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Thread: The REAL adventures of....

  1. #101
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post

    Exactly mickeycrimm!

    Did you see he has claimed to win $151,000 the last two days playing double deck blackjack with this monster spread? Anyone that knows anything about Las Vegas blackjack and particularly double deck, which has earned the nickname "card counter trap" knows what bullshit this is.

    And I saved the best for last. The name of this magical, mystical casino in Las Vegas is Cosmopolitan, which in reality (which this isn't) is one of the sweatiest casino's in Las Vegas and most dangerous because they are a big contributor to the databases.

    To anyone that knows, there is not a single thing among any of this guys claims that rings anything close to true. It is all make believe.
    My first thought was even ZenKing wouldn’t complain if he could play this way…..maybe

    But seriously KJ or other BJ players, have you considered the math on what an experienced counters edge would be under these spreads, if tolerated?

    What it appears MD is doing her is now saying he is working with an advantage based on the game he claims to be playing. Obviously it’s a game that isn’t available to anyone else in Vegas, or elsewhere. But he doesn’t have to nuisance of trying to explain he is winning at a -EV game like he did with Baccarat.

    It’s actually a smart move on his part to fuck with everyone because in his mind the only way to prove him wrong is to go out and get yourself put in a database.

    A fair Wizard would comment on the possibility of any casino letting a player spread like this at these (or any) limits and calculate the players edge.
    Has anyone asked the Wizard about this?

    I can't wait to hear the replies -- "well, normal little people of course can't spread like this, and the player advantage would be x with a 1 to 100 spread. But of course MDawg says he can spread like this. Don't call him a liar, and I signed an NDA."

    Why don't you ask Shackleford what the terms and conditions of the NDA were. Is he allowed to personally comment on ANY likelihood involving MDawg's gambling? Because if the answer is no, you have a permanent pro-MDawg scam in place.

    Now normally, I stick to the first and common definition of "scam," which does not necessarily include anything to do with money. That first definition is "a dishonest scheme; a fraud."

    But if money changed hands because of the NDA (and why else would anyone sign an NDA?), then all definitions of "scam" come into play.

    Whether money changed hands or not due to an NDA, if Shackleford refuses to comment clearly in his own voice on any MDawg gambling probabilities, then this is a scam. It's pretty clearly a scam. The NDA could be a ploy to just give MDawg carte blanche. Possibly a made-up excuse.

    That's what it looks like to any reasonable person.
    Last edited by redietz; 10-20-2021 at 06:50 AM.

  2. #102
    Come on Mission, you are a gambling writer and the Wizard still claims to be for getting the best bet for your money.

    If an opportunity or option is now available on the strip for even basic card counters to be able to spread like this, shouldn’t you and Wiz both be interested in reporting on it?

    This should be HUGE news if the accepted tolerances by a casino has changed when it comes to card counting in Las Vegas. And is one of the biggest stories in years.

    Calculating the advantage to the player along with the bankroll guidance should be the first step.

    I’m surprised you don’t see how big this story could be if true.

  3. #103
    If I ever write an article with the title, "How To Get 86'ed Unless You REALLY Suck at Blackjack," then I'll get right on that for you. Forget about spreading across two colors, you're talking about spreading across two digits---from three digits to five digits.

    If someone will save me the time, does MDawg claim to be counting? I don't know if you would still call it a, "Spread," but could you get away with varying your bets that much if you did not have an advantage? Do you think the pit would get so nervous they would just automatically back you off? If your initial bet is a few hundred, for example, but then you ramp it up until you're in five digit territory...then the eye in the sky analyzes your play and finds that the Hi-Lo count is -2, in theory, that would be the sort of player that they would want, yes?

  4. #104
    There were some good questions asked that we don't know the answers to....because like everything else Mdawg won't answer. When Mdawg first switched to include blackjack play about a month ago, and first started talking about playing a "spread", I asked him on 2 different forums, to define what he was talking about. Was he counting cards and moving money with the count as he has talked about with his past blackjack play that he was barred at? Or was this "spread" the result of progression wagering rather than counting, or did this spread have nothing to do with counting and he was randomly wildly varying wagers, as some Chinese players do? Those last two scenarios would be welcome but there is nothing +EV about them that explains constant winning.

    Of course Mdawg didn't answer either question and had me barred at one of the forums he controls. So let's go by what we know. In the past he has spoken of card counting for years and having been banned at several properties and recently had those bans lifted, a scenario that I find very unlikely. So here is what we know about Cosmopolitan. As I stated yesterday, one of the sweatiest places in Vegas if not the country. And they have the top technology. In this case Cosmo does their player evaluations by computer program, so there is really no getting around that. If you are betting more at higher +counts, the program is going to show a higher average bet at +counts, no matter how a player tries to disguise it. At that level of play and the bet spread or variation described, an evaluation will have been ordered in just minutes. There would be no chance of playing 25 sessions over a month period and winning over a quarter million dollars via card counting. NONE! ZERO! NO CHANCE!

    Similarly, the casino would immediately suspect hole-carding and several countermeasures put in place to insure that wasn't occurring. I'll let JBJB expand on that if he so desires, but Cosmo of all places isn't going to allow a player to play for 25 minutes either card counting or hole-carding, let alone 25 days and sessions at that level (or any level really).

    So could he be playing in a manner that is -EV, like some sort of progression, or just randomly betting bigger on hunches and gut feeling? Absolutely. But then you are back to his long-term results of always winning defies the math (-EV). Now 25 sessions or days of blackjack play by no means qualifies as long-term. But you are back to everything this guy claims is winning play. At every casino game. Even his stock trades all winners. And all this play at -EV resulting in huge wins is defying math and logic, unless he has some sort of golden horseshow stuck up his ass and is flat out the luckiest man on earth.

    But that is not what he is claiming. He is claiming because he bets bigger, it some how translates to an advantage. The amount of wagers changes nothing about advantage or expected value. That is nonsense. I think everyone knows that. Let's take roulette as an example. Is a $10,000 better going to do better betting than a $10 bettor in terms of expectation? Of course not. There are some concessions that may be offered to a larger bettor, in terms of free play chips or loss rebates, which could reduce losses, but those aren't going to come close to accounting for all the math defying results that Mdawg claims at every game.

    Mdawg is welcome to come here and explain himself and his play, but please have something more that "he wins because he bets big when a streak is coming".
    Last edited by kewlJ; 10-20-2021 at 07:50 AM.

  5. #105
    And by the way, the term "spread" is really something used by blackjack players and card counters referring to the minimum or smaller wager placed at -EV situations up to the Max Bet or large wager placed at +EV situations. I have never heard or read of a player that just randomly varies bets use the term "spread". Mdawg mentions his spread in every blackjack session report.

  6. #106
    Someone mentioned a possible book or movie deal. Although "the great adventure of" has the name of a piece of literary work, I have never thought that is what this is about. I have never thought it was about making money. I never thought he was selling anything except a load of crap. If anything he is willing to pay to enhance and keep this fantasy fictional nonsense alive. Mdawg is a rich dude. It's not about making money. It is about the admiration and attention he craves.

    Someone (<- ) dropped some clues to this persons real identity. For anyone so inclined, you can look up this person on facebook and other social media. And what you will find is a very narcissistic guy, always flaunting his money, riches and power. Lots of pictures with lots of bling, just like he posts at WoV and other forums. That is what the guy and all this, is about. Feeding his narcissism and need for attention and admiration.

    But "Why" is not really my thing. I am just here to repeat that what he claims.....can't be.

  7. #107
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    Someone mentioned a possible book or movie deal. Although "the great adventure of" has the name of a piece of literary work, I have never thought that is what this is about. I have never thought it was about making money. I never thought he was selling anything except a load of crap. If anything he is willing to pay to enhance and keep this fantasy fictional nonsense alive. Mdawg is a rich dude. It's not about making money. It is about the admiration and attention he craves.

    Someone (<- ) dropped some clues to this persons real identity. For anyone so inclined, you can look up this person on facebook and other social media. And what you will find is a very narcissistic guy, always flaunting his money, riches and power. Lots of pictures with lots of bling, just like he posts at WoV and other forums. That is what the guy and all this, is about. Feeding his narcissism and need for attention and admiration.

    But "Why" is not really my thing. I am just here to repeat that what he claims.....can't be.

    I'm so locked into the mentality of trying to win, it didn't even occur to me that someone would randomly spread 1 to 100 without actually counting cards. That didn't enter my mind.

    Maybe all of this bullshit serves to define him in his other family members' eyes as "not a degenerate." If he wins all the time, he's not a degenerate, I suppose. That could be the most powerful motive to spin a now-three-year-yarn with various forum administrators facilitating it. Of course, being "verified by wizard," which he uses repeatedly as a label, would add to that not-a-degenerate argument. "Verified by wizard" is much worse than simply facilitating it; that's becoming part of the yarn.

    And a book/movie deal would clinch it.

    I've been plugging along, debunking junk like this (primarily in sports betting), for 40 years. It does get old, and it certainly isn't doing me any good from a personal gain standpoint. But somebody's gotta do it. If you do nothing, you're part of the problem.

  8. #108
    Block the bitch.

    Let him jerk off by himself instead of in front of a crowd.
    What, Me Worry?

  9. #109
    Originally Posted by redietz View Post
    If you do nothing, you're part of the problem.
    That's nonsense in my book.

    By all means, feel free to do something if you wish, one must pick his own battles. But let's get real, there are so many battles to choose from, MD's fantasy land BS is in the top 99.999 of the least important things anyone should care about. We are living in our own sick little gambling forum world that only those participating care about. For the most part nowadays, it's just dumb useless entertainment with hints of addiction for those who participate frequently.

    If you want to do some good go after Christopher Mitchel, he is actually scamming and hurting people and getting away with it.

  10. #110
    Originally Posted by MisterV View Post
    Block the bitch.

    Let him jerk off by himself instead of in front of a crowd.
    Bingo. There are a million cunts out there. Just call him a cunt and move on. If some other cunt falls for a scam down the road then it's his own fault. They chose to listen to the cunt callee instead of the cunt caller.

  11. #111
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    If you want to do some good go after Christopher Mitchel, he is actually scamming and hurting people and getting away with it.
    Here is the difference. Christopher Mitchel is where? Youtube? other places like that? There are a million of those scammers on the internet related to gambling and just about every other thing. That is what the internet is and has become.

    But there is something sacrilegious about a guy coming to one of the legit gambling forums, started, owned and sold but still run by and bearing the name of a gambling math expert. I take umbrage in that even if your friend still associated with the forum, doesn't care enough to.

    I believe in such a setting, other members, real players, math experts have to be allowed to call out bullshit.

    And then there is the level of things. We aren't talking about someone claiming something that couldn't happen a few times. We are talking over and over and over, daily for years, on numerous gambling forums. That level of bullshit artist HAS to be challenged and called out.

    As for Christopher Mitchel. I don't follow too closely. Seems like Druff has that under control.

  12. #112
    A couple of years ago, I started to get a little worked up with the dude, I forget his name now, but he was all over the internet and starting the "Blackjack Army"? Anyone remember that guy? what was his name? He even made his way to some gambling forums, but didn't do very well with the push back. I remember he did a stint in jail while he was running this scam.

    Anyway, I started to get a little excited about that scammer, but then just dropped it as there were enough others on the case.

  13. #113
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    A couple of years ago, I started to get a little worked up with the dude, I forget his name now, but he was all over the internet and starting the "Blackjack Army"? Anyone remember that guy? what was his name? He even made his way to some gambling forums, but didn't do very well with the push back. I remember he did a stint in jail while he was running this scam.

    Anyway, I started to get a little excited about that scammer, but then just dropped it as there were enough others on the case.
    Mike Morganstern, think he is back at it but not on the scale he once was. And yes he went to jail.

  14. #114
    Bloat Mitchell is way worse then Morgenstern. No comparison.

  15. #115
    Originally Posted by The Boz View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    A couple of years ago, I started to get a little worked up with the dude, I forget his name now, but he was all over the internet and starting the "Blackjack Army"? Anyone remember that guy? what was his name? He even made his way to some gambling forums, but didn't do very well with the push back. I remember he did a stint in jail while he was running this scam.

    Anyway, I started to get a little excited about that scammer, but then just dropped it as there were enough others on the case.
    Mike Morganstern, think he is back at it but not on the scale he once was. And yes he went to jail.
    Oh yeah Morganstern. What a douche. Knew just enough card counting to lose and have those he taught lose.

    I probably shouldn't get so concerned with any of these dudes, including the ones like Singer and Mdawggy that I encounter on "our" forums. Maybe I need to work on that. Just let things shake out as they usually do.

  16. #116
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    A couple of years ago, I started to get a little worked up with the dude, I forget his name now, but he was all over the internet and starting the "Blackjack Army"? Anyone remember that guy? what was his name? He even made his way to some gambling forums, but didn't do very well with the push back. I remember he did a stint in jail while he was running this scam.

    Anyway, I started to get a little excited about that scammer, but then just dropped it as there were enough others on the case.
    and that's fine since I didn't hear you say, "those who do nothing are part of the problem."

    As far as I know, and believe MDawg hasn't engaged in anything other than some hey look at me and how great I am highly embellished BS storytelling. And if people's assumptions are correct on who MD is and where he's from, that's to be expected from many people of that culture. Very money flamboyant, very attention-seeking and very money braggadocious. It's like bread in way of life. There's pretty much nothing you're ever going to be able to say or do to change that. You could completely debunk everything he's ever said and he's just going to keep on saying those things even if there's only a remote possibility that one retarded idiot might believe him that's enough for him to get off on.

  17. #117
    Originally Posted by Ozzy View Post
    Bloat Mitchell is way worse then Morgenstern. No comparison.
    Absolutely. I've even heard a story from someone who began their legit blackjack career originally inspired by morganstein, obviously, they soon realized he was a quack and sought out legitimate sources of information. But both of these guys are a hundred times worse than MD, for now anyways.

  18. #118
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    Originally Posted by kewlJ View Post
    A couple of years ago, I started to get a little worked up with the dude, I forget his name now, but he was all over the internet and starting the "Blackjack Army"? Anyone remember that guy? what was his name? He even made his way to some gambling forums, but didn't do very well with the push back. I remember he did a stint in jail while he was running this scam.

    Anyway, I started to get a little excited about that scammer, but then just dropped it as there were enough others on the case.
    and that's fine since I didn't hear you say, "those who do nothing are part of the problem."

    As far as I know, and believe MDawg hasn't engaged in anything other than some hey look at me and how great I am highly embellished BS storytelling. And if people's assumptions are correct on who MD is and where he's from, that's to be expected from many people of that culture. Very money flamboyant, very attention-seeking and very money braggadocious. It's like bread in way of life. There's pretty much nothing you're ever going to be able to say or do to change that. You could completely debunk everything he's ever said and he's just going to keep on saying those things even if there's only a remote possibility that one retarded idiot might believe him that's enough for him to get off on.
    I think what bothers me even more than all the lying embellishing about his results, is that when people that know, say "that is not the way things work" or "that is not the way Las Vegas operates", he gets very nasty and starts attacking those people, making up complete lies.

    It shouldn't surprise me as that is the Singer playbook too. Maybe it is a common troll playbook move, I don't know. First I encountered it was Singer.

  19. #119
    Originally Posted by AxelWolf View Post
    I've even heard a story from someone who began their legit blackjack career originally inspired by morganstein, obviously, they soon realized he was a quack and sought out legitimate sources of information.
    THIS is my big pet peeve. Used to be a forum like WoV, run by one Michael Shackleford, acknowledged gambling math expert or a blackjack forum run by Norm Wattenberger was considered a legitimate source of information that these people go to. But now, they go to these forums and encounter the same bullshit.

    I guess the saving grace is there are still some legitimate AP and members that know what they are talking about, although fewer and fewer as more and more are driven off or just tire of all the bullshit.

  20. #120
    It’s so absurd. … mdawg claims to be able to tell the next hand basically in baccarat and wins everyday and then decides to switch games…… wouldn’t we all do that like how he claims to predict ties. Of course the normal corse of action at the point would be to switch games

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