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Thread: closed due to covid

  1. #21
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by MaxPen View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post

    I didn't say "all," I said "almost all:" there's a difference.

    As for source: I've read various articles online and in the paper, all are consistent in pointing out how the unvaccinated are reaping the whirlwind; see e.g.:
    If the minority are vaxxed then it makes sense that the majority are unvaxxed in any situation. Especially when you consider that the vaxxed have no more protection than the unvaxxed.

    Notice how nowhere in that article are actual statistics provided. Just broad brushed claims in support of the narrative.

    If this country ever gets close to the numbers of vaxxed like Israel or the Seychelles then we will have the same severity of epidemic that they do.
    Explain to me why every other Vaccination is a one shot and done ordeal??
    This experimental medicine is not a Vaccine.
    It is a 6 to 12 month treatment and I refuse said treatment for the time being.
    I've never taken any type of Flu Shot either.
    I'll stick with Vitamin D and some Zinc.
    My wife took the shot so when they make it law, she can go pick up the groceries.
    Shingles vaccine is two doses. What do you say now?

  2. #22
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Those that don't get it are dumb and dumber. They are killing other people while only thinking of themselves.
    You could be right. Only a billion people have taken the vaccine with virtually no side affects. Not a big enough sample space, right?

    The hospitals are bursting with people that refused to get the vaccine.
    It's very rare to see a hard-core righty like yourself, be so pro vaccine. If you were in good health would you feel the same way Mickey ?

  3. #23
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post

    You could be right. Only a billion people have taken the vaccine with virtually no side affects. Not a big enough sample space, right?

    The hospitals are bursting with people that refused to get the vaccine.
    It's very rare to see a hard-core righty like yourself, be so pro vaccine. If you were in good health would you feel the same way Mickey ?
    It is what happens when poor life decisions lead one to suck on the tit of big pharma for their existence.

  4. #24
    It's been over 40 years of people constantly having unprotected sex with HIV and AIDs running rampant.
    Not to mention Cigarettes, Coke, Pepsi, TV Dinners, Fluoride, Alcohol, BBQ, Smog and a billion other things that kill people constantly.
    This idea that people are killing people because they don't want the shot is nothing but propaganda.
    I might listen when you guys make it a law to either force people to wear condoms, be monogamous or abstinent.
    Speeding down the road kills more than 25 people a day.
    We are all going to die.
    Accept it already.

  5. #25
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    It's been over 40 years of people constantly having unprotected sex with HIV and AIDs running rampant.
    Not to mention Cigarettes, Coke, Pepsi, TV Dinners, Fluoride, Alcohol, BBQ, Smog and a billion other things that kill people constantly.
    This idea that people are killing people because they don't want the shot is nothing but propaganda.
    I might listen when you guys make it a law to either force people to wear condoms, be monogamous or abstinent.
    Speeding down the road kills more than 25 people a day.
    We are all going to die.
    Accept it already.
    I like how you separated Coke and Pepsi, big difference pick your poison LOL.

  6. #26
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    I like how you separated Coke and Pepsi, big difference pick your poison LOL.
    Here are a few that I miss.

    Mellow Yellow (Ernest and Vern commerical)

  7. #27
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    I like how you separated Coke and Pepsi, big difference pick your poison LOL.
    Here are a few that I miss.

    Mellow Yellow (Ernest and Vern commerical)

  8. #28
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Ah the 80's, where you could put a midget in your commercial and nobody cared if you said the word midget.
    Good Times.

  9. #29
    Midget wrestling was pretty good as well.

  10. #30
    Originally Posted by jbjb View Post
    Midget wrestling was pretty good as well.
    But dwarf tossing was so much better.

    I remember a local bar having it in the 80’s.

  11. #31
    Chinook Winds is extending its covid closure until at least Sept. 2nd.

    Oregon again requires masks.

    Hospitals nearly full, record number of new cases; many deaths due to covid.

    Of course, most victims are unvaccinated.
    What, Me Worry?

  12. #32
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Chinook Winds is extending its covid closure until at least Sept. 2nd.

    Oregon again requires masks.

    Hospitals nearly full, record number of new cases; many deaths due to covid.

    Of course, most victims are unvaccinated.
    Just shows as much as some want to make it a political issue, Covid outbreaks are everywhere. The liberal media uses Covid as a reason to bash Gov Desantis here in Florida daily, but you don’t hear much about Oregon having the same problems 3000+ miles away.

    It must be bad for an Indian casino to close, they were the first in the country to reopen last year. I believe one in Idaho was the first overall.

  13. #33
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    Originally Posted by tableplay View Post
    Ah the 80's, where you could put a midget in your commercial and nobody cared if you said the word midget.
    Good Times.

  14. #34
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post

    I’m confused?

    Are those getting it vaccinated or not? Are those spreading it vaccinated or not? If the vaccinated are still getting it and spreading it, will it go away if everyone is vaccinated? If people are getting it a 2nd time, what is stopping people from getting it a 3rd time? If you are vaccinated and get it, but don’t know it, what is the issue? Honestly, I’m lost at what is going on at this point. And I’m not taking sides, but nothing makes any sense.
    It's supposed to be a free country. I support the right to refuse to take the vaccine. But taking the jab is the advantage play. Those that don't get it are dumb and dumber. They are killing other people while only thinking of themselves.
    Wait? What? Mick, I absolutely agree getting the shot is the AP move at this point and for people like you with pre existing conditions it’s a no brainer….BUT

    I 100% disagree with you they are killing people. Not sure why or where you are pulling that from. Are you saying the vaccinated are not getting or spreading Covid? That’s the first I heard of that. Vaccinated are obviously getting Covid, granted not as severe but can you, I or anyone say they are not spreading it? I believe because the vaccine is working, they are not getting tested unless required for work. But do we know the vaccinated are not spreading it?

    If we can’t answer if the vaccinated are or are not spreading it, then one can say they are also killing people. Sorry but I believe no one is responsible for anyone killing another because of their decisions on being vaccinated. People making the decision to not get the vaccine are only responsible for their own life, and I don’t think we disagree we should respect their choice to look at the numbers and make the right choice for themselves.

    That said Monet will blast both of us for disagreeing.
    The vaxxed aren't 100% safe from covid but....

    The vaxxed contract covid at just a fraction of the rate of the unvaxxed.

    The rate of hospitalization for the vaxxed that contract covid is very low compared to the unvaxxed.

    The rate of death for the vaxxed that contract covid is very low compared to the unvaxxed.

    Since most of the vaxxed don't get covid they overall infect others at a much lower rate than the unvaxxed do.

    Who is giving covid to the people that die from it, the vaxxed or the unvaxxed? There really is no contest here. The math says the unvaxxed are infecting others in overwhelming numbers compared to the vaxxed.

    We're at the point where roughly half of Americans have been vaxxed and half haven't. Which group is contributing the most to hospitalizations and deaths? It's not even close. The unvaxxed win hands down. They are mostly killing each other by spreading it among themselves, but they also infect some of the vaxxed.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  15. #35
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by monet View Post

    You could be right. Only a billion people have taken the vaccine with virtually no side affects. Not a big enough sample space, right?
    The hospitals are bursting with people that refused to get the vaccine.
    It's very rare to see a hard-core righty like yourself, be so pro vaccine. If you were in good health would you feel the same way Mickey ?
    Two-thirds of whites have been vaccinated. That means a lot of white conservatives have been vaxxed. Only 28% of blacks and hispanics have been vaxxed. They are overwhelmingly liberal. That means a lot of liberals have not been vaxxed.

    When I was a small kid I knew other kids that had polio. I took the vaccine when I was 7 years old. Everyone took it. If the kind of media that is around today were around back then a lot of kids today would have polio.

    I've taken every vaccine since. I'm not afraid of vaccines because I've never had a bad reaction. Ever.
    Challenge to redietz. We bet every NFL regular season game. You make the picks. If you lay the fav I get 2 extra points. If you take the dog I get a 2 point discount. Easy pickings for you.

  16. #36
    mRNA is nothing like a polio

    Ed Asner made it 5 months after his second shot.

  17. #37

  18. #38
    U.S. FDA may authorize COVID-19 vaccine for kids based on two months of safety data

    2 months!?
    Seems Reasonable.

  19. #39
    Originally Posted by monet View Post
    U.S. FDA may authorize COVID-19 vaccine for kids based on two months of safety data

    2 months!?
    Seems Reasonable.

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  20. #40
    Originally Posted by mickeycrimm View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Chinook Winds casino on the Oregon coast is closed til late August due to a covid outbreak.
    I’m confused?

    Are those getting it vaccinated or not? Are those spreading it vaccinated or not? If the vaccinated are still getting it and spreading it, will it go away if everyone is vaccinated? If people are getting it a 2nd time, what is stopping people from getting it a 3rd time? If you are vaccinated and get it, but don’t know it, what is the issue? Honestly, I’m lost at what is going on at this point. And I’m not taking sides, but nothing makes any sense.
    Got a friend that wouldn't get the vaccine. In his sixties with COPD. He could have gotten it back in March when I did. June 1st he went into the hospital with covid. He was unresponsive by June 7th. They put him in a coma and intubated him. That lasted 3 weeks. After being revived it was two weeks before he could talk. He'll be in a wheelchair and on oxygen for the forseeable future.

    He took a bad gamble by not getting the vaccine.

    At 95% effective it means some vaccinated will still get covid. But they aren't getting near as sick as the unvaccianted. And they aren't dying from it like the unvaccinated.

    It's supposed to be a free country. I support the right to refuse to take the vaccine. But taking the jab is the advantage play. Those that don't get it are dumb and dumber. They are killing other people while only thinking of themselves.
    Wait a damn minute. If the vaccine (which none of them are vaccines prevent disease and don’t decline rapidly in effectiveness first off so it’s a shot like the flu shot at best) is so damn effective then it should keep somebody unvaxxed from getting a vaxxed person sick. Oh wait. It’s not breakthrough case numbers are escalating and yes folks are still dying despite being shotted up. Druff posted last week about a 39yo fantasy football blogger died despite being fully vaxxed. Scarier to me is that they’re now showing massively elevated viral loads in Pfizer patients which just might explain the real root of the Delta variant as it’s one calling card was a huge viral load compared to previous. I’m not anti vax. If you want to get the shot go for it. I did only because 2nd time around nearly killed me bht I would recommend J&J it doesn’t seem to wane and it’s traditional shot/vaccine technology that doesn’t play God with cells that some people don’t tolerate well. Auto immune issues are a legit concern with Pfizer and Moderna. It’s not everybody but anybody with AI issues needs to chose wisely. I honestly think Pfizer will be pulled eventually as an option due to efficacy issues compared to the other two (no word yet on the AstraZenica shot being approved in the USA).

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