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Thread: I'm slowly drifting away from this cesspool

  1. #1
    After a few weeks of not even checking in (being in New York City for a week was a pleasant diversion), I read the "jumping the shark" thread with a combination of amusement and the usual expected disappointment as I knew what the impending direction the thread was headed for. Indeed, what I thought would happen, did happen.

    Then, I added a comment in the "Bob Granhoff" thread which instantly evolved from a potential brief conversation with Rob into another of his patented rips on Arci and his wife and Rob's sheer delight in boosting his own lot in life by again attacking Bob Dancer mercilessly. (Silly me...I thought personal attacks were forbidden.)

    Enough is enough.

    The continual bitch slapping contest by those two egomaniacs and the failure of Alan to ban both of them has completely ruined any enjoyment I once had by tuning in.

    Tuning out appears to be the next move.

  2. #2
    May I suggest a good single malt scotch?

  3. #3
    Sure I could ban people... but then I would have to ban everybody and I don't like talking to myself.

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