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Thread: Kewlj's Fantasy Facts or Bullshit

  1. #321
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Now let's see I headed out at noon and am home by 4pm. Bankers hours? Not exactly. I only registed $170 in EV, when I shoot for $300 Ev per day. Why? It was not a good day. After lunch, I has a pretty good losing session that only left me with about 4 grand in cash. Not enough to start a new session somewhere. I could have swung by an ATM and withdrew $3000 and 7 grand would have been enough to start a new session, but it was 3;30 and I just said to hell with it. Tommorrow is another day.

    So Mr Bosox who hates my "bragging". Anybody else on these forums share the bad with the good, the losing with the winning like I do? maybe Zenking when he is getting clobbered and blaming everyone else. But few others.
    I'm one of those "few others" kew. I've always talked about when I lose as well as when I win. And although my style of play sees me winning much more than losing (hmmm....kinda like your story, right?) I do talk about my losses sometimes. Just as I do my wins----sometimes. The problem with that is you and a few others don't agree with how I play, so you only accept the losing times I post about.

    So stop trying to be the heavy with your "I do this or that more than anyone else". It cheapens whatever else you write about.

  2. #322
    Originally Posted by Rob.Singer View Post
    And although my style of play sees me winning much more than losing
    But the problem Rob is there is nothing about your "style" of play that would explain or account for more winning than losing.

    Progression betting just does not a winning system make. It is just mathematical fact. Short term, sure, long term no. No, No, No. Now your original claim was for 10 years and I forget, 1.5 million? You shortened that to 4 years 300k, to make room for the other claim that I don't even want to talk about. So 4 years, 300k, that is longterm and you still have shown nothing that can account for that.

    Now maybe you or someone else wants to argue that 4 years, 300k is still shortterm. I don't buy it, but maybe if there were a few really large royals, then the longterm wouldn't have had a chance to catch up yet. In other words your entire win, would have just been really lucky variance. Is that what you want to claim now? That you were just lucky?

    But we are just rehashing. Anyway, if you are in Arizona, be careful the next couple days with the heat.

  3. #323
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    KJ is most likely the best card counter operating in Las Vegas.
    This comment says all we need to know about what goes on here. You can't confirm a single fucking thing about Kewlj. You don't even know for fact the color of his skin, if he really has a brother living with him or if he even has a brother at all, where he lives, if he really owns a house, you can't even confirm he's the queer he claims to be. But, you're able to confirm what he says here about BJ, and go one step further and only based on that suspect he might be one of the best card counters operating in Las Vegas.

    Mickey, you just shoved your foot up your own ass.

  4. #324
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    KJ is most likely the best card counter operating in Las Vegas.
    This comment says all we need to know about what goes on here. You can't confirm a single fucking thing about Kewlj. You don't even know for fact the color of his skin, if he really has a brother living with him or if he even has a brother at all, where he lives, if he really owns a house, you can't even confirm he's the queer he claims to be. But, you're able to confirm what he says here about BJ, and go one step further and only based on that suspect he might be one of the best card counters operating in Las Vegas.

    Mickey, you just shoved your foot up your own ass.
    Serious question? Are you retarted?

    No one need know anyone else color of skin, sexual orientation, where they live or any of the other garbage you just mentioned to know if they are the real deal. Players demonstrate a level of expertise, that makes it undeniable that they know what they are talking about and are the real deal. That is exactly what credibility is.

    Take mickey for example. I don't know what he looks like. Sure he posted a picture of him with his head down on a bar once. I don't know if that was a joke, or even him. I don't know who he lives with. He mentioned a roomate once. Don't know, don't care. His exual orientation? Don't know don't care. I assume he is straight. Don't know much about him. But I know he has demonstarated a level of expertise involving machine AP, that god I wish I understood 5%.

    Some others here and at WoV have done the same with their feilds. If you don't see it, it is because your hatred is blinding you. You don't want to beleive that there are players beating casinos, or sports or whatever so much that when the proof is right there in front of you, you refuse to acknowledge it. That is one special kind of ignorance. But regardless, you just prove what a dope you are time after time after time.

  5. #325
    Yesterday I made a post in the "what happened to this guy" thread with another confirmation of how much of a fucking idiot you try to take everyone here for. Your response was quote: "I see the hole, posted something. can't see what it is. Don't want to see what it is. Who the fuck even caares what it is. like everything else he posts, it won't be useful to a single person." Once again you applied the forum tactic #2 "ignore" when you look like the fool you are and just want it to go away.

    You've pulled this forum tactic at least 10 times already just with me. Lost count with how many others you did the same thing.

    Now less than 12 hours later you respond to a different post I made above where you think you could justify your stupidity.

    The best salesman in the world always sound like they know what their talking about. That's why people buy many things they regret later.

    That's why when it especially comes to anonymous gambling forums you shouldn't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. Like Mickey admitted or any of you AP's would do is go load up a machine to pay just before the AP shows how who he bet he could win randomly walking into a casino just to win a bet. "Half of what you see" fits perfectly there.

    Someone just said somewhere where everything you print about playing BJ is common knowledge for everyone to see today. Maybe 15 years ago when you read this shit it meant something different back then.

    Your claims are all played out and have been exhausted.

    You just keep adding additional made up fantasies to deal with the questions that come up dealing with today's casino preventive measures after the casinos gained 15 years of more experience after dealing with the same shit you read about. Nothing you say is confirmed for fact by any other alleged BJ forum experts where instead they add lots of doubt about your claims of what you say you're pulling off today. Do you ever wonder why you fight with everyone everywhere you post? AP's and non AP's? It's so obvious your bullshit is clearly you making it up as you go along being based on what you THINK MIGHT be true. Not confirmed facts.

    Yet, just because you claim to pull off these tactics we're suppose to believe them? Then again anonymous forum member Mickey Crimm says you must be the greatest card counter in Las Vegas who never meet you in person, NOT ONCE, should close it out for fact. A 2-bit casino rat none the less.

    Just stop the charade game and all of this will go away.

  6. #326
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Yesterday I made a post in the "what happened to this guy" thread with another confirmation of how much of a fucking idiot you try to take everyone here for. Your response was quote: "I see the hole, posted something. can't see what it is. Don't want to see what it is. Who the fuck even caares what it is. like everything else he posts, it won't be useful to a single person." Once again you applied the forum tactic #2 "ignore" when you look like the fool you are and just want it to go away.

    You've pulled this forum tactic at least 10 times already just with me. Lost count with how many others you did the same thing.

    Now less than 12 hours later you respond to a different post I made above where you think you could justify your stupidity.

    The best salesman in the world always sound like they know what their talking about. That's why people buy many things they regret later.

    That's why when it especially comes to anonymous gambling forums you shouldn't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. Like Mickey admitted or any of you AP's would do is go load up a machine to pay just before the AP shows how who he bet he could win randomly walking into a casino just to win a bet. "Half of what you see" fits perfectly there.

    Someone just said somewhere where everything you print about playing BJ is common knowledge for everyone to see today. Maybe 15 years ago when you read this shit it meant something different back then.

    Your claims are all played out and have been exhausted.

    You just keep adding additional made up fantasies to deal with the questions that come up dealing with today's casino preventive measures after the casinos gained 15 years of more experience after dealing with the same shit you read about. Nothing you say is confirmed for fact by any other alleged BJ forum experts where instead they add lots of doubt about your claims of what you say you're pulling off today. Do you ever wonder why you fight with everyone everywhere you post? AP's and non AP's? It's so obvious your bullshit is clearly you making it up as you go along being based on what you THINK MIGHT be true. Not confirmed facts.

    Yet, just because you claim to pull off these tactics we're suppose to believe them? Then again anonymous forum member Mickey Crimm says you must be the greatest card counter in Las Vegas who never meet you in person, NOT ONCE, should close it out for fact. A 2-bit casino rat none the less.

    Just stop the charade game and all of this will go away.
    It costs money to front load a machine, idjut. There is no incentive to do it unless a sucker like you makes a bet. And remember how you found out about front loading machines, idjut. You wouldn't even know about it if I hadn't exposed it to you, idjut. Instead of thanking me for my honesty in enlightening you, you use it as an embecillic indictment, idjut.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  7. #327
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    KJ is most likely the best card counter operating in Las Vegas.
    This comment says all we need to know about what goes on here. You can't confirm a single fucking thing about Kewlj. You don't even know for fact the color of his skin, if he really has a brother living with him or if he even has a brother at all, where he lives, if he really owns a house, you can't even confirm he's the queer he claims to be. But, you're able to confirm what he says here about BJ, and go one step further and only based on that suspect he might be one of the best card counters operating in Las Vegas.

    Mickey, you just shoved your foot up your own ass.
    Great job, blackhoe. Brilliant. Don't worry. I won't blow your cover. Hey, see if you can drag info out of KJ on depositing cash at the bank and withdrawing cash at the ATM's on a regular basis. That should be a good subject. You can say something like "Okay, KJ, you complete fool. Do you really expect us to believe you deposit and withdraw that kind of cash from the bankon a regular basis? You must really think we are idiots, you embecillic whore."

    That should draw the information out of him, blackhoe. Give it a shot. Great work you've done. Keep it up. People that can use the information appreciate it.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  8. #328
    Only a 2-bit hustler would think the amounts of money Kewlj claims to move around on a daily or whatever basis to gamble with is serious money.

    That’s pocket money in one of the suits in the closet money for any of the wife’s needs. Never mind what’s in the safe.

    What you just posted is so fucking stupid it’s even a surprise coming from your 2-bit stupid ass.

  9. #329
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Once again you applied the forum tactic #2 "ignore" when you look like the fool you are and just want it to go away.

    You've pulled this forum tactic at least 10 times already just with me. Lost count with how many others you did the same thing.

    Now less than 12 hours later you respond to a different post I made above where you think you could justify your stupidity.
    OMG, How stupid are you? Why do I have to repeat things 5 times with you like you are a 5 year old? Is it dementia?

    Why does everyone know how the block feature works except you? When someone is blocked you see a notification that someone you have blocked posted and it asks if you would like to read that post. I told you last week that you were blocked, but I was unblocking your posts in this thread to see if I wanted to respond to further make you look foolish by answering your stupid charges with things I have said many times before. It has been kind of fun, making you look so dumb, but you are so stupid it is getting kind of tiring. Plus now, you are posting nothing even new. You just keep repeating the same stupid things already answered and proven false. Again.....demensia?

    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post

    Someone just said somewhere where everything you print about playing BJ is common knowledge for everyone to see today. Maybe 15 years ago when you read this shit it meant something different back then.

    Your claims are all played out and have been exhausted.

    You just keep adding additional made up fantasies to deal with the questions that come up dealing with today's casino preventive measures after the casinos gained 15 years of more experience after dealing with the same shit you read about. Nothing you say is confirmed for fact by any other alleged BJ forum experts where instead they add lots of doubt about your claims of what you say you're pulling off today. Do you ever wonder why you fight with everyone everywhere you post? AP's and non AP's? It's so obvious your bullshit is clearly you making it up as you go along being based on what you THINK MIGHT be true. Not confirmed facts.
    What do you think has changed in the last 15 years as far as the cat and mouse game with card counters? Here is how detection works and basically has worked for the time I have been playing. The floor (pit) initiates an evaluation (at most casinos). So it all starts with the pit personnel. So your play has to alarm or raise issues for the pit personnel to take any action. That means for starters, it has to be outside whatever their comfort level or tolerance level is. That usually means betting limits or money won that session.

    So a player sitting down playing $25 or $50 hand at a $25 or $50 minimum table, do you think that is outside their comfort level? Of course not. Everyone at the table is doing that. What about when the count starts to go positive (small advantage) and I bet say $100 at a $25 or $50 table? Do you think that is unusual? Do you think anyone is panicing 'OMG a guy is betting $100 at a $50 table?". I or anyone else can go back and forth between $25 minium and $100 until the cows come home with out raising an eye.

    Even a little higher count and advantage....$200 bet. Is it unusual for a player to bet $200 at a $50 table? a $25 table? Not unusual, If a player has been losing it isn't that unusual to raise bet chasing loses. If a player is winning it isn't that unusual to parley up playing with winnings. The pit sees this hundred times a day from non counters. So even this level isn't a huge red flag. But this is the point they begin to take notice.

    The next jump up to my max bet is the one that might raise some eyes, particularly when a player bets that amount and then retreats back to small wagers and then bets that amount later. That is the big tell. That is the point they start thinking about requesting an evaluation. Well I don't retreat back to small wager after betting that amount. So there is no tell. I exit, avoiding any action. Do you get this? None of this has changed in 15 years.

    Now once an evaluation is requested is where there is some new technology. That is where there are computer programs to evaluate a players play and see if his bet increases are correlated with times of bigger advantages. But even that evaluation takes time, usually 20 minutes minimum depending on how fast hands are played. So even if evaluation is requested when I hit my max bet, I am gone before it is complete. It is an incomplete evaluation on an unrated player that is no longer playing. In other words, it is nothing. It is trash. It is NO evaluation.

    So the other trigger is money won for that session. If a player sits there for 3, 4 hours winning 5, 6 thousand betting the limits described, that begins, to be a point they would request an evaluation. Again, my exit trigger guarantee I am playing a short session one way or another, avoiding and limiting those bigger wins for each session. Occasionally they occur, should I get to max bet for a a number of consecutive hands and win most of them, but even then, I am seconds away (shuffle point) from exiting at that point. I am probably gone about the time the pit guy is picking up the phone, certainly before any evaluation is complete. And an incompolete evaluation is what? say it with is nothing. It is trash. Like it never happened.

    So none of that has changed....not one iota. Any new technology like the computer program for evaluation requires surveillance person to run program. They aren't running it on every player at this level. That is what playing these levels mean. That is why I am not playing higher levels, although I have the bankroll.

    So just stop with you "avoiding detection with all the advances" bullcrap. It just proves you know nothing about what you are talking about or how things work.

    Now next lie you said is that lots of other AP's cast doubt on things I say. Show me where even one single blackjack AP has cast doubt on anything I say? 1 real blackjack AP? And if you are going to point to moses, don't bother. If anything moses plays single deck in Reno and I suspect at lower limits than he says. He has no idea about Las Vegas or what I do. That became crystal clear in the last week, with his "moving to Las vegasz" thread. Don't embarrass him or yourself by citing him as your expert witness.

    This may be the last of my free seminars for you. It really is getting old now. and you will just come back with the exact same thing anyway, just like a demensia patiant.

  10. #330
    Time to start blocking people that keep quoting BH.

  11. #331
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Time to start blocking people that keep quoting BH.
    I am really starting to hate this. Just this morning, or overnight really, I received a private message from a player thanking me for my detailed explanations and he wanted to ask a couple follow up questions. I could tell by the way he wrote that he was afraid he would agitate me or something. I guess that is the way I am coming across because these trolls are forcing me to be a little abrasive, when I am really a nice guy, willing to try to help anyone.

  12. #332
    KJ, why not simply post your BJ info but ignore the trolls?

    They are playing you like a Stradivarius.
    What, Me Worry?

  13. #333
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    KJ, why not simply post your BJ info but ignore the trolls?

    They are playing you like a Stradivarius.
    I appreciate that you feel that way MisterV, but I don't. I can and have answered each and every single thing that blackhole says or claims, making him look like the fool and troll that he is. He is so obsessed with trying to discredit me, and fails at every attempt. In that sense, I beleive I am playing him and revealing who he is. Actually, more accurately, he is playing himself and revealing who he is.

  14. #334
    I understand: you enjoy the "point, counterpoint" of a discussion.

    But you are not dealing with a person who can be persuaded by logic, or anything else for that matter.

    BH's sole goal is to be disputatious, insulting, and contrarian: you can not convince him to modify his negative comments about you and your BJ play as he gets attention and satisfaction from repeatedly trying to throw you under the bus.

    Every time you engage with him I envision Bre'r Rabbit and the tar baby.

    But go ahead, do what you think you need to do, but keep in mind you're not dealing with a "normal man."
    Last edited by MisterV; 08-03-2021 at 09:32 AM.
    What, Me Worry?

  15. #335
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    Now next lie you said is that lots of other AP's cast doubt on things I say. Show me where even one single blackjack AP has cast doubt on anything I say? 1 real blackjack AP? And if you are going to point to moses, don't bother. If anything moses plays single deck in Reno and I suspect at lower limits than he says. He has no idea about Las Vegas or what I do. That became crystal clear in the last week, with his "moving to Las vegasz" thread. Don't embarrass him or yourself by citing him as your expert witness. .

    Bringing Moses into this thread with ridicule on this board is classless, something that you are well accustomed to do.

  16. #336
    Originally Posted by BoSox View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    Now next lie you said is that lots of other AP's cast doubt on things I say. Show me where even one single blackjack AP has cast doubt on anything I say? 1 real blackjack AP? And if you are going to point to moses, don't bother. If anything moses plays single deck in Reno and I suspect at lower limits than he says. He has no idea about Las Vegas or what I do. That became crystal clear in the last week, with his "moving to Las vegasz" thread. Don't embarrass him or yourself by citing him as your expert witness. .

    Bringing Moses into this thread with ridicule on this board is classless, something that you are well accustomed to do.
    I didn't bring Moses into the thread. Blackhole did earlier using Moses as his expert player. So just fuck off Bosox. You want to act like an asshole troll. I'll treat you like one. Fuck off and die you old fossil.

  17. #337
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Only a 2-bit hustler would think the amounts of money Kewlj claims to move around on a daily or whatever basis to gamble with is serious money.

    That’s pocket money in one of the suits in the closet money for any of the wife’s needs. Never mind what’s in the safe.

    What you just posted is so fucking stupid it’s even a surprise coming from your 2-bit stupid ass.
    Good job, blackhoser. Atta boy. Keep at it until KJ coughs up an answer.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  18. #338
    Originally Posted by blackhole View Post
    Only a 2-bit hustler would think the amounts of money Kewlj claims to move around on a daily or whatever basis to gamble with is serious money.

    That’s pocket money in one of the suits in the closet money for any of the wife’s needs. Never mind what’s in the safe.

    What you just posted is so fucking stupid it’s even a surprise coming from your 2-bit stupid ass.
    I spend more on breakfast than you draw in SS. But good one, blackhoser. Damn you're funny.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  19. #339
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    I spend more on breakfast than you draw in SS. But good one, blackhoser. Damn you're funny.
    For the record Mickey, it appears your postings and their content have plunged to the level and unimportance level of the sites own constantly clouded pot head MisterV.

    Your posts are not only late to every thread like tag-along or better known as after-birth, the comments and content appear to be suddenly coming from the twilight zone.

    Not sure what happened to you level-headed well rounded conversations.

    Just a heads up.

  20. #340
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    KJ, why not simply post your BJ info but ignore the trolls?

    They are playing you like a Stradivarius.

    Just my personnel opinion mind you but there is only one person playing the Stradivarius around here in this thread and that is Mickey Crimm. Compliments to you mickey, you must be enjoying the fact that at least two members are completely in the dark as pertaining to your apparent position. Wonderfully played.
    Last edited by BoSox; 08-04-2021 at 06:59 AM.

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