowledge not to even start.

    Conclusions such as yours above are the reason that people talk forever like batty robots about only themselves in terms of their casino "plays", bathroom "repairs", corrosive "politics", and so on. Look, if Monet hit all of those $40,000 jackpots so often, why does he pathetically fart around with professional home repairs that are under $20,000, his dangerous bouts of dieting, his shopping lists for so many pounds of this and that, and, so on?

    In general, the internet isn't the place to find any tried and true healthy tips to living well. And, you won't find any gambler with any worthwhile degree in anything that was much pursued. Stop harming more people with your own such endless babble. The stupid Wizard listens only to himself.

    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    If I'm in the casino and someone else has been there (obvious by all of them being set to max), then I change them all to the lowest bet possible just to be a prick.

    List of results of the United States men's national basketball team at the Olympic Games.

    It's like everything the so-called AP's do are just numerals to go along with the really meaningful events. You live in some fucking fantasy world. Try doing something that impacts on the real world. Put your head on the real chopping block, for a change. Ha, but, I'm the one to be parodied?

    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Anyway, you mean well...or at least have no ill-will...and you have your harmless fun. I don't have a problem with you, personally, never did.

    On Paradise Drive: How We Live Now (And Always Have) in the Future Tense.

    While You're Over There in No Man's Land, I'm Over Here in Lonesome Land.,%2....?partial=true

    Simplistically speaking, last is first in the land of casino gambling. Everyone caught up in the now. Fools for both leaders and followers. Exact same observation for the guys and gals at the numerolgy, gematria, etc, forums.

    Garnabby, you proclaim like Camus, but you sound more like Sartre. So are you anti or pro Communist from a practical point of view? I was always anti-Communist/pro-socialist, but if we have much more capitalist clusterfucking with Covid (note the alliteration), I'll have to reconsider the advantages of strong central coordination in a hostile world. We've become our own H.G.Wells Martians. All this tech, and the bugs will shut us down.

    Carry on, though. Is it You and Camus, or are you a Jean-Paul kind of guy?

    By the way, and I haven't read the link you posted yet (I will), but I lean to the Scientologists in many ways vis-a-vis the mental health industry. I read some Szasz in my youth, and he made some good arguments.

  7. #7407

    Damn, you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. What a shame. I like your posts (and still do) in an odd sort of way. Whatever anyone says about you, that you break the monotony is undeniable.

    However, let's get some stuff straight here lest you think I have some heightened sense of self-importance that absolutely does not exist.

    How dare I parody you? Something about imitation and flattery, as I recall.

    I'd Rather Shout at a Returning Echo than Kid That Someone's Listening.
    That's fucking prescient, or maybe it's just an accurate commentary. Maybe both, since the commentary will inevitably be accurate again at some point in the future.

    The best understanding of casino gambling is the knowledge not to even start.

    Conclusions such as yours above are the reason that people talk forever like batty robots about only themselves in terms of their casino "plays", bathroom "repairs", corrosive "politics", and so on. Look, if Monet hit all of those $40,000 jackpots so often, why does he pathetically fart around with professional home repairs that are under $20,000, his dangerous bouts of dieting, his shopping lists for so many pounds of this and that, and, so on?

    In general, the internet isn't the place to find any tried and true healthy tips to living well. And, you won't find any gambler with any worthwhile degree in anything that was much pursued. Stop harming more people with your own such endless babble. The stupid Wizard listens only to himself.
    I agree with the sentiment 100%. The only way to guarantee that you never lose gambling is to never gamble to begin with. If you look at us all here bickering with one another endlessly (including me), what becomes clear is that everyone who gets too deep into this crazy world loses something even if they may happen to win money.

    I can not answer questions that would be better directed to Monet. I have never met Monet and there are more words in this thread than Monet and I have shared privately, ever. I don't even know why I am here, much less have the capacity to answer that question for other people.

    In the meantime, I make money to write about gambling. If someone happens upon the sites, then odds are they already gamble. If they ask me how can they lose less on this game, that game or the other answer will usually first be, "By not playing it," followed by, "...but if you are going to play it..."

    It's like everything the so-called AP's do are just numerals to go along with the really meaningful events. You live in some fucking fantasy world. Try doing something that impacts on the real world. Put your head on the real chopping block, for a change. Ha, but, I'm the one to be parodied?
    I'm not the bragging type, so I'll just say that you don't know fuck all about what I do in the real world. I'll simply say that I don't have much at all, but I am freely giving with what I do have, and leave it at that.

    Simplistically speaking, last is first in the land of casino gambling. Everyone caught up in the now. Fools for both leaders and followers. Exact same observation for the guys and gals at the numerolgy, gematria, etc, forums.
    I hope you're not expecting a counterargument to the sentiment behind this, even if I may slightly disagree with some of the wording. You'll be waiting for awhile.
    Last edited by Mission146; 07-17-2021 at 09:25 AM.

  8. #7408
    Guys, in my mind, the most valuable things one learns from gambling are pretty damned valuable, and I'm not sure there are many ways other than gambling immersion that can teach us the lessons.

    Reality is probabilistic. Immersion in gambling should strip away the me-centric perception of the world. Context matters. It matters a lot. Probability is the context in which we all operate. If you think you can muscle your way through the frames in which your live by dint of your will or your good works or your razzamatazz personality, good luck with that. Gambling gives you lessons in reality. That is worth even a hefty price of admission.

    While gambling, you are forced to subordinate yourself to that reality if you want to survive and thrive. All your wishes and wannabees are not going to countervail the odds. That's true in video poker, and it's true in life in general. So when you start recognizing life contexts as the forces they are, which is difficult because that's not part of our cultural mythos, then you get a glimpse of reality.

    And gambling is a real good mentor to help us see that reality.

  9. #7409
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Guys, in my mind, the most valuable things one learns from gambling are pretty damned valuable, and I'm not sure there are many ways other than gambling immersion that can teach us the lessons.

    Reality is probabilistic. Immersion in gambling should strip away the me-centric perception of the world. Context matters. It matters a lot. Probability is the context in which we all operate. If you think you can muscle your way through the frames in which your live by dint of your will or your good works or your razzamatazz personality, good luck with that. Gambling gives you lessons in reality. That is worth even a hefty price of admission.

    While gambling, you are forced to subordinate yourself to that reality if you want to survive and thrive. All your wishes and wannabees are not going to countervail the odds. That's true in video poker, and it's true in life in general. So when you start recognizing life contexts as the forces they are, which is difficult because that's not part of our cultural mythos, then you get a glimpse of reality.

    And gambling is a real good mentor to help us see that reality.
    Most peoples failures to achieve is a direct result of their inability to correctly assess risk.

  10. #7410
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    It was coach. I did let belly off the hook by explaining to him how easy it would be to set him up.
    This is fake news. You threatened to shoot me if I came to Montana.

    You let yourself off the hook with your one-million hand VP challenge, that must be what you're talking about.

  11. #7411
    Originally Posted by coach belly View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    It was coach. I did let belly off the hook by explaining to him how easy it would be to set him up.
    This is fake news. You threatened to shoot me if I came to Montana.

    You let yourself off the hook with your one-million hand VP challenge, that must be what you're talking about.
    Lmbo. Classic Mickey.

  12. #7412
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Guys, in my mind, the most valuable things one learns from gambling are pretty damned valuable, and I'm not sure there are many ways other than gambling immersion that can teach us the lessons.

    Reality is probabilistic. Immersion in gambling should strip away the me-centric perception of the world. Context matters. It matters a lot. Probability is the context in which we all operate. If you think you can muscle your way through the frames in which your live by dint of your will or your good works or your razzamatazz personality, good luck with that. Gambling gives you lessons in reality. That is worth even a hefty price of admission.

    While gambling, you are forced to subordinate yourself to that reality if you want to survive and thrive. All your wishes and wannabees are not going to countervail the odds. That's true in video poker, and it's true in life in general. So when you start recognizing life contexts as the forces they are, which is difficult because that's not part of our cultural mythos, then you get a glimpse of reality.

    And gambling is a real good mentor to help us see that reality.
    Most peoples failures to achieve is a direct result of their inability to correctly assess risk.
    Trying to give an intelligent response to a very weird post gets lost in the minutiae of redietz' confused mind.

    There are no "lessons learned" for real life from gambling. That's just plain weird. I never gambled until I was 42, yet when I got seriously into it I called upon my real life experiences and knowledge to guide my success. And there are many, many very successful people who refuse to gamble, yet are extremely successful in their lives. Your post correctly assesses gambling as well as a number of other career choices or off-the-cuff whims. But it falls far short of being applicable across the board (if that's what you meant).

  13. #7413
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    Guys, in my mind, the most valuable things one learns from gambling are pretty damned valuable, and I'm not sure there are many ways other than gambling immersion that can teach us the lessons.

    Reality is probabilistic. Immersion in gambling should strip away the me-centric perception of the world. Context matters. It matters a lot. Probability is the context in which we all operate. If you think you can muscle your way through the frames in which your live by dint of your will or your good works or your razzamatazz personality, good luck with that. Gambling gives you lessons in reality. That is worth even a hefty price of admission.

    While gambling, you are forced to subordinate yourself to that reality if you want to survive and thrive. All your wishes and wannabees are not going to countervail the odds. That's true in video poker, and it's true in life in general. So when you start recognizing life contexts as the forces they are, which is difficult because that's not part of our cultural mythos, then you get a glimpse of reality.

    And gambling is a real good mentor to help us see that reality.
    Most peoples failures to achieve is a direct result of their inability to correctly assess risk.
    And inability to correctly assess themselves. All of the classic literature has individuals overestimating themselves in virtually everything. Athletics, attractiveness, every ability, every intellectual measure -- most people radically overestimate themselves.

  14. #7414
    Red, the unsuccessful didn't matter, in the sense they weren't heard of, but, the however successful didn't overrate themselves. The latter tend not to put much stock in, say, iq tests because they know they can't finish 'em. Here's six #1's for you, on the theme of being #1.

    Ath1etics, attractiveness, every abi1ity, every inte1lectual measure -- most peop1e radica1ly overestimate themse1ves. --->

    Disputes about Einstein's claim to the relativity theories.

    You, too, seem to be a bit psychic. I looked up Sartre, the other day, to find out more about his refusing the nobel prize.

    In his novels, essays, and plays, Sartre advanced the philosophy of existentialism, arguing that each individual must create meaning for his or her own life, because life itself had no innate meaning.

    The 59-year-old author Jean-Paul Sartre declined the Nobel Prize in Literature, which he was awarded in October 1964. He said he always refused official distinctions and did not want to be 'institutionalised'.
    As far as the gambling, I meant casino or mass gambling in specific, and, that it's not far from the truth in general not to thus gamble at all.

    Gee, that guy could be Alan. Ha.
    Last edited by Garnabby; 07-17-2021 at 03:32 PM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  15. #7415
    Okay, thought it would be sort of neat to finish up on page 371 of this thread, as with post 173 at the GamblingForums. Fortunately, no one added on a post, over night.

    Anyone notice the numerals from the above post?

    On March 20, 1916, Albert Einstein submitted to the German scientific journal Annalen der Physik the final version of an article outlining his answer to the scientific problem he had been wrestling with for nearly a decade. He called his solution a 'General Theory of Relativity.'
    1961, too, was a good year. 16 versus 61. Ha.

    Anyway, to another passing look at the KJ nonsense. Didn't old Eliot diss him, years ago, over at the Wizard's? Didn't the old Wizard, himself, years ago, exclaim that blackjack was dead in Vegas? Didn't expert player, Flash, years ago, note that KJ couldn't be making as much as claimed? Wasn't it Sonny, from BlackjackInfo, who worked the voodoo section, that claimed he was a "green chipper"? The old adage was to never bet black, so as to stay under the old "radar".

    Anyway, off the top of my head, if KJ plays about ten hands at each of thirty casinos, a day, waits around for the count to give him a prime 1% edge on each hand, which is sort of unlikely unless he counts about five tables at once using the mythical mirrors overhead at each casino in 15 minutes in, 15 minutes on the road, well, that's 15 hours a day sprinting every day of the year with bets at an average of $75 over the same 30 casinos at, I guess, the same times each and every day. Didn't KJ claim to play only about 2 or 3 hands a casino, to show his "spread", and, then, leave, so as not to be detected? Now we have KJ claiming to be also a professional mentalist, or highly trained FBI officer, who, perhaps, could tell maybe, at the most, 55% of the time who is lying, or (mildly) upset to the point of throwing KJ out.

    (300 hands a day X $75 a hand X 1% X 365 days) = $82,125 a year.

    Red, do you really believe that KJ could have a job doing anything else? Isn't it odd that after so many years playing, KJ has so little to say about it, other than what he thinks a professional blackjack player, very superficially, would say about it? Why, after all the years, is he no more knowledgeable about the precise mathematical arguments, not even about the card simulators? Why nary an online word from his mythical brother, the one KJ, himself, trained, and, similarly, set out on to the blackjack scene? His brother doesn't look like him? There aren't a thousand others doing the exact same thing? Does the mother drive them around separately, or together? Gee, it didn't take much for KJ to put me on ignore.

    To finish up with my prediction that the forum would, by fortune, steer itself to the Buffalo Springfield stuff, you, Red, did this for me, on the next day, the 16th.

    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    4) While vaccines undeniably cut down dramatically on hospitalization and deaths from Covid, it's a mystery as to whether long haul Covid is much reduced.
    Originally Posted by Garnabby View Post
    On a similar note. By now, I wanted to write up more of my own theory of everything, but, life doesn't always cooperate. Will have to settle for post 555 - for some time to come - to go with the LMR series.

    What will be Garnabby's five hundred fifty-fifth post. --->

    Buffalo Springfield Revisited.

    Which was where my fun take on the anagrams started, as LMR. Let's see if fortune steers the forum in this direction by then. Giving up the anagrams with one more fun prediction.
    As with all of my numerological anagrams-with-gematria, I tried to formalize it with specific ways to write it out for each type and degree of application. Dates expressed in one way, and, so on. I like to work with primacy and/or recency psychology. Look at the lyrics for the song, "For What It's Worth," aka "What's That Sound?". The first verse, and chorus.

    "There's something happening here, But what it is ain't exactly clear, There's a man with a gun over there, Telling me I got to beware. --->

    Epstein-Barr virus nuclear-antigen internal ribosomal entry site.

    Soaring With The Eagles At Night, To Rise With The Pigs In The Morning.

    "Epstein-Barr virus reactivation may be the cause of long COVID symptoms",

    "Positive Epstein–Barr virus detection in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients",

    How about Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort, and, gambling in general?

    "Four) While vaccines undeniably cut down dramatically on hospitalization and deaths from Covid, it's a mystery as to whether long haul Covid is much reduced." --->

    The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and The Collision of Two Cultures.

    So it works itself to Red's long-haul remark, the next day, and, then, back to the song lyrics, as in the falling down, collision of two cultures, and the virus, itself. No, it's not Wuhan, China, but, the next region to it. If things were any closer, then it would all be too close. I mean, the best anagrams-with-gematria leave something to the unknown. It's like one has to question it all along, even within each bit, for it to seem to really work.

    "It's time we stop, Hey, what's that sound, Everybody look, what's going down." --->

    I Bet You They Won't Play This Song on the Radio.

    A couple of other things.

    1t's shut down, Thr3ad: 7h3 Wo(^1)V. --->

    What's that sound?

    Notice the 137's, forward, up and down, and backward.

    And, that fortune goes 4tune, four & ten ---> 41 as 4), and, ten-four good-bye.

    Oh, almost forgot. It's good that the numerals came back into it, which were what LMR started with, with the coronvirus stuff.

    Garnabby Garnabby is online now
    Garnabby's Avatar Join Date
    Aug 2020
    555 <----------------------------------
    Last edited by Garnabby; 07-18-2021 at 08:53 AM.
    Every one /everyone knows it all; yet, no thing /nothing is truly known by any one /anyone. Similarly, the suckers think that they win, but, the house always wins, unless to hand out an even worse beating.

    Garnabby + OppsIdidItAgain + ThomasClines (or TomasHClines) + The Grim Reaper + LMR + OneHitWonder (or 1HitWonder, 1Hit1der) + Bill Yung ---> GOTTLOB1, or GOTTLOB = Praise to God!

    Blog at

  16. #7416
    Originally Posted by Mission146 View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    About WOV, I brought up very valid points about Money Laundering in Casinos when I was still an Active Member on WOV and I was dragged, ragged, and mocked, and in the Current Casino Money Laundering on WOV, they said similar things that I said years ago on WOV and are being taken seriously. What the fuck? :/
    Imagine that you have a doctor and an eighth-grader and both are discussing medical facts independently of one another. Both individuals might state the same fact, and both might be correct, but the eighth-grader will generally not be taken seriously as he is not a doctor. Your posts prior to those ones expose your gambling knowledge.

    Anyway, you mean well...or at least have no ill-will...and you have your harmless fun. I don't have a problem with you, personally, never did.
    I remember starting a Happy Birthday Thread for Beachbumbabs that got a few replies. Multiple People admitted they ignored my Happy Birthday Thread for Beachbumbabs because I had started it, but if anyone else had started that Happy Birthday Thread for her, they would have responded. I remember posting that a Gambler said she had her $20,000 Win W2G Form mailed to her and said her Husband opened up that W2G Form and asked her,"Honey, anything you want to tell me about?" LMAO! Someone on WOV was like,"Nathan is full of shit. W2G Forms don't get mailed to personal Houses." IIRC, RS said,"I don't think Nathan is full of shit. I've had W2G Forms mailed to my personal House." The First Poster replied something like,"I know W2G Forms get mailed to personal Houses. I was purposely claiming Nathan was full of shit to purposely make her look like an even bigger Troll."

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  17. #7417
    Speaking about Beachbumbabs and WOV, Wizard chose her side over my side when I finally had enough and blew up on her in a one time Cussing Rant after three years of her harassing and insulting me. Wizard said something like,"If I take Nathan's side on this, Beachbumbabs will definitely Resign as an Admin and I can't have that as she's been a Loyal Admin for me for years and is invaluable." Beachbumbabs JUMPED SHIP from WOV and hasn't even visited in over three months! Before that, she was only sporadically visiting and was posting only about once every three months. How's choosing Beachbumbabs side over me going for you, Wizard? He chose someone who ended up abandoning him over me who would have been loyal to this day. I definitely have the best laugh on that one.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

  18. #7418
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Speaking about Beachbumbabs and WOV, Wizard chose her side over my side when I finally had enough and blew up on her in a one time Cussing Rant after three years of her harassing and insulting me. Wizard said something like,"If I take Nathan's side on this, Beachbumbabs will definitely Resign as an Admin and I can't have that as she's been a Loyal Admin for me for years and is invaluable." Beachbumbabs JUMPED SHIP from WOV and hasn't even visited in over three months! Before that, she was only sporadically visiting and was posting only about once every three months. How's choosing Beachbumbabs side over me going for you, Wizard? He chose someone who ended up abandoning him over me who would have been loyal to this day. I definitely have the best laugh on that one.
    You post this story at least once a month. Guess you aren’t over it.

  19. #7419
    Originally Posted by unJon View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Speaking about Beachbumbabs and WOV, Wizard chose her side over my side when I finally had enough and blew up on her in a one time Cussing Rant after three years of her harassing and insulting me. Wizard said something like,"If I take Nathan's side on this, Beachbumbabs will definitely Resign as an Admin and I can't have that as she's been a Loyal Admin for me for years and is invaluable." Beachbumbabs JUMPED SHIP from WOV and hasn't even visited in over three months! Before that, she was only sporadically visiting and was posting only about once every three months. How's choosing Beachbumbabs side over me going for you, Wizard? He chose someone who ended up abandoning him over me who would have been loyal to this day. I definitely have the best laugh on that one.
    You post this story at least once a month. Guess you aren’t over it.
    Dude, they still want reparations for something that ended almost 150 years ago.

  20. #7420
    Originally Posted by unJon View Post
    Originally Posted by Tasha View Post
    Speaking about Beachbumbabs and WOV, Wizard chose her side over my side when I finally had enough and blew up on her in a one time Cussing Rant after three years of her harassing and insulting me. Wizard said something like,"If I take Nathan's side on this, Beachbumbabs will definitely Resign as an Admin and I can't have that as she's been a Loyal Admin for me for years and is invaluable." Beachbumbabs JUMPED SHIP from WOV and hasn't even visited in over three months! Before that, she was only sporadically visiting and was posting only about once every three months. How's choosing Beachbumbabs side over me going for you, Wizard? He chose someone who ended up abandoning him over me who would have been loyal to this day. I definitely have the best laugh on that one.
    You post this story at least once a month. Guess you aren’t over it.
    I posted that on Gambling Forums before, not on here. Of course I'm still bitter that I was thrown out like yesterday's trash for somebody who ended up jumping ship from WOV anyways. I often pretend I'm completely okay with being thrown out like yesterday's trash from WOV but I'm actually still pissed and bitter.

    Take comfort in the fact that no one is actually backing up his wishes to have you permanantly banned.

    Smart is knowing a Tomato is a fruit.

    Wise is knowing a Tomato doesn't belong in a fruit salad.

    I am glad to get my full posting rights back! Thank you Dan!

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